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Everything posted by xienne15

  1. // Use logarithmic drops? (Note 1) // Logarithmic drops scale drop rates in a non-linear fashion using the equation // Droprate(x,y) = x * (5 - log(x)) ^ (ln(y) / ln(5)) // Where x is the original drop rate and y is the drop_rate modifier (the previously mentioned item_rate* variables) // Use the following table for an idea of how the rate will affect drop rates when logarithmic drops are used: // Y: Original Drop Rate // X: Rate drop modifier (eg: item_rate_equip) // X\Y | 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 // -----+--------------------------------------------------------------- // 50 | 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.11 0.30 0.62 1.30 3.49 7.42 15.92 // 100 | 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 // 200 | 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.18 0.35 0.84 1.61 3.07 7.16 13.48 25.13 // 500 | 0.05 0.09 0.22 0.40 0.74 1.65 3.00 5.40 11.51 20.00 33.98 // 1000 | 0.10 0.18 0.40 0.73 1.30 2.76 4.82 8.28 16.47 26.96 42.69 // 2000 | 0.20 0.36 0.76 1.32 2.28 4.62 7.73 12.70 23.58 36.33 53.64 // 5000 | 0.50 0.86 1.73 2.91 4.81 9.11 14.45 22.34 37.90 53.91 72.53 //10000 | 1.00 1.67 3.25 5.28 8.44 15.24 23.19 34.26 54.57 72.67 91.13 //20000 | 2.00 3.26 6.09 9.59 14.83 25.49 37.21 52.55 77.70 97.95 100% //50000 | 5.00 7.87 13.98 21.12 31.23 50.31 69.56 92.48 100% 100% 100% item_logarithmic_drops: no use the logarithmic drop
  2. You should use 2013 client Ragexe not RagRE
  3. No, i was referring to the effect files, the visual effect.
  4. About the leaves, you should make your prontera in default prontera first and then apply that monopoly map.
  5. Is the custom effect pack still available, i remember it was there in eathena but i dont know where to find it now. It contains custom TGA effects of wizards and other classes skills.
  6. Thank you so much sir emistry! i will try this later~!
  7. if( .@gz && .@gz <= 10 ) announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@k[0])+" x "+.@k[1]+" from Lotti Girl (prontera 139 173)!",0; Thanks again sir emistry, last question how can i disable this? setarray .@Default[0],13517,1; so it will only choose on the arrays i added...because the npc always give default, and few on the array items.
  8. Thanks emistry and how can i change the announcement for only 10% and below?
  9. Yup it would act like lotti girl its like give this ticket and he will give the items something like this format %,itemid,amount something like that bump the percentage here is like we have in our db? //<%>,<ItemID>,<Amount> setarray .@P1[0],600,8001,1; 600 = 6% chance ? or 600 = 600% chance ?
  10. set the itemdropperchance to 1, in mob_db.txt for your custom drop rate at mob_item_ratio.txt please dont take this as an offense but i always see you mispelling the file name, maybe you got the filename wrong and thats why the server isn't reading your trunk/db/mob_item_ratio.txt sorry for that but i was referring to that txt file and about that making it 1, its the same.
