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Everything posted by Nova

  1. One of my players also made a preview video if anyone wants more footage :]
  2. Logged in and I got some screenshots! I might grab some footage later.
  3. Freaking cats. Cool stuff, seems a bit late for it but hey. I wonder if we'll be able to implement these in a semi-custom manner with old clients, or if only the 2015+ clients will be able to manage them. :[
  4. Woo. Congratulations Aleos, you deserve it. Hope to continue seeing rAthena be an active and helpful community. And to the old Administration, thank you for taking care of the community until now, and for passing the torch when it was necessary.
  5. Literally nobody uses the IRC. I tried joining in on it when I was new to the scene and all I'd get were "AFK going to sleep" IRC is outdated and nobody likes using it. People just casually AFK inside of it.
  6. You can't copy the line, you have to put the tabs in manually as I said. moc_fild12,266,118,4 script Fosil Women 702,{ This one might work.
  7. Yeah Discord's great! Good idea. I'll be on it as I'm already on it all the time for my server.
  8. https://discord.gg/0X6cg1g2J4IBmIqa Jump on and I'll guide you. Send a message to Nova once you're inside.
  9. Thanks Mary! Glad you enjoyed it.
  10. Haha sorry friend, not sharing that script currently.
  11. (Sorry if this is the wrong section, I didn't know where else to put this. There was a discussion on the forums about a section for showcasing scripts and nothing ever happened.) This Monster Hunter script was my first "big" script I ever worked on. I was given the idea after seeing Peopleperson's MH script, and as a big Monster Hunter lover, I decided to try to take it further. Recently a player from my server made a YouTube video on the content, and I decided I'd share it with you guys. Credit to Mawile for the sweet video. We're planning on expanding on it in the near future, but we've been busy working on the official instances from Heroes Trails. Hope you guys enjoy the video!
  12. Don't mention it, the cell taking issue is something that's bothered me as well. I've considered modifying my source so that disabled/hidden NPCs don't count as if they're taking a cell myself.
  13. Only people with GM sprites are able to see the shadows. They are invisible to regular players, though they still take the cell. The thing is, disablenpc does the same. You could also try moving the npc under the OnInit: label, and leaving the instance NPC in place. Not sure how that'd respond.
  14. I've been using OnInit: hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnInstanceInit: hideonnpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0)); end; Successfully for a while now.
  15. It has to do with your graphics card being too good for RO. The quick band-aid I've of heard is to open your RO client, Press Windows Key + L to lock your PC, and then unlock it again. It should be sorted out.
  16. I use this a lot. Thank you for this project.
  17. Nova


    Looks like you're using the really old instancing method. In rA, you don't have to use instance_attachmap as far as I know anymore. You use instance_db.txt
  18. I definitely suggest RagnaHosting, it's really economic and they've been great to me.
  19. They have not been released yet.
  20. Thanks so much Ziu! Translated it to english on my forums as best as I could for those who don't speak Spanish: http://novaragnarok.com/forums/index.php?topic=145.new#new Excited about the new sprites finally getting here, though I have to say I'm not a huge fan of the art style they went with. I was starting to really like the Episode 15 and 16 art.
  21. Ah yeah I've yet to merge it. I can only imagine how many of my scripts will blow up, but it'll be worth it. :[ I'll update that one soon. Thanks for the notice Nana.
  22. Added one more Mini-Game from my Summer Festival at the bottom! Hope you enjoy it.
  23. Awesome! Can't wait to merge this into NovaRO. Thanks for all the work as usual Aleos! No more needing to split big arrays into two separate ones. :]
  24. Oh sorry I missed a parenthesis. { if (strcharinfo(3) == "guild_vs1") { bonus,bMaxHPRate,10; } }
  25. You're welcome Nagad! I added one more script this evening, you'll see I'm a big fan of in-game links. Not sure what to share for my 10th script! Fixed up the level one and adding some quotes to it so it's not so bare.
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