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Everything posted by JayPee

  1. If you have a VPS why not host the website in your VPS? until you can afford to have a separate webhost. Try awardspace I dont know if they allowed external SQL. Zymic is also good free webhost but I think they IP Block the Philippines
  2. tingnan mo ung login table sa sql mo if your using SQL version dapat kung sa database din ung sa login is ragnarok and ragnarok din makikita mo sya kasi p1 and s1 ang default na nakalagay
  3. i assume the eaccelerator_cache_page() is not present in the current php version you use. If is it a userdefined your missing that function.
  4. Aw I didnt notice that XD. I think he needs to know what castle has been conquered and then query first the castle holders/owners in the guild_caste db and then query them in woe_record db if they exist (update) and not exist(Insert)?
  5. here - attachrid(<account ID>) - detachrid; Like this?
  6. you have an error here: dapat ganito blank talaga ang plist.txt kasi ikaw ang maglalagay dun
  7. I dont know if this is going to work. I assume your checking if the .@ignore has a value? If the code does not work try this. I think the update statement do not need any variables since it is only updating.
  8. check your directory you need to be inside the server files director use dir command to see the files
  9. Try mong tingnan sa conf folder ng server
  10. HTML cant do server side commands you need to make it a .php file I hope it works here is the FluxCP version put it in your fluxcp modules folder ex: modules/breakerladder/ladder.php <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; $sql = "SELECT char.char_id,char.name,global_reg_value.str,global_reg_value.char_id,global_reg_value.value FROM {$server->charMapDatabase}.global_reg_value "; $sql .= "LEFT JOIN {$server->charMapDatabase}.char ON (global_reg_value.char_id == char.char_id) "; $sql .= " WHERE global_reg_value.str='brokeemp' ORDER BY global_reg_value.value DESC LIMIT 5"; $server->connection->getStatement($sql); $sth->execute(); $ladder = $sth->fetchAll(); ?> and also put this in your theme folder ex: themes/default/breakerladder/ladder.php <?php foreach($ladder as $topfive) { echo "Breaker Name".$topfive->name." -- ".$topfive->value." point(s)<br/>"; } ?> I didnt test coz I have so many applications opened in my desktop.
  11. I noticed that FluxCP has XML version of the server status. I would like to share how to easily customize your online status. We are going to use SimpleXMLElement Class in php. //Specify what is the URL of the status-xml $url = "http://www.yourdomain.com/FluxCP/index.php?module=server&action=status-xml"; //Get the content of the status xml using file_get_contents function $statusxmlcontent = file_get_contents($url); //Load the content to the SimpleXMLElement class so it will be in array form $statusxmlarray = new SimpleXMLElement($statusxmlcontent ); //You can use var_dump($statusxmlarray); to see the structure of the array //Getting the Map Server Status //$statusxmlarray->Group->Server['mapServer'] if($statusxmlarray->Group->Server['mapServer'] == 0) echo "Map Svr is Offline"; else echo "Map Svr is Online"; //Getting the Character Server Status //$statusxmlarray->Group->Server['charServer'] if($statusxmlarray->Group->Server['charServer'] == 0) echo "Char Svr is Offline"; else echo "Char Svr is Online"; //Getting the Login Server Status //$statusxmlarray->Group->Server['loginServer'] if($statusxmlarray->Group->Server['loginServer'] == 0) echo "Login Svr is Offline"; else echo "Login Svr is Online"; //Getting the Online Users //$statusxmlarray->Group->Server['playersOnline'] echo "Users Online : ".$statusxmlarray->Group->Server['playersOnline'];
  12. You need to make the page to .php just by renaming it. I assume you dont use FluxCP <?php /* Database Access */ $address = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = "root"; $database = "ragnarok"; $connect = mysql_connect($address,$username,$password) or die("Incorrect SQL Access Information"); $db_select = mysql_select_db($database,$connect) or die("Cannot find database"); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE str='.mysql_real_escape_string("brokeemp").' ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 5"; $query = mysql_query($sql_query) or die(mysql_error()); //Loop while($fetch = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ echo "Breaker: ".getCharnameByCharID($fetch['char_id']); echo " -- Points: ".$fetch['value']; } function getCharnameByCharID($charid) { //This will return the character name if(is_numeric($charid)) { $query = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM char WHERE char_id='".mysql_real_escape_string($charid)."'"); if(mysql_num_rows($query)>0) { $charname = mysql_fetch_array($query); return $charname['name']; } else return "Char Not Found"; } } ?> I dont test it coz Iam lazy to run my test server.
