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Everything posted by sandbox

  1. Look for their formulas here /rathena/blob/master/src/map/battle.c
  2. Sorry for the late reply, i'll investigate this issue by weekend, hopefully.
  3. Yes, players wont be able to use storage when 'can_trade' is set to false.
  4. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/2688d78e6ab781896e09a0b83b25942b6ee65fa2/conf/battle/battle.conf#L147
  5. yea, duplicate the bonus using all the different races.
  6. If i'm not mistaken, there's already a command for that.. Though I forgot what it is, something like /showhp.. Try to look in your in-game setup too
  7. announce strcharinfo(0)+" got "+getitemname(.RandItem[rand(.RandCount)]+"!",bc_all;
  8. Just need to wait for the next day.. Or delete the variables attached to the character in global_reg_value
  9. map,x,y,d script 45,1,1,{ OnTouch: if(getgroupid() > 1) warp "map",a,b; end; } Take note of the tabs, because I used a 'space' on the npc name.
  10. Ohh that one, then edit the monster's stats in mob_db
  11. Oh, that was supposed to be a close2; Sorry
  12. Change line to for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .mvp_list ); set .@i,.@i+1 ) That means your files are outdated
  13. Which FAW? Post your item script here.. Anyways, here's some item scripts to give you ideas bonus bAspd,n; Attack speed + n bonus bAspdRate,n; Attack speed + n% bonus bAtk,n; ATK + n bonus bAtk2,n; ATK2 + n bonus bAtkRate,n; Attack power + n% bonus bBaseAtk,n; Basic attack power + n
  14. Nope sorry, you can try looking for its texture file name in your itemdesc tables, then when you find it, search for the file name on data.grf
  15. Look em up here. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/battle/player.conf#L81
  16. Yes, but it would affect everyone since it's a configuration.
  17. Going to work on a not-so secret server project on my own!

  18. Try restarting your server
  19. Hmm, because you have the renewal files, sad to say, you have to find a very old description yourself, OR you can edit them one by one
  20. It changes after a period of time? Maybe you got floating rates enabled, no?
  21. Maybe you reloaded your scripts, or your server restarted.
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