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Everything posted by ChokituBR

  1. I have a simple question. Let's say I am using @Secrets script And I want to add this: https://board.herc.ws/files/file/102-hokage-sprite/ As a 2nd option for a custom sura clothe, and oktoberfest for example for Biochemist. How can I add a new LOOK_BODY2 (A body 3) And would it be possible to add palletes for this?
  2. Hey, it's easier than you thought. Go to db/re/skill_cast_db.txt and change: //-- AB_SECRAMENT 2515,1000,500,0,60000:90000:120000:150000:180000,0,0,1000 to //-- AB_SECRAMENT 2515,1000,500,0,60000:90000:120000:150000:180000,0,0,0 Let me know if it works
  3. Change getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); to getmapxy(.@m$,.@x,.@y,BL_PC);
  4. Olha o que o Mahiro fez na third class, e copia isso pra baby. com os ID's corretos pras classes que sex faz diferença.
  5. - Id: 3001 AegisName: spriteName Name: Vip Pass 1 Type: Usable Buy: 0 Weight: 1 Trade: Override: 1 NoDrop: false NoTrade: false NoSell: true NoCart: false NoGuildStorage: true NoMail: true NoAuction: true Script: | atcommand "@vip +1d/j "+strcharinfo(0)+""; Let me know if this works.
  6. Explain a little better what you want. Do you want to make the spiritball requirement 0, when group id is higher than 1 and critical explosion is active?
  7. - script hall -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "hall",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: atcommand "@warp putyourmapwarphere"; end; } Remember to add coords too
  8. Is this broken? The poring's spawn but when you kill them nothing happens.
  9. Hey guys, a long time ago I saw someone who tried to re-make Dota on Ragnarok. I decided to start a new project, re-making League of Legends on RO. The Idea will be simple, almost like a bg (around 30 minutes of duration) and we will be releasing champions and skins that will be all free (we can have some donations for other stuff, but because of Riot's Legal team we wouldn't be able to charge anything for the game. The idea started with that. I have a fair knowledge in programming and map making but nothing too great so I am looking for people to work with. I'm looking for both free lancers that I'll be paying for work and for people who wants to join the project and make this with me ? I also found out there is another guy making something similar and I already contacted him to see if we can partner up. If you have skills in: Map Making Making Sprites items/characters Scripting in general specially custom skills And you want to join the team, hit me up!
  10. Does anyone have the files for this, it's saying it was taken down due to DMCA
  11. Is there a way to pass the direction as a parameter that the mob will be facing?
  12. Good Idea, I will take a good look into that tonight and try it. Thank you very much!
  13. X-Eec, I don't think thats the issue, to be honest. I am having the same problem myself, using 800-999 range.
  14. Cara, eu to exatamente com o mesmo problema, por enquanto eu fiz um npc que me da a minha skill, mas já perguntei pra 1 galera de calibre alto do Rathena e ninguem sabe o q é.
  15. So, I have an idea on how to do it, but I'm still getting used to rathena again, so just to check if anyone has something similar before I crack my brain into this. In the cpp file: I want to cast a skill that will spawn a poring, 2 cells from where the caster is, this poring will be frozen and in the second he spawns he will start casting something for 3 seconds (basicly just a timer above his head), after this he will die and a random mob will spawn from a certain array of mobs defined by me. If the poring dies in the middle, nothing will be spawned. I think I will use something like this: If anyone can help me by anymeans or tell me if its impossible, I would be very appreciated. int x = 0, y = 0, i = 0, master = 0; struct map_session_data* pl_sd = NULL; master = sd->bl.id; do { x = sd->bl.x + (rnd() % 10 - 5); y = sd->bl.y + (rnd() % 10 - 5); } while (map_getcell(sd->bl.m, x, y, CELL_CHKNOPASS) && i++ < 10); if (i >= 10) { x = sd->bl.x; y = sd->bl.y; }
  16. That is actually a very good work ?
  17. Hey guys, I need something for my server. Some Guillotine Crosses from my server want to make a DD CRIT build, but they can't do that because of they have all the skills and as you guys know, double attack decreases the chances of critical attack. Does anyone have any ideas on how to remove a skill from those Guillotine Crosses?
  18. See if that helps you, search for offline and you should see the answer.
  19. That might be a good idea. I'm just afraid if it's going to be good. I'll see what I can do. Do you have any idea on how to do a custom full sprite changer equipment?
  20. In your item db, in this case, change 2387,Sprint_Mail,Sprint Mail,4,20,,1000,,20,,1,0x00CFFF80,18,2,16,,70,1,0,{ bonus bVit,1; bonus bHPrecovRate,5; bonus bAddItemHealRate,3; bonus2 bSkillHeal,"AL_HEAL",3; },{},{} for 2387,Sprint_Mail,Sprint Mail,5,20,,1000,,3,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,16,,70,1,0,{ bonus bVit,1; bonus bHPrecovRate,5; bonus bAddItemHealRate,3; bonus2 bSkillHeal,"AL_HEAL",3; },{},{}
  21. The second one I couldn't find, but I'll take a look. I am kind of sad, regarding the 1 and 3, I wanted to do something special :/
  22. Hey everyone, I am starting a project and I have a couple of questions, if you know the answer, please help me. I don't script for RO for a while now. I created a topic before but I think it's better to keep everything together. 1- Is there an easy way to add custom GM sprites but for each GM (for example: GM Naruto has a Naruto Sprite and GM Sasuke has a Sasuke sprite. 2-How can I create a skill that when I use it, My sprite will change to a custom mob sprite and add a special boost in the player HP while transformed? ( Like the White Dropping Eddga Effect, its not an equipments, tho, only the skill ), will I use active_transform ? 3-Is it possible to create a command that will change the player GRF? When the Admin types @grf <playername> 1 it will be the default grf, but if he types @grf <playername> 2, will be a different one (of course, downloaded with the server files) 4- Where can I find more about custom mobs/skills in the RAthena Emulator? Thank you, Chokitu
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