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  1. [Error]: Loading NPC file: npc/guild2/agit_main_se.txt script error on npc/guild2/agit_main_se.txt line 1675 parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function 1670 : case 0: 1671 : killmonster .@npc_hidden$, .@npc_name$ + "::OnBarrierDestroyed"; 1672 : .@j = getarraysize(.@x); 1673 : for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@j; .@i++ ) { 1674 : .@unit_id = guardian( .@npc_hidden$,.@x[.@i],.@y[.@i]," ",1905, .@npc_name$ + "::OnBarrierDestroyed" ); * 1675 : 's'etunitdata .@unit_id,UMOB_DMGIMMUNE,1; // The 1st barricades are immunes to damage until both Guardian Stones are destroyed 1676 : } 1677 : end; 1678 : case 3: 1679 : setd ".MyMobCount_" + .@num + .@npc_hidden$, 4; 1680 : break; Am I need change this line to? 1685 : for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getd( ".MyMobCount_" + .@num + .@npc_hidden$ ); ++.@i )
  2. 1668 : setwall.@npc_hidden$,.@wall[0],.@wall[1],.@wall[2],.@wall[3],.@wall[4],substr(.@npc_hidden$,0,1)+substr(.@npc_hidden$,8,9)+"_"+.@npc_visible$; 1669 : switch(.@num) { 1670 : case 0: 1671 : killmonster .@npc_hidden$, .@npc_name$ + "::OnBarrierDestroyed"; 1672 : .@j = getarraysize(.@x); * 1673 : for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@j; '+'+.@i ) { 1674 : .@unit_id = guardian( .@npc_hidden$,.@x[.@i],.@y[.@i]," ",1905, .@npc_name$ + "::OnBarrierDestroyed" ); 1675 : setunitdata .@unit_id,UMOB_DMGIMMUNE,1; // The 1st barricades are immunes to damage until both Guardian Stones are destroyed 1676 : } 1677 : end; 1678 : case 3: Error agit_main_se.txt at this line. Can someone help me?
  3. I got error when I want to "Test Running WoE SE" using @agitstart, Emperium shown up at start then emper has break by player it will not appear again and just showing notice about guild's breaker. Something wrong with my script or my SVN? Here is my script : #1 woe_controller.txt - I'm pretty sure the problem isn't here but, just for make sure. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Euphy's WOE Controller //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.5 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= A controller for War of Emperium designed for //= simplicity and ease of use. //= Many concepts taken from ToastOfDoom's script, //= and "rewards" function originally by Goddameit. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Be sure to disable the default agit controllers! //== npc\guild\agit_controller.txt //== npc\guild2\agit_start_se.txt //============================================================ // Information NPC //============================================================ prontera,113,111,4 script WoE Information 835,{ doevent "WOE_CONTROL::OnMenu"; end; OnAgitStart: while(agitcheck()) { specialeffect 9; sleep 425; } end; } // Script Core //============================================================ - script WOE_CONTROL -1,{ function Disp_Owner; function Add_Zero; OnInit: // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Configuration settings. // ----------------------------------------------------------- set .CastleWarp,0; // 1: Always enable all castle warps. | 0: Warp only to active castles. set .AutoKick,1; // Automatically kick players from inactive castles during WOE? (1:yes / 0:no) set .NoOwner,0; // Automatically kick players from unconquered castles outside of WOE? (1:yes / 0:no) set .ExitWarp,0; // Warp all players from castles when WOE ends? (1:yes / 0:no) set .GMAccess,99; // GM level required to access Session Manager. // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Reward options. // ----------------------------------------------------------- // [1] Enable rewards. // [2] Mail all rewards. // - If not set, players receive items in their inventory. // - Only ONE item can be sent via mail, plus Zeny. // - Note that offline players do NOT receive rewards. // [4] Only reward Guild Masters. // - If not set, all guild members are rewarded. // - If mailing is enabled (option 2), offline Guild Masters WILL receive rewards. // [8] Duplicate IP check. // - Members in a guild with the same IP address are not rewarded. // - If Guild Masters is enabled (option 4), this feature is not used. // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Combine values as needed (e.g. 1|8 = 1+8 = 9). set .Options, 1|8; // Rewards per castle. // -- when given directly: <itemID>,<amount>{,<itemID>,<amount>,...} // -- via mail (option 2): <itemID>,<amount>,<Zeny> setarray .Reward[0],501,5; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Constants (leave this section alone). // ----------------------------------------------------------- setarray .Castles$[0], "prtg_cas01","prtg_cas02","prtg_cas03","prtg_cas04","prtg_cas05", "payg_cas01","payg_cas02","payg_cas03","payg_cas04","payg_cas05", "gefg_cas01","gefg_cas02","gefg_cas03","gefg_cas04","gefg_cas05", "aldeg_cas01","aldeg_cas02","aldeg_cas03","aldeg_cas04","aldeg_cas05", "arug_cas01","arug_cas02","arug_cas03","arug_cas04","arug_cas05", "schg_cas01","schg_cas02","schg_cas03","schg_cas04","schg_cas05"; setarray .EndLabel$[0],"ar01","ar02","ar03","ar04","ar05","sc01","sc02","sc03","sc04","sc05"; setarray .Days$[0],"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"; setarray .Regions$[0],"Prontera","Payon","Geffen","Aldebaran","Arunafeltz","Schwaltzvalt"; setarray .Map$[0],"prt_gld","pay_gld","gef_fild13","alde_gld","aru_gld","sch_gld"; setarray .MapX[0],134,240,153,111,208,121,295,317,140,204,214,308,143,193,305,48, 95,142,239,264,158,83, 68,299,292,293,288, 97,137, 71; setarray .MapY[0], 65,128,137,240,240,233,116,293,160,266, 75,240,240,278, 87,83,249, 85,242, 90,272,47,155,345,107,100,252,196, 90,315; // ----------------------------------------------------------- set .Size, getarraysize($WOE_CONTROL); if (.AutoKick || .NoOwner) for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) { setmapflag .Castles$[.@i], mf_loadevent; setd "."+.Castles$[.@i], .@i; } if (!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) sleep 4000; set .Init,1; OnMinute00: freeloop(1); if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (gettime(4) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(3) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) { OnWOEEnd: announce "The War Of Emperium is over!",bc_all|bc_woe; AgitEnd; AgitEnd2; sleep 1000; for(set .@j,0; .@j<30; set .@j,.@j+1) { if (.Active[0]&(1<<.@j)) Disp_Owner(.Castles$[.@j],1); if (.ExitWarp) maprespawnguildid .Castles$[.@j],0,3; } if (.Options&1 && .Active[0] && .ForceEnd != 2) callsub OnReward, .Active[0]; deletearray .Active[0],2; if (.ForceEnd) { set .ForceEnd,0; end; } break; } } if ((!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) || .Init) { if (!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) set .Init,0; for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (gettime(4) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(3) >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && gettime(3) < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) { deletearray .Active[0],2; set .Active[0], $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+3]; if (.Init) { AgitEnd; AgitEnd2; } else announce "The War Of Emperium has begun!",bc_all|bc_woe; sleep 1000; AgitStart; AgitStart2; for(set .@j,0; .@j<30; set .@j,.@j+1) { if (.Active[0]&(1<<.@j)) { if (!.Init) Disp_Owner(.Castles$[.@j],0); set .Active[1], .Active[1] | (1<<((.@j/5)+1)); } else { if (.@j<20) { donpcevent "Agit#"+.Castles$[.@j]+"::OnAgitEnd"; killmonster .Castles$[.@j], "Agit#"+.Castles$[.@j]+"::OnAgitBreak"; } else { donpcevent "Manager#"+.Castles$[.@j]+"::OnAgitEnd2"; killmonster .Castles$[.@j], "Steward#"+.EndLabel$[.@j-20]+"::OnStartArena"; } } } break; } } set .Init,0; end; function Disp_Owner { set .@o, getcastledata(getarg(0),1); if (.@o) announce "The ["+getcastlename(getarg(0))+"] castle "+((getarg(1))?"has been conquered":"is currently held")+" by the ["+getguildname(.@o)+"] guild.",bc_all|bc_woe; else announce "The ["+getcastlename(getarg(0))+"] castle is currently unoccupied.",bc_all|bc_woe; return; } function Add_Zero { return ((getarg(0)<10)?"0":"")+getarg(0)+(getarg(1,0)?".":":")+"00"; } OnReward: set .@sql$, ((.Options&4)?"position = 0":"online = 1"); if (.Options&2) set .@str$,gettimestr("%B %d, %Y",21); freeloop(1); for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) if (getarg(0)&(1<<.@i)) { set .@gid, getcastledata(.Castles$[.@i],1); if (!.@gid) continue; set .@size, query_sql("SELECT account_id,char_id FROM `guild_member` WHERE guild_id = '"+.@gid+"' AND "+.@sql$,.@aid,.@cid); for(set .@j,0; .@j<.@size; set .@j,.@j+1) { if (.Options&8 && !(.Options&4)) { set .@ip$, replacestr(getcharip(.@aid[.@j]),".","a"); if (getd(".@ip_"+.@i+"_"+.@ip$)) continue; setd ".@ip_"+.@i+"_"+.@ip$,1; } if (.Options&2) { query_sql("INSERT INTO `mail` (send_name,dest_id,title,message,nameid,amount,identify,zeny,time) VALUES ("+ "'no-reply',"+.@cid[.@j]+",'** Siege Reward: "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+" **',"+ "'Brave one,% % Congratulations!% Your guild has successfully occupied% territory in the War of Emperium on% "+.@str$+".% % % % % [ Your reward is attached. ]',"+ .Reward[0]+","+.Reward[1]+",0,"+.Reward[2]+",UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()))"); if (!getd(".@str_"+.@cid[.@j]) && isloggedin(.@aid[.@j],.@cid[.@j])) { setd ".@str_"+.@cid[.@j],1; message rid2name(.@aid[.@j]),"You've got mail! Please re-login to update your mailing list."; } } else if (isloggedin(.@aid[.@j])) { for(set .@k,0; .@k<getarraysize(.Reward); set .@k,.@k+2) getitem .Reward[.@k], .Reward[.@k+1], .@aid[.@j]; message rid2name(.@aid[.@j]),"You have been rewarded for conquering "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+"."; } } } if (.Options&2) query_sql("UPDATE `mail` SET message = REPLACE(message,'%',CHAR(13)) WHERE send_name = 'no-reply'"); return; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (!compare(strcharinfo(3),"g_cas")) end; if (((.AutoKick && .Active[0]) || (.NoOwner && !getcastledata(strcharinfo(3),1))) && !(.Active[0]&(1<<getd("."+strcharinfo(3))))) { if (getcharid(2) && getcastledata(strcharinfo(3),1) == getcharid(2)) end; sleep2 1000; message strcharinfo(0), getcastlename(strcharinfo(3))+" is currently inactive."; sleep2 5000; if (compare(strcharinfo(3),"g_cas")) warp "SavePoint",0,0; } end; OnMenu: while(1) { mes "[WOE Information]"; if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { if (.Active[0]) { for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (gettime(4) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(3) >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && gettime(3) < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) { set .@i, $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]; break; } mes "The War of Emperium is ^0055FFactive^000000 until ^FF0000"+Add_Zero(.