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Everything posted by kitty14

  1. bump? can someone help me? about chaos panic?
  2. Guess I need to post new thread for this.. Hello! im using this script in my server - script bg_emp#control -1,{ OnInit: .min2start = 1; // minimum players to start (ex. if 3vs3, set to 3) .eventlasting = 20*60; // event duration before auto-reset (20 minutes * seconds) setarray .rewarditem[0], // rewards for the winning team: <item>,<amount>,... 501, 10; .rewardsize = getarraysize( .rewarditem ); .team1name$ = "Red"; .team2name$ = "Blue"; bindatcmd "joinbg", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnJoin"; bindatcmd "leavebg", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnLeave"; .min2start = .min2start *2; end; OnLeave: while ( .signup_aid[.@i] != getcharid(3) && .@i < .signup_count ) .@i++; if ( .@i == .signup_count ) { dispbottom "you not yet sign up in this event"; end; } deletearray .signup_aid[.@i], 1; .signup_count--; dispbottom "You have leave the registration of this event"; end; OnJoin: if ( getmapflag( strcharinfo(3), mf_nowarp ) || getmapflag( strcharinfo(3), mf_nowarpto ) ) { dispbottom "you can't sign up for this event from the map you are in"; end; } while ( .signup_aid[.@i] != getcharid(3) && .@i < .signup_count ) .@i++; if ( .@i < .signup_count ) { dispbottom "you have already sign up in this event"; end; } .signup_aid[ .signup_count ] = getcharid(3); .signup_count++; dispbottom "You are now signed to the BG event"; .@i = 1; // DEBUG .@signup_name$ = rid2name( .signup_aid[0] ); while ( .signup_aid[.@i] ) { .@signup_name$ = .@signup_name$ +","+ rid2name( .signup_aid[.@i] ); .@i++; } dispbottom "Currently have "+ .signup_count +" sign-in and they are "+ .@signup_name$; L_start: for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .signup_count; .@i++ ) { if ( attachrid( .signup_aid[.@i] ) ) { if ( getmapflag( strcharinfo(3), mf_nowarp ) ) { // player has went into another event deletearray .signup_aid[.@i], 1; .signup_count--; .@i--; } } else { deletearray .signup_aid[.@i], 1; .signup_count--; .@i--; } } if ( .start || .signup_count < .min2start ) { announce "Currently there are "+ .signup_count +" players registered in Battle Ground", bc_all; end; } .start = 1; // create Battleground and teams .red = createbgid( "bat_a01", 157,347, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedDead" ); .blue = createbgid( "bat_a01", 142,51, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueDead" ); callfunc "rand__", .min2start, $@r; .@modulus = rand(2); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .signup_count; .@i++ ) setbgid ( .@i %2 == .@modulus )? .red : .blue, .signup_aid[ $@r[.@i] ]; deletearray .signup_aid, .min2start; .signup_count -= .min2start; setwall "bat_a01", 164,347, 6, 4, 0, "bg_emp_town_red"; setwall "bat_a01", 154,51, 6, 4, 0, "bg_emp_town_blue"; bg_warp .red, "bat_a01", 171,346; bg_warp .blue, "bat_a01", 162,50; bg_updatescore "bat_a01", 0, 0; // delay before match begins sleep 6000; mapannounce "bat_a01", "The rules are simple. The first team to break the opponent's Emperium wins!", bc_map; sleep 3000; for ( .@i = 5; .@i > 0; .@i-- ) { mapannounce "bat_a01", "["+ .@i +"]", bc_map; sleep 1000; } mapannounce "bat_a01", "Start!", bc_map; // spawn Emperiums bg_monster .red,"bat_a01",171,346, "--ja--",1288, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnRedDown"; bg_monster .blue,"bat_a01",162,50, "--ja--",1288, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBlueDown"; delwall "bg_emp_town_red"; delwall "bg_emp_town_blue"; // match duration sleep .eventlasting * 1000; // end match, destroy Battleground, reset NPCs killmonster "bat_a01", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnRedDown"; killmonster "bat_a01", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBlueDown"; if ( .winside ) { mapannounce "bat_a01", "- "+ getd( ".team"+ .winside +"name$" ) +" Team is victorious! -", bc_map; callsub L_reward, ( .winside == 1 )? .red : .blue, .rewarditem, .rewardsize; } else mapannounce "bat_a01", "- The match has ended in a draw! -", bc_map; sleep 5000; bg_warp .red, "caspen", 86,80; bg_warp .blue, "caspen", 86,80; bg_destroy .red; bg_destroy .blue; delwall "bg_emp_town_red"; delwall "bg_emp_town_blue"; .winside = .start = 0; goto L_start; L_reward: getbgusers getarg(0); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@arenamembersnum; .