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Everything posted by joelolopez

  1. i got 2.0 and 2.4 nemo patchers and 2014-10-22bRagexe.exe but nemo is not working how to make 2014 work now that 2014 clients are now supported
  2. im not sure if its from jro, but ive seen a lot of pictures that wearing this new wings.. its like a bat wings..to make it more clearer.. look at Ziu's profile picture.. i need that badly, anyone?
  3. i saw a screenshot on a private server i think its alfa ragnarok,and the miss display is different from the normal red color miss display, how can i change my miss display , i think i saw the alternative miss display when i open up my grf in my grf editor..
  4. hi rathena, i would like to request a jobchanger npc that -limit the available jobs -release date of specific job is configurable (for example: knight job will be relased in june 23, 2015) -initial jobs must be configurable like this setarray .AvailableJobs$[0], "swordman", // [1] "archer", // [2] "magician", // [4] "merchant", // [8] "thief", // [16] "acolyte", // [32] "knight", // [64] "hunter", // [128] "wizard", // [256] "blacksmith", // [512] "assassin"; // [1024] ETC.... set .@AvailableJobs,1|2|4|8|16|32; <--- this means from swordman to acolyte is the only available jobs if a specific job is not on the availablejobs above then a condition must be satisfied.. that condition is the release date that i mentioned earlier. if the current date is >= the released date then knight should appear in the jobchange menu else knight is not included in the menu. ========================================================================== this concept is based on grand chase's job release events (this will give every simple job a big break!) ========================================================================== good for low rate servers! i hope that this job npc become a reality! my thoughts about this npc: imagine of a server that has 6 limited jobs "swordman","archer","magician","merchant", "thief","acolyte". and on a specific date (for example june 23,2015) the server will release a advancement job for "swordman", the "knight" job. the knight job will be available in the jobchanger npc menu. knight job will dominate "swordman","archer","magician","merchant", "thief","acolyte" jobs! and another example "wizard" job will be released on august 3,2015. by that time wizard is available and can overpower the previous released knight job! wooohooo! and so on.... until we reach 3rd jobs (optional features: job cost for each job can be different, cost can be zeny,cash,custom currency or free!) i hope sir capuche read and implement my cool npc idea
  5. , i already construct this before but i gaveup bcoz theres no sprites for walking
  6. sir first of all thanks for paying attention to my script request.. everything works perfectly -prize for killing a minion is working -group of monsters are spawned with the same race is working -the level range of monsters that will spawn is working -leader of the invaders is working -allow boss configuration working -random race that will be summon is working -portal effect appears but as i observe and take a further testing i encountered this problems -when i set a race of angel monsters attack the town it only spawn 2 monsters (maybe because there are only two angel monsters that are near to the character's level.. in my case im on lvl 99 and cendrawasih ang archangeling are the only monster that spawned. its supposed to be 1 cendrawasih then the rest of the minions can be spawned twice until they reach number of 50 including the leader.. for example merman is the leader, 13 swordfish , phen 16 , hydra 10 , marina 10 just like settings say 50 monsters) to make it more clearer lets say the the level of character is 60, so fish monsters with level ranges from 60 and below will be summoned for example this are list of monsters that are 60 and below, all of these monsters should appear in the event as we can see, they didnt reach the maximum number of 50 invaders so, monsters from 2 to 9 will be repeatedly summoned until the number of invaders reach 50. 1-merman (leader)(1) 2-swordfish (7) 3-phen (6) 4-marse (6) 5-hydra (6) 6-vadon (6) 7-marina (6) 8-plankton (6) 9-kukre (6) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -i try to add izlude in the town array but the event didnt trigger when im in the izlude map.. (-if a town has no players, invasion event is not going to activate..) regarding: towns invasion event is only applicable for towns in the array, the only condition is "if there is no players in the town the event will not activate".. if town morroc, prontera, izlude has both players the script will have a random pick from the qualified towns. sir can you call the monsters 1 by 1? (as if they're coming out from the portal 1 by 1? xp and the last that will appear from the portal is the leader)
  7. no , locate this folders in ur rathena src/config/renewal.h the edit the renewal.h using notepad ++ and look for the #define RENEWAL and change it to //#define RENEWAL and save. recompile your server again and this will work
  8. i want to report some bugs, but i dont know how to file a bug report anyone?
  9. im looking forward for this script, for me this is one of the coolest scripts of rathena it'll be much more cooler if it has -quest progress message prompt like (kill poring 4/5) (kill poring complete!) (30 mins left to complete quest) -time attack quest -chain quest -quest custom variable reward -call quest cutin (cutin that will display when you register a quest) -custom variable quest condition (for example quest: be a millionaire - checks you character zeny) (quest: be a mass murderer - checks #kill variable) -chain mission -support party-assist , guild-assist to completing the quests . -quest auto warp (sets a map and coordinates for a certain quest :3) -automatic reward (after completing the quest, you will be rewarded automatically where ever you are) hooooooooo this will be a lot of work
