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Everything posted by xienne15

  1. Thank you, everything went well without errors for the diff and guide for Diff 2013-06-05 v3 using the latest SVN of RAthena 17400 Hanbok Costume Cash shop Feature/Button Security Code Skill Description in English Item Description in english Interface in English everything is doing great~! Thanks~ and for some screenies!
  2. Thanks i found why this happening. Solution: Im using the 2013 clients that uses iteminfo.lub where all tables like description/resname/dispalyname is added I just wonder is there a program that can transfer desctable info in the new iteminfo? Since it would be a pain to transfer each custom you already have.
  3. Hello i tried to search first but it ends up no answer for me. Basically i change a description of item i open indnum2desctable.txt and find its ID 7553# ... ^ffffff_^000000 # i changed it to 7553# A kind of Flower. ^ffffff_^000000 # then when i went in-game the description is different and read it as different from what i wrote above. 7553# A Beautiful flower found in the depth of Brasilis. ^ffffff_^000000 # I dont have description tables on my data folder and my Data.ini have only 4 grfs [Data] 0=luadata.grf (The one that has my custom description) 1=offline.grf (no idnumdesctables) 3=data.grf 4=rdata.grf Im using 2013-06-05 Ragexe (Patched) <?xml version="1.0"?> <DiffProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <Name>Last Patches</Name> <Entries> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>88</PatchID> <PatchName>Allow space in guild name</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>7</PatchID> <PatchName>Change Gravity Error Handler</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>52</PatchID> <PatchName>GM Chat Color</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>gmChatColor</name> <value>FFFF00</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>57</PatchID> <PatchName>Guild Chat Color</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>guildChatColor</name> <value>00FF00</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>56</PatchID> <PatchName>Main Chat Color</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>mainChatColor</name> <value>FFFFFF</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>58</PatchID> <PatchName>Other Party Chat Color</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>otherpartyChatColor</name> <value>FF0080</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>59</PatchID> <PatchName>Your Party Chat Color</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>yourpartyChatColor</name> <value>FF8000</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>55</PatchID> <PatchName>OtherPlayer Chat Color</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>otherChatColor</name> <value>FFFFFF</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>60</PatchID> <PatchName>Your Player Chat Color</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>yourChatColor</name> <value>008000</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>10</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable 4 Letter UserCharacter Limit</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>11</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable 4 Letter UserID Limit</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>12</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable 4 Letter UserPassword Limit</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>13</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable Ragexe Filename Check</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>14</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>15</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable HShield</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>61</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable Packet Encryption</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>16</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable Swear Filter</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>68</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable 64k Hairstyle</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>77</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable Custom 3D Bones</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>90</PatchID> <PatchName>EnableDNSSupport</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>49</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable Multiple GRFs</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>17</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable Official Custom Fonts</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>19</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable Title Bar Menu</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>76</PatchID> <PatchName>Enforce Official Login Background</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>20</PatchID> <PatchName>Extended Chat Box</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>21</PatchID> <PatchName>Extended Chat Room Box</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>69</PatchID> <PatchName>ExtendNpcBox</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>22</PatchID> <PatchName>Extended PM Box</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>24</PatchID> <PatchName>Fix Camera Angles</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>26</PatchID> <PatchName>Fix Camera Angles (FULL)</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>64</PatchID> <PatchName>@ Bug Fix (Recommended)</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>71</PatchID> <PatchName>Ignore Missing File Error</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>72</PatchID> <PatchName>Ignore Missing Palette Error</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>28</PatchID> <PatchName>Increase Headgear ViewID to 5000</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>30</PatchID> <PatchName>Increase Zoom Out 50%</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>31</PatchID> <PatchName>Increase Zoom Out 75%</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>65</PatchID> <PatchName>Load ItemInfo.lua before lub</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>33</PatchID> <PatchName>KOREA ServiceType XML Fix</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>86</PatchID> <PatchName>Only First Login Background</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>87</PatchID> <PatchName>Only Second Login Background</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>35</PatchID> <PatchName>Read Data Folder First</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>36</PatchID> <PatchName>Read msgstringtable.txt</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>37</PatchID> <PatchName>Read questid2display.txt</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>96</PatchID> <PatchName>Remove GM Sprites</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>38</PatchID> <PatchName>Remove Gravity Ads</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>39</PatchID> <PatchName>Remove Gravity Logo</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>41</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable Nagle Algorithm</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>50</PatchID> <PatchName>Skip License Screen</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>95</PatchID> <PatchName>Use SSO Login Packet</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>44</PatchID> <PatchName>Translate Client In English</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>51</PatchID> <PatchName>Ascii & Arial on All Langtypes</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>45</PatchID> <PatchName>Use Custom Aura Sprites</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>46</PatchID> <PatchName>Use Normal Guild Brackets</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>48</PatchID> <PatchName>Use Plain Text Descriptions</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>47</PatchID> <PatchName>Use Ragnarok Icon</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>54</PatchID> <PatchName>eXtract MsgStringTable.txt</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>62</PatchID> <PatchName>eXtract txt file strings</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> </Entries> </DiffProfile> and using the latest lua/lub from https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/client-side-translation/ Answer is much appreciated. Thanks!
