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Everything posted by EvilPuncker

  1. this problem still? (the lack of support/contact I mean)
  2. that is your ip: http://www.whatismyip.com/ not nor your network ip
  3. everything hardcoded in the client, you need to use a hexadecimal editor to translate it http://rathena.org/board/topic/71122-project-2012-client-translation/
  4. your lua files doesn't match your client date
  5. u got a really really cute avatar :3

  6. every query command the character needs to be logged out in order to works (corretly) AFAIK, and you should use UPDATE to update a value if char_id exists already, or use insert into if you want to insert a new value for a new char_id
  7. where are these lua files located? \data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo Do I have to change them into lub files? no Do they actually read the files if they are located outside the GRF? yes
  8. http://kamishisteamwork.fr.nf/ loot at the very bottom
  9. that is cool already, just need any admin to approve this idea
  10. just a note, using a higher date version will not solve your problem, the files should be the same date, not higher or lower
  11. you sure? pretty sure since it is all handled by client side now and you need lua/lub files from 2012-06-18
  12. Well, I was thinking about monsters killed by GM summons/homunculus, right click on monster etc I think its better to have something like "can_use_skills_on_players" xD
  13. use this http://rathena.org/board/topic/62150-extra-bonuses-without-items/
  14. thanks alot! btw I've just noticed that the logout delay bypass is kinda useless so I'll remove it from the list, now just missing the permission to disable monster drops
  15. \data\luafiles514\lua files\skillinfoz\skilldescript.lub
  16. there is already to disable monster atack "disable_pvm: true"
  17. I'd like to suggest the addition of a new permission to disable monster drops for that group. bonus permissions xD \/
  18. that is normal, since there is no guild owning the castle
  19. nice but you should update the diff file to latest rA since seems like when you did your diff, your msg_athena wasn't updated yet therefore there are mismatches because of new messages but all in all it is a nice mod
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