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Everything posted by OscarScorp

  1. Hello. I have added two custom textures to a map, these green and blue textures but it appears as to have black corners or spots as a pattern. My textures are plain color green and blue respectively. Anyone knows how to properly add custom textures without having this issue? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hello everyone, I was wondering if it's possible to change the attributes given by the Very Strong's benefits, since, these only give a small portion of bonus attack. I would like to change it to higher damage or even to add MATK into these. Is it possible? Where can I find the src for this? Thank you in advance!
  3. Sorry for necroposting but for anyone looking to fix this, I made it work by creating a SC_PKMODE status just as benching mentioned. Thank you! if( battle_config.vs_traps_bctall && (src->type&battle_config.vs_traps_bctall) && map_flag_vs(src->m) && sc && sc->data[SC_PKMODE]) target = BCT_ALL; I'm just wondering how can I detect if the player is in combat, to disable the toggle of PK mode to off. Not sure where to do that. Nevermind, I also managed to fix this by adding: if (battle_config.prevent_logout && DIFF_TICK(gettick(), sd->canlog_tick) < battle_config.prevent_logout) clif_displaymessage(sd->fd, "Cannot escape from PK Mode during combat! Please wait 10 seconds."); Problem solved! ? Hope this helps anyone looking for the same issue.
  4. Is it possible to add a @command when using a specific Skill? I'm enabling PKmode in my server and would like to make it more user-friendly by linking it to a skill instead of using "@pkmode" command in chat, and with this, I can add a cooldown to re-using the skill. Thanks in advance!
  5. In src/map/skill.cpp, search (ctrl+f) for "MH_MAGMA_FLOW", at this part: case MH_MAGMA_FLOW: case MH_PAIN_KILLER: sc_start(src,bl, type, 100, skill_lv, skill_get_time(skill_id, skill_lv)); if (hd) skill_blockhomun_start(hd, skill_id, skill_get_cooldown(skill_id, skill_lv)); break; Add the following line below case "MH_MAGMA_FLOW:" clif_specialeffect(bl,1,AREA); //bl = target. or src = player. | 1 = effect ID or name | AREA = seen by everyone, can be changed to Player only if I remember correctly. You can find the effect list here or here. Hope it works for you!
  6. In regards of PVM (Monsters): I'm thinking on commenting all Renewal's lv1 to lv90 monsters from the database (mob_db.txt) and using the pre-renewal mob_db.txt instead. Do you think it will solve this issue? (additionally to the file changes I've already mentioned). This would mean in a pre-renewal experience from lv1 to lv90, afterwards it would be a renewal experience.
  7. Thank you for your feedback! You're right. Honestly, to me, Renewal was all flashy effects, damage numbers and cool sprites. Bringing new classes to the table was exciting, everything new sounds exciting (I love the Rebellion sprite), but once I started playing for some time, I found it wasn't the same experience back in pre-renewal. I had a hard time understanding the differences, but now the gap is getting clearer. At the same time, I want to understand what people like about Renewal. I know I like some of the 3rd classes abilities --these specifically seem to fix some of the job's flaws, as if skills such as Clementia, Canto Candidus, Reading Spellbook (without Freezing Spell) and others, were really meant for previous classes. I should've written this down in my original post, my apologies. If people like Renewal must be because it's fun. Being any class they prefer to play as, which can deal large ammounts of damage, means no more restraints of choosing a specific class. As an RPG player and game designer, the "power-building" or "snowball effect" is present. People enjoy having their character grow, getting stronger, but it seems Gravity made a mistake on trying to mimic other mmorpgs as mentioned, changing the style and resulting in a power-hungry game. New 1st and 2nd Job Skills I believe these classes are missing some of the "fun" from higher jobs, therefore I am working on adding new abilities (but not as strong) to them. Making jobs more viable on leveling but not completely independent. I'm focusing on making them fun. True. I altered my level_penalty.txt to make it so users recieve 10% EXP from monsters with 15 levels lower than them, but to obtain 200% EXP from Monsters 30 levels above, encouraging the high-risk, high-reward gameplay (or simply make parties). I haven't tested this penalty/bonus curve so I'm unsure if it will work in game with many players. I also have to note, that defeating monsters 31 levels above yours, won't grant you more than 10% EXP - do you think I should get rid of this limit? I also modified the drop modifier to be 100% flat to any level, never liked it. Quests in Renewal I was told Eden had its flaws, such as the equipment being stronger than the rest of the items for the same level-range, making them almost useless, but the quests also brought an issue to the game. Players saw these quests as the optimal way to level up, now almost nobody wanted to adventure themselves to hunt exp. Before, in