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Everything posted by Emistry

  1. Erm..after i review back this script....i wonder i have forget something in this script...>.< the item is not...removed....>.< add this 2 line around the warp line there.... for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Item ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 2 ) delitem .Item[ .@i ],.Item[ .@i + 1 ];
  2. try this prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ // What Item you want to Make ? set .GiveItem,5001; // Item Requirements + Amounts setarray .Item[0], 607,100, 608,50, 512,200; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Item ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 2 ) if( countitem( .Item[.@i] ) < .Item[.@i + 1] ){ for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Item ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 2 ) mes "Need "+.Item[.@i + 1]+" x "+getitemname( .Item[.@i] ); close; } if( select("Make ^FF0000"+getitemname( .GiveItem )+"^000000:Cancel") == 2 ) close; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Item ) - 1; set .@i,.@i + 2 ) delitem .Item[ .@i ],.Item[ .@i + 1 ]; getitem .GiveItem,1; mes "You have Make ^FF0000"+getitemname( .GiveItem )+"^000000"; announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] has made ["+getitemname( .GiveItem )+"]",0; close; }
  3. Or Maybe shorten the name of each box above there ?? like Social Group change to "Social" / "Group" ? Staff Application change to "Application" ? View New Content change to New Content ? i think this will save up some spaces.. >.<
  4. ya.....i though i am the only 1..xD anyway...is that possible to change into dropdown menu box ?
  5. ??? that is wrong.... should be like this if( isloggedin (.@gmaid[.@i])){ getitem 12628.1,.@gmaid[.@i]; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS + 10; }
  6. isnt this is the same thing ?? *getequipcardid(<equipment slot>,<card slot>) Returns value from equipped item slot in the indicated slot: getequipcardid(num,slot) where: num = equip position slot slot = 0,1,2,3 (Card Slot N) This func returns CARD ID, 255,254,-255 (for card 0, if the item is produced) it's useful when you want to check item cards or if it's signed. Useful for such quests as "Sign this refined item with players name" etc; Hat[0] +4 -> Player's Hat[0] +4
  7. KeyWorld has made a function that allow to generate a number without repeating.... Check this Post... http://rathena.org/board/topic/54288-random-number-with-return/page__view__findpost__p__59952 use that function to help you generate a number randomly without repeating ~
  8. Emistry

    Anime & Manga

    Prince Of Tennis <3~
  9. just simply make your own custom quest npc.. then in the message add in the monster name that will drop these particular items....
  10. what mean ? something like dont looping the switch case ??? like this ? for( ..... ){ code here.... } switch( ..... ){ case .. } end;
  11. I already search use keyword rAthena emulator always got broken link.... any clue?? here ???
  12. Check this Topic ?? http://rathena.org/board/topic/54313-about-shake-skill/page__hl__shake__fromsearch__1
  13. add this in the @go command function there.... if( pc_isdead(sd) ) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You cannot use this command when dead."); return -1; }
  14. How about checking at the Wiki Site ?? EA_Windows_(SQL)
  15. add this line before the buff script is run... if( getcharid(2) != guildID ) end;
  16. try this if( gethominfo(0) ) goto N_homun;
  17. try this prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ setarray .KahoID[1],5013,32016,32017,32018,32019,32020,32021,32022,32023; set @Menu$,""; for( set .@k,1; .@k < getarraysize( .KahoID ); set .@k,.@k + 1 ){ set @Menu$,@Menu$ + ""+(countitem2(.KahoID[.@k],1,0,0,0,0,0,0)?"^0000FF":"^00FF00")+""+getitemname( .KahoID[.@k] )+"^000000"+":"; } mes "Which Kaho you would use to Trade to other Kaho ?"; mes "^FF0000Important Notice :^000000"; mes "^00FF00Green Colour ^000000= Not Available"; mes "^0000FFBlue Colour ^000000= Available"; next; set @Trade, select( @Menu$ ); if( !countitem2( .KahoID[@Trade],1,0,0,0,0,0,0 ) ){ mes "^FF0000FAILED Reason:^000000"; mes "Didnt have ^0000FF"+getitemname( .KahoID[@Trade] )+"^000000 ?"; mes "Removed All ^0000FFCARD^000000 ?"; mes "Already ^0000FFDe-Refined^000000 ?"; close; } next; mes "So, you are going to trade your's ^FF0000"+getitemname( .KahoID[@Trade] )+"^000000 into what Kaho ?"; mes "^00FF00Green Colour ^000000= Desired LKH ?"; mes "^0000FFBlue Colour ^000000= Your Current LKH"; next; set @TradeTo, select( @Menu$ ); getitem2 .KahoID[@TradeTo],1,1,10,0,0,0,0,0; unequip EQI_HEAD_TOP; delitem .KahoID[@Trade],1; mes "Done... You have changed your ^0000FF"+getitemname( .KahoID[@Trade] )+"^000000 to ^FF0000"+getitemname( .KahoID[@TradeTo] )+"^000000."; close; } add in more Item Here setarray .KahoID[1],5013,32016,32017,32018,32019,32020,32021,32022,32023;
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