@i)+"^000000 in the following regions:"; mes " "; for(set .@i,0; .@i<6; set .@i,.@i+1) if (.Active[1]&(1<<(.@i+1))) mes " > ^777777"+.Regions$[.@i]+"^000000"; } else mes "The War of Emperium is ^0055FFactive^000000."; } else { for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if ((gettime(4) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(3) <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1]) || gettime(4) < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i]) { setarray .@time[0],$WOE_CONTROL[.@i],$WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1]; break; } if (!getarraysize(.@time)) setarray .@time[0],$WOE_CONTROL[0],$WOE_CONTROL[1]; mes "War of Emperium is ^777777inactive^000000."; mes " "; mes "First War of Emperium ^770000Season III^000000 start at -"; mes " "; mes "Castle : Vidblainn"; mes " - "; mes "^770000Reward : 5x Bravery Badge^000000"; mes "Time will update soon"; if (.Size) { mes " "; mes "The next session will begin"; mes "on ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@time[0]]+"^000000 at "+Add_Zero(.@time[1])+"^000000."; } } next; switch(select(""+((.CastleWarp || .Active[1])?" ~ Warp to castles...":"")+": ~ Check schedule...: ~ View castle owners...:"+((getgmlevel()<.GMAccess || !getgmlevel())?"":" ~ Manage sessions...")+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")) { case 1: if (.CastleWarp) set .@clr$,"^0055FF"; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<6; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (.CastleWarp || .Active[1]&(1<<(.@i+1))) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+((.Active[1]&(1<<(.@i+1)))?.@clr$:"^777777")+.Regions$[.@i]+" Castles^000000"; set .@menu$, .@menu$+":"; } set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@j,.@i*5; .@j<(.@i*5)+5; set .@j,.@j+1) { if (.CastleWarp || .Active[0]&(1<<.@j)) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+((.Active[0]&(1<<.@j))?.@clr$:"^777777")+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@j])+"^000000"; set .@menu$, .@menu$+":"; } set .@j, select(.@menu$)-1; warp .Map$[.@i],.MapX[(.@i*5)+.@j],.MapY[(.@i*5)+.@j]; close; case 2: mes "[Schedule]"; if (.Size) { freeloop(1); for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) { mes "> ^FF0000"+.Days$[$WOE_CONTROL[.@i]]+" ("+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1])+"-"+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2])+")^000000"; for(set .@j,0; .@j<30; set .@j,.@j+1) if ($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+3]&(1<<.@j)) mes " ~ "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@j])+" ^777777("+.Castles$[.@j]+")^000000"; if (.@i+4 < .Size) mes " "; } freeloop(0); } else mes "No times are configured."; next; break; case 3: mes "[Castle Ownership]"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<6; set .@i,.@i+1) { set .@k, .@i*5; mes "> ^FF0000"+.Regions$[.@i]+"^000000"; for(set .@j,.@k; .@j<(.@k+5); set .@j,.@j+1) { set .@t, getcastledata(.Castles$[.@j],1); mes " ~ "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@j])+": "+((.@t)?"^0055FF"+getguildname(.@t):"^777777unoccupied")+"^000000"; } if (.@i < 5) mes " "; } next; break; case 4: while(1) { mes "[Session Manager]"; mes "There are ^0055FF"+(.Size/4)+" session(s)^000000 configured."; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch(select(" ~ Add a session...: ~ Delete a session...: ~ Reload settings...:"+((agitcheck() || agitcheck2())?" ~ End WOE session...":"")+": ~ ^777777Go back^000000")) { case 1: mes "[New Session]"; if (.Size > 127) { mes "You have already reached the maximum of 32 sessions."; next; break; } mes "Select a day."; next; set .@Day, select(" ~ "+implode(.Days$,": ~ "))-1; mes "[New Session]"; mes "Select a start time for ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@Day]+"^000000."; next; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<23; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+Add_Zero(.@i,1)+":"; set .@Start, select(.@menu$)-1; mes "[New Session]"; mes "Select an end time for ^0055FF"+.Days$[.@Day]+"^000000."; next; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,.@Start+1; .@i<24; set.@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+Add_Zero(.@i,1)+":"; set .@End, select(.@menu$)+.@Start; for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if (.@Day == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && ((.@Start >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && .@Start < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) || (.@End > $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && .@End <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) || (.@Start <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1] && .@End >= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]))) { mes "[New Session]"; mes "The chosen times overlap with an existing session."; next; set .@d,1; break; } if (.@d) { set .@d,0; break; } set .@Castle,0; while(1) { mes "[New Session]"; mes "^0055FF"+.Days$[.@Day]+" ("+Add_Zero(.@Start)+"-"+Add_Zero(.@End)+")^000000"; mes " > Castles:"; if (!.@Castle) mes " ~ ^777777(none selected)^000000"; else for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) if (.@Castle&(1<<.@i)) mes " ~ "+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+" ("+.Castles$[.@i]+")"; next; set .@menu$,((.@Castle)?" ~ ^FF0000Finished...^000000":"")+":"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<30; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+((.@Castle&(1<<.@i))?"^0055FF":"")+getcastlename(.Castles$[.@i])+" ("+.Castles$[.@i]+")^000000:"; set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1; if (.@i) set .@Castle, .@Castle^(1<<(.@i-1)); else { mes "[New Session]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; switch(select(" ~ ^0055FFAdd session...^000000: ~ Continue selecting castles...: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")) { case 1: for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) if ((.@Day == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && .@End <= $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1]) || .@Day < $WOE_CONTROL[.@i]) { set .@d,1; break; } if (!.@d) { set .@d,1; set .@i,.Size; } copyarray $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+4], $WOE_CONTROL[.@i], .Size-.@i; setarray $WOE_CONTROL[.@i], .@Day, .@Start, .@End, .@Castle; set .Size, getarraysize($WOE_CONTROL); case 3: mes "[New Session]"; mes ((.@d)?"Session added.":"Cancelled."); next; set .@d,1; case 2: break; } if (.@d) { set .@d,0; break; } } } break; case 2: mes "[Remove Session]"; if (!.Size) { mes "There are no sessions configured."; next; break; } mes "Select a session to remove."; next; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+.Days$[$WOE_CONTROL[.@i]]+" ("+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+1],1)+"-"+Add_Zero($WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2],1)+"):"; set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"; set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1; if (.@i == (.Size/4)) break; mes "[Remove Session]"; mes "Delete ^0055FF"+.Days$[$WOE_CONTROL[.@i*4]]+"'s^000000 session?"; mes "This action cannot be undone."; next; set .@j, select(" ~ ^FF0000Delete session...^000000: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); mes "[Remove Session]"; if (.@j == 2) mes "Cancelled."; else { deletearray $WOE_CONTROL[.@i*4],4; set .Size, getarraysize($WOE_CONTROL); mes "Session deleted."; } next; break; case 3: mes "[Reload Settings]"; mes "This will trigger all events related to new session configurations, if any."; if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { mes " "; mes "Be aware that this will disrupt the current WOE session."; } next; set .@i, select(" ~ ^0055FFReload settings...^000000: ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); mes "[Reload Settings]"; if (.@i == 2) mes "Cancelled."; else { set .Init,1; donpcevent "WOE_CONTROL::OnMinute00"; mes "Variables have been re-initialized."; } next; break; case 4: mes "[Force Agit End]"; if (!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) { mes "WOE has already ended."; next; break; } mes "This command will safely execute all AgitEnd events."; mes " "; mes "Kill the current WOE session?"; next; set .@i, select(" ~ ^FF0000End session...^000000:"+((.Options&1)?" ~ ^FF0000End session without rewards...^000000":"")+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); mes "[Force Agit End]"; if (.@i == 3) mes "Cancelled."; else { set .ForceEnd, .@i; donpcevent "WOE_CONTROL::OnWOEEnd"; mes "WOE session terminated."; } next; break; case 5: set .@d,1; break; } if (.@d) { set .@d,0; break; } } break; case 5: close; } } } #2 agit_main_se.txt //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= War of Emperium SE - Template File //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4a //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Like agit_main, this file is required //= for SE castles to function. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 0.x Previous authors: L0ne_W0lf, Zephyrus, Brian. //= 1.0 If anything breaks, blame Maki. [Euphy] //= 1.1 Fixed an incorrect label execution. [Euphy] //= 1.2 Hopefully fixed a processing error. [Euphy] //= 1.3 Fixed barricade issue in schg_cas02. [Cookie] //= 1.4 Added OnGuildBreak event and a spawn check. [Euphy] //= 1.4a Fixed Guardian Stone respawns. [Euphy] //============================================================ // Core, triggers all other events //============================================================ - script Manager#template -1,{ OnAgitInit2: OnRecvCastle2: if (strnpcinfo(2) == "template") end; if (!getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),1)) { donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart"; // Monster spawns are identical for all castles. monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Evil Druid",1117,10; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Khalitzburg",1132,4; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Abysmal Knight",1219,3; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Executioner",1205,1; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Penomena",1216,10; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Alarm",1193,18; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Clock",1269,9; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Raydric Archer",1276,12; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Wanderer",1208,3; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Alice",1275,1; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Bloody Knight",1268,2; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Dark Lord",1272,2; monster strnpcinfo(2),0,0,"Tower Keeper",1270,4; } if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),9) < 1) disablenpc "Kafra Employee#"+substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9); end; OnAgitStart2: if (strnpcinfo(2) == "template") end; if (agitcheck2()) { maprespawnguildid strnpcinfo(2),getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),1),2; gvgon strnpcinfo(2); donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart"; } else for(set .