  11. the this is all item is now set to 25% even those items that is 100% is set to 25%, the only problem i have is the custom drop of certain monsters since i want thgis mosnter to drop these items for like 80% but the drops conf still overrides the mobitemratio_db
  12. Hello can anyone help me, I made the server drop all 25x so i changed everything to 2500 //-------------------------------------------------------------- // rAthena Battle Configuration File // Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]> // Made in to plainer English by Ancyker //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0) // Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%) //-------------------------------------------------------------- // If an item is dropped, does it go straight into the user's inventory? (Note 1) item_auto_get: no // How long does it take for an item to disappear from the floor after it is dropped? (in milliseconds) flooritem_lifetime: 120000 // Grace time during which only the person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds) item_first_get_time: 3000 // Grace time during which only the first and second person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds) // (Takes effect after item_first_get_time elapses) item_second_get_time: 1000 // Grace time during which only the first, second and third person who did the most damage to a monster can get the item? (in milliseconds) // (Takes effect after the item_second_get_time elapses) item_third_get_time: 1000 // Grace time to apply to MvP reward items when the Most Valuable Player can't get the prize item and it drops on the ground? (in milliseconds) mvp_item_first_get_time: 10000 // Grace time for the first and second MvP so they can get the item? (in milliseconds) // (Takes effect after mvp_item_first_get_time elapses) mvp_item_second_get_time: 10000 // Grace time for the first, second and third MvP so they can get the item? (in milliseconds) // (Takes effect after mvp_item_second_get_time elapses) mvp_item_third_get_time: 2000 // Item drop rates (Note 2) // The rate the common items are dropped (Items that are in the ETC tab, besides card) item_rate_common: 2500 item_rate_common_boss: 2500 item_drop_common_min: 1 item_drop_common_max: 2500 // The rate healing items are dropped (items that restore HP or SP) item_rate_heal: 2500 item_rate_heal_boss: 2500 item_drop_heal_min: 2500 item_drop_heal_max: 2500 // The rate at which usable items (in the item tab) other then healing items are dropped. item_rate_use: 2500 item_rate_use_boss: 2500 item_drop_use_min: 2500 item_drop_use_max: 2500 // The rate at which equipment is dropped. item_rate_equip: 2500 item_rate_equip_boss: 2500 item_drop_equip_min: 2500 item_drop_equip_max: 2500 // The rate at which cards are dropped item_rate_card: 500000 item_rate_card_boss: 20000 item_drop_card_min: 500000 item_drop_card_max: 500000 // The rate adjustment for the MVP items that the MVP gets directly in their inventory item_rate_mvp: 100 item_drop_mvp_min: 1 item_drop_mvp_max: 2500 // The rate adjustment for card-granted item drops. item_rate_adddrop: 4000 item_drop_add_min: 1 item_drop_add_max: 10000 // Rate adjustment for Treasure Box drops (these override all other modifiers) item_rate_treasure: 2500 item_drop_treasure_min: 2500 item_drop_treasure_max: 2500 // Use logarithmic drops? (Note 1) // Logarithmic drops scale drop rates in a non-linear fashion using the equation // Droprate(x,y) = x * (5 - log(x)) ^ (ln(y) / ln(5)) // Where x is the original drop rate and y is the drop_rate modifier (the previously mentioned item_rate* variables) // Use the following table for an idea of how the rate will affect drop rates when logarithmic drops are used: // Y: Original Drop Rate // X: Rate drop modifier (eg: item_rate_equip) // X\Y | 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 // -----+--------------------------------------------------------------- // 50 | 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.11 0.30 0.62 1.30 3.49 7.42 15.92 // 100 | 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 // 200 | 0.02 0.04 0.09 0.18 0.35 0.84 1.61 3.07 7.16 13.48 25.13 // 500 | 0.05 0.09 0.22 0.40 0.74 1.65 3.00 5.40 11.51 20.00 33.98 // 1000 | 0.10 0.18 0.40 0.73 1.30 2.76 4.82 8.28 16.47 26.96 42.69 // 2000 | 0.20 0.36 0.76 1.32 2.28 4.62 7.73 12.70 23.58 36.33 53.64 // 5000 | 0.50 0.86 1.73 2.91 4.81 9.11 14.45 22.34 37.90 53.91 72.53 //10000 | 1.00 1.67 3.25 5.28 8.44 15.24 23.19 34.26 54.57 72.67 91.13 //20000 | 2.00 3.26 6.09 9.59 14.83 25.49 37.21 52.55 77.70 97.95 100% //50000 | 5.00 7.87 13.98 21.12 31.23 50.31 69.56 92.48 100% 100% 100% item_logarithmic_drops: no // Can the monster's drop rate become 0? (Note 1) // Default: no (as in official servers). drop_rate0item: no // Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on an absolute basis. // Setting to 100 means each luk adds 0.01% chance to find items // (regardless of item's base drop rate). drops_by_luk: 0 // Makes your LUK value affect drop rates on a relative basis. // Setting to 100 means each luk adds 1% chance to find items // (So at 100 luk, everything will have double chance of dropping). drops_by_luk2: 0 // The rate of monsters dropping ores by the skill Ore Discovery (Default is 100) finding_ore_rate: 100 // Whether or not Marine Spheres and Floras summoned by Alchemist drop items? // This setting has three available values: // 0: Nothing drops. // 1: Only marine spheres drop items. // 2: All alchemist summons drop items. alchemist_summon_reward: 1 // Make broadcast ** Player1 won Pupa's Pupa Card (chance 0.01%) *** // This can be set to any value between 0~10000. // Note: It also announces STEAL skill usage with rare items // 0 = don't show announces at all // 1 = show announces