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Everything posted by xienne15

  1. Q : I have some langtype issue, i can write chinese char or ascii char A : Check the patch Use SSO Login Packet in the xDiffPatcher, then change your langtype in the clientinfo.xml file with the one who match with your country : Langtypes List
  2. It's working now thanks
  3. tried to do that,but the color of the lightmap is not appearing....i used the same setting as my other lightmaps that is appearing but still it doesnt appear
  4. For example i already finished creating my map, i already generate lightmaps with shadows and in the time i want to add another small light, do i need to recalculate again the whole lightmaps including the shadow? since calculating with shadows tooks alot of time, is there a way that it will only calculate the lightmap i added not touching the other lightmaps?
  5. bif_fild01,163,61,4 script MINING SPOT 66,{ if (countitem(558) > 1) goto OnMine; mes "A big rock."; close; OnMine: setarray .@array, 26106, 10, 26107, 10, 640, 15, 714, 15, 715, 60, 716, 60, 717, 60, 718, 20, 719, 20, 720, 20, 721, 20, 722, 20, 723, 20, 724, 20, 725, 20, 726, 20, 727, 20, 728, 20, 729, 20, 730, 16, 731, 14, 732, 12, 733, 50, 6077, 20, 7300, 20, 756, 20, 757, 20, 2794, 5, 7049, 70, 6078, 70, 7067, 70 ; set .@len, getarraysize(.@array); delitem 26105,1; if(rand(2)-1) while(set(.@i,.@i+2)-2<=.@len) if(rand(100)<=.@array[.@i]) { set .@item, .@array[.@i]-1; misceffect 795; soundeffect "mining.wav",0; progressbar "brown",2; misceffect 795; specialeffect2 610; getitem(.@item,1); mes "You successfully mined a "+getitemname(.@item)+"."; close; } misceffect 795; soundeffect "mining.wav",0; progressbar "brown",2; misceffect 795; mes "You failed to mine."; specialeffect2 611; close; } i am only getting the 26106 in the arrray. How to fix this?
  6. getitem(.@item,1); is the 1 responsible for the number of items given when successfully mining? why sometimes it gives more than 1 piece? OnMine: setarray .@array, 26106, 10, 26107, 10, 640, 15, 714, 15, 715, 60, 716, 60, 717, 60, 718, 20, 719, 20, 720, 20, 721, 20, 722, 20, 723, 20, 724, 20, 725, 20, 726, 20, 727, 20, 728, 20, 729, 20, 730, 16, 731, 14, 732, 12, 733, 50, 6077, 20, 7300, 20, 756, 20, 757, 20, 2794, 5, 7049, 70, 6078, 70, 7067, 70 ; set .@len, getarraysize(.@array); delitem 26105,1; if(rand(2)-1) while(set(.@i,.@i+2)-2<=.@len) if(rand(100)<=.@array[.@i]) { set .@item, .@array[.@i]-1; getitem(.@item,1); mes "You successfully mined a "+getitemname(.@item)+"."; close; } mes "You failed to mine."; close; } i tried to add item but it only gives the first item ID 26106
  7. Here is for Rathena(Best because it's english, and more support) http://svn.rathena.org/svn/rathena/trunk/ Here is for Brathena(pure Br) http://svn.brathena.org/brAthena/testes/
  8. prontera,123,123,4 script human 55,{ if(#ticker<gettimetick(2)) { mes "Hello."; next; mes "Now you have to wait 5 minutes to talk to me again."; set #ticker, gettimetick(2)+60*5; } else { mes "Come back later after 5 minutes."; } close; } Well this one limits the player who talk to the NPC for 5 minutes, the NPC will not be invisible but will not talk to the player until the 5 minutes is finished.
  9. Your client should be 2013 i believe since i can see them in my 2013 client
  10. You should use the emulator with bRO so it will be compatible. It's better if you just get the beginner package so you can start your own server
  11. how can i make it show item name instead of item id?mes "You successfully mined a "+.@item; this shows the number ID, not the item name.
  12. at only 1 coordinate since i will put it in a big rock inside izlude. example is izlude,123,123,4 script MINING SPOT 111,{
  13. I want to request a mining script. This is how it works: 1) The player should have Pick (ID:25000) if (countitem(25000 > 1) { It will mine different minerals with % chancesMinerals 25001 20% chance to get 25002 50% chance to get 25003 80% chance to get 25004 2% chance to get there is also a chance that it will fail. 50% 2) When the player mined 25001 it will say after mining mes "You successfully mined a 25001"; close; and when the mined 25002 it will say mes "You successfully mined a 25002"; close; and so on And when it failed to mine it will say mes "You failed to mine."; close; After each use of the Pick 25000, it will be deleted delitem 25000,1;
  14. is there a way to make @night darker than the default?
  15. It's okay thanks for the help though. LINK TO MAP (no models just the map,lightmaps and textures) using arcturus textures too, if anyone can try it and see whats the problem why my lightmap is not occuring inside the game but in BE it is appearing. Thanks! omg solved! /lightmap
  16. BE r586, i click calculate lightmaps without shadows first since it will take too long.i even tried taking off the check in shadows. i add the map to cache,then open the server up, then open the client
  17. actually, what i did also is to create a new map name and used the geffen map and clear maps everything.
  18. torches,and almost all other lightmaps. The map i used is bif_fild01, i even clear the lightmaps so i can start lighting them up. P.S i even make it as new map(new name) but the lightmaps still nto appearing, the weird thing is even i dont add the lightmaps, the in-game lightmaps is still bright, should it be all black? since i didnt add any lightmaps yet? browedit: in-game
  19. Maybe the lightbulbs are illuminating the area below the floor :/. You could try putting them in a higher position. Well the lightmap color (torch lighmap) is appearing in browedit but in-game it isnt.
  20. So i deleted the sun and ambient for whole map and recalculate and the map appears black in browedit, but in game its not black and the lighmaps is still not there.
  21. Ev I used OnTouchNPC, not OnTouch; OnTouchNPC can be triggered by a monster. Using 0 for the unitwarp's GID will warp any monster away; however, if he wanted to be more specific with the GID (regarding monsters), yes, he would likely have to make source modifications to do so. everything went fine, i tried to summon monster in that area, and all monster has been warped randomly. But sadly warped monster that has been warped again to that area will not be warped again by the unitwarp, therefore the monster stays and not getting warp.
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