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Everything posted by vomaito

  1. Edit your: db/[pre-]re/item_trade.txt
  2. Utiliza un ciclo for para comparar. for(.@i = 0; .@i < @$partymembercount; .@i = .@i + 1){ if(.@var$ == @$partymembername$[.@i]){ goto cord9; } } y: getpartymember getcharid(1), 1; debería ser. getpartymember getcharid(1), 0; de acuerdo con https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt#L9114
  3. Estás usando el ID 10504 en el LUA. Debes usar el mismo ID en el Cons.txt
  4. Maybe you can edit motd.txt function reader or use create a NPC with string array to broadcast messages I think it's easier.
  5. Los NPC que usan IDs de Mobs siempre se verán con la espada de ataque. Checa aqui: http://supportmii.com/ro1/JudasBible.pdf No sé si los NPC que quieres añadir deben estar cargados en el db/cons.txt según yo si era necesario, para que el cliente mande la petición
  6. Hi i wanna edit this conf var, because only works with Equips but you can still use consumables. I was searching on rA git looking for the code, but I don't found anything. Only battle.c and battle.h reference this var but can't find the function in src/map. Someone can Help me, please?
  7. Estas usando packet obfuscation? Estas usando el packetver correcto? (creo es el 53 o 54 no sé muy bien eso esta en packet_db.txt)
  8. How can I use a Sprite_name mob like NPC view const? Is it posible or need to add things? Thanks. Close this, use ID instead of Spr_name. Close please, I use idmob instead of sprite_name. Sorry.
  9. Nop, Need to use SRC to change bNoMagicDamage and add Races. Like bSubEle command.
  10. Yep, login table is update when you login. The script needs account variables and use OnPCLogin/OnPcLogout events. Like: OnPCLoginEvent: ##LAST_LOGIN = atoi(gettimestr("%Y%m%d,21)); end; and also a switch to check days difference or months.. also maybe need a SQL protecction for this a player could create accounts that only log one time for farm the price. I dont check function is a Euphy original work but edited by me. function script Check_IP { // Get list of accounts with attached character's IP address. set .@size, query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `last_ip` = '"+getcharip()+"'",.@aid); if(.@size <2) return; for(.@i=0;.@i<.@size;.@i++){ attachrid(.@aid[i]); set ##LAST_LOGIN = atoi(gettimestr("%Y%m%d,21)); } return; }
  11. No problem, i change questprogress for checkquest. was easier.
  12. Thanks I think need also include the header in script.c or script.h
  13. Maybe we need to set delay quest when instance is created (?)
  14. I know, but return types are incompatible, i wanna know if someone has the patch for use both (rA instances or herc instances) without re-script herc instances.
  15. I wanna know if somebody can give his src mod for get quest progress command from Herc (for instances). And also I wanna know the main difference between rA & Herc instances system
  16. Thanks Woon I'll try make rA compatible. I think the hard thing in instance is translate dialogs.
  17. Hi, somebody sells these instance (with itemdb, mob_db, skill_db)? PM Thanks Sorry Geffen Magic Tournament*
  18. Hi, I change the Max Lvl for Oboro to 175. And I have a problem with Illusion-Death, because cause always coma (Max Lvl cause this because all Players are same or lower base lvl). Thats one problem, the second. SC_COMA bypass GTB Card (Only in this skill, other work fine Coma Tarot not bypass...), I think it is because the SRC of skill Use this: case KO_JYUSATSU: if( dstsd && tsc && !tsc->data[type] && rnd()%100 < ((45+5*skill_lv) + skill_lv*5 - status_get_int(bl)/2) ){//[(Base chance of success) + (Skill Level x 5) - (int / 2)]%. clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv, status_change_start(src,bl,type,10000,skill_lv,0,0,0,skill_get_time(skill_id,skill_lv),SCSTART_NOAVOID|SCSTART_NOTICKDEF)); status_percent_damage(src, bl, tstatus->hp * skill_lv * 5, 0, false); // Does not kill the target. if( status_get_lv(bl) <= status_get_lv(src) ) status_change_start(src,bl,SC_COMA,10,skill_lv,0,src->id,0,0,SCSTART_NONE); }else if( sd ) clif_skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); break; I think problem is in status_change_start(src,bl,type,10000,skill_lv,0,0,0,skill_get_time(skill_id,skill_lv),SCSTART_NOAVOID|SCSTART_NOTICKDEF)); For SCSTART_NOAVOID bypass GTB, but how to reduce the 100% coma chance, and make GTB effect apply? Change the 10000 to other number should work but, this is about Curse state. If any one could explain me the SRC will be great. PD: Is There any SRC doc with real documentation, I mean, one in doc/ is too useless. Thanks.
  19. Thanks for answer, I have client 2015-10-29, but That pack is compatible with rAthena? and, if I wanna add more (for other Jobs), need to do in this way? OriginalName.spr to OriginalName_1.spr? Also, is opendressroom in rA? I can't see in doc. Thanks
  20. Hi I was Wondering if I can use 2 (or 3) Sprites for Jobs on one server, maybe using a Stylist Npc to change or use a costume item. How can I do this? Thanks.
  21. For example if a player has certain equip, he can obtain 120% of reflect melee, well i wanna put a block. i think i only need -min(bonus.short_weapon_damage_return, 75); but my question is, Reflect Shield stack with this value? example will be 75 + 40%? And Where i can put the min for elemental resistance? Thanks.
  22. Hey that's pretty creative! Never thought of doing it like this before. :] Some Help, the others NPC dialog got error (close dialog or freeze) when I announce something and the player is talking to npc
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