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  1. First of all, i dont know if this is the right forum to post this but i couldnt find any specific section. What happens is that for some reason I used "@useskill 54 5" on a few players in my server, the max lvl for resurrection is 4 and I used 5 by mistake. Now those players cant be targeted by mobs, cant talk to npcs, and if they log out cant log in their character again. Since I cant kill them if they're offline, how can I fix this? Anywhere in the database for the "state" their characters have right now? Its like they're alive but still dead at the same time, please any ideas?
  2. I have a problem with delayed consumables (type 11) on my server, I can't use them. No matter how much I try using shortcuts or double clicking the items aren't consumed, It doesn't seems to be a client-side thing neither a server-side one I believe its something related to the packets. Weird thing is some players can use them without problems, but some others can't. Anyone haves an idea of what could it be and/or how to fix it?
  3. I wanted to report this because I've noticed this is a bug that can be abused on all the servers. According to the original configuration in the source file instance.c when an instance is created but there is no players inside it activates a idle timer that after 5 minutes destroys the instance and allows the party leader to create the instance again over and over, so players can get advantage of this situation and xploit the instances to kill monsters and get items without timing restrictions or limits. For this test I modified the INSTANCE_LIMIT to 60000 which is equal to 1 minute for the idle timer before the instance is destroyed. Heres the video: (In case you wonder, I translated the endless script from english to spanish) As you can see I created a party, requested and created the instance with the leader and entered with the party member. Then I killed all the mobs on the first floor and went out, waited for the instance to be destroyed by the idle timer and then created the instance again and started all over from the first floor. That is how some players abuse of the endless tower instance to get Golden Thiefbug Card. Recomendations: Option 1: Create some kind of condition where if the idle timer is over the instance is destroyed and the party members cannot create the instance again. They would be affected by the Endless Tower Effect and would have to wait the defined amount of time as if they would have completed or failed the instance. Option 2: Same as option 1 but it would only apply to those characters who entered the instance. Option 3: Remove the idle timer and let the party use just the Endless Tower Time Limit defined, if this time is over or the leader breaks the party, the instance is destroyed. Or however you decide to fix it but this need to be fixed to avoid xploiting on instances.
  4. in battle.h? rAmod is different from default rAthena. so expected there are lots of error occurs. better ask Zephyrus via Skype if you have contact. You were right, I forgot to apply manual changes in battle.h Now I was able to compile and the adjustments seems to be working properly, the only concern I have left is the change I did where I had to modify: MF_NOPVPMODE = 70 to MF_NOPVPMODE on script.c for being able to use MF_ATK_RATE = 70 If Zephyrus had it like that was for something and I dont want to do a mess with eAmod code. Any suggestion?
  5. First of all, I downloaded: Global-damage-adjustment-rA-20150914-d1f94700.diff After applying everything manually im getting this when compiling. Im using rAthena with eAmods. Also I had to change MF_NOPVPMODE = 70 to MF_NOPVPMODE for being able to use MF_ATK_RATE = 70 because I was getting an error there too. (I dont know if thats a right thing to do, since eAmod uses MF_NOPVPMODE = 70 for something) Any ideas?
  6. I've found this on clif.c: //SELF skills can be used with the storage open, issue: 8027 if( (pc_cant_act2(sd) || sd->chatID) && skill_id != RK_REFRESH && !(skill_id == SR_GENTLETOUCH_CURE && (sd->sc.opt1 == OPT1_STONE || sd->sc.opt1 == OPT1_FREEZE || sd->sc.opt1 == OPT1_STUN)) && sd->state.storage_flag && !(inf&INF_SELF_SKILL) ) //SELF skills can be used with the storage open, issue: 8027 return; How do I modify it so self skills can not be used with the storage open? Apparently they fixed it on hercules: http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-8027-when-the-storage-is-open-you-can-use-self-skills/ but the syntax seems to be a little different than rAthena, if someone would be so kind to translate the fix so it can be used on rAthena I'd appreciate it enough. EDIT : I found a solution myself by replacing: if( (pc_cant_act2(sd) || sd->chatID) && skill_id != RK_REFRESH && !(skill_id == SR_GENTLETOUCH_CURE && (sd->sc.opt1 == OPT1_STONE || sd->sc.opt1 == OPT1_FREEZE || sd->sc.opt1 == OPT1_STUN)) && sd->state.storage_flag && !(inf&INF_SELF_SKILL) ) //SELF skills can be used with the storage open, issue: 8027 return; to: if( (pc_cant_act2(sd) || sd->chatID) && skill_id != RK_REFRESH && !(skill_id == SR_GENTLETOUCH_CURE && (sd->sc.opt1 == OPT1_STONE || sd->sc.opt1 == OPT1_FREEZE || sd->sc.opt1 == OPT1_STUN)) && sd->state.storage_flag && (inf&INF_SELF_SKILL) ) //SELF skills can be used with the storage open, issue: 8027 return; Just had to remove ! from !(inf&INF_SELF_SKILL) and leave it like this: (inf&INF_SELF_SKILL) Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks to you all for the support, topic can be closed now.
  7. Didn't work, I'm still able to use non-clickable skills while the storage is opened. As you can see I have the storage opened and I can spam the skill Magnum Break or use Teleport. Any other idea about how to fix it?
  8. I have notice that lately (on hercules and rathena servers) you can use non-clickable skills while you have your storage opened. For example using teleport skill or magnum break. Is there a way to fix this? Because as far as I remember I used to play a few severs where you wasn't able to do this, so I assume its a bug needed to be solved. Thanks for reading this, I'll be waiting for answers.
  9. That helped, I did what I wanted to. There was no need to make source edition after all. Thanks!
  10. Here's the thing, Im doing a private server with a friend and we don't really know that much about source edition. We were talking about creating a custom command that launchs a script. For example, I have a script in this location: svn/trunk/npc/custom/project/wings.txt Inside the game, at the moment a user types @wings the script mentioned above wich is a dialog script should launch. I know that for some of you guys its a easy thing to do but it isnt for me, thats why im asking for help. If you can explain me how to do it step by step ill be grateful. Thanks in advance.
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