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Everything posted by Jelly

  1. Lets try openkore for exp?
  2. Ty sir! Lvl required and reward list?
  3. Hi peopleperson! Can you help me? I want to increase max refine bonus for items +10 and higher.
  4. Jelly

    Homonculi S

    Not implemented yet.
  5. Now i got 450 CP left. And spent 1550CP to DevilPupper. Ingame: 150CP ~ 20-25m zeny I'm trying to help persons who can help me with scripts. Think i can got +2000CP
  6. Yea, now we need to get lvl 140 : D We have zeny and HE boxes.
  7. Jelly

    PVP system?

    RvR system was on eA
  8. Puede usted explicar detalladamente el sistema en la sombra? gracias
  9. Hi Kouga! Can you PM your YM? I want to buy this and something else.
  10. Jelly

    Max Level 160

    Whats' wrong with ATK/MATK Calculations? It's Ok
  11. I'm support this by giving zeny and CP on iRO valk. I can support all devs just pm Me.
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