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  1. Sehrentos's post in resurrect one player in a map by script command was marked as the answer   
    Have you tried with this ?
    *recovery <type>{,<option>,<revive_flag>{,<map name>}}; This command will revive and fully restore the HP/SP of the selected characters. It returns 1 upon successful use. <type> is the target, and determines the <option> parameter: 0: Player -> Character ID number 1: Party -> Party ID number 2: Guild -> Guild ID number 3: Map -> Map name (a string) 4: All -> None (takes <revive_flag> as option) If no option is specified, the invoking player's character ID, party ID, guild ID, or map will be used. <revive_flag> determines the action: 1: Revive and heal all players (default) 2: Heal living players only 4: Revive dead players only <map name> can optionally be used to define a single map to execute the command on for types 1 (party) and 2 (guild). Example: recovery 1, getcharid(1);  
  2. Sehrentos's post in How to Fix this error in Emp breaker ladder by sandbox was marked as the answer   
    Open the file in any text editor and edit that query_sql line:
    query_sql "SELECT char.char_id, char.name, char_reg_num.value FROM char_reg_num LEFT JOIN `char` ON char.char_id=char_reg_num.char_id WHERE char_reg_num.key='brokeemp' ORDER BY CAST(char_reg_num.value AS UNSIGNED) DESC LIMIT 10", .@char_id, .@name$, .@count; Then save it ?
    Complete sample: https://pastebin.com/5EFXpJnH
  3. Sehrentos's post in Error Setting Random Option was marked as the answer   
    Hey, i think it's because your arrays starts from index 1, but using rand start from 0
    .@opt = .thd0[rand(getarraysize(.thd0))];  
  4. Sehrentos's post in Points DB Error was marked as the answer   
    Hi, You can try if this works for you:
    INSERT INTO pvp_ranking (charid,points) VALUES(150013, 0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE points = CASE WHEN points >= 12 THEN points - 12 ELSE 0 END Change the table column names to match yours.
  5. Sehrentos's post in How to add more Tier Reward? Help pls! was marked as the answer   
    Ops, there was a typo in the sample. Here is fixed version:
    @size = getarraysize(getd(".tier_reward_"+@range)); copyarray @reward[0], getd(".tier_reward_"+@range+"[0]"), @size; And i think the setarray should be like this:
    setarray .tier_reward_0[0],7227,30804,30805,30806,30000,30001; setarray .tier_reward_1[0],7227,7227,7227,7227,7227,7227; setarray .tier_reward_2[0],30804,30804,30804,30804,30804,30804; setarray .tier_reward_4[0],30805,30805,30805,30805,30805,30805; 2. How come it does not give all the rewards?
    Script only reward one random party member. Reward is also random from the .tier_reward_0-3
    Or did you mean to give all rewards from the .tier_reward_X array and not just one? If so, im sorry i got the wrong idea.
    I'm currently unable to test it, because i don't have a running emulator.
  6. Sehrentos's post in Fishing Illust Files was marked as the answer   
    Here, u go https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21611185/pictures/illust-2013_summer_fish.rar
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