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  1. In this tutorial we are going to use Chocolatey Package Manager to help us install all the needed components without using the browser to click here, click there, unzip this, unzip that. We are going to use some plain commands, all righty? You can follow the tutorial with this video Install Chocolatey Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) Disable confirmation for each installation choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation Installing Packages choco install git mariadb visualstudio2022community notepadplusplus Install Visual Studio Open Visual Studio Installer Select Desktop Development with C++ and its following components: MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 Just-in-Time-debugger C++ tools for Windows IntelliCode C++ AddressSanitizer Windows SDK vcpkg package manager You can also choose to do the minimal setup if you want, although this is not recommended. Minimal Setup: MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 Windows SDK Clone rAthena Repository We will only clone the master branch, that will save us space and download time. git clone https://github.com/rathena/rathena.git -b master OPTIONAL STEP Cloning the ro-folder project git clone https://gitlab.com/sapitosucio/ro-folder Create Databases and user We access the MariaDB console mysql -u root We create the database rathenadb DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS rathenadb; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS rathenadb DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; We create the database rathenalog DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS rathenalog; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS rathenalog DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; We create users and grant permissions on the databases rathenadb and rathenalog Remember to change the froggopass to anything you want, don't forget the password. GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE ON rathenadb.*TO 'rathenadbusr'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'froggopass'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE ON rathenalog.* TO 'rathenadbusr'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; We exit the MariaDB console exit Once the database is created, we can populate it with tables; cd rathena/sql-files Get-Content main.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content web.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content logs.sql | mysql -u root rathenalog Get-Content roulette_default_data.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content item_db.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content item_db2.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content item_db_re.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content item_db2_re.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content item_db_equip.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content item_db_etc.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content item_db_usable.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content item_db_re_equip.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content item_db_re_etc.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content item_db_re_usable.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content mob_db.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content mob_db2.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content mob_db_re.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content mob_db2_re.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content mob_skill_db.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content mob_skill_db2.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content mob_skill_db_re.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Get-Content mob_skill_db2_re.sql | mysql -u root rathenadb Add S1, P1 and a new admin account We access the MariaDB console again mysql -u root We select the rathenadb database use rathenadb We add the user S1 and the password P1 UPDATE login set `userid` = "froggos1", `user_pass` = "froggop1" where `account_id` = 1; Create a GM Lvl 99 account (Optional). INSERT INTO `login` VALUES (2000000, 'test', 'test', 'M', '[email protected]', 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, '', NULL, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0); Exit the MariaDB console exit Conf Folder In import\inter_conf.txt login_server_id: rathenadbusr login_server_pw: froggopass login_server_db: rathenadb ipban_db_id: rathenadbusr ipban_db_pw: froggopass ipban_db_db: rathenadb char_server_id: rathenadbusr char_server_pw: froggopass char_server_db: rathenadb map_server_id: rathenadbusr map_server_pw: froggopass map_server_db: rathenadb web_server_id: rathenadbusr web_server_pw: froggopass web_server_db: rathenadb log_db_id: rathenadbusr log_db_pw: froggopass log_db_db: rathenalog In import\map_conf.txt userid: froggos1 passwd: froggop1 In import\char_conf.txt userid: froggos1 passwd: froggop1 pincode_enabled: no In src/custom/defines_pre.hpp We need to declare the packetver in our emulator, and the packetver is based on the RO client of your choosing, in this tutorial, we are using a 2022-04-06 client to connect, so that's what we declare, remember the format (YYYYMMDD) #define PACKETVER 20220406 Remember to compile and restart server after changing the source code!
    1 point
  2. Te recomiendo más usar Debian 11 o 12, en lugar de Ubuntu. Ubuntu incluso la versión server actualiza más rápido las aplicaciones y paquetes que usan en rAthena. Desde Windows 10 puedes usar WSL, que es una máquina virtual linux que puedes usar como entorno de pruebas. Es relativamente fácil de usar. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Download Elurair Here All file used on demonstration can be found below If you have any question ask below or join Discord Server main.inf elurair.default.ini
    1 point
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