@i,0; .@i<4; set .@i,.@i+1) donpcevent "RL"+.@i+"#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnDisable"; end; OnAgitEnd2: if (strnpcinfo(2) == "template") end; gvgoff strnpcinfo(2); if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),1)) { set .@str$,substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9); killmonster strnpcinfo(2),"Steward#"+.@str$+"::OnStartArena"; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReset"; donpcevent "Steward#"+.@str$+"::OnStop"; } end; OnGuildBreak: if (strnpcinfo(2) == "template") end; killmonster strnpcinfo(2),"gard1#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnGuardianDied"; killmonster strnpcinfo(2),"gard2#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnGuardianDied"; disablenpc "Kafra Employee#"+substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9); setcastledata strnpcinfo(2),1,0; sleep 7000; announce "Guild Base ["+getcastlename(strnpcinfo(2))+"] has been abandoned.",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRecvCastle2"; end; OnStart: // $agit_ar0x[] - $agit_sc0x[] // 1st Guardian stone, 2nd Guardian stone, Barrier 1, Barrier 2, Barrier 3, Summon Guardians // Settings for all but Summon Guardians: 0 = Okay | 1 = Destroyed | 2 = Repairing // Summon Guardians: 0 = Do not Summon | 1 = Summon if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),1)) { setarray getd("$agit_"+substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9)+"[0]"),0,0,0,0,0,0; donpcevent "df1#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent "df2#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnEnable"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<4; set .@i,.@i+1) donpcevent "RL"+.@i+"#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnEnable"; } OnEmpSpawn: set .@str$, substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9); if (mobcount(strnpcinfo(2),"Steward#"+.@str$+"::OnStartArena")) end; if (compare(strnpcinfo(2),"arug")) { if (strnpcinfo(2) == "arug_cas01") setarray .@i[0],87,219; else if (strnpcinfo(2) == "arug_cas02") setarray .@i[0],89,256; else setarray .@i[0],141,293; // Castles 3,4,5 are identical. } else { if (strnpcinfo(2) == "schg_cas02") setarray .@i[0],162,193; else if (strnpcinfo(2) == "schg_cas03") setarray .@i[0],338,202; else setarray .@i[0],120,272; // Castles 1,4,5 are identical. } monster strnpcinfo(2),.@i[0],.@i[1],"Emperium",1288,1,"Steward#"+.@str$+"::OnStartArena"; end; OnReset: set .@str$, substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9); donpcevent "df1#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent "df2#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent "gard1#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnReset"; donpcevent "gard2#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnReset"; donpcevent "1st Guardian Stone#"+.@str$+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent "2nd Guardian Stone#"+.@str$+"::OnDisable"; for(set .@i,1; .@i<4; set .@i,.@i+1) donpcevent "Control Device0"+.@i+"#"+.@str$+"::OnDisable"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<4; set .@i,.@i+1) donpcevent "RL"+.@i+"#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnDisable"; if (agitcheck2()) setarray getd("$agit_"+substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9)+"[0]"),0,0,1,1,1,0; end; OnChange: set .@str$, substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9); setarray getd("$agit_"+.@str$+"[0]"),2,2,1,1,2,0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnEmpSpawn"; donpcevent "Control Device03#"+.@str$+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent "1st Guardian Stone#"+.@str$+"::OnEnable"; donpcevent "2nd Guardian Stone#"+.@str$+"::OnEnable"; end; OnClock0001: // Spawn Treasure Chests based on castle economy. if (strnpcinfo(2) == "template") end; if (!getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),1)) end; killmonster strnpcinfo(2),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnTreasureDied"; if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),4)) { set .@Economy,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),2); setcastledata strnpcinfo(2),2,.@Economy+getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),4)+(rand(2) && getgdskilllv(getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),1),10014)); if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),2) > 100) setcastledata strnpcinfo(2),2,100; setcastledata strnpcinfo(2),4,0; } if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),5)) { set .@Defence,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),3); setcastledata strnpcinfo(2),3,.@Defence+getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),5); if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),3) > 100) setcastledata strnpcinfo(2),3,100; setcastledata strnpcinfo(2),5,0; } set .@Treasure,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),2)/5+4; if (!.@Treasure) end; freeloop(1); if (compare(strnpcinfo(2),"arug")) { if (strnpcinfo(2) == "arug_cas01") { set .@treasurebox,1943; setarray .@treasurex[0],251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,251,252,253,254,255,256,257,258; setarray .@treasurey[0],369,369,369,369,368,368,368,368,367,367,367,367,366,366,366,366,365,365,365,365,364,364,364,364; } else if (strnpcinfo(2) == "arug_cas02") { set .@treasurebox,1944; setarray .@treasurex[0],382,383,384,385,386,387,384,385,386,387,388,389,382,383,384,385,386,387,384,385,386,387,388,389; setarray .@treasurey[0],231,231,231,231,231,231,230,230,230,230,230,230,225,225,225,225,225,225,224,224,224,224,224,224; } else { // Castles 3,4,5 are identical, except 4's treasure. set .@treasurebox,(strnpcinfo(2) == "arug_cas04")?1946:1945; setarray .@treasurex[0],291,292,293,294,295,296,293,294,295,296,297,298,291,292,293,294,295,296,293,294,295,296,297,298; setarray .@treasurey[0],276,276,276,276,276,276,274,274,274,274,274,274,272,272,272,272,272,272,269,269,269,269,269,269; } } else { if (strnpcinfo(2) == "schg_cas02") { set .@treasurebox,1939; setarray .@treasurex[0],249,250,251,252,253,246,247,248,249,250,250,251,252,253,246,247,248,249,250,249,250,251,252,253; setarray .@treasurey[0],378,378,378,378,378,376,376,376,376,376,374,374,374,374,372,372,372,372,372,370,370,370,370,370; } else if (strnpcinfo(2) == "schg_cas03") { set .@treasurebox,1940; setarray .@treasurex[0],189,190,191,192,193,194,189,190,191,192,193,194,189,190,191,192,193,194,189,190,191,192,193,194; setarray .@treasurey[0], 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15; } else { // Castles 1,4,5 are identical, except treasures. if (strnpcinfo(2) == "schg_cas01") set .@treasurebox,1938; else if (strnpcinfo(2) == "schg_cas04") set .@treasurebox,1941; else set .@treasurebox,1942; setarray .@treasurex[0],388,388,388,387,386,385,384,384,384,384,384,384,385,386,387,388,389,390,390,390,389,388,387,386; setarray .@treasurey[0],388,389,390,390,390,390,389,388,387,386,385,384,384,384,384,384,384,384,385,386,386,386,386,386; } } for(set .@i,0; .@i<4; set .@i,.@i+1) monster strnpcinfo(2),.@treasurex[.@i],.@treasurey[.@i],"Treasure Chest",(.@i%2)?.@treasurebox:1324,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnTreasureDied"; for(set .@i,4; .@i<24; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (.@Treasure < .@i+1) break; monster strnpcinfo(2),.@treasurex[.@i],.@treasurey[.@i],"Treasure Chest",(.@i%2)?.@treasurebox:1324,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnTreasureDied"; } freeloop(0); end; OnTreasureDied: end; } // Guild Manager //============================================================ - script Steward#template -1,{ set .@GID, getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),1); if (!.@GID) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "I await for the master"; mes "whom destiny will choose"; mes "for me. Do you think you"; mes "have to courage and strength"; mes "to conquer this stronghold?"; close; } if (getcharid(2) != .@GID || strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster(.@GID)) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Hmpf. Your threats don't"; mes "scare me! Guardians, drive"; mes "this infidel away from here!"; mes "I will always be loyal to the"; mes "master of this stronghold,"; mes "the one and only ^FF0000"+getguildmaster(.@GID)+"^000000."; close; } mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Ah, Master ^FF0000"+getguildmaster(.@GID)+"^000000..."; mes "How shall I serve you today?"; mes "Was there an aspect of this"; mes "stronghold's maintenance"; mes "you wanted to discuss?"; next; switch(select("Stronghold Briefing:Invest in Commercial Growth:Invest in Defense growth:Hire/Fire Storage Staff:Go to Master's room")) { case 1: mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "The Commercial Growth"; mes "Level of the stronghold is ^0000ff"+getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),2)+"."; if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),4) > 0) { mes "Last time, you invested in"; mes "Commercial Growth "+getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),4)+"."; } next; mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Our stronghold's"; mes "safeguard level is "+getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),3)+"."; if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),5) > 0) { mes "Last time, you invested"; mes "in defense "+getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),5)+" times."; } mes " "; mes "That is all, master."; close; case 2: set .@Economy,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),2); setarray .@cost[0],5000,10000,20000,35000,55000,80000,110000,145000,185000,230000,280000,335000,395000,460000,530000,605000,685000,770000,860000,955000; set .@j,0; for(set .@i,6; .@i<101; set .@i,.@i+5) { if (.@Economy < .@i) { set .@eco_invest,.@cost[.@j]; break; } set .@j, .@j+1; } // Quadruple the cost of investing if you've already invested once. if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),4)) set .@eco_invest,.@eco_invest*4; mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Raising the stronghold's"; mes "commercial growth will"; mes "increase the quantity of"; mes "goods produced for the guild."; mes "Investing in commercial growth"; mes "will help the guild's future."; next; mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "You can make one investment"; mes "each day, but if you can make"; mes "two investments if you pay"; mes "more Zeny: this will speed"; mes "up commercial development,"; mes "but can be quite expensive."; next; if (.