for 0.01% drop chance items // 333 = show announces for 3.33% or lower drop chance items // 10000 = show announces for all items rare_drop_announce: 500 but i have some custom rates in my mob_itemratio.txt // Specific Item Drop Ratio Database // Overrides for global item_rate* values from conf/battle/drops.conf // // Structure of Database: // ItemID,Ratio{,MonsterID} // // Result: // ItemID base drop rates defined in mob_db will not get multiplied // by global item_rate* values (aka drop rates) from // conf/battle/drops.conf. Instead Ratio will be used (100 = 1x). // If no MonsterID is specified, all monsters will be affected, // otherwise only listed ones. // // Examples: // 909,100 // Jellopies from monsters will drop with 1x drop rate regardless of global drop rate // 909,1000 // Jellopies from monsters will drop with 10x drop rate regardless of global drop rate // 909,100,1002 // Jellopies from Porings will drop with 1x drop rate. Other monsters that drop Jellopies are unaffected (use global drop rate). // //7079,50 // Notes: // - By default you can list up to 10 MonsterIDs per ItemID. // It can be changed in src/map/mob.c by adjusting MAX_ITEMRATIO_MOBS. // - Only ItemIDs up to MAX_ITEMDB are supported (default: 32768). // - Does not override item_drop_*_min/max settings. // - Does not affect card/item-granted drops. To adjust card/item-granted // drops, edit them in item_db. // - Does affect MVP prizes and Treasure Boxes. // - You can add only ONE line per ItemID. If you need various ratios // for different monsters, override drop rate with Ratio=100 and edit // base drop rates in mob_db. // - This file is reloaded by @reloadmobdb. 7079,50 2701,5000 4128,100,2414 7228,100,2414 13414,100,2414 18725,100,2415 7539,100,2415 5112,100,2415 18785,100,2415 the problem is, this item in the itemratio becomes 25x too, is there a way i can make these custom items drop in other rates?
  13. Thanks Skorm, can you help me where to put that random in this script? // http://rathena.org/board/topic/83017-pro-lotti-girl-refine-master/ prontera,139,172,4 script Lotti Girl 714,{ mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Hello Sir! Are you out"; mes "shopping in the city?!"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "I'm Lotti! I'll exchange cool"; mes "random prizes for every"; mes "^ff00001 Lottery Ticket^000000."; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Our Grand prize is:"; mes "^ff0000+9 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+10 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+9 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+10 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Special prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000+5 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+6 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+7 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+8 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+5 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+6 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+7 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+8 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "MVP Card & Headgear prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000Tao Gunka Card^000000"; mes "^ff0000Turtle General Card^000000"; mes "^ff0000Japan Anniversary Hat^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "You can still get random item"; mes "if you failed to get the grand"; mes "prize and special prizes."; next; mes "Consolation prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000Food Buffs^000000"; mes "^ff0000Healing Foods^000000"; mes "^ff0000Random Dye Box^000000"; if (countitem(7528) < 1) close; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) close; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; delitem 7528,1; set .@Total,33; //<%>,<ItemID>,<Amount> setarray .@P1[0],6,8001,1; setarray .@P2[0],5,8002,1; setarray .@P3[0],4,8003,1; setarray .@P4[0],3,8004,1; setarray .@P5[0],2,8005,1; setarray .@P6[0],1,8006,1; setarray .@P7[0],6,8007,1; setarray .@P8[0],5,8008,1; setarray .@P9[0],4,8009,1; setarray .@P10[0],3,8010,1; setarray .@P11[0],2,8011,1; setarray .@P12[0],1,8012,1; setarray .@P13[0],20,13517,3; setarray .@P14[0],20,12080,5; setarray .@P15[0],20,12075,5; setarray .@P16[0],20,12085,5; setarray .@P17[0],20,12090,5; setarray .@P18[0],20,12095,5; setarray .@P18[0],20,12100,5; setarray .@P19[0],50,26000,1; setarray .@P20[0],40,7528,1; setarray .@P21[0],1,4305,1; setarray .@P22[0],45,12033,10; setarray .@P23[0],45,13548,2; setarray .@P24[0],60,12709,20; setarray .@P25[0],65,663,50; setarray .@P26[0],50,26048,1; setarray .@P27[0],1,5846,1; setarray .@P28[0],1,4302,1; setarray .@P29[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P30[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P31[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P32[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P33[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@Default[0],13517,1; set .@i, rand(1,.@Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".@P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.@Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; if(!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; } } else{ for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".@P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) { set .@gz,.@i; setarray .@k[0], getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); break; } } } if(1<=.@gz&&.@gz<=4) announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@k[0])+" x "+.@k[1]+" from Lotti Girl (prontera 139 173)!",0; specialeffect2 248; close; } and how can i configure the announcement when getting 10% and below items from it? Thanks!
