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Dev Denz

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    Quezon City

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Poring (1/15)



  1. Good Day Sir Is This Applicable in Harmony Encryption? data.grf? and how to work in cryptor for harmony?
  2. Good Day Sir Napster im having a problem with this scirpt when i compile the mob.c get error Error 1 error C2198: 'clif_sitting' : too few arguments for call d:\pro\trunk\src\map\mob.c 3967 1 map-server_sql how can i fixed that!? I can Fixed that by commenting this line LINE: clif_sitting( &md->bl ); //at mob.c but my problem when i reconnect server map is getting down Anyone can Help me to this topic? i already Fixed my BUG ahaha im using latest RaMOD
  3. you can always replace getitem with getbounditem in the script as well and make all items account bound you can always replace getitem with getbounditem in the script as well and make all items account bound I think so wat if the Daily Reward is TCG any player can Create Many Account and including of that is NPC Trader for the reward? can you upgrade with IP Check or Mac Check for the Harmony Users? im interested to this script because my idea is look likes in Heroes Charge Daily reward for VIP Acconts and i already Resolve my VIP Registration and Daily Reward For VIP Players VIP Reward NPC but i need is for All Players in trying to modify your script to get that idea's look like this
  4. Hello Mr Stolao Have a nice day to you! your script is working but! Abusable for Player want to make Many Account I suggest for this is add IP Checking or Mac Checking or 2 Check like add ip check + mac check + TIME Check i hope you can get my side ehehe im looking for that daily weekly and monthly reward!
  5. Hello Sir Good Day to you sir Tonelli I'll Try use your script but i dont have char_reg_num_db can you please send me a link for SQL DB
  6. Find This Line At pc.h struct s_autospell autospell[15], autospell2[15], autospell3[15]; and change what you want sir!
  7. you mean no one can fixed this problem?
  8. My Problem is when i Login 1 Character i receive Server Map Crashe Like The Picture Below! Any One Can Fixed this?
  9. //pvp_n_4-5 mapflag restricted 7 prontera,150,110,0 script Emperium Test 1288,{ set @time, $empbrk_record; set @m, @time / 60000; set @time, @time - (@m * 60000); set @s, @time /1000; set @time, @time - (@s * 1000); mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "Official Record by ^5050A0"+$empbrk_record$+"^000000"; mes " ^000080"+@m+"^000000m ^000080"+@s+"^000000s ^000080"+@time+"^000000ms"; set @time, empbrk_record; set @m, @time / 60000; set @time, @time - (@m * 60000); set @s, @time /1000; set @time, @time - (@s * 1000); mes "Your Own Record:"; mes " ^000080"+@m+"^000000m ^000080"+@s+"^000000s ^000080"+@time+"^000000ms"; mes "Would you like to try a new record?"; next; if (getgmlevel()==99) { menu "Standard Menu",-,"Reset",L_reset,"Reset Rooms",L_emptyrooms,"Exit",L_exit;} menu "Yes",-,"No",L_exit,"Reset",L_resc; cleararray .arena$[0],"",4; mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",94,128,105,139)) mes "Emp n° ^0000DF1 ^FF0000 Busy^000000"; else{ mes "Emp n° ^0000DF1 ^00A000 Free^000000"; set .arena$[0],"^0000DFEmperium^000000";} if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",60,94,71,105)) mes "Emp n° ^B05D002 ^FF0000 Busy^000000"; else{ mes "Emp n° ^B05D002 ^00A000 Free^000000"; set .arena$[1],"^B05D00Emperium^000000";} if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",94,60,105,71)) mes "Emp n° ^B00FB03 ^FF0000 Busy^000000"; else{ mes "Emp n° ^90AF003 ^00A000 Free^000000"; set .arena$[2],"^90AF00Emperium^000000";} if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",128,94,139,105)) mes "Emp n° ^50AF004 ^FF0000 Busy^000000"; else{ mes "Emp n° ^500F004 ^00A000 Free^000000"; set .arena$[3],"^500F00Emperium^000000";} next; getmapxy(@mpempbrk$,@empbrkx,@empbrky,0,strcharinfo(0)); switch (select(.arena$[0],.arena$[1],.arena$[2],.arena$[3],"Esci")){ case 1: if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",60,94,71,105) == 0){ if($@someonegotin1 > 0){ mes "Room is now BUSY"; close;} set $@someonegotin1, 1; warp "pvp_n_4-5",99,128; killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#1::OnThisMobDeath"; initnpctimer "EmpBrk#1";} break; case 2: if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",60,94,71,105) == 0){ if($@someonegotin2 > 0){ mes "Room is now BUSY"; close;} set $@someonegotin2, 1; warp "pvp_n_4-5",68,99; killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#2::OnThisMobDeath"; initnpctimer "EmpBrk#2";} break; case 3: if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",94,60,105,71) == 0){ if($@someonegotin3 > 0){ mes "Room is now BUSY"; close;} set $@someonegotin3, 1; warp "pvp_n_4-5",100,68; killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#3::OnThisMobDeath"; initnpctimer "EmpBrk#3";} break; case 4: if (getareausers("pvp_n_4-5",128,94,139,105) == 0){ if($@someonegotin4 > 0){ mes "Room is now BUSY"; close;} set $@someonegotin4, 1; warp "pvp_n_4-5",130,99; killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#4::OnThisMobDeath"; initnpctimer "EmpBrk#4";} break; default: close; } sc_end SC_ALL; close; L_reset: mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "Are you sure to reset official record ?