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Everything posted by JayPee

  1. Hello, try this goto npc/guild/agit_template.txt find: // Respawn the Emperium, and display new owners. sleep 500; // Slow down script execution slightly. if( agitcheck() ) donpcevent "Agit#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnStartArena"; sleep getbattleflag("gvg_eliminate_time"); replace this: announce "The [" + getcastlename(strnpcinfo(2)) + "] castle has been conquered by the [" + getguildName(.@GID) + "] guild.",bc_all|bc_woe; by this announce "The [" + getcastlename(strnpcinfo(2)) + "] castle has been conquered by "+strcharinfo(0)+" of the [" + getguildName(.@GID) + "] guild.",bc_all|bc_woe;
  2. Kung sa tingin mo tama lahat ng pagkakalagay mo ng info sa config.php. Sa tingin ko ay Granting Permission problem yan try mo igrant ung address mo sa mysql(VPS).
  3. I think its possible since you can specify what IP address the map, login and char will be connecting. About the lagness of the game I think it will depend on the internet connection of the player.
  4. Hello, if this is not yet solved here is my sample program that will get the news in your fluxcp Note: I use calciumkid fluxcp CMS Addson here You need to edit fluxcpnews.html and edit also the url in the javascript inside the HTML file This program use jquery library it is also included in the rar file flucxpajax.rar
  5. can you specify or tell what voting system you use? coz it will need the sql table structure of the voting system
  6. JayPee

    phpMyAdmin problem

    you need to set a password in your mysql root account Edit: topic split coz its different to the topic
  7. I'll try to look at them when I got home currently at work
  8. you can do it via Ajax or you can make a separate page on it then load it using iFrame. I suggest to use jquery ajax since its very easy to ajax in jquery see http://www.jquery.com for more details.
  9. So I guess your CP is uploaded and your connecting your CP to your mysql which is running in your local computer? If yes try to disable your firewall.
  10. On what page this occur? I think your mysql port is not open.to accept external connection. or too much timeout happens before it connects to your mysql
  11. You must create your thor file using Thor Maker. It will generate a file with a file extension of .thor
  12. Did you edit something before you compile your server?
  13. try delete this code and this also
  14. The login screen appear? It just reported Incorrect username and password?
  15. Can you post the code?
  16. You can just google it and I found one: http://torrentfreak....eate-a-torrent/ I think torrent works using Peer to Peer connections.
  17. Its working on my test server. Kindly provide the information below this could help me identify whats wrong in your cp. Is your CP is separated to your server: Ex. I host my CP in a shared webhost and my server is hosted to a vps. Is your mysql configuration correct: check your config/server.php and try to login to your mysql to verify that your database access information is correct. Is the mysql user you use in the cp is granted with the following commands: Ex: Select, Insert, Update, Delete and Create Temporary Table, Create Table. Well just to clarify my FluxCP integration just changed the design I didn't modify alot in FluxCP codes.
  18. Base on the comments it seems that the script is not fully functional or contain errors
  19. I guess it can be a problem since I coded them in rAthena
  20. PHP Script or rAthena Script? if PHP Script please post the following requiredments and providde information about the structure of your SQL Tables
  21. I think its normal since the report file not found is at the conf/import/ If your not allowed to use that code it will just displayed like a normal text check conf/atcommand_athena.conf
  22. I guess if you select RO - GRF it means the files to be deleted is inside the GRF. Give it a try
  23. I guess script cant prevent that, well sort of, since script can only detect it the player is already been killed
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