pre-renewal, I remember many maps being filled with players, now these maps are empty. When I played in a renewal server and asked where to level up, players always told me to "just go to Eden, finish quests up to lv99 then do these other quests". I found that to be too repetitive and ending in people not wanting to repeat the process not wanting to create a new character since it would be the same boring process, meaning no replaybility. I am considering removing Eden entirely, but I didn't see the positive points from it, as you said, these quests sent players to hunt to specific maps. An incentive for players to adventure themselves. I can add some quests for this purpose, but not as many for players to only rely on these to get up to lv99. I am thinking of adding one or two quests for lv20-25, then there will be no quests for players until lv33-36. During these gaps, players are forced to search and hunt for new mobs, adventure themselves into new maps, but these previous quests would teach them to use their feet and go into an adventure into new maps. Power-hungry & Grinding I have seen some RO channels and, honestly, I'm tired of watching the same behaviour on every video: "Here's a new instance with stronger equipment. Forget the previous ones obtained from 2-3 instances ago". I'm tired of seeing the only goal of becoming stronger and stronger, getting +20 equipments with 3+ enchantments which empower your character to have +200 DEX for a few seconds to finally solo every instance. My head hurts everytime I see this. But isn't this the point of an RPG? To become stronger? This is why I'm confused and lost of how to bring balance to Gravity's mess. I don't want to have a server where I must add new instances, mobs and stronger equipments every month in order to entertain people, or is this the real goal of modern Ragnarok Online? Was it better to make a x2 rates server where people had to grind for months to become one of the strongest in their server, until eventually more players become that level cap and then getting bored because there is no more content? Now I'm not just a player, but a developer as well. I want to deliver the fun and greatness of Renewal and bring back the joy of the true Ragnarok experience from pre-renewal (without the flaws of both).
  8. Hello everyone, I'm here to ask you all about your experiences between pre-renewal and renewal servers, to come up with an attempt of a solution to create the best of both worlds. Introduction I've tried to search for what people liked about pre-renewal servers, what people disliked, what are people enjoying in renewal and what many people dislike but still play it nevertheless. I'm currently working on a server but I'm in the phase of heavy experimenting and would like to come up with a mixture of the best experiences from pre-re and from renewal. Even though it may seem impossible, I want to try. First, I'll talk about what I've seen in forums, comments from friends and my own experiences, then, I kindly ask you to comment your own opinion. What did you liked most of pre-renewal (if you played it) and what do you enjoy most of renewal? and at the same time, please explain thoroughly, what do you dislike about each. Pre-renewal Pros - Heavy party-looking: People were looking for parties since it looked like the most optimal and viable way to level up. I remember the old times when people were (almost) desperately looking for dps, healer, mober/tank in various maps since those were the most optimal to level up due to experience gained. No quests, it was mainly killing a large group of monsters or keep on grinding for hours for that sweet sweet 0.05% EXP (this might sound like a downside but we'll talk about that later). Seals: Fur Seals in Kokomo beach (cmd_fild02). Many people were looking for party in a small area with a tent and a hammock, like if it was meant for that. The "safe area" where everyone looked for party, and some protected the players with chat-rooms. Mi Gaos: At the south of Louyang (lou_fild01). Mages and archers would target the sandies, while high-vit/flee jobs such as Knights or Assassins could protect the range attackers. Priests were always welcome. Geographers: If you didn't have a party, you can come to the north of Einbroch to grind for some hours, maybe find someone to level up together, even adventure in a party into new areas. Isis and Ancient Mummies: At the end of Morroc Pyramids, people were gathering at the corner of the map to find people to join their mega-party of 15 players, to kill Isis, Mummys, sometimes fly from Mimics, Ancient Mummies for the strong ones and if you're lucky enough, encounter Osiris for the whole map (or those nearby) to fight him. Majoruros: Only some jobs could go into the deepest cave of Glast Heim in order to obtain large amounts of EXP when defeating Majoruros in group. You'd need a mober, a Bard and a 2 Wizards (or 1 skilled HW) in order to defeat groups of these bulls. Skeggiolds: Assassins, Gunslingers and Hunters (believe it or not) had a hard time being accepted to high-level parties, therefore they could gather at Odin's temple. Priests would buff the ranged DPS while give Aspersio to melee