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_exit; set $empbrk_record, 0; set $empbrk_record$, ""; close; L_resc: mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "Are you suere to rest your record?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_exit; set empbrk_record, 0; L_emptyrooms: set $@someonegotin1, 0; set $@someonegotin2, 0; set $@someonegotin3, 0; set $@someonegotin4, 0; close; L_exit: close; } - script EmpBrk#1 -1,{ OnTimer3000: if (.end == 1) { warpchar "prontera",156,192,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 0; } end; OnTimer5000: set .x1,94; set .y1,128; set .x2,105; set .y2,139; set .xe,100; set .ye,134; areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Let's ready to break the Emperium",0; set $@someonegotin1, 0; end; OnTimer7000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"5",0; end; OnTimer8000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"4",0; end; OnTimer9000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"3",0; end; OnTimer10000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"2",0; end; OnTimer11000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"1",0; end; OnTimer12000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"GO!!!",0; monster "pvp_n_4-5",.xe,.ye,"Emperium",1288,1,"EmpBrk#1::OnThisMobDeath"; end; OnTimer1200000: warpchar "prontera",156,192,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 1; end; OnThisMobDeath: stopnpctimer "EmpBrk#1"; set .time, getnpctimer(0,"EmpBrk#1"); set .time, .time - 12000; if (.time < empbrk_record || empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Own Record!!!",0; set empbrk_record, .time; } if (.time < $empbrk_record || $empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Official Record!!!",0; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is now the NO. 1 Emperium Breaker!!",0; set $empbrk_record, .time; set $empbrk_record$,strcharinfo(0); } set .m, .time / 60000; set .time, .time - (.m * 60000); set .s, .time /1000; set .time, .time - (.s * 1000); areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Your time is "+.m+"m "+.s+"s "+.time+"ms",0; set .end,1; set .charid,getcharid(0); initnpctimer; end; } pvp_n_4-5,99,125,0 script EmpBrk#1_touch -1,2,1,{ OnTouch: killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#1::OnThisMobDeath"; mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "You cannot exit from small sqare."; close2; set $@someonegotin1, 0; warp @mpempbrk$,@empbrkx,@empbrky; close; } - script EmpBrk#2 -1,{ OnTimer3000: if (.end == 1) { warpchar "prontera",156,192,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 0; } end; OnTimer5000: set .x1,60; set .y1,94; set .x2,71; set .y2,105; set .xe,65; set .ye,99; areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Let's ready to break the Emperium",0; set $@someonegotin2, 0; end; OnTimer7000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"5",0; end; OnTimer8000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"4",0; end; OnTimer9000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"3",0; end; OnTimer10000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"2",0; end; OnTimer11000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"1",0; end; OnTimer12000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"GO!!!",0; monster "pvp_n_4-5",.xe,.ye,"Emperium",1288,1,"EmpBrk#2::OnThisMobDeath"; end; OnTimer1200000: warpchar "prontera",156,192,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 1; end; OnThisMobDeath: stopnpctimer "EmpBrk#2"; set .time, getnpctimer(0,"EmpBrk#2"); set .time, .time - 12000; if (.time < empbrk_record || empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Own Record!!!",0; set empbrk_record, .time; } if (.time < $empbrk_record || $empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Official Record!!!",0; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is now the NO. 1 Emperium Breaker!!",0; set $empbrk_record, .time; set $empbrk_record$,strcharinfo(0); } set .m, .time / 60000; set .time, .time - (.m * 60000); set .s, .time /1000; set .time, .time - (.s * 1000); areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Your time is "+.m+"m "+.s+"s "+.time+"ms",0; set .end,1; set .charid,getcharid(0); initnpctimer; end; } pvp_n_4-5,74,99,0 script EmpBrk#2_touch -1,1,2,{ OnTouch: killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#2::OnThisMobDeath"; mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "You cannot exit from small sqare."; close2; set $@someonegotin2, 0; warp @mpempbrk$,@empbrkx,@empbrky; close; } - script EmpBrk#3 -1,{ OnTimer3000: if (.end == 1) { warpchar "prontera",156,192,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 0; } end; OnTimer5000: set .x1,94; set .y1,60; set .x2,105; set .y2,71; set .xe,99; set .ye,65; areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Let's ready to break the Emperium",0; set $@someonegotin3, 0; end; OnTimer7000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"5",0; end; OnTimer8000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"4",0; end; OnTimer9000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"3",0; end; OnTimer10000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"2",0; end; OnTimer11000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"1",0; end; OnTimer12000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"GO!!!",0; monster "pvp_n_4-5",.xe,.ye,"Emperium",1288,1,"EmpBrk#3::OnThisMobDeath"; end; OnTimer1200000: warpchar "prontera",156,192,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 1; end; OnThisMobDeath: stopnpctimer "EmpBrk#3"; set .time, getnpctimer(0,"EmpBrk#3"); set .time, .time - 12000; if (.time < empbrk_record || empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Own Record!!!",0; set empbrk_record, .time; } if (.time < $empbrk_record || $empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Official Record!!!",0; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is now the NO. 1 Emperium Breaker!!",0; set $empbrk_record, .time; set $empbrk_record$,strcharinfo(0); } set .m, .time / 60000; set .time, .time - (.m * 60000); set .s, .time /1000; set .time, .time - (.s * 1000); areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Your time is "+.m+"m "+.s+"s "+.time+"ms",0; set .end,1; set .charid,getcharid(0); initnpctimer; end; } pvp_n_4-5,100,74,0 script EmpBrk#3_touch -1,2,1,{ OnTouch: killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#3::OnThisMobDeath"; mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "You cannot exit from small sqare."; close2; set $@someonegotin3, 0; warp @mpempbrk$,@empbrkx,@empbrky; close; } - script EmpBrk#4 -1,{ OnTimer3000: if (.end == 1) { warpchar "prontera",156,192,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 0; } end; OnTimer5000: set .x1,128; set .y1,94; set .x2,139; set .y2,105; set .xe,134; set .ye,99; areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Let's ready to break the Emperium",0; set $@someonegotin4, 0; end; OnTimer7000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"5",0; end; OnTimer8000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"4",0; end; OnTimer9000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"3",0; end; OnTimer10000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"2",0; end; OnTimer11000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"1",0; end; OnTimer12000: areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"GO!!!",0; monster "pvp_n_4-5",.xe,.ye,"Emperium",1288,1,"EmpBrk#4::OnThisMobDeath"; end; OnTimer1200000: warpchar "prontera",156,192,.charid; stopnpctimer; set .end, 1; end; OnThisMobDeath: stopnpctimer "EmpBrk#4"; set .time, getnpctimer(0,"EmpBrk#4"); set .time, .time - 12000; if (.time < empbrk_record || empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Own Record!!!",0; set empbrk_record, .time; } if (.time < $empbrk_record || $empbrk_record == 0) { areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"New Official Record!!!",0; announce strcharinfo(0)+" is now the NO. 1 Emperium Breaker!!",0; set $empbrk_record, .time; set $empbrk_record$,strcharinfo(0); } set .m, .time / 60000; set .time, .time - (.m * 60000); set .s, .time /1000; set .time, .time - (.s * 1000); areaannounce "pvp_n_4-5",.x1,.y1,.x2,.y2,"Your time is "+.m+"m "+.s+"s "+.time+"ms",0; set .end,1; set .charid,getcharid(0); initnpctimer; end; } pvp_n_4-5,125,100,0 script EmpBrk#4_touch -1,1,2,{ OnTouch: killmonster "pvp_n_4-5","EmpBrk#4::OnThisMobDeath"; mes "[Emperium Breaker Test]"; mes "You cannot exit from small sqare."; close2; set $@someonegotin4, 0; warp @mpempbrk$,@empbrkx,@empbrky; close; }
  10. Any one can Help me this is my Problem! I already Fixed my item bunus2 bunus3 bunus4 bunus5 but we have a problem any one can send Fatal Error in my VNC pocket to make my server any 1 can give me idea how to fixed This? sorry to my bad english
  11. i have a problem with this MVP im using raMod im i publish in my server no MVP Listed Blank Page if i click the kafra inside the Map! but if i try in Test Server work it! with no errors and can summon. Like this This is my Test Server! this is my Online Publish Script @ vro.revolution.us
  12. good day mr emistry i have a question for that script im the one user of your all script what happen if my items script is over in 65 items or higher on list per map? thats posible to no effect or we got side effect on my server?
  13. what if 100+ cant warp in that area! i want an lvl 99/70 only can warp in that area T_T aw thanks i already sold eheheh thanks by Dway - script ClassRestrictionLVL -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if ( .@map$ == "pay_gld" && ( BaseLevel > 99 ) ) warp "prontera",155,181; end; } pay_gld mapflag loadevent
  14. sir emistry not working this is my script - script ClassRestrictionLVL -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( BaseLevel < 99 && strcharinfo(3) == "pay_gld" ) warp "prontera",155,181; end; } pay_gld mapflag loadevent
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