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  1. View File Woe Ranking List ( GvG, Emp Break, Guild Rank ) with Points and Shop In response to this post : https://rathena.org/board/topic/122667-woe-ranking-script/ https://rathena.org/board/topic/121631-woe-rankings-script/#comment-373249 https://rathena.org/board/topic/96397-woe-ranking/ https://rathena.org/board/topic/109488-ranking-woe/ By downloading this file, you agree with my Terms of Service: • You are not allowed remove my signature from any of the included files. • You are not allowed claim my work as yours. If you like it, give me a ? Submitter BeWan Submitted 02/26/2020 Category PvP, GvG, WoE, Battleground Video Content Author BeWan  
    1 point
  2. prontera,146,196,4 script Stat Seller 831,{ readparam(bStr); readparam(bAgi); readparam(bVit); readparam(bInt); readparam(bDex); readparam(bLuk); mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "Good day, I am the stat seller"; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "I sell 10 stat points directly to your desired stat."; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "Each 10 stat points cost 50,000,000 zeny."; mes "Would you like to buy 10 stat points from me?"; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "But please note that when you buy stats,"; mes "The additional stat points will not be added when you reset your character stats!"; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "So please make sure that when you do this,"; mes "You won't regret it later!"; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "Do you still want to buy stat points?"; next; menu "Yes",YES,"No",NO; YES: mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; if(Zeny < 49999999) goto no400k; mes "Which status points would you like me to distribute?"; next; menu "Str",STR,"Agi",AGI,"Vit",VIT,"Int",INT,"Dex",DEX,"Luk",LUK; STR: if (readparam(bStr) > 489) goto M_Limit; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "There you go."; mes "Come by again."; statusup2 bStr,10; set Zeny, Zeny - 50000000; // change this to delitem itemID,Qty; or set #CASHPOINTS,Amount; close; AGI: if (readparam(bAgi) > 489) goto M_Limit; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "There you go."; mes "Come by again."; statusup2 bAgi,10; set Zeny, Zeny - 50000000; // change this to delitem itemID,Qty; or set #CASHPOINTS,Amount; close; VIT: if (readparam(bVit) > 489) goto M_Limit; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "There you go."; mes "Come by again."; statusup2 bVit,10; set Zeny, Zeny - 50000000; // change this to delitem itemID,Qty; or set #CASHPOINTS,Amount; close; INT: if (readparam(bInt) > 489) goto M_Limit; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "There you go."; mes "Come by again."; statusup2 bInt,10; set Zeny, Zeny - 50000000; // change this to delitem itemID,Qty; or set #CASHPOINTS,Amount; close; DEX: if (readparam(bDex) > 489) goto M_Limit; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "There you go."; mes "Come by again."; statusup2 bDex,10; set Zeny, Zeny - 50000000; // change this to delitem itemID,Qty; or set #CASHPOINTS,Amount; close; LUK: if (readparam(bLuk) > 489) goto M_Limit; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "There you go."; mes "Come by again."; statusup2 bLuk,10; set Zeny, Zeny - 50000000; // change this to delitem itemID,Qty; or set #CASHPOINTS,Amount; close; M_Limit: mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "You have already reached max on selected stat!"; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "Please choose another stat."; next; menu "Str",STR,"Agi",AGI,"Vit",VIT,"Int",INT,"Dex",DEX,"Luk",LUK; close; no400k: mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "Apparently, you don't have enough zeny to buy these points."; next; mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "Come by any time."; close; NO: mes "[ Stat Seller ]"; mes "Come by if you need me."; close; } Here you go. Don't forget to change the messages based on your desired requirements (Zeny/Cashpoints/Item) PRRstatseller v1.001.txt
    1 point
  3. prontera,147,163,5 script VIP Manager 4_M_PRESIDENT,{ OnTalk: mes .npc$; mes (gettime(3)>= 6&&gettime(3)<= 12?"Good Morning":(gettime(3)>=13&&gettime(3)<=18?"Good Afternoon":"Good Evening"))+", ^008aff"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000 !"; mes "Welcome to VIP Central."; if (vip_status(1)) { mes "^008affYour VIP access will expire on " + callfunc("Time2Str",vip_status(2)) + ".^000000"; mes " "; } mes "How can I help?"; next; switch (select(.bcor$+"I want to go to Central VIP.",""+((vip_status(1))?""+.bcor$+"I want to extend my time ^008affVIP^000000.":""+.bcor$+"I wish to become a ^008affVIP^000000 player."),""+.rcor$+"I do not want anything.")){ case 1: if (!vip_status(1) ) { mes .npc$; mes "Excuse me! Access to VIP Central is only allowed to ^008affVIP^000000 players."; mes "-----------------------------------"; mes "Ask Admin Team and learn how to become a ^008affVIP^000000 player."; mes "-----------------------------------"; close; } warp .map$,.cord[0],.cord[1]; end; case 2: mes .npc$; mes "How many days of access ^008affVIP^000000 do you want to acquire?"; next; .@i = select( .bcor$+""+.vip_day[0] + " Days." ,.bcor$+""+.vip_day[1] + " Days." ,.bcor$+""+.vip_day[2] + " Days." ) - 1; mes .npc$; mes "You chose the plan of:"; mes "^4527A0VIP:^000000 "+.vip_day[.@i]+" VIP days."; mes "^4527A0Price:^000000 "+F_InsertComma(.vip_cashpoint[.@i])+" #CASHPOINTS."; sleep2 1000; mes " "; mes " "; mes "What do you want to do?"; next; switch(select(.bcor$+"Purchase:"+.rcor$+"Cancel")){ case 1: if ( #CASHPOINTS < .vip_cashpoint[.@i] ) { mes .npc$; mes "You do not have the quantity of ^008aff"+F_InsertComma(.vip_cashpoint[.@i])+" #CASHPOINTS^000000."; close; } else { #CASHPOINTS -= .vip_cashpoint[.@i]; vip_time (.vip_day[.@i] * 1440); mes .npc$; mes "Congratulations you just got "+.vip_day[.@i]+" days VIP."; rentitem 5001, .vip_day[.@i] * 86400; close; } end; case 2: mes .npc$; mes "All right, come back whenever you want."; close; } case 3: close; } OnInit: .npc$ = "^FF7F00[ VIP Central ]^000000"; // Name of NPC; .bcor$ = "^008aff[»]^000000 "; // Option Button Symbol; .rcor$ = "^ff0000[»]^000000 "; // Cancel button symbol; setarray .vip_day,7,14,30; // Number of days that can be purchased; setarray .vip_cashpoint,5000,7000,10000; // Price in #CASHPOINTS; .map$ = "sec_in02"; // VIP Room Map; setarray .cord,130,161; // X and Y Coordinate; end; }
    1 point
  4. autobonus2 "{ bonus bDef,10; }",3,10000,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect2 EF_FREEZED; }"; Effect Chance Duration Condition when it happens PewPew laser show
    1 point
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