  13. Can you post more details? Like putting the structure of the SQL table of the breaker ladder.
  14. @TooTpher Nope Its not the problem I also have the correct configuration on that. Its pretty weird.
  15. I experienced this also in the pas but I solved it by moving my fluxcp folder example: my fluxcp folder is in wampl/www/Control Panels/FluxCP - it gives me login credential error with correct configuration and account details I try to move it in this kind of directory : wamp/www/FluxCP - the errors went away when i try this Hope It solves your problem
  16. I think the colored red one is the problem its inside the <?php ?> i think it should be like this <?php //Vote 4 Points page for votes session_start(); include_once './config.php'; // loads config variables include_once './query.php'; // imports queries include_once './functions.php'; if(isset($_SESSION[$CONFIG_name.'account_id'])) { if ($_SESSION[$CONFIG_name.'account_id'] >0) { opentable("Vote 4 Points"); ?> <a href='vote.php?site=1' target='_blank'><img src="http://www.xtremetop100.com/votenew.jpg"/></a> <a href='vote.php?site=2' target='_blank'><img src="http://www.gamesites200.com/ragnarok/vote.gif"/></a> <a href='vote.php?site=1' target='_blank'><img src="http://www.gtop100.com/images/votebutton.jpg"/></a> <?php closetable(); fim(); } } ?> There is also a problem here in your config.php I think it should be without the comma symbol(,) at the end coz its the end of the array element 3 => 'http://www.gtop100.com/in.php?site=67293&cookie_test=true'
  17. I think the colored red one is the problem its inside the <?php ?> i think it should be like this <?php //Vote 4 Points page for votes session_start(); include_once './config.php'; // loads config variables include_once './query.php'; // imports queries include_once './functions.php'; if(isset($_SESSION[$CONFIG_name.'account_id'])) { if ($_SESSION[$CONFIG_name.'account_id'] >0) { opentable("Vote 4 Points"); ?> <a href='vote.php?site=1' target='_blank'><img src="http://www.xtremetop100.com/votenew.jpg"/></a> <a href='vote.php?site=2' target='_blank'><img src="http://www.gamesites200.com/ragnarok/vote.gif"/></a> <a href='vote.php?site=1' target='_blank'><img src="http://www.gtop100.com/images/votebutton.jpg"/></a> <?php closetable(); fim(); } } ?> There is also a problem here in your config.php I think it should be without the comma symbol(,) at the end coz its the end of the array element 3 => 'http://www.gtop100.com/in.php?site=67293&cookie_test=true'
  18. compile mo lang ulit pag linux na gagamitin mo... rathena, eathena and 3ceam works in both Windows and Linux Servers basta lahat ng required libraries nya ay nakainstall
  19. check if you properly imported the logs.sql and check also your conf/inter_athena.conf Check this if you entered the right database for your log mysql database // MySQL Log SQL Database log_db_ip: log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: root log_db_pw: root log_db_db: ragnaroklogin log_codepage:
  20. JayPee

    This or That?

    Ponys?(Iam not gay aha) YahooMail or Gmail?
  21. How about when the gm logged in a script will identify it if it is a GM or not and dress the gm according to the assigned look by using setlook command. I dont know if it is possible.
  22. check if you successfully uploaded menu.php and ceres.js and kindly check if you have this function load_menu(); in your index.php
  23. tingnan mo dun sa npc/mobs/dungeon ata un
  24. Try to lessen the commands that the application can execute in SQL like only allowing them to Select, Update, Delete and Insert which are the basic sql commands. I also found this in our Hostgator webpanel it offers website security: http://www.sitelock.com/landing/hostgator.php
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