@i++ ) for ( .@j = 0; .@j < getarg(2); .@j += 2 ) getitem getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@j ), getelementofarray( getarg(1), .@j +1 ), $@arenamembers[.@i]; return; // Emperium destroyed OnRedDown: callsub L_EmpDown, 1, 2; OnBlueDown: callsub L_EmpDown, 2, 1; L_EmpDown: mapannounce "bat_a01", strcharinfo(0) +" has destroyed "+ getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"name$" ) +" Team's Emperium.", bc_map; .winside = getarg(1); awake strnpcinfo(0); end; // "OnDeath" event OnRedDead: OnBlueDead: sleep2 1250; percentheal 100,100; end; // "OnQuit" event OnRedQuit: callsub L_Quit, 1, .red; OnBlueQuit: callsub L_Quit, 2, .blue; L_Quit: percentheal 100, 100; if ( bg_get_data( getarg(1), 0 ) ) end; mapannounce "bat_a01", "All "+ getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"name$" ) +" team members have quit!", bc_map, 0xff3333; end; } bat_a01 mapflag battleground bat_a01 mapflag nosave SavePoint bat_a01 mapflag nowarp bat_a01 mapflag nowarpto bat_a01 mapflag noreturn bat_a01 mapflag noteleport bat_a01 mapflag nomemo bat_a01 mapflag nopenalty bat_a01 mapflag nobranch bat_a01 mapflag noicewall Work fine.. but when switched to this cuz it has been customized well AnnieRuru, on 31 Aug 2014 - 06:03 AM, said: tested in our test server once I join 2 account and started to warp, one or both will get error/crashed.. and if it will work, got no prize after all.. but i didn't get any error in the script.. how can i fix it? don't mind the debug sql, that's for pvp ladder, didn't add it since its a test server. just updated my git today.. thank you! even if i change it to this.. still no prize after the event even if red team won or quit.. no prize.. setarray .rewardwin = 501,10, 502,5, 503,3; // reward to winning team setarray .rewardlose = 501,5, 502,3, 503,1; // reward to losing team
  3. NICE! but I did get error/client crashed and no prize after the event.. guess i need to post new topic!
  4. Yellow, im checking this video for an info on how chaos panic skill works and i did try it but it seems Abysmal Knight still attacking me: Chaos panic skill not effecting.. is this bug? Im Running renewal server, JOB/BASE: 255/130 STATS: 199 PLease help. thank you!
  5. hello! just want to ask if this is bug? FE can do 1 damage its like 1 out of 10 FE .. and i don't know if it is right FE = Acid Demonstration.. If its not bug, please explain why FE does 1 damage only? Im confused. please help.. thank you! check image if you see same equip and stats but damage changes to 1:
  6. sorry for a very late responds . hmmm.. i tried to use this script again using this august revision this year.. still got same error npc_event: event not found [minimart::OnAtcommand] use this http://pastebin.com/ANxm4Tir Change 1 in highlighted syntax into 0 if you want to players with group_id 0 can use that command bindatcmd "minimart",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",1,40; still got the same error [error]: Npc_event not found [minimart: :OnAtcommand] lol what emulator do you use? to me it works 100% im using rathena.. well at first it work for me, then i don't know what happen.. why im having error [error]: Npc_event not found [minimart: :OnAtcommand]
  7. sorry for a very late responds . hmmm.. i tried to use this script again using this august revision this year.. still got same error npc_event: event not found [minimart::OnAtcommand] use this http://pastebin.com/ANxm4Tir Change 1 in highlighted syntax into 0 if you want to players with group_id 0 can use that command bindatcmd "minimart",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand",1,40; still got the same error [error]: Npc_event not found [minimart: :OnAtcommand]
  8. sorry for a very late responds . hmmm.. i tried to use this script again using this august revision this year.. still got same error npc_event: event not found [minimart::OnAtcommand]
  9. awts,.. nice support dux ... and thank you for your time...
  10. kitty14


    hello, just want to ask what does this mean? [Warning]: scrip: Op_2num: overflow detected op=C_Mul il=55 i2=43580000 [Debug]: Source (NPC): hunting Missions at caspen (155,198) im using euphys hunting mission.. and i don't know what this mean..
