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Everything posted by exchisu

  1. dude you can do Ceres CP as Site (coded) I have one, Premade Bunny for Sell :3!
  2. Hello Everyone: Im using a specially code CeresCP, well, i need a script who show the Peak of Users on the server. someone have it? or can help.. the script and sql query, i can create sql yes, but ill need the info to put in. Anybody... Thanks
  3. Yes But... Like what... Im new in the scripting, im learning... I use rawiki and stuff, But create a new variable like... .bgcountcharacter$ Idk that one
  4. Hello everybody i was looking for but didnt found I want a Npc who count the games of BG.. Like: Script: Hello, you Have "X" Battleground games, you need "X" more for can get a random hat box. where that menu is when you didnt have all the games, but when u have the entire games played e.x: 10 games u enter a different menu, a simple menu. where the script give a option of Cancel or get ur Prize, when u reclaim this just reset the countdown of the games. i have some ideas but i didnt know how to do all. Thanks
  5. thanks, but i think this is out of date... so much question without solve maybe trying script > sql < php > email
  6. Hello everybody ! i have a Support Scrip In Game, who the people can write suggestion/errores etc. Well, this script stores the user name and other stuff and the message in a SQL table.. well mi question it is possible when a user write a suggestion or error send a e-mail for notify me ? can the script do that ?? or i dont know... or the sql table idk.. can anybody help me with that ? Thanks
  7. Hello guys i dowloaded emistry Vendor Control, it was setted up for prontera but i moved to my mall (turbo_room) i moved it succesfully but the problem is when i take 1 spot and try to apen a vending i get a message saying: shop and chat room creation is disable at current location I didnt have in npc/mapflag novending.txt I try with with player.conf min_npc_vendchat_distance: 3 trying to change to 2, 1, and 0.. but when i change appear: Thorny seed is required can somebody help me fix this please? this is the already edit script:
  8. buuuuu... cliente 2014 ?? tendras errores tras errores xDD inestables
  9. first npc what i tried... this doesnt work... but now i see something... Requires PCRE library installed. ill see if is installed in CentOS... i didnt try that... ! isnt working, my PCRE is already actived...
  10. thanks for you response. the Emistry is a Monster Wiki... i dont like that... already test it. if anybody have that script what i put on the video, can share it ?? if anybody have unscrupulous hands i can pay it.
  11. dude, i already search for it, and didnt found the Disguise event what i want...
  12. @Napster Hi bud, i have an error, when ill try to Shop the Msg appear... with all the items i try and nothing.. 733: Item '%s' has not yet saved to your cart. Please re-log in order to correctly save your Vending information. anybody can help me with this
  13. Hi everybody. I was looking for the "Disguise Event"... like the same video: when the monster appear u just write the name of the monster and automatically who put the correct name first, win. I didnt found it... please anybody, if u have it can u share it please ? thanks
  14. dude, its more stable use 2012 04 10 ?
  15. same ask.. but a different.. i need to create a table named feedback on sql too with this values... i dont know sql.. anybody can help me please ? feedback(player,type,time,playermap,playerx,playery,feedback,status)
  16. maybe trying with: getmapusers... then give item to all
