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Everything posted by pajodex

  1. Update (03/29/18): Capture the Flag: A 5v5 Party Pvp in which players has to capture enemy's flags and put it in your goal area. First team to clear all the flags from the other team wins the event. Ancient Defense: A 5v5(configurable) Battleground mode in which players has to destroy the opponent's Ancient. But you still need to kill 2 pillars protecting the Ancient Crystals in order to make it vulnerable. Ancient is also defended by Guardian Defenders but you still need to activate them by breaking the seal located near the enemy's base.
  2. I don't know why you want to make a script instead of manually doing /lb command. but try this: (Not tested) https://github.com/pajodex/ScriptCollections/blob/master/gmannouncer.txt
  3. pajodex

    [Rank] MvP

    https://github.com/pajodex/ScriptCollections/blob/master/mvp_kill.txt here thanks for report
  4. pajodex

    [Rank] MvP

    Use mine's instead https://rathena.org/board/topic/114448-utility-mvp-ladder-only-on-mvp-maps-with-announcer/
  5. Update (03/24/2018): Captain Mode is done. FFA is on the way.
  6. Update (03-17-2018): Party Match is already done. Added modes: Captain Mode, Capture the flag, Ancient Defense
  7. View File Item Harvest Event Config part: // set items setarray .item_drop,501,502,503,504,505; // set map .map$ = "pvp_n_1-2"; // warp players out when already killed a plant (1 = on || 0 = off) .warp_ = 1; By downloading this file, you agree with my Terms of Service: • You are not allowed remove my signature from any of the included files. • You are not allowed sell, resell or in any form for money or rewards using my work. • You are not allowed claim my work as yours. • I have the rights to change all the terms above without prior notice. Submitter pajodex Submitted 03/14/2018 Category Games, Events, Quests Video Content Author pajodex  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Config part: // set items setarray .item_drop,501,502,503,504,505; // set map .map$ = "pvp_n_1-2"; // warp players out when already killed a plant (1 = on || 0 = off) .warp_ = 1; By downloading this file, you agree with my Terms of Service: • You are not allowed remove my signature from any of the included files. • You are not allowed sell, resell or in any form for money or rewards using my work. • You are not allowed claim my work as yours. • I have the rights to change all the terms above without prior notice.
  9. View File Another Freebies NPC with easy char/acc bound settings OnInit: // settings .char_bound = 1; // enable character bound rewards (1 = on || 0 = off) .account_bound = 1; // enable account bound rewards (1 = on || 0 = off) // set item (char bound) setarray .char_reward, 501, 502, 503; // item setarray .char_reward_amt, 1, 2, 4; // amount // set item (acc bound) setarray .acc_reward, 501, 502, 503; // item setarray .acc_reward_amt, 1, 2, 4; // amount Use and edit this to any ways you need. I just made another simple freebies npc.. This is in reponse to many new server owners who kept asking "how to make freebies account bound/char bound?" or such. I made it easier for them to choose whether to enable char/acc bound rewards or not. Enjoy Submitter pajodex Submitted 03/12/2018 Category Utilities Video Content Author pajodex  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    OnInit: // settings .char_bound = 1; // enable character bound rewards (1 = on || 0 = off) .account_bound = 1; // enable account bound rewards (1 = on || 0 = off) // set item (char bound) setarray .char_reward, 501, 502, 503; // item setarray .char_reward_amt, 1, 2, 4; // amount // set item (acc bound) setarray .acc_reward, 501, 502, 503; // item setarray .acc_reward_amt, 1, 2, 4; // amount Use and edit this to any ways you need. I just made another simple freebies npc.. This is in reponse to many new server owners who kept asking "how to make freebies account bound/char bound?" or such. I made it easier for them to choose whether to enable char/acc bound rewards or not. Enjoy
  11. You can try mine instead. https://github.com/pajodex/ScriptCollections/blob/master/FreebiesNPC.txt
  12. Hi, So, I've managed to do this pseudo-code but now I'm lost without direction, maybe some one can point me to it. OnRegister: .Player_Array[getarraysize(.Player_Array)] = getcharid(3); donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart"; mes "You have successfully joined a queue."; close; OnStart: if(getarraysize(.Player_Array) < 10) end; // checks if player registered are < 10 .player_per_team = getarraysize(.Player_Array) / 2; for(.@i = 0; .@i<getarraysize(.Player_Array); .@i++) { if (getarraysize(.Team1) < .player_per_team) { .Team1[getarraysize(.Team1)] = .Player_Array[.@i]; party_create "TEAM1"; // join party team 1 } else if (getarraysize(.Team2) < .player_per_team) { .Team2[getarraysize(.Team2)] = .Player_Array[.@i]; party_create "TEAM2"; // join party team 2 } } So here are my questions: (I put everything here to avoid multiple post but its only related to one another) Will this set half of the total registered players to team 1 and team 2? If not, please do show me a pseudocode on how to or at least a free script for me to use as basis. I tried searching but most of Party v Party are outdated already. Solved: thanks
