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Everything posted by JoWei

  1. For that, you will need to figure out which client date you're using then use the lubs files going with it. Just pick the lubs files the closest to your client date. They can be found here > http://svn6.assembla...a_Project/lubs/
  2. Renewal and Pre-Renewal have different ways of calculating the attack. I'm guessing from this that you're on renewal while switching the src code to have pre-renewal calculation for the stats points. In renewal, STR, DEX and LUK raise your attack by 1 atk / 1 str, 1 atk / 5 dex and 1 atk /3 luk respectively.
  3. There's topics where I've anwsered that question. Refer to http://rathena.org/board/topic/64923-stat-points-cost-per-stat-point-problem/
  4. If you want pre-renewal spawns you will have to either rewrite the files or find the files. The files to modify should be found under "/npc/mobs/" folder
  5. JoWei

    Sound Cutins

    You can use this before or after introducing the cutin. http://rathena.org/wiki/Soundeffect
  6. I might be able to do the translation. As a side note, even if I'm proficient with both french and english, expect some delays as I'm busy because of my day job.
  7. I've already anwsered this question for someone else but here's the 2 choices again on what you could do to change that. -Recompile server with pre-renewal formulas overall by commenting this line in renewal.h, #define RENEWAL It well turn your server into part pre-renewal for several formulas unless you comment out the rest on it. or -Go in the source code, pc.c, and change the following line, sp += (low < 100) ? (2 + (low - 1) / 10) : (16 + 4 * ((low - 100) / 5)); for sp += ( 1 + (low + 9) / 10 ); and recompile the server which will make server use pre-renewal formulas for status point calculations while keeping the rest of the renewal settings.
  8. So many color tags that didnt go through in Joey's code. O_o Well here's the code, not completely optimized but should work for what you want. Edit: Yeah that slipped past my view, Thanks Joey. Change: Swap end; -> close;
  9. As a small notice, you don't need to add the item code on which the set effect base is on. Like for this one, it's uneeded to add itself in the condition. This one should work fine now. 20768,Freya's_Pauldron,Freya's Pauldron,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,512,,0,0,1768,{ bonus2 bMagicAddRace,7,10; bonus2 bSubRace,7,10; bonus bMatkRate,20; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_STORMGUST",10; bonus bInt,10; if(isequipped(20766,20767)){ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,2000; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,2000; bonus bMaxHPrate,30;} },{},{}
  10. The only way is if you made back up of your databases regularly. You could then restore from that backup.
  11. Ok, I think I found out why. The if wasnt enclosed by {} thus having the effect still working since it would only put the condition on bonus2 bSubRace,7,20;. 20676,Dark_Glasses,Dark Glasses,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,512,,0,0,1676,{ bonus bIntravision,0; bonus bMatkRate,15; bonus bInt,10; if(isequipped(20677,20678)){ bonus2 bSubRace,7,20; bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bVit,10;} },{},{} This should work correctly.
  12. I just feel the Paid Service wouldn't work since rAthena is an open source community but Donate button and Thanks meter are interesting features nonetheless. But as Rikimaru said, not all the developpers works with money in mind, there's those who actually have fun coding and would code things to help others free of charge.
  13. Basically, what it means is that in the set only 1 item need check if the other 2 equipments has been equipped and give the bonus accordingly. For example in your set: The Dark Glasses would check if Dark Hat and Dark Spell Ring has been equipped. Scenario: When Dark Glasses has been equipped Check If the other 2 has been equipped If they are then apply the effects else do not apply the effect because there's missing pieces
  14. That is because you added the set effect on all 3 equipments. It should really just have 1 equip having the set effect on while the 2 other doesn't. It would then count the effect once. The set effect should usualy be on the main equip, in armor/shoe/mantle set, it should be armor having the main effect. Further more, it is unneeded to include main equip as a condition to the set effect because it will the one that will trigger when the other 2 condition is met. For your set, I would have put the effect like this. 20676,Dark_Glasses,Dark Glasses,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,512,,0,0,1676,{ bonus bIntravision,0; bonus bMatkRate,15; bonus bInt,10; if(isequipped(20677,20678)) bonus2 bSubRace,7,20; bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bVit,10; },{},{} 20677,Dark_Hat,Dark Hat,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,0,1677,{ bonus2 bMagicAddRace,7,10; bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bInt,10; },{},{} 20678,Dark_Spell_Ring,Dark Spell Ring,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1,,0,0,1678,{ bonus2 bMagicAddRace,7,10; bonus bCastrate,-20; bonus bInt,10; },{},{}
  15. There's either a misclosed parenthesis, lack parenthesis or there an extra one that shouldn't be there.
  16. You would have to go edit sources but I'm not sure it's possible due to the client. I tried already but it seems even if I raise the range for npc view, the npc appears as a poring. The fallback plan would be creating an npc using mob sprites.
  17. It's probably a temporary server overload caused by high traffic.
  18. JoWei

