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Everything posted by imat1

  1. That's how it behaves even on official ROs.
  2. The error clearly said item id 11602 in your item db does not exist.
  3. Might be the one you're looking for https://ratemyserver.net/index.php?iname=12790&page=re_item_db&quick=1&isearch=Search
  4. Show me your item script of it. I might be able to help you.
  5. Are you using costume item for it or costume via npc?
  6. try changing those base level to your max level.
  7. Item script of your custom box should be: callfunc "F_EventBox"; and add this in your npc/custom folder function script F_EventBox { // change Item ID here setarray .@i1[0],607,608; // Common Items setarray .@i2[0],512,513; // Rare Items setarray .@i3[0],514,515; // Super Rare Items set .@i1rand,rand( getarraysize(.@i1) ); // Randomize Common Items; just change max amount if you add items set .@i2rand,rand( getarraysize(.@i2) ); // Randomize Rare Items; just change max amount if you add items set .@i3rand,rand( getarraysize(.@i3) ); //Randomize Super Rare Items; just change max amount if you add items .@chance = rand(100); // Super Rare Item 1% if (.@chance == 1) { getitem .@i3[.@i3rand],1; announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] won a [ "+getitemname(.@i3[.@i3rand])+" ] from the Event Box.",0; } else if (.@chance <= 10) { // 10% getitem .@i2[.@i2rand],1; } // Common Items else { getitem .@i1[.@i1rand],1; } end; }
  8. probably your problem lies in ExternalSettings.lub
  9. 255 is your max level? And then 254 and below shouldn't have aura right?
  10. Change 4 to 6 or maybe higher for the signboard not to overlap with your NPCs sprite. Adjust to your liking.
  11. For height. Just increase the value of those zero besides x and y coordinates. Try set to 6 for valk npc.
  12. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/5b2f4e63a7b894c5438052f9fabef4885c4b6bbc/conf/msg_conf/map_msg.conf#L558
  13. That's because of white space. Try changing every mes " > to mes ">
  14. Do you want the one from landverse?
  15. I think you need to create a custom status change for it. Or try this on your potion script. bonus_script "{ bonus bVariableCastrate,-30; }",1800;
  16. What's your server name in char_athena.conf? Don't put any space. Put something like SampleRO.
  17. hmm that's weird. Try changing ExternalSettings_kr_sak.lub instead of ExternalSettings_kr.lub AssistAddr = ""
  18. Did you run web-server.exe together with map, login and char server?
  19. change the identifiedResourceName to 대형마제스틱고우트2
  20. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/7939 Also I recommend you to join rathena's discord channel. You'll meet a lot of cool people there.
  21. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/f4fa967991fcd8b4f24999b464864a1a16c34b25/conf/battle/items.conf#L122
  22. Yes. Need mo i copy then rename ung mga 3rd job sprite to trans file name. Mag e error kasi yan sa character selection I think, pag hindi ka nag copy.
  23. That's because you won't consume coin as you progress. You'll only stop moving up and go back to start every time your roulette stop at the most far left prize (which is coin by default).
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