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Everything posted by Neffletics

  1. Click on the 'Tables' to see all tables under 'ragnarok' database.
  2. Yes, it does. Have you tried it? Does it work?
  3. There are many causes on why it happens, I suggest you to run your server in GDB then send the results here.
  4. Obviously, that's a scam because you've contacted the wrong person. You can directly contact Functor on Skype: functor.x
  5. Add setmapflag after invasion1: invasion2: invasion3: and so on... Then removemapflag after set $Cofres,6;
  6. The error might be a path error. I can't really tell, I should see the error myself so I can give you a concrete solution. Getting that error can be caused by many factors, I advise you to check your patch list and file names.
  7. Do you get any Failed to get (patch file here) message on your Thor Patcher? Can you provide us screenshots?
  8. I had this question in my mind too. Yea, why not?
  9. You have to keep Emistry's OnPCLoadMapEvent: to accommodate the players who are already level 150 and just happened to be there suddenly.
  10. Can you check your import folder, you might've moved your exp.conf there accidentally and your server's reading it instead. (delete import folder if you have no idea what it is) If problem still persist, try resetting your whole conf folder and re-configure your server. (get it from rA's git or just discard changes if you know how to use Git)
  11. Can you explain us your problem with more details? We might've misunderstood you.
  12. Try using instead of your VPS' IP in inter_athena.conf
  13. Make sure you've placed the sprite to the proper job. Each job has its own weapon sprite folder.
  14. http://teamglorious.eu/patch/data/ Modify the permission for this location, make sure the Public is allowed to read. (something like chmod 755)
  15. Use setmapflag. setmapflag "prontera",nomobloot; and then after your event... removemapflag "prontera",nomobloot; Hope it helps! Good luck~
  16. - script KickDelete -1,{ OnKick: mes "[ Kick Delete NPC ]"; mes "I'll kick the user and delete his account"; next; Inputing: mes "Enter the character ID"; input .@ign$; next; mes "Enter the account ID"; input .@account$; if (.@ign$ != 0 ) { mes "[ Kick Delete NPC ]"; mes "You didnt' enter the character ID!"; next; goto Inputing; } if (.@account$ != 0 ) { mes "[ Kick Delete NPC ]"; mes "You didn't enter an account ID"; next; goto Inputing; } else { mes "[ Kick Delete NPC ]"; mes "Kicking and deleting..."; atcommand "@kick" +@ign$+ ""; query_sql "DELETE FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = " +.@account$+ ""; end; } } Disclaimer: This is not tested (written on phone) and has no validations but this will give you an idea. Good luck!
  17. As what Akkarin has said, never buy from "RO hosting companies" as they're 40% more expensive than the professional VPS / dedicated machine providers. I can't really tell which company's the best for RO but you may want to try AWS (Amazon) or Google's or DigitalOcean. I advise you to maximize Google's search engine and take time to read company reviews before availing their service. (ex.: reading threads at webhostingtalk) I can help you pick a good hosting provider depending on your budget and preferred location, just drop me a pm.
  18. Did you patch Ignore Missing Palette Error and Ignore Resource Errors on your client? Try rediffing your client and check the error message.
  19. Example if I have vps, I just configure follow the link you give ? How many vps I need ? 1 For asia 1 For US. 1 VPS for your main server and then additional VPS for your proxies.
  20. @Felten Please send your packet_db.txt, I'll take a look.
  21. Number 2 worked, thanks, i try that before but it doesnt work, now it does. Number 1: Sorry but i want 2 color for 2 names in the announce, is it possible? Like this. ....The Player player1 killed player2..... number 3: i type waitingroom "PvP Normal [^0011FF"+getmapusers("guild_vs3")+"^000000]",0; but it show up on the room title: ^0011FF<number>^000000. RE: Sorry but i want 2 color for 2 names in the announce, is it possible? Nope, it's not possible. You can only pick 1 color for announcements. RE: but it show up on the room title: ^0011FF<number>^000000. Ah! It won't work if it's in a chatroom (waiting room). It'll only work on NPC Messages.
  22. 1. Change FFFF00 with the color you desire. mapannounce @map$,"The Player [ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] killed [ "+@Morto$+" ] | "+@Tocar$,bc_map,0xFFFF00; 2. NPC Color. Replace FF0000 with the color you desire. if ( isloggedin( .@aid,.@cid ) ) { .@idle = checkidle( .@name$ ); if ( .@idle >= .afk_second && .afk_second ) { .@state$ = "^FF0000(AFK/Away)^000000"; } else { .@state$ = "^FF0000(Online)^00000"; } } else { .@state$ = "^FF0000(Offline)^00000"; } return .@state$; } } 3. Change FF0000 with the color you desire. OnInit: while(1) { waitingroom "PvP Normal [^FF0000"+getmapusers("guild_vs3")+"^000000]",0; sleep 100; delwaitingroom; }
  23. You weren't able to find any guide because it's configured on your machine and not in your emulator. http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/126595/iptables-forward-all-traffic-to-interface
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