@Economy == 100) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "However, our stronghold's"; mes "commerical growth level is"; mes "at 100%. It's not possible to"; mes "develop commercial growth"; mes "any further than that."; close; } if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),4) >= 2) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "You've already made two"; mes "investments today, so you'll"; mes "have to wait until tomorrow"; mes "to make another investment."; close; } if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),4) == 0) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "You must pay ^FF0000"+.@eco_invest+"^000000 Zeny"; mes "to make an investment"; mes "Will you invest in this"; mes "stronghold's commerical"; mes "development now?"; } else { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "You must pay ^FF0000"+.@eco_invest+"^000000"; mes "more Zeny to make a second"; mes "investment today. Will you"; mes "invest one more time?"; } next; switch(select("Invest in Commercial Growth:Cancel")) { case 1: if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),4) >= 2) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "You've already made two"; mes "investments today, so you'll"; mes "have to wait until tomorrow"; mes "to make another investment."; close; } if (Zeny < .@eco_invest) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "I'm sorry, Master, but"; mes "you do not have enough"; mes "Zeny to make an investment"; mes "for the guild today."; close; } set Zeny, Zeny-.@eco_invest; setcastledata strnpcinfo(4),4,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),4)+1; mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "A wise use of the guild's"; mes "funds, Master. We can expect"; mes "to see the results of this"; mes "investment by tomorrow."; close; case 2: mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "As you command, Master."; close; } case 3: set .@Defence,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),3); setarray .@cost[0],10000,20000,40000,70000,110000,160000,220000,290000,370000,460000,560000,670000,790000,920000,1060000,1210000,1370000,1540000,1720000,1910000; set .@j,0; for(set .@i,6; .@i<101; set .@i,.@i+5) { if (.@Defence < .@i) { set .@def_invest,.@cost[.@j]; break; } set .@j, .@j+1; } // Quadruple the cost of investing if you've already invested once. if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),5)) set .@def_invest,.@def_invest*4; mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Investing in our stronghold's"; mes "defense will enhance the"; mes "durability of our Guardians"; mes "and the Emperium. We'll need"; mes "every advantage to protect"; mes "ourselves from our enemies."; next; mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "You can invest in defense"; mes "once per day, but if you pay"; mes "more Zeny, you can invest"; mes "a maximum of two times daily."; next; mes "[ Steward ]"; if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),3) == 100) { mes "The Defense Level of this"; mes "stronghold is 100%, and"; mes "cannot be increased further."; close; } if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),5) >= 2) { mes "Master, you've already"; mes "invested in Defense twice"; mes "today. You'll need to wait"; mes "until tomorrow if you really"; mes "want to increase our defenses."; close; } if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),5) == 0) { mes "We need ^FF0000"+.@def_invest+"^000000"; mes "Zeny to invest in our"; mes "stronghold's defenses."; mes "Will you invest now?"; } else { mes "We need ^FF0000"+.@def_invest+"^000000"; mes "Zeny to invest in our"; mes "stronghold's defenses"; mes "a second time today."; mes "Will you invest now?"; } next; switch(select("Invest in Defense:Cancel")) { case 1: if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),5) >= 2) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Master, you've already"; mes "invested in Defense twice"; mes "today. You'll need to wait"; mes "until tomorrow if you really"; mes "want to increase our defenses."; close; } if (Zeny < .@def_invest) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "I'm sorry, Master, but"; mes "you do not have enough"; mes "Zeny to make an investment"; mes "for the guild today."; close; } set Zeny, Zeny-.@def_invest; setcastledata strnpcinfo(4),5,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),5)+1; mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "A wise use of the guild's"; mes "funds, Master. Increasing"; mes "the frequency of treasure"; mes "procured by the guild will"; mes "definitely help us all."; close; case 2: mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "As you command, Master."; close; } case 4: if (getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),9) == 1) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Do you wish to dismiss"; mes "the Kafra Employee that"; mes "we've hired for the guild?"; next; switch(select("Dismiss:Cancel")) { case 1: cutin "kafra_01",2; mes "[ Hired Kafra Employee ]"; mes "Master, please reconsider!"; mes "I've been working very hard"; mes "for the success of the guild!"; mes "I'll try harder to serve the"; mes "guild members of this"; mes "stronghold, I promise!"; next; switch(select("Dismiss:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[ Hired Kafra Employee ]"; mes "Why?! What have I done"; mes "to deserve this? Waaah~!"; next; cutin "kafra_01",255; break; case 2: mes "[ Hired Kafra Employee ]"; mes "Thank you, Master!"; mes "I'll obey your every"; mes "command as best I can!"; mes "You won't regret this!"; close; } break; case 2: mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "She works very hard,"; mes "in my opinion. It was in"; mes "all of our best interests to"; mes "allow her to stay with us."; close; } disablenpc "Kafra Employee#"+strnpcinfo(2); setcastledata strnpcinfo(4),9,0; mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "That Kafra Employee"; mes "has been dismissed."; mes "Were really dissatisfied"; mes "by the quality of her service?"; close; } else { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Will you hire a"; mes "Kafra Employee to serve"; mes "our stronghold? You must"; mes "pay ^FF000010,000 Zeny^000000 to hire one."; next; switch(select("Hire:Cancel")) { case 1: if (getgdskilllv(.@GID,10001) == 0) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Master, we cannot hire a"; mes "Kafra Employee because"; mes "you have not yet attained"; mes "the ^FF0000Contract with Kafra^000000"; mes "guild skill."; close; } if (Zeny < 10000) { mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Master, we cannot hire a"; mes "Kafra Employee because"; mes "we do not have enough"; mes "funds to pay the contract fee."; close; } set Zeny, Zeny-10000; enablenpc "Kafra Employee#"+strnpcinfo(2); setcastledata strnpcinfo(4),9,1; mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Very well. We have formed"; mes "a contract with the Kafra"; mes "Head Office, and hired a"; mes "Kafra Employee for our"; mes "stronghold. Here she is~"; next; cutin "kafra_01",2; mes "[ Hired Kafra Employee ]"; mes "How do you do? I've"; mes "been dispatched by the"; mes "Kafra Head Office to"; mes "serve your guild's needs."; mes "I'll do my best to follow"; mes "your every command, Master."; next; cutin "kafra_01",255; mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Our contract will expire"; mes "after one month, so we must"; mes "pay additional fees to keep"; mes "this Kafra Employee in"; mes "the service of our guild."; close; case 2: mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "As you command, Master."; mes "However, I suggest hiring"; mes "a Kafra Employee as soon"; mes "as possible since our guild"; mes "would greatly benefit from"; mes "the convenient Kafra services."; close; } } case 5: mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Do you wish to enter the"; mes "Guild Treasure Room?"; mes "Only you, the Guild Master,"; mes "are permitted to enter."; next; mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Please remember to open"; mes "the Treasure Boxes at the"; mes "proper time. Otherwise, the"; mes "treasure may disappear if"; mes "something unexpected happens."; next; switch(select("Go to Treasure Room:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Allow me to guide you"; mes "on the secret path to"; mes "the Treasure Room."; mes "Press the secret switch"; mes "when you wish to return here."; close2; if (compare(strnpcinfo(4),"arug")) { if (strnpcinfo(4) == "arug_cas01") setarray .@i[0],250,363; else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "arug_cas02") setarray .@i[0],382,227; else setarray .@i[0],292,266; // Castles 3,4,5 are identical. } else { if (strnpcinfo(4) == "schg_cas02") setarray .@i[0],249,373; else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "schg_cas03") setarray .@i[0],190,16; else setarray .@i[0],381,381; // Castles 1,4,5 are identical. } warp strnpcinfo(4),.@i[0],.@i[1]; end; case 2: mes "[ Steward ]"; mes "Items in the Treasure Room"; mes "are produced once each day."; mes "Therefore, you must obtain"; mes "the treasure items everyday."; mes "For the sake of the guild,"; mes "prioritize treasure harvesting!"; close; } } OnStop: awake strnpcinfo(0); end; OnStartArena: set .@GID,getcharid(2); set .@region$, (compare(strnpcinfo(4),"arug"))?"Valfreyja":"Nithafjoll"; // Lower castle Economy set .@Economy,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),2)-5; if (.@Economy < 0) set .@Economy, 0; setcastledata strnpcinfo(4),2,.@Economy; // Lower Castle Defence set .@Defence,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),3)-5; if (.@Defence < 0) set .@Defence, 0; setcastledata strnpcinfo(4),3,.@Defence; // Set new owner setcastledata strnpcinfo(4),1,.@GID; // Clear castle's data. for(set .@i,4; .@i<10; set .@i,.@i+1) setcastledata strnpcinfo(4),.@i,0; // Disable Kafra disablenpc "Kafra Employee#"+strnpcinfo(2); announce "The ["+getguildname(.@GID)+"] guild conquered the ["+.@region$+" "+charat(strnpcinfo(2),3)+"] stronghold of "+getcastlename(strnpcinfo(4))+"!",bc_all|bc_woe; mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"The emperium has been shattered!",bc_map,"0x00FF00",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40; donpcevent "Manager#"+strnpcinfo(4)+"::OnReset"; maprespawnguildid strnpcinfo(4),getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),1),2; donpcevent "Manager#"+strnpcinfo(4)+"::OnRecvCastle2"; donpcevent "::OnRecvCastle"+strnpcinfo(2); sleep 10000; if (agitcheck2()) { donpcevent "Manager#"+strnpcinfo(4)+"::OnChange"; mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Rebuild this stronghold's Guardian Stones and Fortress Gates to secure your guild's new aquisition!",bc_map,"0x00FF00",FW_NORMAL,20,0,40; } end; } // Castle Guardians //============================================================ - script Guardian#template -1,{ set .