classes. Now for something a bit odd: Thor's Volcano in pre-re: Only the most elite and prepared players could enter a party at this dungeon. Monsters are ferocious. These one-shot you with a fireball, therefore a Pasana card was a must. A Jakk card for the squishy ones. These areas were magical because people gathered to make parties, to group up and level up together. Players were looking for more at cities, this playstyle made people come together, it was almost obligatory. - Stats were stronger than equipment, therefore having equipment didn’t have a strong impact on performance compared to Stats. Even if you had a +7 set with cards, a skilled and leveled player could beat you. Pre-renewal Cons Since the class system was almost obligatory in order to level up, people like Priests sometimes didn’t have a party to play with and it was almost impossible to level up by themselves, forcing them to play another class instead. The areas to level up were limited by your Job. Grind-heavy: Hours, days, weeks, months. A player had to invest many hours of their time in order to be successful at the game. The system worked, but it had its flaws, this might made Gravity thought of their “solution”... Renewal Pros Changes to monsters made it so the leveling experience was more lineal and easier for new players to follow. Eden quests for players to level up faster, reaching high level and the most wanted by everyone, 3rd classes. With very strong abilities, now every class could deal AoE damage. Crazy amounts of damage meant not depending on parties. Now many can go on their own. Renewal Cons Changes to monsters made it so the leveling experience was more lineal and less open. Back in pre-renewal, a skilled player could level up in difficult areas such as Enchanted Peach Trees in Gonryun while still being an Archer. Now in renewal, it is impossible due to the level changes, Flee increment and low experience gain if your base level is too low or high from the monster. It is less of an open world and more of a linear experience. The changes made it so parties were not popular anymore, at least not for leveling at low levels. Everyone focuses on 3rd classes and the end game, as if reaching level 125+ was "the real deal". Level up faster, higher rates, the faster to reach 3rd class the better. No desire to level up but instead, reach the end-game and/or focus on pvp and woe. What happened to the adventuring in an MMORPG? That's what I've learned so far. But please, if you have any opinions, cons, pros, enjoyable experiences or bad experiences on any, please comment down below. I would love to see if we can come up with the best of both worlds for everyone!
  9. If you edited skill.cpp, check any part you edited. Try commenting everything you changed, recompile. If it works, then you may have the same issue I did: - I edited some skills and created some more, one of them didn't have a closing bracket (heh... rookie mistake), so it led to affecting the rest of the skills. If you edited any other file, try commenting the changes, leave 1 change uncommented, recompile, run server and check if it works. You can try 1 by 1 like this. Hopefully this help you.
  10. Bump. I've found a way to add visual effects when casting spells. edit: data/luafiles51/lua files/skilleffectinfo/skilleffectinfolist.lub. To add effects to the client's list, edit: effectid.lub (same folder). Yet, have not been able to add a visual effect on top of the target when landing a status effect, just like burning (red flame on top of target).
  11. I've found a way to add visual effects when casting spells. Client side: edit: data/luafiles51/lua files/skilleffectinfo/skilleffectinfolist.lub. To add effects to the client's list, edit: effectid.lub (same folder). This might help you ?
  12. Sorry for necroposting. Just to note that this can be applied to the newest client (2018). But instead of applying changes to db/const.txt, it should be in map/script_constants.hpp, or at least that's what I did to make it work: export_constant(CELL_MAELSTROM); export_constant(CELL_ICEWALL); export_constant(CELL_PK); /* Here's what you add instead of const.txt */ Maybe it is not even needed but I added it there anyways.
  13. Thanks! It was the .tga file, as jchcc mentioned. @AndyTheGoblin, those are for the regular images (not blurred ones), but thanks anyways!
  14. Also revise the item can be used in any map. Check item_flag.txt or item_nouse.txt if your Campfire appears on any of them. hope you get yours solved! @Emistry, thank you again for this amazing script. If it's not an issue, is it possible to add the feature of only heal if the user is Sitting?
  15. Wait, I got mine working. I... didn't do anything, it just started working. Test your items: 50007,Campfire,Campfire,0,200,50,250,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ callfunc("func_CreateCampFire", 4, 40, 1); },{},{} //<range>, <duration>, <heal_rate>; 902,Tree_Root,Tree Root,0,12,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ callfunc("func_UpdateCampFire", 0, 2, 0); },{},{} //Modified item, now usable. Revise the code provided by Emistry, or even if you need to, re-do the whole instalation process.
