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GodLesZ last won the day on November 24 2011

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About GodLesZ

  • Birthday 06/12/1987

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    Bedburg (Germany)
  • Interests
    Software Development

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Poring (1/15)




Community Answers

  1. Suggestion for config: // Give additional experience bonus per party-member involved on even-share parties (excluding youself!). // Example: If set to 10 // => +40% experience for every killed mob (because of 4 party-member, without you) // => 140% experience in total (if 100% would be the normal experience per party-member) // => 140%/5 = experience for every party-member (28%) // => would be 20% if set to this 0 (no additional bonus given) party_even_share_bonus: 0
  2. Totally agree with the clean up. But we should talk about the implementation of the new struct. As @Sirius_White pointed out, it is. Well, nice idea but failed by design
  3. Please see attachments. Its a small diff changing the way how the target/spawn cell got calculated. The cell is searched among the whole map. atcommand_monster_rnd_spawn.patch
  4. GodLesZ

    @go and @

    Wrong way to remove the notification itself. Right way is to check for string length (see attachment). Always let the user know what something was wrong. Any error message like "error" is better than a player thinking like "wtf is going on here? Nothing happend? I tried it several times? WTF?" player_commands_length.patch
  5. If you could use the identifer LOOTITEM_SIZE in the message You can have 10 items on your autolootitem list. i would vote for it.
  6. Yea, the delay beteen the animations as i said And this is the ressource hack. Setting all delays to 0 allows to spam some skills. But how exactly dos it work? Because the delay beteen skill uses are server-side.
  7. I've tried to find some episode overviews or something like this to compare them with the current revision, buts its hard Oo So instead of thinking about a nice todo list, we firstly need a full episode guide/overview to compare against it. Here are some informations i found after a quick search: RO Future Wiki - Informations since 10.3.: http://ro.doddlercon.com/wiki/ Spanish overview Small iRO List We should also beware of iRO/kRO updates as shown here: IRO / kRO Comparison As for the current state, we should check L0ne_Wolf's script dev task list: Script Dev. Tasks Anything beyond this overviews should be taken from the patch notes. Doddler listed them as 2009 kRO Patch Notice, 2007 kRO Patch Notice and the kRO Maintenance list. I also found this page, which seems to list all changes since 2004.
  8. I would love to see some suggestions about current features like txt support. Its hard to come on the same base for things like removing old packet version and that. But things like txt support should be discussed i think.
  9. I'd like to suggest the style of my company I'm working on. We use it for PHP, Python, Perl, C, C++ and even Assembler. /** * Description here, * Even multilined. * - 1 line space before params or return statements * - 1 line space between params and return statements * * @param<TAB><name of param><TAB><Parameter description> * * @return<TAB><type of return><TAB><Return description> */ This is our style of comments and is used above every function/method/prodcedure and is supported natively from doxygen i.e. I would love to see somedays every comment in that way <3 Also, if a comment takes 2 or more lines, we use multiline comment blocks. If not, single line comments of course. Suggestions?
  10. I've an act parser, using in my game which uses ragnarok file. The format is quite known and it isent that hard to do something with it. The real question is how should we use such a database? I've heard about ressource hacks, but never thought about how they are working. The main skill delay is handled on server-side using skill_cast_db.txt, so which delay will be reduced via act file edits?
  11. Hello, are you sick? D:

  12. Just pasted from doc/script_commands.txt: ** Define a shop/cashshop NPC. -%TAB%shop%TAB%<NPC Name>%TAB%<sprite id>,<itemid>:<price>{,<itemid>:<price>...} <map name>,<x>,<y>,<facing>%TAB%shop%TAB%<NPC Name>%TAB%<sprite id>,<itemid>:<price>{,<itemid>:<price>...} This will define a shop NPC, which, when triggered (which can only be done by clicking) will cause a shop window to come up. No code whatsoever runs in shop NPCs and you can't change the prices otherwise than by editing the script itself. (No variables even exist at this point of scripting, so don't even bother trying to use them.) The item id is the number of item in the 'item_db.txt' database. If Price is set to -1, the 'buy price' given in the item database will be used. Otherwise, the price you gave will be used for this item, which is how you create differing prices for items in different shops. Since trunk r12264 you can alternatively use "cashshop" in place of "shop" to use the Cash Shop interface, allowing you to buy items with special points (Currently stored as account vars in global_reg #CASHPOINTS and #KAFRAPOINTS.) This type of shop will not allow you to sell items at it, you may only purchase items here. The layout used to define sale items still count, and "<price>" refers to how many points will be spent purchasing the them.
  13. GodLesZ


    Yep its a smiley, just like the following poring face:
  14. Hehe even again, just as info for other poeple.. I always got this error while import the basic item and/or mob sql data from eAtehna. This seems to relies on the rhombus (#), which is usally a comment style of mysql. Just remove every line beginning with an # and all should be fine. Glad to help ya
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