  13. Will this part of the code ".@i" deletearray .char_id[.@i],1; locate the char_id of the invoking character?
  14. Hi, So I tested out a lot of things but this part seemed to be not working. for(.@i=0; .@i < .@size; .@i++) { if (.char_id[.@i] == getcharid(0)) cleararray .char_id[.@i],0,getcharid(0); } This supposed to delete char_id to the array. Is there an alternative where I can retrieve the char_id list so I can remove the specific char_id listed? To explain futher: array .char_id: .char_id[0] = 150001 .char_id[1] = 150002 .char_id[2] = 150003 .char_id[3] = 150004 I want to remove .char_id[2] from the list. using: deletearray .char_id[2],1; so results will be: .char_id[0] = 150001 .char_id[1] = 150002 .char_id[2] = 150004 I also tried this: for(.@i=0; .@i < .@size; .@i++) { if (.char_id[.@i] == getcharid(0)) deletearray .char_id[.@i],1; } but I figured that .@i is not = 2... I know you get what I mean xD Thanks for anybody interested in helping.
  15. I do have a plan to release this, someday, but definitely not for free
  16. As per Refine UI, you can check it here. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/2494 If you don't find this useful, just ignore.
  17. Thanks! Exactly why I made this script. A lot of players just abuse of feed their main character for kills to get to the top of the rankings. But with this, he'd be doubling his effort to cheat this system.
  18. PVP MMR System This is my original work which is inspired by 'DOTA MMR System' and 'DRAGON NEST PVP System'. This system includes the following features: Match making rank system Rank title system Game modes PVP Ladder Points and PVP Ladder Shop (Needs rework) PVP Ladder Board Other Features: [VIDEO] Solo MMR with Glicko-2 Rating System [VIDEO] Party MMR with Glicko-2 Rating System [VIDEO] Ancient Defense Special Mention ~ I'd personally like to thank @AnnieRuru for your help by teaching me the ways on how to make a proper battleground, instance, advance sql and optimized script.. Although I had to re-write everything AGAIN from scratch, it was all worth-it when I compared it from the first version I made. Truly the BEST and BEAST scripter / mentor I've ever known PS: Thanks to @Secrets for releasing Glicko-2 Rating System! This greatly helps at least trim down some problems and possible abuse to the system. Note: Hi guys, I just want to show you my current work in-progress. I'm kinda happy with it, so I decided to showcase it. No hate please! Just love
  19. sorry if I didn't anyways, you can ignore it if it is not useful
  20. if (killedrid == 1751 && rand(0,1000) > 950 && strnpcinfo(4) == "map here") { // Valkyrie Randgris or this if (killedrid == 1751 && rand(0,1000) > 950 && strcharinfo(3) == "map here") { // Valkyrie Randgris 1st - not tested if working 2nd - check if player who killed the mob is at the map
  21. Everything is pretty much explained. Please do read the comments in the codebox
  22. Make it more exciting with this... Edit it by your own needs. It adds chance to get the reward. You can add more according to your needs. // setarray .@reward1, "chance", item id, item amount... setarray .@reward1, 5, 7539, 10; // Item ID 7539 x 10with chance of 5% in getting, You can add more.. setarray .@reward2, 15, 7420, 5; // Item ID 7420 x 5 with chance of 15% in getting, You can add more.. setarray .@reward3, 20, 671, 1; // etc... setarray .@reward4, 25, 672, 1; setarray .@reward5, 30, 673, 1; setarray .@reward7, 100, 673, 1; sleep2 300; set .@r, rand(100); while( .@r >= getd( ".@reward"+ .@i ) ) .@i++; .@rand_index = rand( 1,( getarraysize( getd( ".@reward"+ .@i ) ) -1 )/2 ) *2 -1; getitem getd( ".@reward"+ .@i +"["+ .@rand_index +"]" ), getd( ".@reward"+ .@i +"["+ (.@rand_index +1) +"]" );
  23. View File TouchDown v2.0 (Original author Alayne) // Config starts here ---------------------- $maxTDMemberCount = 8; // Max players to start (if 4v4, settings should be = 8) $TDEntryPrice = 10000; // Zeny entry fee .pointPerKill = 1; // Points gained per kill $pointPerTouchDown = 5; // Points gained per touch down .pointPerVictory = 10; // Points gained per victory .reward = 7773; // Reward ID setarray .rewardMin[0], 5, 1; // Reward amt <WIN TEA>, <LOSE TEAM> setarray .rewardCnt[0], 10, 20; // Reward count setarray $TDDuration[0], 1, 10, 15; // Game time in minutes .buffs = 1; // Buff after death ( 1 = on ; 0 = off ) .redteam_color = 412; // Red team cloth color .blueteam_color = 300; // Blue team cloth color set $delayBetweenRounds, 2; // Delays between rounds (in seconds) // Config ends here -------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I DONT OWN OR HAVE THE RIGHTS IN THIS SCRIPT. I am just a mere fan of the author and decided to fix problems I encountered when installing the script. Original Author is @Alayne, this is modified and posted with permission from author herself. Submitter pajodex Submitted 02/28/2018 Category PvP, GvG, WoE, Battleground Video Content Author Alayne, pajodex  
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