  16. Hello everyone, I'm looking for the image of the character select menu blurred out. I have already modified other images found in data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/select_character_ver3 folder but I can't find this one in particular. Any idea where to find it?
  17. Error in new rAthena: In file included from script.cpp:24074: ../custom/script.inc: In function 'int buildin_duplicatenpc(script_state*)': ../custom/script.inc:86:11: warning: 'char* strncat(char*, const char*, size_t)' specified bound 1 equals source length [-Wstringop-overflow=] strncat(new_npc_name, "#", 1); ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ../custom/script.inc:87:11: warning: 'char* strncat(char*, const char*, size_t)' specified bound depends on the length of the source argument [-Wstringop-overflow=] strncat(new_npc_name, new_hidden_name, strlen(new_hidden_name)); ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cannot use Campfire function in the newest rAthena item won't do anything (It worked perfectly for me before updating rAthena).
  18. Thanks crazyarashi! Worked for me but woah, it was difficult to understand It took me around 30 minutes to finally fix my gnd file.
  19. Some items are exclusive to mining! If the player wants to craft a special weapon, it can only be crafted with these exclusive ingredients. Or they could buy it from other players, but those who mine will earn extra cash!
  20. Did not found any Scripting Showcase section so I'm posting it here. Hope it isn't a problem! Mining System by OscarScorp & Zulf Inspired in Mining systems from other games, myself and in colaboration with Zulf (he did most part of the script), we've created a system with our own style and vision. Here's a 1-minute video explaining the major features: Features - Quest: After completing a quest, the user is able to do the following: - Craft pickaxes: In order to start mining, the user needs to craft & equip a Pickaxe (Old Pickaxe can also be used, but is the pickaxe with the lowest durability (7318 (Old_Pick)). - Equip pickaxes: by using a special item (0 weight, usable). - Mine: Start mining when finding these special NPCs by approaching and talking to them (must be up-close). - Rewards: Obtain a variety of items depending on the quality of the Mine. Low level mines drop items such as Iron Ore, Stone, Coal, Rough Oridecon, Rough Elunium. Medium level mines drop precious stones used for Forging Weapons, Oridecons and Eluniums. High level mines drop Diamond Carats, special forging ingredients. Epic level mines drop Enriched Elunium and Enriched Oridecon. These only appear at high level dungeons. - Level Up Mining Skill: The user is granted with a special Mining Skill (shown in the Misc tab) which can be leveled up from level 1 to a maximum of level 10. User only obtains exp for the Mining skill when mining. The higher the Mine tier, the higher the EXP is obtained. Higher Mining skill level unlocks the ability to mine from higher tier Mines. - Loot Chances: Every item has a drop chance which is increased by Mining Skill Level. Items that are more rare, have a lower chance to drop. Higher tier Pickaxes grants the user chance to drop 2 items when mining. Feedback is Appreciated! - If you happen to play in a server with this system, would you complete the quest and Mine? or would you leave it to other players? - The Mine sprites are done by me. What do you think? Are they easy to see? Are they too small or too large? Are the colors proper for the system? - We thought of a Stamina system (not implemented) which the user would require a certain ammount of Stamina in order to Mine, otherwise, the character will show a emote, with a message in chat, explaining that the user has very low Stamina and needs to recover. How to recover Stamina? By eating Cooking items (food which grants +1 to +10 status), this is to give more use to these foods and the Cooking quest. What do you think? Do you think it would turn it too tedious? Or do you think this system will promote players to cook and sell their food, and at the end, improving everyone's economy? - Any feedback is very appreciated! Note: Our server is not yet online. We're still working on it.
  21. If not, could anyone help me out with the Bowling Bash rework? I'm having a hard time figuring out how to implement the new changes.
  22. Hello everyone, My question is, will rAthena implement KRO's mass changes to many skills from 1st, 2nd and Trascendent class found here?: https://www.divine-pride.net/forum/index.php?/topic/3453-kro-mass-skills-balance-1st-2nd-and-transcendent-classes-skills/ One example: I find some of these changes very useful to these classes and I would like to know if rAthena devs have these changes in mind or are actually working on them. Thanks! ?
  23. Got mine working now. Here's my CampfireUpdater item if it helps anyone: 7203,Solid_Twig,Strong Branch,0,190,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ callfunc("func_UpdateCampFire", 5, 30, 5); },{},{}
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