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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/19 in Posts

  1. So in November I started making my own GameCube controller for the GameBoy Player and wasn't able to finish it because of school, but it's finally done and I love you guys so I'm going to share it here. ?
    3 points
  2. Hello rAthena Community! I thought recently about an public rAthena server for Scripters/Mapers/Spriters, etc to "showcase" their stuff in an live server. I talked a bit in the Discord already with others like @Normynator @Stolao, @Secrets also thinks that it's a good idea! xD (Mentioning them for them to find this easier haha) My Idea would be something like this: 1 Client + Patcher to access the server: Client Date would be something like 2018-06-20 (since it's the one I currently use) or newer if possible, not sure about the Patcher yet For custom Items/Maps/Sprites: an encrypted GRF will be required to prevent any stealing. For Scripters: There are two options how we could do it: Either per Scripter one Server or each Scripter get's his/her own folder in npc/custom/ with their own access via FTP. Only the Scripters themself can access those folders, except me maybe as Root, but I can make an written statement that I won't access those folders or better restrict myself as well. The costs for that servers' would be payed by me and I would have chosen Nitrado.net > Dynamic Cloud Server with some basic power: 40GB SSD, 2 vCPU, 2 GB RAM, 2TB Traffic > afterwards 100mb/s (is enough imo xD). Which would come to ~45€ per month. This is only an example, if we need less SSD but more RAM/CPU we can adjust that as we need. My limit would be max 100€ per month, as we all would benefit from this project. Paid Content is optional, so it's not like that you have to put everything you made on this server. What I would maybe consider use custom Maps or at least empty Maps to showcase the scripts categorized per Scripter in one place. It doesn't have to be something grand. We could also make copies of existing maps and use those. (Like I did with my Battle Royal Arena Script) Next thing would be about a suitable for the Client and Server Display. For the Server Display, in case of multiple servers, we could use only the Author Name, or one global name like: rAthena Community. Like mentioned, multiple servers is a possibility, but instead of for each Author, we could use those to feature each branch of the rAthena GitHub, so everyone can test it together with the one which is working on that branch. To give live feedback. Permissions: So every Author gets ofc an Admin Group or something like that. We won't use the GM Sprites, except you want! That is everything I could think of currently. You can tell me your thoughts about this, if you would participate, if you got ideas how we could handle the whole thing without complications and of course additions to the entire thing. Note: I'm not sure if this could be called a project or something related to that, so I decided to post about it here. Please move if there is a better spot for it. Idea terminated! Regards, Chris
    1 point
  3. Okay I searched for a while and figured out the root cause is the config change that came with the commit above. It also affects pre-renewal. You will need to find battle.conf config file and change: // Who should have a baseatk value (makes str affect damage)? (Note 3) enable_baseatk: 0x29F Back to: // Who should have a baseatk value (makes str affect damage)? (Note 3) enable_baseatk: 9
    1 point
  4. you can already do that with grf editor
    1 point
  5. use the forum search
    1 point
  6. https://mega.nz/#!tUdmkSaK!MbNan0jnn802N1NV9IAlmYD25Au8F89SROYqiG6yTzg
    1 point
  7. Something like this?. just refine it on your own. its a rush work. PS. i also think that Euphy Quest Shop will do the trick prontera,155,179,3 script YUMI 94,{ for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.Exchange);.@i+=4){ mes (++.@x)+". "+.Exchange[.@i+1]+"x "+getitemname(.Exchange[.@i])+" = "+.Exchange[.@i+3]+"x "+getitemname(.Exchange[.@i+2]); set .@menu$,.@menu$+getitemname(.Exchange[.@i])+":"; } set .@choice,select(.@menu$)-1; next; if(countitem(.Exchange[.@choice*4])<.Exchange[.@choice*4+1]){ mes "not enough material"; end; } mes "exchange done"; delitem .Exchange[.@choice*4],.Exchange[.@choice*4+1]; getitem .Exchange[.@choice*4+2],.Exchange[.@choice*4+3]; end; OnInit: //<arg 1: Material;>, <arg 2: Material Amount;>, <arg 3:Prize;>, <arg 4: Prize amount;>,{Repeat} setarray .Exchange[0],909,5,7179,1, 914,3,7179,5; end; }
    1 point
  8. Hello Everyone So as of late I am playing Pokemon game on discord and there is this sub game where the bot will spawn pokemon image on the channel and the user on channel only need to guess what is the name of the pokemon, it work to substitute Poke-Ball system and I think this system not far of from disguise so I am thinking to create this one just for the fun, the code is simple and crude so here if any of you interested to make it more robust please do get the needed file here: https://github.com/Litro/disguise-discord to run it you need to fill the value required in config.json file "token" : "" "apikey" : "", "WhiteList": [""], token: you can read the guide how to obtain discord bot token from here apikey: you need to request an API key. Please register an account in divine-pride.net forum and request a key in your profile page. WhiteList: is user id of staff that can use the command to start or stop disguise event. you can read it here for how to obtain it.
    1 point
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