    Card Equipment

    You are still able to equip it but effect won't kick in as long it doesnt satisfy conditions meaning even if you got 3 kiel card being able to be equipped on, the 3rd one won't activate until you get 2 expert ring while having 3 kiel cards.
  19. JoWei

    Item Request

    Here you go, just change the ID if need so. It has not been tested but pretty sure it'll work fine. 100% freeze resist and SET> shoe and manteau is equipped: dex + 10 and attack rate + 5% 2357,Valkyrie_Armor,Valkyrian Armor,5,0,,2800,,55,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,2,2,16,,1,1,0,{ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,100; bonus bAllStats,1; bonus bUnbreakableArmor,0; if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Silence,5000; else if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,5000; if(isequipped(2421,2524)){ bonus bDex,10; bonus bAtkRate,5; } },{},{} 100% sleep resist, 100% stone resist, HP+ 10%, SP+ 10% 2421,Valkyrie_Shoes,Valkyrian Shoes,5,0,,500,,13,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,2,2,64,,1,1,0,{ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,100; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,100; bonus bMaxHPrate,10; bonus bMaxSPrate,10; bonus bUnbreakableShoes,0; if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) bonus bMaxHP,(BaseLevel*5); else if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus bMaxSP,(JobLevel*2); },{},{} refine * 3 reflect 2524,Valkyrie_Manteau,Valkyrian Manteau,5,0,,500,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFE,2,2,4,,1,1,0,{ bonus bUnbreakableGarment,0; if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Archer||BaseClass==Job_Acolyte ) bonus bFlee2,5+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)*2); else if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman||BaseClass==Job_Merchant||BaseClass==Job_Thief) bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,5+(getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT)*3); },{},{}
  20. That file can be opened with notepad. It can be found under, -RO directory -data -lua files -datainfo You'll be able to get the view id number in it. If you want to add new view ID, refer to > http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items#View_IDs.2C_Having_A_Custom_Item_Without_Xray
  21. I just noticed you didn't define the view id for your headgear. 20000,3D_Glasses,3D Glasses,5,,0,10,,5,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,2,2,512,,1,1,<Item view item from accessoryid.lua in your ragnarok data folder>,{},{},{}
  22. Is your server, pre-renewal or renewal? You will have to put this line, 22013,Ulkan_Mining_Hoe,Ulkan Mining Hoe,4,,100,30,,2,0,0xFFFFFFFF,1,2,34,1,50,0,7,{},{ disguise 1169; },{ undisguise; warp "SavePoint",0,0; } in the correct DB, weither in pre-re for pre-renewal or re for renewal, considering your version or it will not find it. Easier way would be to put your custom item in item_db2 since it will be read regardless of server version.
  23. Hi, for this matter you got 2 choices. -Recompile server with pre-renewal formulas overall by commenting this line in renewal.h, #define RENEWAL and recompile. It well turn your server into part pre-renewal for several formulas unless you comment out the rest on it. or -Go in the source code, pc.c, and change the following line, sp += (low < 100) ? (2 + (low - 1) / 10) : (16 + 4 * ((low - 100) / 5)); for sp += ( 1 + (low + 9) / 10 ); and recompile the server which will make server use pre-renewal formulas for status point calculations while keeping the rest of the renewal settings.
  24. Hm, can you describe the steps you used from the beginning to get this error with this patcher? It'll help me pin point the problem out since I also use jikari but can't reproduce the error you're talking about.
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