  11. can you apply it to the script? or can you make script for it? cuz the script i used has error everytime i kill naght sieger mobs it drops vellum weapons.. please? some please help?
  12. hello,how to change this instead of getting the items automatically in the inventory,i want the monster will just drop the items on the floor. and please do correct the scrip, i just modified it.. i got error. hahaha OnNPCKillEvent: if( getmonsterinfo( killedrid == 1956) && rand(100) < 10 ) getitem .item[ rand( .item_size ) ],1; end; OnInit: setarray .item[0],18113,2016,1586,1395,1832,21001; .item_size = getarraysize( .item ); end; } Thank you!
  13. i already know that.. what i want is a launcher in vnc viewer screen.
  14. Hello! here look (got error first pic) char_athena.conf: // Athena Character configuration file. // Note: "Comments" are all text on the right side of a double slash "//" // Whatever text is commented will not be parsed by the servers, and serves // only as information/reference. // Server Communication username and password. userid: TestServer passwd: Password1234 // Server name, use alternative character such as ASCII 160 for spaces. // NOTE: Do not use spaces or any of these characters which are not allowed in // Windows filenames \/:*?"<>| // ... or else guild emblems won't work client-side! server_name: TestServer // Wisp name for server: used to send wisp from server to players (between 4 to 23 characters) wisp_server_name: Server // Login Server IP // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. login_ip: // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: // Login Server Port login_port: 6900 // Character Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. char_ip: 192.157.***.*** // Character Server Port char_port: 6121 //Time-stamp format which will be printed before all messages. //Can at most be 20 characters long. map_athena.conf: // Interserver communication passwords, set in account.txt (or equiv.) userid: TestServer passwd: Password1234 // Character Server IP // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. char_ip: // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: // Character Server Port char_port: 6121 // Map Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. map_ip: 192.157.***.*** // Map Server Port map_port: 5121 inter_athena.conf: sql.db_hostname: sql.db_port: 3306 sql.db_username: root sql.db_password: TessPass sql.db_database: ragnarok sql.codepage: // MySQL Character SQL server char_server_ip: char_server_port: 3306 char_server_id: root char_server_pw: TessPass char_server_db: ragnarok // MySQL Map SQL Server map_server_ip: map_server_port: 3306 map_server_id: root map_server_pw: TessPass map_server_db: ragnarok // MySQL Log SQL Database log_db_ip: log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: root log_db_pw: TessPass log_db_db: ragnarok log_codepage: log_login_db: loginlog subnet: subnet: then this char_athena.conf: // Athena Character configuration file. // Note: "Comments" are all text on the right side of a double slash "//" // Whatever text is commented will not be parsed by the servers, and serves // only as information/reference. // Server Communication username and password. userid: TestServer passwd: Password1234 // Server name, use alternative character such as ASCII 160 for spaces. // NOTE: Do not use spaces or any of these characters which are not allowed in // Windows filenames \/:*?"<>| // ... or else guild emblems won't work client-side! server_name: TestServer // Wisp name for server: used to send wisp from server to players (between 4 to 23 characters) wisp_server_name: Server // Login Server IP // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. login_ip: 192.157.***.*** // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: // Login Server Port login_port: 6900 // Character Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. char_ip: 192.157.***.*** // Character Server Port char_port: 6121 //Time-stamp format which will be printed before all messages. //Can at most be 20 characters long. map_athena.conf: // Interserver communication passwords, set in account.txt (or equiv.) userid: TestServer passwd: Password1234 // Character Server IP // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. char_ip: 192.157.***.*** // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: 192.157.***.*** // Character Server Port char_port: 6121 // Map Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. map_ip: 192.157.***.*** // Map Server Port map_port: 5121 inter_athena.conf sql.db_hostname: sql.db_port: 3306 sql.db_username: root sql.db_password: TessPass sql.db_database: ragnarok sql.codepage: // MySQL Character SQL server char_server_ip: char_server_port: 3306 char_server_id: root char_server_pw: TessPass char_server_db: ragnarok // MySQL Map SQL Server map_server_ip: map_server_port: 3306 map_server_id: root map_server_pw: TessPass map_server_db: ragnarok // MySQL Log SQL Database log_db_ip: log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: root log_db_pw: TessPass log_db_db: ragnarok log_codepage: log_login_db: loginlog subnet: subnet:***.***:192.157.***.*** still the same and i i change inter_athen.conf to: sql.db_hostname: 192.157.***.*** sql.db_port: 3306 sql.db_username: root sql.db_password: TessPass sql.db_database: ragnarok sql.codepage: // MySQL Character SQL server char_server_ip: 192.157.***.*** char_server_port: 3306 char_server_id: root char_server_pw: TessPass char_server_db: ragnarok // MySQL Map SQL Server map_server_ip: 192.157.***.*** map_server_port: 3306 map_server_id: root map_server_pw: TessPass map_server_db: ragnarok // MySQL Log SQL Database log_db_ip: 192.157.***.*** log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: root log_db_pw: TessPass log_db_db: ragnarok log_codepage: log_login_db: loginlog this error promted sql: Access denied for 'root'@'testserver' (using password : yes) debug: at loginlog.c:191 for map debug: at inter.c:706 please help anyone?