  14. i have this now delitem 7539,15; set .@Total,21; //<%>,<ItemID>,<Amount> setarray .@P1[0],10,8005,1; setarray .@P2[0],10,8006,1; setarray .@P3[0],10,8011,1; setarray .@P4[0],10,8012,1; setarray .@P5[0],20,616,20; setarray .@P6[0],25,14232,3; setarray .@P7[0],10,13583,1; setarray .@P8[0],50,26000,10; setarray .@P9[0],50,12246,5; setarray .@P10[0],50,12080,10; setarray .@P11[0],50,12075,10; setarray .@P12[0],50,12085,10; setarray .@P13[0],50,12090,10; setarray .@P14[0],50,12095,10; setarray .@P15[0],50,12100,10; setarray .@P16[0],10,18785,1; setarray .@P17[0],20,18632,1; setarray .@P18[0],20,18633,1; setarray .@P19[0],20,18634,1; setarray .@P20[0],20,18635,1; setarray .@P21[0],20,5335,1; setarray .@P21[0],10,5486,1; setarray .@Default[0],12709,60; set .@i, rand(1,.@Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".@P"+.@i+"[0]")) { but still default occurs alot, is there a way to remove the default and make the script choose only from those 21 array?? and how can i make it announce for 10% and below? i dont know where to change but i think it should be here somewhere.. if(1<=.@gz&&.@gz<=4) announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@k[0])+" x "+.@k[1]+" from Lotti Girl!",0; specialeffect2 248; close; } bump~
  15. What does this do? set .@i, rand(1,.@Total);
  16. prontera,139,172,4 script Lotti Girl 714,{ mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Hello Sir! Are you out"; mes "shopping in the city?!"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "I'm Lotti! I'll exchange cool"; mes "random prizes for every"; mes "^ff00001 Lottery Ticket^000000."; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Our Grand prize is:"; mes "^ff0000+9 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+10 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+9 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+10 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Special prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000+5 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+6 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+7 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+8 Armor Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+5 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+6 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+7 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; mes "^ff0000+8 Weapon Refine Deed^000000"; next; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "MVP Card & Headgear prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000Tao Gunka Card^000000"; mes "^ff0000Turtle General Card^000000"; mes "^ff0000Japan Anniversary Hat^000000"; next; mes "Consolation prizes are:"; mes "^ff0000Food Buffs^000000"; mes "^ff0000Healing Foods^000000"; mes "^ff0000Random Dye Box^000000"; if (countitem(7528) < 1) close; next; if(select("Deal me in!:No way...")==2) close; mes "[Lotti Girl]"; mes "Here we go..."; delitem 7528,1; set .@Total,33; //<%>,<ItemID>,<Amount> setarray .@P1[0],6,8001,1; setarray .@P2[0],5,8002,1; setarray .@P3[0],4,8003,1; setarray .@P4[0],3,8004,1; setarray .@P5[0],2,8005,1; setarray .@P6[0],1,8006,1; setarray .@P7[0],6,8007,1; setarray .@P8[0],5,8008,1; setarray .@P9[0],4,8009,1; setarray .@P10[0],3,8010,1; setarray .@P11[0],2,8011,1; setarray .@P12[0],1,8012,1; setarray .@P13[0],20,13517,3; setarray .@P14[0],20,12080,5; setarray .@P15[0],20,12075,5; setarray .@P16[0],20,12085,5; setarray .@P17[0],20,12090,5; setarray .@P18[0],20,12095,5; setarray .@P18[0],20,12100,5; setarray .@P19[0],50,26000,1; setarray .@P20[0],40,7528,1; setarray .@P21[0],1,4305,1; setarray .@P22[0],45,12033,10; setarray .@P23[0],45,13548,2; setarray .@P24[0],60,12709,20; setarray .@P25[0],65,663,50; setarray .@P26[0],50,26048,1; setarray .@P27[0],1,5846,1; setarray .@P28[0],1,4302,1; setarray .