  17. dude, u can test this is in Spanish the unique problem dude. this Npc can enchant u the X armor to +10 runes with a little % what can be modified. Credits to: Rokimoki // Hidden Enchant Slot con posibilidad de +1~10 v1.0 [Rokimoki] - [email protected] // --- prontera,141,180,5 script Shiriublem 84,{ set .@nombre$, "[^0000FFHidden Slot Enchant^000000]"; mes .@nombre$; mes "Bienvenid@ a mis servicios de encantamiento. El servicio cuesta ^FF0000" + .zeny + " z^000000."; next; if (select("Continuar:Más información") == 2) { mes .@nombre$; mes "Puedo encantarte una armadura con una runa en el 4º slot, puede ser +1 o hasta +10 de cualquier stat aleatorio permanentemente."; next; mes .@nombre$; mes "Tenemos para encantar armaduras sin slot, con slot y de alta calidad."; mes "^FF0000Armaduras con slot que puedo encantar: ^000000"; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.ids1); set .@c, .@c + 1) mes "- " + getitemname(.ids1[.@c]) + " [0]"; next; mes .@nombre$; mes "^FF0000Armaduras con slot que puedo encantar: ^000000"; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.ids2); set .@c, .@c + 1) mes "- " + getitemname(.ids2[.@c]) + " [1]"; next; mes .@nombre$; mes "^FF0000Armaduras de alta calidad que puedo encantar: ^000000"; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.ids3); set .@c, .@c + 1) mes "- " + getitemname(.ids3[.@c]) + " [1]"; next; } // End if mes .@nombre$; if (zeny < .zeny) { mes "Lo siento, no tienes los zenys necesarios."; close; } // End if mes "Elige el tipo de armadura que quieras encantar. ^FF0000Te aviso que tengo un 10% de posibilidad de romper el item^000000."; next; switch (select("Armadura sin Slot:Armadura con Slot:Armadura de Alta Calidad")) { case 1: set .@j, 1; break; case 2: set .@j, 2; break; case 3: set .@j, 3; break; } // End switch // Detectamos si tiene equipado una armos que podemos encantar for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(getd(".ids" + .@j)); set .@c, .@c + 1) if (isequipped(getd(".ids" + .@j + "[" + .@c +"]")) == 1) set .@s, .@c; // Definimos la ID de esa armor en la posición del array mes .@nombre$; // Descartamos si no tiene armor equipada o si no está definida if (!.@s) { if (atoi(getequipname(EQI_ARMOR)) == -1) mes "Ahora mismo no llevas ningún armor equipado, entonces no hay nada que encantar.."; else mes "Tienes equipada ^FF0000" + getequipname(EQI_ARMOR) + " armor^000000, y no consta en las que yo puedo equipar, háblame de nuevo y consúltame más información para saber las que puedes encantar."; close; } // End if // Empezamos el proceso de encantamiento mes "Veo que tienes un ^FF0000[" + getitemname(getd(".ids" + .@j + "[" + .@s +"]")) + "]^000000 equipado."; next; mes .@nombre$; mes "Bueno, allí vamos..."; mes "¡Buena Suerte!"; next; set zeny, zeny - .zeny; // Borramos el item equipado set .@itemid, getequipid(EQI_ARMOR); delitem .@itemid,1; // Cálculo del % y según el % definimos un array con la runa de +X stat y sus stats pertenecientes set .@rand, rand(1000); if (.@rand >= 0 && .@rand < 100) { // Break 10% mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Ha fallado el intento. Lo siento..."; close; } else if (.@rand >= 100 && .@rand < 300) // +1 20% setarray .@level[0],4700,4710,4720,4730,4740,4750; else if (.@rand >= 300 && .@rand < 450) // +2 15% setarray .@level[0],4701,4711,4721,4731,4741,4751; else if (.@rand >= 450 && .@rand < 600) // +3 15% setarray .@level[0],4702,4712,4722,4732,4742,4752; else if (.@rand >= 600 && .@rand < 700) // +4 10% setarray .@level[0],4703,4713,4723,4733,4743,4753; else if (.@rand >= 700 && .@rand < 800) // +5 10% setarray .@level[0],4704,4714,4724,4734,4744,4754; else if (.@rand >= 800 && .@rand < 890) // +6 9% setarray .@level[0],4705,4715,4725,4735,4745,4755; else if (.@rand >= 890 && .@rand < 940) // +7 5% setarray .@level[0],4706,4716,4726,4736,4746,4756; else if (.@rand >= 940 && .@rand < 965) // +8 2,5% setarray .@level[0],4707,4717,4727,4737,4747,4757; else if (.@rand >= 965 && .@rand < 990) // +9 2,5% setarray .@level[0],4708,4718,4728,4738,4748,4758; else if (.@rand >= 990) // +10 1% setarray .@level[0],4709,4719,4728,4739,4749,4759; // Calculamos aleatoriamente el stat con 16,6% cada una set .@runa, .@level[rand(getarraysize(.