  15. Do not change the ip in inther_athena.conf sql.db_hostname, char_server_ip, map_server_ip, log_db_ip got same error.. how about the priviliges in phpadmin? sorry too noob.. i already ran the this and was able to log-in, and i dont know now what happen.. What is your username and password in your login table? no.. map_thena.conf // Interserver communication passwords, set in account.txt (or equiv.) userid: TestServer passwd: Password1234 char_athena.conf // Server Communication username and password. userid: TestServer passwd: Password1234 phpadming login database 1 TestServer Password1234
  16. already change it to userid: TestServer passwd: Password1234 let me try to import new sqls
  17. so remain as kk wait let me try Do not change the ip in inther_athena.conf sql.db_hostname, char_server_ip, map_server_ip, log_db_ip got same error.. how about the priviliges in phpadmin? sorry too noob.. i already ran the this and was able to log-in, and i dont know now what happen..
  18. hello! wanna ask for a script that if player will do @autotrade they will automatically use freeny skills, so that they will @autotrade in dungeons with dark lord card with them,meteor storm skill will be disable ?
  19. hello! thank you for the respond.. yup I already did that.. and still got connection refused..
  20. hello I followed this guide http://rathena.org/board/topic/59529-setting-up-a-centos-vps-w-rathena-vnc/ char_athena: userid: server passwd: password // Server name, use alternative character such as ASCII 160 for spaces. // NOTE: Do not use spaces or any of these characters which are not allowed in // Windows filenames \/:*?"<>| // ... or else guild emblems won't work client-side! server_name: TestServer // Wisp name for server: used to send wisp from server to players (between 4 to 23 characters) wisp_server_name: Server // Login Server IP // The character server connects to the login server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. login_ip: 192.157.***.*** // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: // Login Server Port login_port: 6900 // Character Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. char_ip: 192.157.***.*** // Character Server Port char_port: 6121 map_athena.conf // Interserver communication passwords, set in account.txt (or equiv.) userid: server passwd: password // Character Server IP // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. char_ip: 192.157.***.*** // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: // Character Server Port char_port: 6121 // Map Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. map_ip: 192.157.***.*** // Map Server Port map_port: 5121 inter_athena.conf: // Global SQL settings // overridden by local settings when the hostname is defined there // (currently only the login-server reads/obeys these settings) sql.db_hostname: 192.157.***.*** sql.db_port: 3306 sql.db_username: root sql.db_password: Testpass sql.db_database: ragnarok sql.codepage: // MySQL Character SQL server char_server_ip: 192.157.***.*** char_server_port: 3306 char_server_id: root char_server_pw: Testpass char_server_db: ragnarok // MySQL Map SQL Server map_server_ip: 192.157.***.*** map_server_port: 3306 map_server_id: root map_server_pw: Testpass map_server_db: ragnarok // MySQL Log SQL Database log_db_ip: 192.157.***.*** log_db_port: 3306 log_db_id: root log_db_pw: Testpass log_db_db: ragnarok log_codepage: log_login_db: loginlog Sub_net// Subnet support file // Format is: // subnet: net-submask:char_ip:map_ip // you can add more than one subnet (max 16) // check is if((net-submask & char_ip ) == (net-submask & servip)) => ok subnet:***.***:192.157.***.*** already change phpmyadmin UPDATE `login` SET userid='server', user_pass='password' WHERE account_id='1'; and Im recieving this error: [Error]: can not connet to login-server. [Error]: The server communication passwords (default s1/p1) are probably invalid [Error]: Also, please make sure your log-in db has correct communication user name/passwords and gender of the account is S [Error]: The communication passwords are set in map_athena.conf and char_athena.conf [warning] Connection to Login Server Lost [info] closed connection from im always getting connection refused.. i already ran the server but when i stop it and start back i cant start i back., please help wwhat did i miss.. im using linux centos 6
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