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Sehrentos last won the day on October 12 2018

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  1. Thanks for the help. Only the Win32 mode is working on my machine. So I will work with that for now, but it would be nice to use x64 when possible.
  2. Great work. I too like the idea of fully customizable client and this will accomplish it. Too bad that the browsers does not support direct UDP socket out of the box. So the wsProxy is used to forward the clients WebSocket to the rAthena server in UDP. WebSockets are little slower in this approach but it feels playable anyway. This is in PWA's perspective and not ChromeApp or what was it. I saw a few possible issues or optimizations when blasting through the sources: Network/PacketRegister.js - 0x84a has duplicate PACKET.CZ.NPC_TRADE_QUIT | PACKET.CZ.CASH_SHOP_CLOSE, later one will override. Skills/SkillDescription.js - has 1309:ish unnecessary join loops, they could just be template strings or concatenation of string values (i'm not talking about Array.concat). Status/StatusInfo.js - ison: "masquerade_laziness.tga" -> typo "icon", not "ison". Renderer/EffectManager.js - First in spamSkillBeforeHit var EF_Init_Par declared object, but is never used. Second the property SkillEffect prop beforeHitEffectIdOnCaster is no where to be found in the entire project, possible naming typo here. Third skill that declare more than one var effects, to use, should declare it at the beginning, and reuse the same variable (same for the var EF_Init_Par)? UI/Components/CashShop - One of the two case 'CartItems': is missing break; UI/Component/PincodeWindow - has empty "t" file I will try to make a pull request if I'm not too busy. Tough these seems minor, since no one noticed. Overall it's nice project and I like it very much. Thanks to all contributing to the project
  3. Thank you, but that just didn't work for me. I found the existing windows DLL file in the /SysWOW64 and copied to the /System32, but no success. I also tried to install: Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4, but no success (this should install the original windows msvcr110.dll x86 or x64 depending on your system). Rebuild the map-server after each changes and tested again.
  4. Hey, I tried installing and compiling the project solution in visual studio, by following guides found in the forums, since the installation guidelines in the github also did not work. Problem is after successful compile, the map-server stops and report about missing msvcr110.dll and after finding the right dll file, then it crashes in 0xc000007b error. The project was rebuild in release mode x64. Windows 11 environment.
  5. Hey, Have you tried with this ? *recovery <type>{,<option>,<revive_flag>{,<map name>}}; This command will revive and fully restore the HP/SP of the selected characters. It returns 1 upon successful use. <type> is the target, and determines the <option> parameter: 0: Player -> Character ID number 1: Party -> Party ID number 2: Guild -> Guild ID number 3: Map -> Map name (a string) 4: All -> None (takes <revive_flag> as option) If no option is specified, the invoking player's character ID, party ID, guild ID, or map will be used. <revive_flag> determines the action: 1: Revive and heal all players (default) 2: Heal living players only 4: Revive dead players only <map name> can optionally be used to define a single map to execute the command on for types 1 (party) and 2 (guild). Example: recovery 1, getcharid(1);
  6. Hey, Use instance commands when targeting instance NPC's, like the ones you commented out. instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0))+"::OnMobDead"
  7. Yes, unit commands and you can also use a timer to check for nearby players to get players GID
  8. I don't have enough time or interest to continue updating this any further. If some one want's to continue or update it, feel free to do so. Thank you all for your feed back and support and have a happy late summer!
  9. Hi, I think its because inarray function does not exist. Check if your server support it in script commands.
  10. Filter multiple accounts to have 1 loot access instead of many? update: Added filter_same_ip option in this test version. @Radian This need more testing and if possible, a better detection. Link: https://pastebin.com/4AEtSbVb
  11. @Radian Yes, it's possible. I made a small update to the script.
  12. Hey @max65 No idea.. I have not been able to produce this effect on my test server. Hey @melv0 I have not been able to produce this effect on my test server. @CyberDevil Yes, i have not added amount array for the loots so that would need a little editing. To disable random appearance, comment (//) these lines out: // Set NPC size if class_id supports .@npc_class = rand(495, 498); .@npc_size = rand(0, 2); // 0=normal, 1=small, 2=big setnpcdisplay(strnpcinfo(0), strnpcinfo(1), .@npc_class, .@npc_size); Sorry for slow reply. I don't visit here so often any more.
  13. Yes, that is very much the same and that waiting room displaying time left is great addition.
  14. Greetings, Many times when i see some monster scripts like where you kill a MVP and get extra loots from. It is many times implemented as treasure chest monster that get summoned after MVP is killed and will trigger OnMobDie label. There it checks if he was the actual killer and is able to receive rewards. If there are many players nearby trying to kill same MVP and spamming AOE skills. This treasure chest's event label will get triggered on the first one who got the kill. So players keep spamming AOE, and the actual player who has the right to claim the reward keeps spamming AOE or wait until all players leave or get a lucky hit on it. How I implement this kind of event is by calling an NPC to that location and only the player who has access to the rewards will have a dialog open etc. So, my question is (I'm interested) how would you proceed in this kind of situation? Would it be with a Treasure Monster or Treasure NPC or Not summoning a visual treasure and just open dialog on MVP kill? Here is sample with monster unit: - script Sample -1,{ OnInit: monster "prontera",0,0,"--ja--",1093,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobDie"; end; OnMobDie: getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); monster .@map$,rand(.@x,.@x-3),rand(.@y-3,.@y),"--ja--",1324,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBoxKill"; end; OnBoxKill: // If checks your able to receive rewards //... // Else summon Treasure Chest again... getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0); monster .@map$,rand(.@x,.@x-3),rand(.@y-3,.@y),"--ja--",1324,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBoxKill"; end; } Here is sample with npc unit: - script Sample -1,{ OnInit: monster "prontera",0,0,"--ja--",1093,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobDie"; end; OnMobDie: // ... save players access data ... // Get map coordinates for the Treasure Chest NPC getmapxy(.event_map$, .event_x, .event_y); .@index = 0; // Select what treasure npc to open .@npc$ = "Treasure Chest#tc_"+ .@index; donpcevent .@npc$ +"::OnEnable"; end; } // Treasure Chest NPC index = 0 prontera,0,0,5 script Treasure Chest#tc_0 1324,{ // If check player is able to receive rewards //... dialogs ... // If player received rewards, remove treasure NPC after close close2; .@index = 0; .@npc$ = "Treasure Chest#tc_"+ .@index; donpcevent .@npc$ +"::OnDisable"; end; OnInit: .@name$ = strnpcinfo(0); getmapxy(.map$, .x, .y, UNITTYPE_NPC); // Save default position disablenpc .@name$; end; OnDisable: .@id = getnpcid(0); .@name$ = strnpcinfo(0); unitwarp( .@id, .map$, .x, .y ); // Return to default position disablenpc( .@name$ ); end; OnEnable: .@id = getnpcid(0); .@name$ = strnpcinfo(0); // get coordinates from event npc .@npc$ = "Sample"; .@map$ = getvariableofnpc(.event_map$, .@npc$); .@x = getvariableofnpc(.event_x, .@npc$); .@y = getvariableofnpc(.event_y, .@npc$); enablenpc( .@name$ ); unitwarp( .@id, .@map$, .@x, .@y ); // Move to new position end; } // You can also duplicate more treasure chests, if you need more alberta,0,0,5 duplicate(Treasure Chest#tc_0) Treasure Chest#tc_1 1324 I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Thanks ?
  15. Updated v2.9.3 changed the WorldBossRates NPC script to properly check for .use_floating_rates setting. Reported by @Quesooo Many thanks!
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