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Everything posted by imat1

  1. I don't know if i'm in the right section. Can anyone make me a guild emblem 24x24 of the picture below? Thank you in advance.
  2. just replace this: { #KAFRAPOINTS += .point_amt; #acctick = gettimetick(2) + .online_time; dispbottom "Gained " + .point_amt + " " + .point_name$ + ". Total " + #KAFRAPOINTS + " Free Cash."; } to: { #CASHPOINTS += .point_amt; #acctick = gettimetick(2) + .online_time; dispbottom "Gained " + .point_amt + " " + .point_name$ + ". Total " + #CASHPOINTS + " Free Cash."; }
  3. - script hourlypoints FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: announce "[Hourly Points System]: The system have been reloaded, please relog again to get more points.", bc_all; .point_name$ = "Free Cash"; .point_amt = 1; // Normal points gained. .dlimit = 43200; // Stop points if afk greater then in seconds. 600s = 10 minutes .enable = 1; .level = 0; .online_time = 900; // One hour = 3600 seconds bindatcmd "ht", "hourlypoints::OnAtcommand", 0, 100; end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (BaseLevel >= .level) { #idle = 0; @backup_time = 0; if (!#acctick || #acctick > .online_time) #acctick = gettimetick(2) + .online_time; else #acctick += gettimetick(2); while(.enable) { @idle_time = checkidle(); if (checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1 || @idle_time >= .dlimit) { #acctick += @idle_time; // Add idle time #idle = 1; dispbottom "The hourly points event haulted because you were vending, chatting, or idle."; dispbottom "Please relog again."; } else { sleep2 1000; @backup_time = .@time_left = #acctick - gettimetick(2); if (.@time_left <= 0) { #KAFRAPOINTS += .point_amt; #acctick = gettimetick(2) + .online_time; dispbottom "Gained " + .point_amt + " " + .point_name$ + ". Total " + #KAFRAPOINTS + " Free Cash."; } else { .@time_left = .online_time - .@time_left; .@Time$ = ""; .@Minutes = .@time_left / 60; .@time_left -= (.@Minutes * 60); if (.@Minutes > 1) .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minutes, "; else if (.@Minutes > 0) .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minute, "; if (.@time_left > 1 || .@time_left == 0) .@Time$ += .@time_left + " seconds"; else if (.@time_left == 1) .@Time$ += .@time_left + " second"; if (.@Minutes == 15 && .@time_left == 0 || .@Minutes == 30 && .@time_left == 0 || .@Minutes == 45 && .@time_left == 0) dispbottom "You spend a total of [" + .@Time$ + "] playing."; } } if (#idle) break; } } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: // BackUP online time if (BaseLevel >= .level) { if (@backup_time) #acctick = @backup_time; } end; OnAtcommand: if (BaseLevel >= .level) { if (#idle) { .@Time$ = ""; .@Minutes = @idle_time / 60; .@time_left = @idle_time - (.@Minutes * 60); if (.@Minutes > 1) .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minutes, "; else if (.@Minutes > 0) .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minute, "; if (.@time_left > 1 || .@time_left == 0) .@Time$ += .@time_left + " seconds"; else if (.@time_left == 1) .@Time$ += .@time_left + " second"; dispbottom "You been idle for " + .@Time$ + ". Please relog again."; } else { .@time_left = @backup_time; .@Time$ = ""; .@Minutes = .@time_left / 60; .@time_left -= (.@Minutes * 60); if (.@Minutes > 1) .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minutes, "; else if (.@Minutes > 0) .@Time$ += .@Minutes + " minute, "; if (.@time_left > 1 || .@time_left == 0) .@Time$ += .@time_left + " seconds"; else if (.@time_left == 1) .@Time$ += .@time_left + " second"; dispbottom "You have [" + .@Time$ + "] left in able to gain a cash points."; } } end; }
  4. Ok.. Thank you sir Stolao.
  5. Does anyone here have the Run or Die and LMS event that work on the latest rathena? Can someone share please.
  6. i guess enabling this will solve your problem ( i didn't try this though ) go to conf/battle/client.conf find: client_sort_storage: no change to: client_sort_storage: yes Save and exit then use the command @reloadbattleconf
  7. Manual deletion in SQL file "login"
  8. imat1

    Old School Tarot

    Thank you Anacondaqq, i'll test it and will mark as solved later.
  9. How to exclude FCP from being dispell by tarot?
  10. I see. Thanks for the response
  11. Can someone share Euphy's event manager? Euphy's download link says "Sorry, you don't have permission for that!" Are these paid scripts? https://rathena.org/board/topic/71668-quests-games-event-manager/?hl=%2Blast+%2Bman+%2Bstanding
  12. Now i know why it's not safe. It makes a melee skill somewhat range.
  13. When i'm using a melee skill like asura, FCP, or sonic blow while i'm 3 or more cell away on the target, my character just move closer, but the skill interrupts and there is no cast especially when i'm diagonally positioned onto the target. Please help me...
  14. can you pm me the source as well? Here's my version... go to src/map/skill.c find: // Ashura Strike still has slide effect in GVG if ((mbl == src || (!map_flag_gvg2(src->m) && !map[src->m].flag.battleground)) && unit_movepos(src, mbl->x + x, mbl->y + y, 1, 1)) { clif_blown(src); clif_spiritball(src); replace with: //Ashura Strike still has slide effect in GVG if ((mbl == src || (!map_flag_gvg2(src->m) && !map[src->m].flag.battleground))) { // only NJ_ISSEN don't have slide effect in GVG if (!(unit_walktoxy(src, mbl->x+x, mbl->y+y, 2))) { // The cell is not reachable (wall, object, ...), move next to the target if (x > 0) x = -1; else if (x < 0) x = 1; if (y > 0) y = -1; else if (y < 0) y = 1; unit_walktoxy(src, bl->x+x, bl->y+y, 2); } clif_slide(src, src->x, src->y); clif_spiritball(src); save and recompile. can you PM me your source code?
  15. Edit: this one is better go to src/map/skill.c find: // Ashura Strike still has slide effect in GVG if ((mbl == src || (!map_flag_gvg2(src->m) && !map[src->m].flag.battleground)) && unit_movepos(src, mbl->x + x, mbl->y + y, 1, 1)) { clif_blown(src); clif_spiritball(src); replace with: //Ashura Strike still has slide effect in GVG if ((mbl == src || (!map_flag_gvg2(src->m) && !map[src->m].flag.battleground))) { // only NJ_ISSEN don't have slide effect in GVG if (!(unit_walktoxy(src, mbl->x+x, mbl->y+y, 2))) { // The cell is not reachable (wall, object, ...), move next to the target if (x > 0) x = -1; else if (x < 0) x = 1; if (y > 0) y = -1; else if (y < 0) y = 1; unit_walktoxy(src, bl->x+x, bl->y+y, 2); } clif_slide(src, src->x, src->y); clif_spiritball(src); save and recompile.
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