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Everything posted by Akkarin

  1. Change: if(getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_NAME) == -1){ dispbottom "Monster ID not found"; end; } To: if (getmonsterinfo(.@id, MOB_LV) < 0 || getmonsterinfo (.@id, MOB_NAME) == "null") { dispbottom "Monster ID not found"; end; }
  2. I did read and I understood your post. I apologise if I've come across as arrogant - I was simply trying to re-iterate my point that we provide a method of allowing custom items to exist without updates interfering with them. It's your job to look over commits that you apply to your local repo to check for conflicts. The mechanics you're looking for aren't feasible in the current setup, but perhaps @Secrets might have a way in the C++ version to create a method of overwriting single item/mob values?
  3. Please stop necro'ing old posts Also, I wouldn't expect old scripts to be 100% compatible with the current rAthena scripting engine.
  4. The easiest way to achieve this would be to bindatcmd @mi to a script, so you can then control every aspect of the command. For example: - script atcmd_mi -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "mi",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: if(.@atcmd_numparameters == 0){ dispbottom "Usage: @mi <id>"; end;} .@id = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); if(getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_NAME) == -1){ dispbottom "Monster ID not found"; end; } mes "Name:" + getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_NAME); mes "Lv:" + getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_LV); mes "HP:" + getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_MAXHP); mes "Base EXP:" + getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_BASEEXP); mes "Job EXP:" + getmonsterinfo(.@id,MOB_JOBEXP); end; }
  5. https://rathena.org/board/forum/99-client-releases/ There are several threads offering kRO's installer and/or files. Please use the search feature.
  6. If the line is in db2 then your custom item takes priority regardless of what the item has as stats in the normal db. We already have the functionality you're looking for, were not going to change the process in order to arrive at the same outcome. Custom stuff has always gone into db2, this process has worked fine for thousands of servers since the code was created over a decade ago.
  7. o.O? FluxCP uses a socket approach to pinging ports. This means you only need to be able to send outbound traffic to those ports - FluxCP doesn't require a pong event, so the incoming ports are irrelevant.
  8. The SQL files should be ran in order to update your database. If you have any customs or amendments to official items, they should be in *_db2. That is the purpose of those tables. Anything in there is read after the base table, so if you have a Red Potion in item_db with normal item script, you can have a Red Potion (501) in item_db2 and whatever stats this item has will supercede the item stats from item_db. We set this up to prevent anything from being overwritten.
  9. Akkarin


    If-statements with more than one line of code to perform should be in curly braces: OnInit: if (gettime(3) >=0 && gettime(3) <=3) { $@isnight = 1; night; } if (gettime(3) >=4 && gettime(3) <=7) { $@isnight = 0; day; if (gettime(3) >=8 && gettime(3) <=11) { $@isnight = 1; night; } if (gettime(3) >=12 && gettime(3) <=15) { $@isnight = 0; day; } if (gettime(3) >=16 && gettime(3) <=19) { $@isnight = 1; night; } if (gettime(3) >=20 && gettime(3) <=23) { $@isnight = 0; day; } end; Don't forget that gettime() now uses constants:
  10. Your script has a few curly braces in the wrong place. Try this: hoh_v5,120,143,6 script Room 1 858,{ mes "[Woman]"; mes "Please enter your password"; next; input .@var$; if (.@var$ == "password") { mes "[Woman]"; mes "Well done, you typed it correctly."; next; switch(select("Enter your room:Cancel")) { case 1: warp "hoh_v5",27,236; break; case 2: break; } } else { mes "[Woman]"; mes "Sorry, you got it wrong."; close; } end; } Please use the Codebox in future
  11. The item and mob sql files can be imported into your database at any time and will keep your tables up to date. The SQL Synchronisation commits keep the SQL files up to date with the txt databases.
  12. No idea. OboroCP was supposed to be a paid/licensed control panel. You should obtain support from the developers of that CP. For all intents and purposes, FluxCP works well enough.
  13. \data\texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º
  14. Client modifications are achieved with a program called NEMO https://rathena.org/board/topic/90204-nemo/ The background is in your data folder. You can rename the client the same way you rename any other files.
  15. It's so you can use your own image/logo. Don't be lazy.
  16. All of the text at the top of the image can be changed - they're all in separate layers.
  17. We don't provide support for eA/rAMod users. Ask the person you "purchased" it from.
  18. Disabling Quake effect is a client diff, it has nothing to do with encryption or your GRFs.
  19. You're supposed to update the topic with your solution in order to help someone else that may come across the same issue as you.
  20. Click RSS Feeds under Content Discovery in ACP Click Create New button, then select "Topics" and give it a name. You'll then find the link under the orange RSS button at the bottom of all your forum pages Use that link as the RSS Feed URL.
  21. You update the rss feed url, probably found in a settings file in the theme directory somewhere.
  22. The latest upgrade of IPS has been installed and with it comes the ability to add Two-Factor Authentication to your account. To enable, you must first have Google Authenticator on your smart phone [Android][iOS]. You can then setup 2FA by navigating to your Account Settings Once the Account Settings page has loaded, select "Account Security" and enter your forum password. You will then follow on-screen instructions to setup 2FA. If you have 2FA enabled on your forum account, you will need to authenticate when attempting to perform any of the following activities: Changing email address (also need to re-enter password) Changing password (also need to re-enter current password) Updating two-factor authentication setup (also need to re-enter password) Logging into the front-end (This does not apply if the user is logged in automatically because they have used the Remember Me checkbox) Managing PayPal billing agreements Editing personal billing information Managing addresses Managing alternative contacts Managing stored cards Viewing, withdrawing or topping up account credit After 3 failed attempts, the account will be locked for 60 minutes. A number of staff are already using Google Authenticator for their Github account, and now for their rAthena Forum account to keep them secure. If you begin to use this and encounter problems, please let me know as soon as possible.
  23. Build incorporates the changes not yet compiled, rebuild does a complete recompile of the code.
  24. You don't loose /conf/ edits by recompiling under pre-re mode. You -should- be using the import folders, though. Cleaning before building just removes old makefiles and pointer scripts created by the build process. ./configure && make clean && make server
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