  10. look for idnum2desctable.txt or num2desctable.txt in ur grf if your using old client, and you can also check ur iteminfo.lua for newer clients another thing iteminfo.lua is located here "Program Files\RO\System" these files are the one that responsible with item descriptions :3 i hope this helps! +1 if it works for you!
  11. go to src/config/renewal.h put comments // like this to make it pre renewal mode //#define RENEWAL << Comment //#define RENEWAL_CAST <==== put some comment here //#define RENEWAL_DROP <==== put some comment here //#define RENEWAL_EXP <==== put some comment here etc dont forget to express your appreciation by giving +1 :3
  12. yeah its possible, all you have to do is switch to pre renewal settings
  13. i would like to request a monster invasion that -all monsters will appear on a portal, (portal will appear in a random coordinates in a random time) -invade random town (prontera,morroc,payon,izlude etc..) -monsters that will appear on the portal must be the "SAME" race for example all monsters that will attack prontera are insects race. -the race of the invaders in a town is random (demon,undead,insect,formless,angel,demi human,drago etc...) -the level of the monsters that will invade a town should be <= the character with the highest level in the town. for example (joelo lv 54, insect monsters who is below 54 will the only monster that will appear) -the number of the invaders is 50 (configurable?) -monster with the highest level will be the leader -players that participated on killing minion monsters will also get a small reward! for example zeny -invasion will end if the leader has been defeated, -announce the player who killed the leader(monster) and announce the random reward prize! -random reward prize can be configured -if a town has no players invasion is not going to activate -boss monsters should be configurable if its included in the invasion event or not possible configurable settings are: - number of invaders -towns that will be invaded -race of monsters that can invade a town -monster level condition (default: <= character with the highest level in town ) -random minion kill reward prize -random reward prize for the player who killed the leader -blacklist monsters ============================================================================= here is the sample simulation of my requested script to make it more clear: -7:04 PM -demon monsters are starting to attack the town payon -payon,231,231 displays a portal where all demon monsters will start to get moving -since Joelo is the highest level (lvl 78) character in town, all demon monsters <= lvl 78 will appear on the portal monsters <= lvl 78 example of all list of available demon monsters: invaders should be maximum of 50 including the leader which is the highest level monster: -deviruchi (lvl 49) (24) -minidemon (lvl 60) (25) -zealotus (lvl 73) (1) -SinX873 killed a minion! -SinX873 got 13432 zeny! -SinX873 got ruby! after killing zealotus all demon minions will die and the portal will disappear announcement will start Brave Iruga killed zealotus the leader of the demon invaders!, payon is now safe! Iruga received a old card album as a reward! ================================================================= i hope sir capuche read this ahehhe! and also other master scripters here! this will be a different monster invasion experience! a totally new experience! wahhhh real monster invasion style!
  14. when i svn checkout.. i always failed to download the latest version because the file is too big, it reached a hundred mb! is it normal? my url repository is this https://github.com/rathena/rathena i hope this is the right section for this topic
  15. i hope he include some login feature tutorial to the launcher using vb6
  16. are in .@item_id = 501 + (BaseLevel -1) / 25; sweetttttttt tnx sir capuche! another dream come true!
  17. thanks for the both of you masters, but as i scan ur codes i didnt find any conditions for this level 1~25 red potion level 26~50 orange potion level 51~75 yellow potion level 76 and up white potio and the max weight of the total potions should < 50% so that the character wont get 50% overweight penalty icon but ill try your codes ryt away masters! =========================================================== sir can i request some follow up modification to ur script? can you divide the 49% weight into health potion and the other half is blue potion
  18. masters i would like to request a npc that gives a different kind of potions depending on the character level. level 1~25 red potion level 26~50 orange potion level 51~75 yellow potion level 76 and up white potion but the tricky part is the amount of potions that will be given will vary on the maximum weight of the character the total weight of the potions should be exact 49% to avoid 50% weight penalty i hope sir capuche and other master scripters here would help me.. its not that im being lazy, infact i already have my own script but i cant make it work..
  19. For the client to read the encrypted GRF, you need the custom DLL generated by GRF Editor when you set up your client files (from Tools > GRF Encryption). Your friend will not be able to read or see any of the files in the GRF, he will only be able to see the file names. You can use the following guide for more info : http://hercules.ws/board/topic/6047-grf-editor/?p=44463 can i just generate a dll with my password on it and encrypt the grf w/o the generated rag.exe?
  20. hi sir tokei, im just little confuse of the encrypt function what can i do if i want to give my friend my grf file but i dont want him to be able to extract the content (read only) what should i do
  21. the mapindex import support!!! cool!
  22. sir tokei im using visual studio 2008, and i already use the codes that you said but it seems that its not communicating with the server.. it say account:server id:1 , it suppose to say account:joelolopez id:200001 bla bla.. and then it gives me reject from server...do you have visual studio there xo can you give me the exact code coz im out of options..
  23. joelolopez

    GRF Editor

    fast , easy to use, what else can you ask for? im looking forward to make grf editor's database editor to be functional.
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