@GID, getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),1); set .@n$, "["+strnpcinfo(1)+"]"; if (!.@GID) { mes .@n$; mes "Great job. Now, all you"; mes "need to do is destroy this"; mes "Emperium to gain ownership"; mes "over this stronghold."; close; } if (getcharid(2) == .@GID) { if (strcharinfo(0) != getguildmaster(.@GID)) { mes .@n$; mes "As guardian of this"; mes "stronghold, I answer only"; mes "to the master of the guild"; mes "that controls this place."; close; } else { if (!agitcheck2()) { mes .@n$; mes "I am "+strnpcinfo(1)+", guardian of"; mes "this stronghold. For now,"; mes "all is quiet in this place."; next; switch(select("Converse:Cancel")) { case 1: mes .@n$; mes "Do you have any questions"; mes "about this stronghold?"; next; switch(select("Guardian Stones:Fortress Gates:Link Flags:Battle Strategy:Cancel")) { case 1: mes .@n$; mes "There is one Emperium"; mes "and two Guardian Stones in"; mes "each fortress. These stones"; mes "are the first line of defense,"; mes "and must be destroyed before"; mes "enemies can even enter."; next; mes .@n$; mes "The stones are located in"; mes "^4D4DFFGate Houses^000000 which must be"; mes "protected to prevent enemies"; mes "from reaching the Emperium."; mes "Guardian Stones can ^4D4DFFrecall"; mes "your Guardians^000000 for protection."; next; mes .@n$; mes "Fortresses with higher levels"; mes "of defense can summon more"; mes "Guardians: this is why it is"; mes "so important for guilds to"; mes "invest in Defense Growth."; next; mes .@n$; mes "Guardian Stones that have"; mes "been destroyed can be revived"; mes "after a certain time, but one of the guild members must give"; mes "me the order. I can also report the status of the Guardian Stones."; close; case 2: mes .@n$; mes "^4D4DFFFortress Gates^000000 are the second line of guild stronghold defense,"; mes "and are protected by extra barricades activated by the Guardian Stones."; mes "These gates are located in three different parts of the fortress."; next; mes .@n$; mes "Barricades are protected by"; mes "Guardian Stones, and are"; mes "restored when the Guardian"; mes "Stones are retrieved. However,"; mes "it is not as easy to restore"; mes "destroyed Fortress Gates."; next; mes .@n$; mes "Fortress Gates can only be"; mes "restored when the ^4D4DFFguild"; mes "master of a stronghold"; mes "changes^000000, or if ^4D4DFFrestoration"; mes "is requested by the guild"; mes "master of the stronghold^000000."; close; case 3: mes .@n$; mes "Strongholds have many"; mes "Link Flags that allow you"; mes "to access vital areas within"; mes "restrictions placed by the"; mes "Barricades. Usually, ^4D4DFFFlag 1"; mes "links to the Gate House^000000."; next; mes .@n$; mes "Many flags link directly to"; mes "the flag near the Emperium."; mes "The final numbered flag is"; mes "linked to the Convenience"; mes "Facility of the stronghold's"; mes "owner. Keep this in mind."; close; case 4: mes .@n$; mes "Strategy? It would be better"; mes "to develop your battle plan to"; mes "exploit your guild's advantages"; mes "and your enemies' weaknesses."; mes "Use the Gate Houses and Barricades, and rebuild as quickly as you can!"; close; case 5: mes .@n$; mes "You have no questions"; mes "to ask of me? Well, I'm"; mes "here to serve your needs."; close; } case 2: mes .@n$; mes "I'm always here, so"; mes "feel free to request my"; mes "assistance whenever"; mes "the need arises."; close; } } else { mes .@n$; mes "Greetings, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; mes "What are your orders?"; next; switch(select("Increase Stronghold Defense:Situational Briefing:Cancel")) { case 1: if (!getd("$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[5]")) { if (getgdskilllv(.@GID,10002) == 0) { mes .@n$; mes "I'm sorry, but the Guardian"; mes "Stones aren't powerful enough"; mes "to summon Guardians yet. We"; mes "need to accumulate more"; mes "knowledge before they can"; mes "summon any Guardians."; close; } else { mes .@n$; mes "I shall endeavor to summon"; mes "a Guardian through a Guardian"; mes "Stone. However, keep in mind"; mes "that this will not work if the"; mes "Guardian Stone is destroyed."; setd "$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[5]",1; if (!getd("$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[0]")) donpcevent "gard1#"+strnpcinfo(4)+"::OnEnable"; if (!getd("$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[1]")) donpcevent "gard2#"+strnpcinfo(4)+"::OnEnable"; close; } } else { mes .@n$; mes "You've already commanded"; mes "me to summon a Guardian"; mes "to defend the stronghold."; close; } case 2: mes .@n$; mes "Our defense status is..."; setarray .@status$[0],"^4D4DFFOperational","^FF0000Destroyed","^008000Repairing"; mes "1st Guardian Stone: "+.@status$[getd("$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[0]")]+"^000000"; mes "2nd Guardian Stone: "+.@status$[getd("$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[1]")]+"^000000"; mes "1st Fortress Gate: "+.@status$[getd("$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[2]")]+"^000000"; mes "2nd Fortress Gate: "+.@status$[getd("$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[3]")]+"^000000"; mes "3rd Fortress Gate: "+.@status$[getd("$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[4]")]+"^000000"; close; case 3: mes .@n$; mes "I'll be standing by,"; mes "awaiting your orders."; close; } } } } else { mes .@n$; mes "Who are you? Scoundrel!"; mes "Leave this stronghold now!"; close; } OnInit: setarray getd("$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[0]"),0,0,0,0,0,0; end; } // Guild Kafras //============================================================ - script Kafra#template -1,{ cutin "kafra_01",2; set .@GID, getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),1); if (getcharid(2) == .@GID && getgdskilllv(.@GID,10001)) { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Welcome, proud member"; mes "of the ^FF0000"+GetGuildName(.@GID)+"^000000 Guild!"; mes "The Kafra Corporation is ready"; mes "to assist you wherever you go!"; next; switch(select("Use Storage:Use Warp Service:Rent Pushcart:Cancel")) { case 1: if(!callfunc("F_CanOpenStorage")){ mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "I'm so sorry, but you must"; mes "have at least Novice Skill"; mes "Lv.6 to use the Storage."; } else openstorage; break; case 2: mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Please tell me your"; mes "Warp destination."; next; switch(select("Rachel -> 200 z:Cancel")) { case 1: if (Zeny < 200) { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "I'm sorry, but you don't"; mes "have enough Zeny to pay"; mes "the warp fee. Would you"; mes "please check your funds again?"; close2; cutin "kafra_01",255; end; } set Zeny, Zeny-200; warp "rachel",115,125; end; case 2: cutin "kafra_01",255; break; } break; case 3: if (BaseClass != Job_Merchant) { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "I'm sorry, but the Pushcart"; mes "rental service can only be"; mes "used by Merchant, Blacksmith,"; mes "and Alchemist class characters."; } else if (checkcart() == 1) { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Hm? You've already"; mes "rented a Pushcart."; } else { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "The Pushcart rental fee"; mes "is 800 Zeny. Would you"; mes "like to rent a Pushcart?"; next; switch(select("Rent Pushcart:Cancel")) { case 1: if (Zeny < 800) { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "I'm sorry, but you don't"; mes "have enough Zeny to rent"; mes "one of our Pushcarts."; close2; cutin "kafra_01",255; end; } set Zeny, Zeny-800; setcart; break; case 2: break; } } break; case 4: mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "Thank you for using the"; mes "Kafra Service. Wherever"; mes "you go, Kafra will be"; mes "there to support you!"; close2; cutin "kafra_01",255; end; } close2; cutin "kafra_01",255; end; } else { mes "[Kafra Employee]"; mes "I'm sorry, but I've been"; mes "exclusively contracted"; mes "to the members of the"; mes "^FF0000"+getguildname(.@GID)+"^000000 Guild."; mes "You'll have to ask another"; mes "Kafra Employee to help you..."; close2; cutin "kafra_01",255; end; } } // Guardian Stones (2) //============================================================ - script Guardian Stone#template -1,{ set .@GID, getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),1); set .@num, atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(1),0)); set .@var$,"$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2); if (getcharid(2) == .@GID) { mes "^3355FFYou will need the"; mes "following materials to"; mes "rebuild a destroyed"; mes "Guardian Stone.^000000"; next; mes "1 Oridecon"; mes "1 Elunium"; mes "30 Stones"; mes "5 Blue Gemstones"; mes "5 Yellow Gemstones"; mes "5 Red Gemstones"; next; mes "^3355FFDo you want to continue?^000000"; next; if(select("No:Continue") == 1) { mes "^3355FFWork canceled.^000000"; close; } if ((countitem(984) > 0) && (countitem(985) > 0) && (countitem(7049) > 29) && (countitem(717) > 4) && (countitem(715) > 4) && (countitem(716) > 4)) { mes "^3355FFArrange Stones, Elunium, and"; mes "Oridecon, in that order, in the"; mes "center. Then you must arrange"; mes "the enchanted Gemstones to"; mes "rebuild the Guardian Stone.^000000"; next; setarray .@stone$[0],"Elunium","Oridecon","Stones"; set .@i, select("Elunium:Oridecon:Stone")-1; if (.@i == 2) set .@nice,.@nice+10; mes "^3355FF"+.@stone$[.@i]+" has been"; mes "placed in the center.^000000"; next; set .@i, select("Elunium:Oridecon:Stone")-1; if (.@i == 0) set .@nice,.@nice+10; mes "^3355FFYou have lined the"; mes "outside of the center"; mes "with some "+.@stone$[.@i]+".^000000"; next; set .@i, select("Elunium:Oridecon:Stone")-1; if (.@i == 1) set .@nice,.@nice+10; mes "^3355FFYou covered the"; mes "rest of the materials"; mes "with some "+.@stone$[.@i]+".^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFNow you need to arrange"; mes "the enchanted Gemstones"; mes "accordingly. You can identify"; mes "their Magic properties by"; mes "their casting effect.^000000"; next; setarray .@effect[0],56,54,225; setarray .@color$[0],"Red","Yellow","Blue"; while(1) { if (.@roof0 > 7) break; set .@i, rand(3); specialeffect .@effect[.@i]; mes "^3355FFThe Gemstones must"; mes "be arranged in the correct"; mes "order according to their"; mes "magic properties and power.^000000"; next; set .@j, select("Red Gemstone:Yellow Gemstone:Blue Gemstone")-1; mes "^3355FFYou placed the "+.@color$[.@j]+" Gemstone.^000000"; if (.@i == .@j) { mes "^3355FFHowever, the Guardian Stone"; mes "Repair System failed because"; mes "of a magic power conflict.^000000"; close; } set .@nice,.@nice+10; set .@roof0,.@roof0+1; specialeffect EF_STEAL; next; } if (.@nice > 90) { if (!getd(.@var$+"["+(.@num-1)+"]")) { mes "^3355FFThe Guardian Stone"; mes "Repair System has"; mes "already completed.