@P29[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P30[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P31[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P32[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@P33[0],80,13517,1; setarray .@Default[0],13517,1; set .@i, rand(1,.@Total); if (rand(1,100) > getd(".@P"+.@i+"[0]")) { for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.@Default); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; if(!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .@Default[.@j], .@Default[.@j+1]; } } else{ for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".@P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) { getitem getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); if (!.@k[0]) { set .@gz,.@i; setarray .@k[0], getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".@P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); break; } } } if(1<=.@gz&&.@gz<=4) announce "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" just received "+getitemname(.@k[0])+" x "+.@k[1]+" from Lotti Girl!",0; specialeffect2 248; close; } I am using this script but after i edited the prizes, it only gives mostly the default prize which is setarray .@Default[0],13517,1; i don't know i'f im wrong or maybe the npc is more likely choosing the default....Can you help me with this? even i put 100% on the item mostyly the item give is default.
  17. How can i make this monster appear every 4 hours? How can i make this monster when died will respawn after 4 hours? it is said it only appears on every server restart. - script helloworld -1,{ OnInit: .itemID = 671; // Edit your item here .amount_item = 100;// amount items to throw monster "prt_fild08",0,0,"I'm a Poring",1002,1,strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: announce "The mob is now killed, the special drop is ready to catch in all maps.", 0; .@map$ = strcharinfo(3); while( .@i < .amount_item ) { do { .@x = rand( 1,300 ); .@y = rand( 1,300 ); } while( !checkcell( .@map$,.@x,.@y,cell_chkpass ) ); makeitem .itemID,1, .@map$, .@x, .@y; .@i++; } end; }
  18. Hmm try this~ Item_db: 644,Gift_Box,Gift Box,2,1000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "randombox"; },{},{} Script: function script randombox { setarray .BoxItems[0],983,982,978,976,980,975,981; set .Random, rand( getarraysize( .BoxItems ) ); getitem .BoxItems[ .Random ], 1; end; } Please hit the reputation button if this works. ->
  19. random in 1 map, look at the video, after killing poring king the coins is appeared randomly in the whole prt_fild08 as if it is a big drop from poring king . so do rand with script, rand(map_x, map_x_max) Honestly i dont know hwere to put that, can you put it in this script? prt_fild08,233,20,0 script Goldroom 139,{ OnNPCkillEvent: if(killedrid!=1002){ end;} makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; end; }
  20. random in 1 map, look at the video, after killing poring king the coins is appeared randomly in the whole prt_fild08 as if it is a big drop from poring king .
  21. prt_fild08,233,20,0 script Goldroom 139,{ OnNPCkillEvent: if(killedrid!=1002){ end;} makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; makeitem 501,1,"this",-1,-1; 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  22. xienne15


    any error on your map server?
  23. xienne15


    You need to restart the server for the chat room to appear
  24. According to the video the drop is scattered all around the map of prt_fild08 is there a way we can do this? if we kill king poring its drop will be scattered all around the map? i tried this but it doesnt make the item on the ground, and it shoule be drop in random places in that map thats why i try to put 0,0; OnNPCkillEvent: if(killedrid!=1002){ end;} makeitem 969,1,"prt_fild08",0,0; makeitem 969,1,"prt_fild08",0,0; end; }
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