@level))]; // Encantamos el armor con la runa seleccionada getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@runa; mes "[Hidden Slot Enchant]"; mes "Bien~ ¡ Aquí tienes tu armadura encantada !"; close; OnInit: // Definimos el Zeny que cuesta encantar, 600k por defecto set .zeny, 600000; // En esta parte se indica que ID's de armadura pertenece a cada tipo de categoria, para hacerte mas sencillo la comprensión y customizacion si se lo desea. setarray .ids1[0],2307, // Mantle 2309, // Coat 2314, // Chain Mail 2316, // Plate Armor 2321, // Silk Robe 2325, // Saint Robe 2327, // Holy Robe 2330, // Tights 2332, // Silver Robe 2334, // Magic Coat 2335, // Thief Clothes 2341, // Legion Full Plate 2344, // Pierce Armor of Volcano 2348, // Saphien's armor of ocean 2346, // Aebeecee's Raging Typhoon Armor 2350, // Claytos Cracking Earth Armor 2395, // Glorious Suit type 2 2396, // Glorious Suit type 3 2394, // Glorious Suit type 1 2337, // Ninja Suit 2386; // Chameleon Armor setarray .ids2[0],2311, // Mink Coat[1] 2318, // Lord Clothes[1] 2319, // Glitering Jacket[1] 2320, // Formal Suit[1] 2308, // Mantle[1] 2310, // Coat [1] 2315, // Chain Mail[1] 2317, // Plate Armor[1] 2322, // Silk Robe[1] 2323, // Scapulare[1] 2326, // Saint Robe[1] 2331, // Tights[1] 2333, // Silver Robe[1] 2336, // Thief Clothes[1] 2342, // Legion's Full Plate[1] 2345, // Pierce Armor of Volcano[1] 2347, // Saphien's Armor of ocean[1] 2349, // Aebecee's Raging Typhoon Armor[1] 2351; // Claytos Cracking Earth Armor[1] setarray .ids3[0],2364, // Meteor Plate[1] 2365, // Orlean's Uniform[1] 2375, // Diabolus Robe[1] 2374, // Diabolus Armor[1] 2387, // Sprint Mail[1] 2389, // Kandra[1] || Gandora[1] 2388, // Naga Scale Armor[1] 2391, // Life Link[1] 2390, // Refined Tights[1] 2376, // Assaulter Plate[1] 2377, // Elite Engineer Armor[1] 2378, // Assassin Robe[1] 2379, // Warlock Battle Robe[1] 2380, // Robe of Order[1] 2381, // Elite Archer Suit[1] 2382; // Elite Shooter Suit[1] end; } // End Script
  18. same thing like me http://rathena.org/board/topic/99469-script-costume-item/ Radian i have a question... the .diff i need to put all on my SRC ? https://github.com/Sehrentos/rathena/commit/21a1a32203b6a48664c97bfd93b0ae09de80d06e#commitcomment-8900107 because i have rAthena and these are commands for eAmod, and for add the "costume" func u need to edit the whole src with these (page what u gave) you need to follow all the changes on the src/map/... most of the additional are on map folder. just apply it on the correct file. Yea I think it was on eAmod but this one https://github.com/Sehrentos/rathena/commit/21a1a32203b6a48664c97bfd93b0ae09de80d06e#commitcomment-8900107 (for me) its compatible with the latest revision of rAthena. I can help you but you need to send me the files need. for sure, ill send you a PM, rathena 17707
  19. same thing like me http://rathena.org/board/topic/99469-script-costume-item/ Radian i have a question... the .diff i need to put all on my SRC ? https://github.com/Sehrentos/rathena/commit/21a1a32203b6a48664c97bfd93b0ae09de80d06e#commitcomment-8900107 because i have rAthena and these are commands for eAmod, and for add the "costume" func u need to edit the whole src with these (page what u gave)
  20. Same Problem.... ! Find this codes: mes "[Clown]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; close; } 'c'ostume .@Part; mes "[Clown]"; mes "Done, enjoy your costume headgear."; close; case 2: next; and change it to this one: mes "[Clown]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; close; } costume .@Part; mes "[Clown]"; mes "Done, enjoy your costume headgear."; close; case 2: next; I think the NPC is not the issue. the reason for this are " expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function " It's a command that the script didn't acknowledge as a function and missing. apply the source code and this NPC will work. Same Problem.... ! Hope this helps you guys http://rathena.org/board/topic/82370-costume-npc-and-costumeitem/?p=272111 all of these src edit, are for Add the command to rAthena ? because the cmd error a guy told me, are commands for eAmod no for rAthena, that's why
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