^000000"; close; } else { if (!agitcheck2()) { mes "^3355FFIt is impossible to"; mes "rebuild the Guardian"; mes "Stone because the"; mes "Emperium is not present.^000000"; close; } else { mes "^3355FFThe Gemstones have been"; mes "arranged, and the Guardian"; mes "Stone is successfully repaired.^000000"; delitem 984,1; //Oridecon delitem 985,1; //Elunium delitem 7049,30; //Stone delitem 717,5; //Blue_Gemstone delitem 715,5; //Yellow_Gemstone delitem 716,5; //Red_Gemstone close2; donpcevent "df"+.@num+"#"+strnpcinfo(4)+"::OnEnable"; specialeffect EF_ICECRASH; disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); setd .@var$+"["+(.@num-1)+"]",0; set .@df_all,getd(.@var$+"[0]")+getd(.@var$+"[1]"); if (!.@df_all) { mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"Both Guardian Stones have been erected, bolstering this stronghold's defenses!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "RL0#"+strnpcinfo(4)+"::OnEnable"; } else mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"The "+strnpcinfo(1)+" has been repaired successfully.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; if (getd(.@var$+"[5]") == 1) donpcevent "gard"+.@num+"#"+strnpcinfo(4)+"::OnEnable"; end; } } } else { mes "^3355FFAfter all of that work..."; mes "It looks like you failed"; mes "to fix the Guardian Stone,"; mes "and lost some materials.^000000"; delitem 7049,10; //Stone delitem 717,2; //Blue_Gemstone delitem 715,2; //Yellow_Gemstone delitem 716,2; //Red_Gemstone close; } } else { mes "^3355FFYou don't have enough"; mes "materials to repair"; mes "the Guardian Stone.^000000"; close; } } end; OnInit: OnDisable: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnEnable: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); specialeffect EF_MAPPILLAR2; end; } // Control Devices (3) //============================================================ - script Control#template -1,{ set .@GID, getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),1); set .@num, atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(1),15)); set .@var$,"$agit_"+strnpcinfo(2); if (getcharid(2) == .@GID) { if (strcharinfo(0) == getguildmaster(.@GID)) { if (getd(.@var$+"["+(.@num+1)+"]") == 2) { mes "^3355FFDemolished Fortress"; mes "Gates can be repaired,"; mes "but you will need to gather"; mes "the following materials.^000000"; next; mes "^4D4DFF10 Steel^000000,"; mes "^4D4DFF30 Trunks^000000,"; mes "^4D4DFF5 Oridecon^000000, and"; mes "^4D4DFF10 Emveretarcon^000000."; next; select("Continue"); if ((countitem(1019) > 29) && (countitem(999) > 9) && (countitem(1011) > 9) && (countitem(984) > 4)) { mes "^3355FFYou will need Trunks to"; mes "repair the support frame,"; mes "Oridecon to enhance the"; mes "gate's endurance, and"; mes "Emveretarcon to basically"; mes "hold everything together.^000000"; next; set .@ro_of01,rand(10,15); while(1) { if (.@ro_of02 == .@ro_of01) break; else { switch(rand(1,4)) { case 1: mes "^3355FFThe support frame"; mes "is badly damaged:"; mes "fixing this part"; mes "is a top priority.^000000"; next; switch(select("Trunk:Steel:Emveretarcon:Oridecon")) { case 1: mes "^3355FFThe frame has been"; mes "reinforced with wood.^000000"; set .@rp_temp,.@rp_temp+1; set .@ro_of02,.@ro_of02+1; specialeffect2 EF_REPAIRWEAPON; next; break; case 2: mes "^3355FFYou tried using steel,"; mes "but it's not working very"; mes "well. You'll have to try"; mes "something else.^000000"; close; case 3: mes "^3355FFYou tried using emveretarcon"; mes "to reinforce the gate, but it's"; mes "not working well at all."; mes "You'll have to start over.^000000"; close; case 4: mes "^3355FFYou tried using oridecon,"; mes "but it's not working very"; mes "well. You'll have to try"; mes "something else.^000000"; close; } break; case 2: mes "^3355FFIt looks like the gate's"; mes "overall endurance needs to"; mes "be reinforced with something.^000000"; next; switch(select("Trunk:Steel:Emveretarcon:Oridecon")) { case 1: mes "^3355FFYou tried using wood"; mes "to reinforce the gate.^000000"; set .@ro_of02,.@ro_of02+1; next; break; case 2: mes "^3355FFYou tried using steel"; mes "to reinforce the gate, but"; mes "it's not working well at all."; mes "You'll have to start over.^000000"; close; case 3: mes "^3355FFYou tried using emveretarcon"; mes "to reinforce the gate, but it's"; mes "not working well at all."; mes "You'll have to start over.^000000"; close; case 4: mes "^3355FFYou hammered the"; mes "oridecon: it looks"; mes "like this will work.^000000"; set .@rp_temp,.@rp_temp+1; set .@ro_of02,.@ro_of02+1; specialeffect2 EF_REPAIRWEAPON; next; break; } break; case 3: mes "^3355FFThe damage to the gate"; mes "has caused all these"; mes "cracks. You'll have to"; mes "weld them solid somehow.^000000"; next; switch(select("Trunk:Steel:Emveretarcon:Oridecon")) { case 1: mes "^3355FFYou tried using wood to fix"; mes "this problem, but it seems"; mes "to have made it worse."; mes "You'll have to start all over.^000000"; close; case 2: mes "^3355FFYou used steel to weld"; mes "all the cracks: the gate is"; mes "is starting to look more solid.^000000"; set .@rp_temp,.@rp_temp+1; set .@ro_of02,.@ro_of02+1; specialeffect2 EF_REPAIRWEAPON; next; break; case 3: mes "^3355FFYou tried using emveretarcon"; mes "to reinforce the gate, but it's"; mes "not working well at all."; mes "You'll have to start over.^000000"; close; case 4: mes "^3355FFYou tried using oridecon,"; mes "but it's not working very"; mes "well. You'll have to try"; mes "something else.^000000"; close; } break; case 4: mes "^3355FFNow you need to make"; mes "sure that the gate is held"; mes "together pretty solidly.^000000"; next; switch(select("Trunk:Steel:Emveretarcon:Oridecon")) { case 1: mes "^3355FFYou tried using wood to fix"; mes "this problem, but it seems"; mes "to have made it worse."; mes "You'll have to start all over.^000000"; close; case 2: mes "^3355FFYou tried using steel,"; mes "but it's not working very"; mes "well. You'll have to try"; mes "something else.^000000"; close; case 3: mes "^3355FFYou successfully used"; mes "the emveretarcon to repair"; mes "much of the gate's damage.^000000"; set .@rp_temp,.@rp_temp+1; set .@ro_of02,.@ro_of02+1; specialeffect2 EF_REPAIRWEAPON; next; break; case 4: mes "^3355FFYou tried using oridecon,"; mes "but it's not working very"; mes "well. You'll have to try"; mes "something else.^000000"; close; } } } } mes "^3355FFWell, it looks like"; mes "you're just about done"; mes "with repairing the gate.^000000"; next; if (!agitcheck2()) { mes "^3355FFUnfortunately, the Fortress"; mes "Gate can't be reconstructed:"; mes "the Emperium is no longer here.^000000"; close; } else { if (.@rp_temp == .@ro_of01) { mes "^3355FFThe Fortress Gate has"; mes "been successfully repaired!^000000"; delitem 1019,30; //Wooden_Block delitem 999,10; //Steel delitem 1011,10; //Emveretarcon delitem 984,5; //Oridecon close2; donpcevent "RL"+.@num+"#"+strnpcinfo(4)+"::OnEnable"; disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); if (.@num == 1) set .@str$,"1st"; else if (.@num == 2) set .@str$,"2nd"; else if (.@num == 3) set .@str$,"3rd"; mapannounce strnpcinfo(4),"The "+.@str$+" Fortress Gate has been reconstructed!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; if (.@num == 1) setd .@var$+"[2]",0; else { setarray getd(.@var$+"["+.@num+"]"),2,0; donpcevent "Control Device0"+(.@num-1)+"#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnEnable"; } end; } else { mes "^3355FFThe wall has been breached,"; mes "and the attempt to repair the"; mes "Fortress Gate has failed."; mes "You lost some of your"; mes "repair resources...^000000"; delitem 984,2; //Oridecon delitem 999,4; //Steel delitem 1019,14; //Wooden_Block delitem 1011,3; //Emveretarcon close; } } } else { mes "^3355FFYou can't attempt to repair"; mes "the Fortress Gate if you don't"; mes "have all the needed materials.^000000"; close; } } } } end; OnInit: OnDisable: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnEnable: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } // Guardian Summoners (2) //============================================================ - script gard#template -1,{ OnEnable: // .@x[i],.@y[i]: Normal coordinates, #0-21. // .@w[x],.@w[y]: Special coordinates if 'defence' is under 11. if (compare(strnpcinfo(2),"arug")) { if (strnpcinfo(2) == "arug_cas01") { setarray .@w[0],195,250,292,188; setarray .x[0],233,252,232,201,224,196,269,252,201,224,222, 294,256,240,246,235,235,246,240,256,254,242; setarray .y[0], 83, 81,108,130,168,137, 89, 81,130,168,129, 210,203,133, 92,132,132, 92,133,203, 95,151; } else if (strnpcinfo(2) == "arug_cas02") { setarray .@w[0],20,169,268,169; setarray .x[0],104,67,67,113,122,67, 90, 91,122, 20,67, 175,204,211,209,161,186,183,150,161,209,211; setarray .y[0], 32,36,85, 87,112,60,167,119,112,169,85, 31, 32, 63, 88, 91,170,121,110, 91, 88, 63; } else { // Castles 3,4,5 are identical. setarray .@w[0],66,157,211,159; setarray .x[0],130,128,128,128,110,91,65, 65,110,128,128, 156,172,154,156,155,187,212,211,155,156,172; setarray .y[0], 60, 77, 90,100, 96,53,71,103, 96,100, 77, 101, 95, 90, 77, 60, 54, 67,105, 60, 77, 95; } } else { if (strnpcinfo(2) == "schg_cas02") { setarray .@w[0],337,95,307,222; setarray .x[0],326,337,334,296,285,236,285,296,334,337,334, 359,300,337,317,307,300,337,317,307,359,236; setarray .y[0], 83, 95,119, 82, 40, 41, 40, 82,119, 95,119, 85,119,154,183,222,119,154,183,222, 85, 41; } else if (strnpcinfo(2) == "schg_cas03") { setarray .@w[0],306,325,364,305; setarray .x[0],323,273,288,306,323,323,273,288,306,273,273, 338,364,365,317,338,338,364,365,317,364,329; setarray .y[0],308,309,306,326,308,308,309,306,325,309,309, 309,305,261,318,310,309,305,261,318,305,314; } else { // Castles 1,4,5 are identical. setarray .@w[0],108,32,128,42,187,15; // Contains an extra pair, for whatever reason. setarray .x[0],111,109,65,110,88,64,47,109,111,112,120, 130,129,151,187,128,152,187,128,130,130,151; setarray .y[0], 18, 44,22, 40,20,40,43, 48, 18, 32, 37, 22, 47, 18, 15, 42, 43, 15, 42, 22, 28, 18; } } if (charat(strnpcinfo(1),4) == "2") set .@z,11; freeloop(1); set .@defence,getcastledata(strnpcinfo(2),3); callsub OnSummon,.@z; if (.@defence > 70) set getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2)),5; else if (.@defence > 50) set getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2)),4; else if (.@defence > 30) set getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2)),3; else if (.@defence > 10) set getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2)),2; if (.@w[4] && .@z) guardian strnpcinfo(2),.@w[4],.@w[5],"Guardian Soldier",1899,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnGuardianDied"; else if (.@defence < 11) { set getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2)),2; set .@i,(.@z)?2:0; guardian strnpcinfo(2),.@w[.@i],.@w[.@i+1],"Guardian Soldier",1899,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnGuardianDied"; } else for(set .