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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/23 in all areas

  1. Since Auction Feature has been removed long time ago, I re-created another way to bring back Auction with an Alternative Method. Using Vending System albeit with some limitation. Known Limitation: - You can't purchase the item that auctioned on vending if you has not engough zeny (Client Limitation), to work around this create item to be used as placement of currency equivalent to the real currency, in example if you want to use Zeny as currency of the payment method, by default maximum zeny is capped to by defined in MAX_ZENY (usually 2 Billion), but how if the auctioner want to by pass that limit? this is where curency placement come to play. - Only one item should be auctioned at once, Auctioning multiple item can be done but because UI / Display limitation info about auctioned item can't be verbose enough to be known / understood at glance if each item has different currency.
    2 points
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Please note that you can download the full version of the sprite set from this link. The file is large and cannot be uploaded to the forum. You can download my sprites rework [FOR FREE] and not for resale! [DOWNLOAD] https://mega.nz/file/taQwkKwL#ikVnLwKyX52rymVMlaAqxFMd8YHsC2itTyk3GxmAjtc
    1 point
  3. This is for an exclusive Renewal single player journey. I have no idea how to share the same world with a friend. It was a horrible road for me to manage this much already. 100% offline. Just go and have fun Links: Laragon (get the portable one) (link) Rathena (link) Nemo (link) RO Patcher Lite (kRO RE) (link) [This dev stite is very useful bc of the sprite database and has Ro OpenSetup, an optional config file to change resolution and stuff} Warp (link) ROenglishRE (link) Visual Studio (link) STEP 0 Every time one of the steps asks to allow the network (mainly the server step) confirm both private and public, just to make sure it will work Ideally ,install and use Notepad++ and use it to edit everything for the rest of your life Go to WhiteGoblin Guide and do the Microsoft Visual Studio and Laragon steps ONLY. Anything else and you might mess the rest of this one up. I'll provide a txt file for these steps as well. STEP 1 Nemo and RSU Go to Nemo and get the latest full client and exe As of now its the 2022-04-06_Ragexe_1648707856 and the 2022-07-06 full client Install the client and run the rageexe to get the exe downloaded Grab the RSU. Run it in the installed full client. It will take a while. (The one I used is attached) When its done, close it, dont press start or else its going to start installing anticheat STEP 2 Laragon Open Laragon and start all, click on database and creat one called Laragon. Network type is MariaDB or MySQL(tcp/ip) Click on manage users icon that is next to a green refresh icon. Create a user called ragnarok, paasword called ragnarok, check the global privileges box and save. Right click on the white space next to the other databases, create new database called ragnarok Select it and go to File at the top and select run sqlfile... Choose all the sqls in rathena/sql and run. Click green refresh icon (or F5). All done STEP 3 Rathena In rathena\conf\char_athena.conf You can change your server and whspr name to whatever you like In here as well: // Pincode system //=================================== // NOTE: Requires client 2011-03-09aragexeRE or newer. // A window is opened before you can select your character and you will have to enter a pincode by using only your mouse. // Default: yes pincode_enabled: yes Change to "no" for your convenience NEXT Go to rathena\conf\login_athena.conf // Can you use _M/_F to make new accounts on the server? // Note: This only works if client side password encryption is not enabled. new_account: no Change to "yes" so you can go straight to gaming Next login delete the _M or_F from your user. It's just for the first time. NEXT Edit src\custom\defines_prehpp to: // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP #define CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP /** * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org) * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/ **/ // Custom Settings // A 2021-11-17aRagexeRE of newer client is recommended. #define PACKETVER 20220406 #define PACKETVER_RE #endif /* CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_HPP NEXT Go to src\config\core.hpp: [This one is for a horrible bug in the cash shop that messes the numbers and items up] Change this: /// Uncomment for use with Nemo patch ExtendCashShopPreview //#define ENABLE_CASHSHOP_PREVIEW_PATCH to this: /// Uncomment for use with Nemo patch ExtendCashShopPreview #define ENABLE_CASHSHOP_PREVIEW_PATCH NEXT Go to src\config\packets Change the PACKETVER to: #define PACKETVER 20220406 That is for good measure Compile running rAthena.sln with the microsoft studio thingy. Change debug to release. Right click on solution rathena and select build. (Every change you do to any src folder files you will have to do this) (PS. The PACKETVER is whatever the date is written in the basic exe you download from Nemo. Just remember to format it from ex:2022-04-06 to 20220406) STEP 4 ROEnglishRE Get the ROEnglishRE and copy the inside of the Renewal folder to your client and say yes to changing the files Always say yes in this step.(And all other steps I guess) Go to Addon folder, WARP Sessions and grab the 2020_translation.yml (just do this if you don't want my .yml below with other fixes selected) STEP 5 WARP Open Warp, select the exe you downloaded. Hopefully the 20220406 one because patches break all the time from one to the next. Click load source for the patches to show up. Click on the top left icon and select load session. Load ITWORKSv2.0.yml. It will load the translation and a lot of fixes,including cash shop and GM sprite. Test it in the final step. If there are no errors you can experiment with more patches. Read all of them when you have the time, maybe you'll find something else you need/want. Select apply patches Copy or just move your new exe to your client STEP 6 PUT IT ALL TOGETHER Run laragon and start all (if it's not running already) Run the runserver.bat from rathena Run your new exe. Maybe it will say that it changed. Click okay, close the laucher that shows up and open your new exe again And you are in. Make shortcuts of these and put a 1 2 3 order so you will never forget it. FINAL STEP Become a GM by going to Laragon, ragnarok database, click on login, click on data, it is between table:login and querry Go to the row of your new account and change Group_id to 99. MVSandLaragon.txt rsu.exe Rathena Full Guide by Akawari.txt ITWORKSv2.0.yml
    1 point
  4. btw a question. Double Strafe and Arrow Shower, do these have range 9+Vulture Eye or weapon range+vulture eye? No idea what range -9 in the skilldb means. Same for gunslinger skills and Snake Eyes, is it added to 9 or the weapons' own range? Edit : pushed the gunslinger update. Skill ranges might be inaccurate until I get an answer to my question but the AI does use them. That leaves Sniper (traps are a no-go for the AI so very little to do here) and Stalker (similar case, a lot are not useful for the AI, and many skills are duplicates that are already implemented from other classes) and both will get some major changes to their skills so I'll wait for that update first. Which means Taekwon/Soul Linker/Star Gladiator should be next and after that, waiting for the 1st/2nd rebalance update. After adjusting the AI to those changes, all non-3rd jobs will be done. Oh, and there is the homunculus, too.
    1 point
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