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Everything posted by arzzzae

  1. prontera mapflag nocommand 99
  2. The last one you equip is the element your character use. I'm not sure though.
  3. Just 3? Anyways, to clear the confusion, 25 floors of ET is equal to 1 map. If you say you only need 3 floors, that is really short.
  4. Nope, you can only get mac filtering by purchasing Harmony and having it installed to your client.
  5. Just turn the feature off when you don't need it. //=================================== // Pincode system //=================================== // NOTE: Requires client 2011-03-09aragexeRE or newer. // A window is opened before you can select your character and you will have to enter a pincode by using only your mouse. // Default: yes pincode_enabled: yes // How often does a user have to change his pincode? // 0: never (default) // X: every X days pincode_changetime: 0 // How often can a user enter the wrong pincode? // Default: 3 (client maximum) pincode_maxtry: 3 // Are users forced to use a pincode when the system is enabled? // Default: yes pincode_force: yes trunk/conf/char_athena.conf
  6. Woah, EP 14.3! I wish iRO is very close to kRO when it comes to episode. What interest me in the past updates by kRO are the stories behind those episodes. In Bifrost episode, we got to meet Loki, then they implemented the Glast Heim memorial where you will see Himmelmez and you get to know the story behind Glast Heim's destruction. I don't know much in Sarah's memories, but I hope they are referring to Sarah Irene. I hope kRO is adding more stories rather than endless mindless grinding.
  7. That would be a very difficult task but I think it's doable. I would like to try a server like that, where if you play trans class, all of your skills will be set to pre-renewal formula and if you changed into 3rd class, your skills will be automatically using renewal formula. The problem I see here is the fact that you cannot just merge renewal and pre-renewal together as there is a lot of factor to consider (Formulas, Experience, etc.) and every server that tried to mix pre-re and re has a broken mechanics and It just looks totally awfully for me. That is why, every time I see a server running 3rd jobs and using pre-re mechanics everyone complains about the class balance of the third jobs.
  8. Hi, I am using your latest script. 1.17 and lately, I am having problems. Here is my errors with my console. [Debug]: Function: set (2 parameters): [Debug]: Data: variable name='.PointType$' index=0 [Debug]: Data: param name='Zeny' type=20 [Debug]: Source (NPC): LOGIN (invisible/not on a map) And here is my config: // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Login Count & Welcome Message // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Login types to track. // 1: Character | 2: Account | 4: Server // (a bit value, e.g. 5 = character + server) set .LogCount,2; // Number of logins to display welcome message. set .Reminder,1; // Server name to display. set .Servername$,"Ragnarok Online"; // Login message set .Message$,"Before playing, make sure you've read the rules."; // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Daily Reward // ----------------------------------------------------------- //Daily Prize //Toggle // 0: Off | 1: On set .DailyPrize,1; //Minimum Hours Between Collecting Daily Reward // Day: 22-24 // Week: 168 set .MinWait,24; //Hours Before Lose Consecutive Daily Rewar // Day: 48-50 // Week: 336 set .MaxWait,48; //Number of mins after logging before collecting prize set .Rest,5; //Variable of Points/Zeny earned // eg: CASHPOINTS, Zeny, LoginPoints set .PointType$,Zeny; //Name of Points/Zeny earned // eg: Cashpoints, Zeny, Login Points set .PointName$,Zeny; //Toggle // 0: Gain Zeny Only When ID = 0 // 1: Gain Zeny Every Loging regardless of prize ID set .Mode,0; //Consecutive Day Points/Zeny Multiplier // * If players login longer than the last set // day, they will keep a larger Multiplier. set .ZMulti,0; // Daily Prize items (max 64 days): // <itemID>,<amount>, // Day 1 // <itemID>,<amount>, // Day 2 // ...; // * If players login longer than the last set // day, they will keep getting the last prize. setarray .Rewards[0], 617,1, // Day 1 end; } I don't want the zeny rewards, etc. I just want to give 1 item to the players.
  9. It doesn't have any error in the console. Client just crashed.
  10. Hey guys, I tried adding a new NPC today, and it keeps giving me error every time I try to load it in-game. I am trying to add npc #648 on http://nn.nachtwolke.com/dev/npclist/?q=648 I also have the spr and the act file in my data folder and I did edit the npcidentity.lua and and jobname.lua. This is what I added to the jobname.lua: [jobtbl.JT_4_M_MELODY] = "4_m_melody" and this is what I added to the npcidentity.lua: ["JT_4_M_MELODY"] = 648 Anyone know how to fix this? I also use the client 2012-04-10a. Thanks!
  11. If you are gonna post something in your native tongue, do it in int'l support forums. Please and thank you.
  12. Thanks for the translation! Anyways, what client do I need to avoid the errors? It seems that my client doesn't support the npc for the quest.
  13. itemid,item_name,item name,2,1000,,50,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ pet 0; },{},{} The item script { <pet 0;>} will tame all pets in your pet_db.txt.
  14. //=================================== // Pincode system //=================================== // NOTE: Requires client 2011-03-09aragexeRE or newer. // A window is opened before you can select your character and you will have to enter a pincode by using only your mouse. // Default: yes pincode_enabled: yes // How often does a user have to change his pincode? // 0: never (default) // X: every X days pincode_changetime: 0 // How often can a user enter the wrong pincode? // Default: 3 (client maximum) pincode_maxtry: 3 // Are users forced to use a pincode when the system is enabled? // Default: yes pincode_force: yes /trunk/conf/char_athena.conf
  15. as the title says. I have this script. areamonster "ordeal_1-1",146,240,152,240,"Shinobi",1401,1,"SummonMonsters::OnMobDeath"; areamonster "ordeal_1-1",146,230,152,230,"Antique Firelock",1403,1,"SummonMonsters::OnMobDeath"; I have this amount of monsters http://grab.by/kJm0 Now, I tried changing the amount to 20. The map looks like this now. http://grab.by/kJmq Thanks in advance.
  16. I got it working now. The problem is when I was trying to duplicate the map ordeal_1-1, it is already a duplicated copy of ordeal_a00. I found the solution when I was trying to search for the .rsw, .gnd, and .gat files of the ordeal_1-1 in the data.grf. So, I guess you can't duplicate maps that is already duplicated. Anyways, thank you michealsoftman.
  17. This could probably asked bazillion times in this forums, but I can't search the right one. The problem starts when I duplicate the map named ordeal_1-1 and everytime I tried to warp inside, the client stopped working for unknown reason. I did some edits to my resnametable, mapnametable, maps_athena and grf-files files already.
  18. Do they customize how guild economy is gained? or is it the default guild economy?
  19. The errors displayed on the mapserver, login server or charserver.
  20. Show us your errors, not the client error.
  21. Phantasy Star Online 2 Tera Online Guild Wars 2 Online I think that was pretty much I have been playing right now.
  22. Is it possible to use this script function to input string or integer after the command? For example: @bindatcmd <"enter anything here"> Thanks in advance.
  23. I don't know if this is possible but I guess adding a feature like running your script in the editor to check errors is a great thing to have. Anyways, it is a good editor! Keep the good job and thanks for the release.
  24. Hi, I would like to request a custom mapflag similar to this > one < where instead of setting the custom drop for each monster in a map, all monster in the map would drop a certain item specified in the mapflag with the item rate on it. For example: prt_fild01 mapflag mobdrop <itemid>,<rate> Thanks.
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