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Everything posted by JoWei

  1. Yes, these are the files you use to assign your resources. All that is left is the SPR and ACT files. The name you have to put for your SPR and ACT files must be "NAMEOFCLASS_SEX_WEAPONID", NAMEOFCLASS which is the name of the class wielding it, SEX says it all and WEAPONID is the ID that you used in your itemdb. Example for male swordmans it would look like this in the following structure using 1197 as our itemdb's ID. sprite/인간족/페코페코_기사/페코페코기사_남_1197
  2. You don't need to specify your data folder because using FLD will tell your patcher that you want the content to be use within your client installation folder. Also you'll have to build your game installation folder structure inside your RAR as it is. For example, I want to add a new BGM in my game folder and update the resnametable.txt inside my data folder. I would then make this directory structure inside the RAR. /BGM/music.mp3 /data/resnametable.txt What it will do is basically put the objects to the corresponding structure inside your game folder.
  3. JoWei


    Hi people, this is a rather short introduction but I've been around eA for a long time now. Good to know there's still an active work going on with emulator and I hope I'll be of help around. :3 Hm... there's not much I can say in this introduction. I guess the only thing left that I can say is that I'm currently a programming student and worked with Oracle SQL, MySQL, PHP, C#, Java and more. I can be of help around and that's about it I guess. :l Edit: missing part and typo.
  4. What's the content of your kdata.rar? Did you specified a GRF in your jikpatch.ini? grf_file1= yourGRF
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