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Everything posted by EvilPuncker

  1. because that is an event called "bossnia" that occurs at that map and if i'm not mistaken at _2 and _3 too
  2. no more updates? I thought it would be updated each one week xd
  3. if(JobLevel == 1) if(BaseLevel == 1)
  4. I suggest the addition of setgroupid() command, so we don't need to relay on sql queries at script side
  5. /\ isso ou seja, não é na source do emulador
  6. There is any way to run my client in order to connect to my server instead of using this bat file? Some infos: - I'm using 2012-04-10aRagexeRE - If I run the client by clicking twice it will not connect to my server - Using a bat file is weird xd
  7. paste the content from idnum2itemresnametable.txt into num2itemresnametable.txt
  8. conf/battle/client.conf // Show rAthena version to users when the login? display_version: yes
  9. seems like you got stalked by many xd

    1. Eurydice


      They like me a lot.

    2. EvilPuncker


      I stalk her bcz of her cute avatar and smart status messages xd

  10. Codepage was intended since I couldn't find a good translation for it and about the voodoo3 use "Detectar placas VooDoo3" if possible
  11. just use if(ismounting() == 1) setmounting();
  12. that is only possible using the main server ragexe, but since we use the sakray one we don't have packets since they don't have cash shop in sakray servers. PS: anyone fell free to correct if i'm wrong
  13. if they are pvp then yes, if not, then hell no, unless your server is a really really low rate that noone can reach the max of the ladder in a few days, but that is just my point of view
  14. I'd like to see a cp using the KISS concept - create account with birthdate support - e-mail confirmation - captcha - change password with e-mail confirmation - change e-mail with e-mail confirmation - password recovery - slot change option - account lock option (for specified time) that is all that came into my mind now and of course, security. and the KISS principle!!! no ladders and all that bullsh*t
  15. finished pt-BR translation http://pastebin.com/acTx5jJy
  16. okay, seems like you guys can't handle things without stupidity, close this topic anyway, I got my own svn and can do it myself, I was just thinking about other users.
  17. we are using a trunk branch anyway xd
  18. bump for this one! since I think it is a really important request xd
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