@i,1; .@i<getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2)); set .@i,.@i+1) callsub OnSummon,.@i+.@z; freeloop(0); copyarray getd(".x_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[0]"),.@x[0],22; copyarray getd(".y_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[0]"),.@y[0],22; setd ".timer_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2),4+.@z; setarray .count$[5],"1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer300000: OnTimer900000: OnTimer1800000: OnTimer2700000: OnTimer3600000: if (charat(strnpcinfo(1),4) == "2") end; set .@var$,".timer_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2); setd .@var$, getd(.@var$)+1; set getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2)),getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2))+1; callsub OnSummon,getd(.@var$); setarray .count$[5],"1st","2nd","3rd","4th","5th"; mapannounce strnpcinfo(2),"The "+.count$[getd(.@var$)]+" Guardian has been summoned from the Gate House.",bc_map,"0xff4500"; if (getd(.@var$) == 9) { setd .@var$,0; stopnpctimer; } end; OnTimer600000: OnTimer1200000: OnTimer2100000: OnTimer3000000: OnTimer3900000: if (!(charat(strnpcinfo(1),4) == "2")) end; set .@var$,".timer_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2); setd .@var$, getd(.@var$)+1; set getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2)),getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2))+1; callsub OnSummon,getd(.@var$); if (getd(.@var$) == 20) { setd .@var$,0; stopnpctimer; } end; OnSummon: guardian strnpcinfo(2),getd(".x_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"["+getarg(0)+"]"),getd(".y_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"["+getarg(0)+"]"),"Guardian Soldier",1899,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnGuardianDied"; return; OnGuardianDied: if (charat(strnpcinfo(1),4) == "2") set .@z,11; set getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2)),getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2))-1; if (getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2)) < 2) { set getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2)),getd(".MyMobCount_"+charat(strnpcinfo(1),4)+strnpcinfo(2))+1; callsub OnSummon,10+.@z; } end; OnReset: stopnpctimer; killmonster strnpcinfo(2),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnGuardianDied"; deletearray getd(".x_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[0]"),22; deletearray getd(".y_"+strnpcinfo(2)+"[0]"),22; end; } // Guardian Stone Summoners (2) //============================================================ - script df#template -1,{ OnEnable: if (compare(strnpcinfo(2),"arug")) { if (strnpcinfo(2) == "arug_cas01") setarray .@i[0],210,234,308,189; else if (strnpcinfo(2) == "arug_cas02") setarray .@i[0],33,168,245,168; else setarray .@i[0],65,171,212,149; // Castles 3,4,5 are identical. } else { if (strnpcinfo(2) == "schg_cas02") setarray .@i[0],231,58,335,230; else if (strnpcinfo(2) == "schg_cas03") setarray .@i[0],242,309,376,251; else setarray .@i[0],27,35,207,75; // Castles 1,4,5 are identical. } set .@num, atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(1),2)); set .@j,(.@num == 1)?0:2; guardian strnpcinfo(2),.@i[.@j],.@i[.@j+1],((.@num == 1)?"1st":"2nd")+" Guardian Stone",1906+.@num,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnGuardianStoneDied"; end; OnDisable: killmonster strnpcinfo(2),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnGuardianStoneDied"; setd "$agit_"+substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9)+"["+(atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(1),2))-1)+"]",1; stopnpctimer; end; OnGuardianStoneDied: set .@num, atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(1),2)); set .@var$,"$agit_"+substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9); setd .@var$+"["+(.@num-1)+"]",1; if (getd(.@var$+"[0]") == 1 || getd(.@var$+"[0]") == 2) set .@destroyed, .@destroyed+1; if (getd(.@var$+"[1]") == 1 || getd(.@var$+"[1]") == 2) set .@destroyed, .@destroyed+1; if (.@destroyed == 2) { mapannounce strnpcinfo(2),"All of the Guardian Stones have been destroyed!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "RL0#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnDisable"; } else mapannounce strnpcinfo(2),"The "+((.@num == 1)?"1st":"2nd")+" Guardian Stone has been destroyed!",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; donpcevent "gard"+.@num+"#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnReset"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer300000: set .@num, atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(1),2)); set .@str$,substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9); donpcevent ((.@num == 1)?"1st":"2nd")+" Guardian Stone#"+.@str$+"::OnEnable"; setd "$agit_"+.@str$+"["+(atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(1),2))-1)+"]",2; stopnpctimer; end; } // Barrier Summoners (4) //============================================================ - script RL#template -1,{ OnEnable: .@npc_name$ = strnpcinfo(0); .@npc_visible$ = strnpcinfo(1); .@npc_hidden$ = strnpcinfo(2); set .@num, atoi(charat(.@npc_visible$,2)); if (.@num == 0) { if (compare(.@npc_hidden$,"arug")) { if (.@npc_hidden$ == "arug_cas01") { setarray .@wall[0],238,74,8,6,0; setarray .@x[0],239,241,243,245; setarray .@y[0], 73, 73, 73, 73; } else if (.@npc_hidden$ == "arug_cas02") { setarray .@wall[0],136,136,8,6,0; setarray .@x[0],137,139,141,143; setarray .@y[0],137,137,137,137; } else { // Castles 3,4,5 are identical. setarray .@wall[0],138,110,8,6,0; setarray .@x[0],139,141,143,145; setarray .@y[0],111,111,111,111; } } else { if (.@npc_hidden$ == "schg_cas02") { setarray .@wall[0],290,98,8,0,0; setarray .@x[0],289,289,289,289; setarray .@y[0], 98,100,102,104; } else if (.@npc_hidden$ == "schg_cas03") { setarray .@wall[0],326,301,6,6,0; setarray .@x[0],326,328,330; setarray .@y[0],300,300,300; } else { // Castles 1,4,5 are identical. setarray .@wall[0],114,48,13,6,0; setarray .@x[0],115,117,119,121,123,125; setarray .@y[0], 49, 49, 49, 49, 49, 49; } } } else if (.@num == 1) { if (compare(.@npc_hidden$,"arug")) { if (.@npc_hidden$ == "arug_cas01") { setarray .@wall[0],239,53,8,6,1; setarray .@x[0],239,241,243,240,242,244; setarray .@y[0], 55, 55, 55, 54, 54, 54; } else if (.@npc_hidden$ == "arug_cas02") { setarray .@wall[0],150,223,12,6,1; setarray .@x[0],151,153,155,157,159,161; setarray .@y[0],222,222,222,222,222,222; } else { // Castles 3,4,5 are identical. setarray .@wall[0],139,158,6,6,1; setarray .@x[0],140,142,144,139,141,143; setarray .@y[0],157,157,157,156,156,156; } } else { if (.@npc_hidden$ == "schg_cas02") { setarray .@wall[0],279,98,8,0,1; setarray .@x[0],280,280,280,281,281,281; setarray .@y[0], 98,100,102, 99,101,103; } else if (.@npc_hidden$ == "schg_cas03") { setarray .@wall[0],325,277,8,6,1; setarray .@x[0],326,328,330,327,329,331; setarray .@y[0],278,278,278,279,279,279; } else { // Castles 1,4,5 are identical. setarray .@wall[0],114,51,13,6,1; setarray .@x[0],115,117,119,121,123,125; setarray .@y[0], 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50; } } } else if (.@num == 2) { if (compare(.@npc_hidden$,"arug")) { if (.@npc_hidden$ == "arug_cas01") { setarray .@wall[0],107,124,6,6,1; setarray .@x[0],107,109,111,108,110,112; setarray .@y[0],122,122,122,123,123,123; } else if (.@npc_hidden$ == "arug_cas02") { setarray .@wall[0],125,342,8,0,1; setarray .@x[0],126,126,126,127,127,127; setarray .@y[0],343,345,347,344,346,348; } else { // Castles 3,4,5 are identical. setarray .@wall[0],138,210,8,6,1; setarray .@x[0],140,142,144,139,141,143; setarray .@y[0],209,209,209,208,208,208; } } else { if (.@npc_hidden$ == "schg_cas02") { setarray .@wall[0],230,213,6,0,1; setarray .@x[0],231,231,231,232,232,232; setarray .@y[0],213,215,217,213,215,217; } else if (.@npc_hidden$ == "schg_cas03") { setarray .@wall[0],200,230,8,0,1; setarray .@x[0],201,201,201,202,202,202; setarray .@y[0],231,233,235,232,234,236; } else { // Castles 1,4,5 are identical. setarray .@wall[0],114,154,13,6,1; setarray .@x[0],115,117,119,121,123,125; setarray .@y[0],153,153,153,153,153,153; } } } else { if (compare(.@npc_hidden$,"arug")) { if (.@npc_hidden$ == "arug_cas01") { setarray .@wall[0],84,171,8,6,1; setarray .@x[0], 84, 86, 88, 90; setarray .@y[0],170,170,170,170; } else if (.@npc_hidden$ == "arug_cas02") { setarray .@wall[0],38,314,12,6,1; setarray .@x[0], 40, 42, 44, 46; setarray .@y[0],315,315,315,315; } else { // Castles 3,4,5 are identical. setarray .@wall[0],138,263,8,6,1; setarray .@x[0],139,141,143,145; setarray .@y[0],262,262,262,262; } } else { if (.@npc_hidden$ == "schg_cas02") { setarray .@wall[0],160,141,6,6,1; setarray .@x[0],160,162,164,166; setarray .@y[0],140,140,140,140; } else if (.@npc_hidden$ == "schg_cas03") { setarray .@wall[0],285,198,8,0,1; setarray .@x[0],284,284,284,284; setarray .@y[0],199,201,203,205; } else { // Castles 1,4,5 are identical. setarray .@wall[0],116,241,11,6,1; setarray .@x[0],116,118,120,122; setarray .@y[0],240,240,240,240; } } } setwall .@npc_hidden$,.@wall[0],.@wall[1],.@wall[2],.@wall[3],.@wall[4],substr(.@npc_hidden$,0,1)+substr(.@npc_hidden$,8,9)+"_"+.@npc_visible$; switch(.@num) { case 0: killmonster .@npc_hidden$, .@npc_name$ + "::OnBarrierDestroyed"; .@j = getarraysize(.@x); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@j; ++.@i ) { .@unit_id = guardian( .@npc_hidden$,.@x[.@i],.@y[.@i]," ",1905, .@npc_name$ + "::OnBarrierDestroyed" ); setunitdata .@unit_id,UMOB_DMGIMMUNE,1; // The 1st barricades are immunes to damage until both Guardian Stones are destroyed } end; case 3: setd ".MyMobCount_" + .@num + .@npc_hidden$, 4; break; default: setd ".MyMobCount_" + .@num + .@npc_hidden$, 6; break; } for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getd( ".MyMobCount_" + .@num + .@npc_hidden$ ); ++.@i ) guardian .@npc_hidden$,.@x[.@i],.@y[.@i]," ",1905, .@npc_name$ + "::OnBarrierDestroyed"; end; OnBarrierDestroyed: set .@num, atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(1),2)); if (!.@num) end; set getd(".MyMobCount_"+.@num+strnpcinfo(2)),getd(".MyMobCount_"+.@num+strnpcinfo(2))-1; if (getd(".MyMobCount_"+.@num+strnpcinfo(2)) == 0) { set .@var$,substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9); setd "$agit_"+.@var$+"["+(.@num+1)+"]",1; setarray .@count$[0],"1st","2nd","3rd"; mapannounce strnpcinfo(2),"The "+.@count$[.@num-1]+" Fortress Gate is destroyed.",bc_map,"0x00ff00"; delwall .@var$+"_"+strnpcinfo(1); } end; OnDisable: delwall substr(strnpcinfo(2),0,1)+substr(strnpcinfo(2),8,9)+"_"+strnpcinfo(1); killmonster strnpcinfo(2),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBarrierDestroyed"; end; } // Link Flags (function) //============================================================ function script LinkFlag { if (!getcharid(2) || getcharid(2) != getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),1)) end; if (getarg(0) == "Convenience Facility") { mes "^3355FFThis is the Stronghold"; mes "Teleport Service. Would"; mes "you like to teleport to the"; mes "Convenience Facility for"; mes "guild members?