  4. Or you can try this one Custom Enchantment System by kenedos. Have fun!
  5. The problem with this is the walkable and non-walkable area is not properly added. If you guys know how to use browedit i guess its up to you to change it. But well nice work!
  6. It would be cool if they can stay in one spot,if they moved wherever they started praying like walking 1 cell or such ,the prayer blessing will be stopped/cancelled. It makes sense since its a AFK Blessing meaning you are away from the keyboard and must not need to move anywhere in the area where you started to pray. P.S. I can walk in whole prontera with blessing ON, the thing i did is to set it in a small room without anything/NPC etc in it so they are forced to really AFK since they cannot stroll like we can do in Prontera, so if they leave that room the blessing prayer will be cancelled.
  7. case 83: announce "Fact Announcer: [The Fact]? The Muppet Show was banned from Saudi Arabian TV because one of its stars was a pig.",bc_all,0xFFFF00; end; great script:) Thanks. Edited.
  8. 24x24 bmp file and make sure confbattleguild.conf // Can the 'Glory of Guild' skill be learnt in the Guild window, // and does changing emblems require it? (Note 1) // P.S: This skill is not implemented on official servers require_glory_guild: no
  9. did you get it from the svn? did you recompile it?
  10. No job changer as of this time. They are still working on 3rd jobs so i think it will not be too soon.
  11. it can be but i need to make it for sql, for it will delete the messages made by the gm when the server restart and it would be a big file. As of now we can manually add them in our script if we gather enough facts.
  12. i didnt add anything. But when it let me choose in the option, it is always blank.
  13. 501,Red_Potion,Red Potion,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ atcommand "@skpoint,1 "+strcharinfo(0); atcommand "@stpoint,1 "+strcharinfo(0); },{},{} try that
  14. Thank you, thinking of idea how to improve it.
  15. The restaurant script is i think not working, i was able to talk to the npc and become a cook, and i click menu management, i dont see anything and no option can be seen. I tried to lvl 10 but still no use
  16. Do you even want to know great things even your playing whole day in your RO? This is the best way to give people more knowledge anything under the sun! Information: 1) This NPC will trigger every 30 minutes, it will broadcast the "GREAT FACTS" server-wide. 2) This Auto announcer announces facts that is really helpful and not yet known by others! 3) You will see people will love it, for they will gain more knowledge other than playing RO!. 4) This script consist of 300+ Facts that is gather whole around the internet. Installation: 1) In your custom_script.conf put npc: npc:/custom/fact_announcer.txt 2) Copy the script located here in your npc: npc:/custom/ 3) Reload/Load by restarting your server or by doing @reloadscript 4) Enjoy! Change time: Change how many facts to be chosen randomly: Updated to V1.2 //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= ResidentRO Fact Announcer //===== By: ================================================== //= RxChris ([email protected]) //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Eathena SVN / 3ceam and Rathena //===== Description: ========================================= //= It's the Fact announcer. //= now over 300+ Great Facts //========Credits======================================= //=Xienne15 //=~AnnieRuru~ //=Waeyan //===========Site Location================ //= [url="http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=242812"]http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=242812[/url] //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= v 1.1 More Facts added //= v 1.1 Removed unnecessary variables. //= v 1.1 Removed Long Facts that is not broadcast fully. //= v 1.1 Added missing variables. //= v 1.2 Added Fact Announcer: [The Fact]? in the First line so player's wont be confused what's happening //=============================================== Original Post is: HERE Have Fun guys ^^ fact.txt
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