^000000"; if(select("Go to Convenience Facility:Cancel") == 1) warp strnpcinfo(4),getarg(1),getarg(2); close; } if (getarg(0) == "Emperium Center") { mes "^3355FFThis is the Stronghold"; mes "Teleport Service. Would"; mes "you like to teleport to"; mes "the Emperium Center?^000000"; if(select("Teleport:Cancel") == 1) warp strnpcinfo(4),getarg(1),getarg(2); close; } mes "^3355FFThis is the Stronghold"; mes "Teleport Service. Please"; mes "choose a destination"; mes "within the stronghold.^000000"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getargcount(); set .@i,.@i+3) set .@menu$, .@menu$+getarg(.@i)+":"; set .@menu$, .@menu$+"Cancel"; set .@i, select(.@menu$)-1; if (.@i != getargcount()/3) warp strnpcinfo(4),getarg(.@i*3+1),getarg(.@i*3+2); close; } // Return Flags (function) //============================================================ function script ReturnFlag { .@map$ = getarg(0); set .@str$, (compare(strnpcinfo(4),"aru"))?"Arunafeltz":"Schwaltzvalt"; .@GID = getcastledata(.@map$,1); if (!.@GID) { mes "[ "+.@str$+" Royal Edict ]"; mes "The Holy Kingdom of"; mes .@str$+" declares that"; mes "one has yet to claim lordship"; mes "over this stronghold. The one"; mes "that breaks the Emperium will"; mes "be recognized as its new owner."; close; } if (getcharid(2) == .@GID && getarg(1,0)) { mes "[ Ringing Voice ]"; mes "Courageous one,"; mes "do you wish to return"; mes "to your stronghold?"; next; if(select("Return to the Stronghold:Cancel") == 1 && getcharid(2) == getcastledata(.@map$,1)) { if (compare(.@map$,"arug")) { if (.@map$ == "arug_cas01") setarray .@i[0],67,193; else if (.@map$ == "arug_cas02") setarray .@i[0],43,256; else setarray .@i[0],121,318; // Castles 3,4,5 are identical. } else { if (.@map$ == "schg_cas02") setarray .@i[0],136,188; else if (.@map$ == "schg_cas03") setarray .@i[0],308,202; else setarray .@i[0],120,290; // Castles 1,4,5 are identical. } warp .@map$,.@i[0],.@i[1]; } close; } mes "[ "+.@str$+" Royal Edict ]"; mes "The Holy Kingdom of"; mes .@str$+" decrees that"; mes "this stronghold is owned"; mes "by the ^FF0000"+getguildname(.@GID)+"^000000 Guild."; next; mes "[ "+.@str$+" Royal Edict ]"; mes "^FF0000"+getguildmaster(.@GID)+"^000000 is"; mes "Guild Master of ^FF0000"+getguildname(.@GID)+"^000000."; mes "Any that object must claim this"; mes "stronghold through strength of"; mes "steel and magic during the"; mes "appointed Guild Siege times."; close; } // Treasure Room Switches //============================================================ - script Switch#template -1,{ mes " "; mes "^3355FFWill you pull"; mes "this small lever?^000000"; next; if(select("Pull Lever:Cancel") == 2) close; if (compare(strnpcinfo(4),"arug")) { if (strnpcinfo(4) == "arug_cas01") setarray .@i[0],121,357; else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "arug_cas02") setarray .@i[0],387,323; else setarray .@i[0],321,57; // Castles 3,4,5 are identical. } else { if (strnpcinfo(4) == "schg_cas02") setarray .@i[0],339,79; else if (strnpcinfo(4) == "schg_cas03") setarray .@i[0],57,13; else setarray .@i[0],275,244; // Castles 1,4,5 are identical. } warp strnpcinfo(4),.@i[0],.@i[1]; close; } // Guild Dungeon Warps //============================================================ - script Sunflower#template -1,{ if (getcharid(2) == getcastledata(strnpcinfo(4),1)) { mes "- It's an amazingly huge sunflower; as big as a human! ... You feel something mysterious emanating from the flower. -"; next; switch(select("Hold the stem.:Do nothing.")) { case 1: if (compare(strnpcinfo(4),"arug")) { set .@map$,"arug_dun01"; setarray .@mapx[0],350,350,50, 50,200; setarray .@mapy[0],350, 50,50,350,386; } else { set .@map$,"schg_dun01"; setarray .@mapx[0],262, 94, 79,212,322; setarray .@mapy[0],314,284,140, 70,166; } set .@i, atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(4),9))-1; warp .@map$,.@mapx[.@i],.@mapy[.@i]; close; case 2: mes "It's too scary to touch unknown things."; close; } } } #3 schg_cas03.txt - For Example .txt castle //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= War of Emperium SE - Vidblainn //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Merged to template file. //============================================================ - duplicate(Manager#template) Manager#schg_cas03 -1 - duplicate(gard#template) gard1#schg_cas03 -1 - duplicate(gard#template) gard2#schg_cas03 -1 - duplicate(df#template) df1#schg_cas03 -1 - duplicate(df#template) df2#schg_cas03 -1 - duplicate(RL#template) RL0#schg_cas03 -1 - duplicate(RL#template) RL1#schg_cas03 -1 - duplicate(RL#template) RL2#schg_cas03 -1 - duplicate(RL#template) RL3#schg_cas03 -1 schg_cas03,88,90,3 duplicate(Steward#template) Steward#sc03 55 schg_cas03,287,226,5 duplicate(Guardian#template) Elzee#sc03 868 schg_cas03,50,50,3 duplicate(Kafra#template) Kafra Employee#sc03 117 schg_cas03,242,309,0 duplicate(Guardian Stone#template) 1st Guardian Stone#sc03 844 schg_cas03,376,250,0 duplicate(Guardian Stone#template) 2nd Guardian Stone#sc03 844 schg_cas03,335,298,0 duplicate(Control#template) Control Device01#sc03 111 schg_cas03,200,227,0 duplicate(Control#template) Control Device02#sc03 111 schg_cas03,273,205,0 duplicate(Control#template) Control Device03#sc03 111 schg_cas03,199,25,0 duplicate(Switch#template) #sch03_switch 111 schg_cas03,25,22,3 duplicate(Sunflower#template) Mysterious Sunflower#03 976 schg_cas03,346,211,0 script LF-01#schg_cas03 111,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","First Gate House",262,323,"Second Gate House",378,263; } schg_cas03,346,207,0 script LF-02#schg_cas03 111,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Center 1 Area",306,320; } schg_cas03,346,203,0 script LF-03#schg_cas03 111,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Defense Area 2-1",309,292,"Defense Area 2-2",348,292; } schg_cas03,346,199,0 script LF-04#schg_cas03 111,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Center 2 Area",266,263; } schg_cas03,346,195,0 script LF-05#schg_cas03 111,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Defense Area 3-1",226,220,"Defense Area 3-2",185,249; } schg_cas03,346,191,0 script LF-06#schg_cas03 111,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Center 3 Area",271,226; } schg_cas03,301,213,0 script LF-07#schg_cas03 111,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Area 1-2",262,323,"Area 2-2",378,263,"Area 3-2",306,320; } schg_cas03,301,209,0 script LF-08#schg_cas03 111,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Area 2-1",309,292,"Area 2-2",348,292,"Center 2 Area",326,263; } schg_cas03,301,194,0 script LF-09#schg_cas03 111,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Area 3-1",226,220,"Area 3-2",185,249,"Center 3 Area",271,226; } schg_cas03,301,190,0 script LF-10#schg_cas03 111,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Convenience Facility",57,13; } schg_cas03,335,305,0 script Vidblainn#LF_sc03_1::LF_sc03_1 111,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Emperium Center",308,202; } schg_cas03,322,305,0 duplicate(LF_sc03_1) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_2 111 schg_cas03,352,248,0 duplicate(LF_sc03_1) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_3 111 schg_cas03,320,283,0 duplicate(LF_sc03_1) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_4 111 schg_cas03,337,283,0 duplicate(LF_sc03_1) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_5 111 schg_cas03,233,320,0 duplicate(LF_sc03_1) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_6 111 schg_cas03,207,239,0 duplicate(LF_sc03_1) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_7 111 schg_cas03,207,228,0 duplicate(LF_sc03_1) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_8 111 schg_cas03,266,206,0 duplicate(LF_sc03_1) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_9 111 schg_cas03,266,197,0 duplicate(LF_sc03_1) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_10 111 schg_cas03,283,206,2 script Vidblainn#LF_sc03_11::LF_sc03_2 722,{ callfunc "LinkFlag","Emperium Center",308,202; end; OnAgitInit2: OnRecvCastlesc03: FlagEmblem GetCastleData("schg_cas03",1); end; } schg_cas03,283,197,2 duplicate(LF_sc03_2) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_12 722 schg_cas03,332,323,6 duplicate(LF_sc03_2) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_13 722 schg_cas03,343,323,2 duplicate(LF_sc03_2) Vidblainn#LF_sc03_14 722 sch_gld,91,191,0 script Vidblainn#flag_sc03_1::Sc03_Flag 722,{ callfunc "ReturnFlag","schg_cas03",1; end; OnAgitInit2: OnRecvCastlesc03: FlagEmblem GetCastleData("schg_cas03",1); end; } sch_gld,104,191,0 duplicate(Sc03_Flag) Bidblind#flag_sc03_2 722 Hope someone can help me with this serious problem .
  4. I have try that, it's not working sir.. I'm using thor generator from here https://rathena.org/board/files/file/2259-thor-patcher/ []
  5. Hello guys, Before ask I want tell you this " I'm so sorry if Im using bad grammar cause I'm not good speak in english. " Here is my question, I want to ask about how to patch .dll to client side with thor generator?
  6. it's can be used if the spawn every hours using "OnClock0000" and spawn time like this ? - script Sample -1,{ OnInit: setarray .mob_id[0],1002,1113,1399,1159; set .size, getarraysize(.mob_id); set .random, rand(.size); set .amount, 1; // amount of monster spawned set .monster, .mob_id[.random]; end; OnClock0000: OnClock0600: OnClock1200: OnClock1800: OnMinute00: announce getmonsterinfo(.monster, 0)+ " will spawned at prontera in 10 mins",0; OnMinute09: announce getmonsterinfo(.monster, 0)+ " will spawned at prontera in 1 mins",0; OnMinute10: monster "prontera",150,150,getmonsterinfo(.monster, 0),.monster,.amount,strnpcinfo(0)+ "::OnKill"; end; OnKill: announce "The monster " +getmonsterinfo(.monster, 0)+ " has been killed",bc_all | bc_blue; OnTimer15000: announce "Please wait till next announcement monster spawn",bc_all | bc_blue; end; }
  7. -bash: ./configure: Permission denied I was install pcre and ./configure is denied when I run ./configure --with-pcre
  8. I can't find the path of pcre installation folder. Am I need to install pcre first?
  9. When I'm trying to make sql on new server I got this error. I has modifity inter_athena.conf, map_athena.conf and char_athena.conf but doesn't work. I has create user access for inter_athena.conf for new database and nothing change. Can someone help me? Or open service for migration server?
  10. Hello everyone, I wanted to have custom battleground can recall everyone who registered to the room even he inside dungeon <notify and monsterignore>. I hope someone have this custom battleground script.
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