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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/19 in Posts

  1. Discord Rich Presence Hello rA, today I'm here to show you a client-plugin for RO that I made recently. This plugin is Discord-RPC or better known as Discord Rich Presence. What is Discord Rich Presence? So, basically, this plugin allows players to display basic information about their game in Discord, some examples: Main Menu In-Game Information User Configuration Player can configure the plugin editing 'RO Folder\config\discord_plugin.txt'. Some of the config: Enable Discord RPC. Show Map Information. Show Map's Cordinates. Show Base & Job Level. Known Limitations Currently this plugin only works in 2018-06-20 and 2018-06-21 RagExe.
    8 points
  2. /* can only bet these item types - `IT_WEAPON`: 4 - `IT_ARMOR`: 5 - `IT_CARD`: 6 - `IT_PETEGG`: 7 - `IT_PETARMOR`: 8 */ prontera,155,185,5 script sfksfjhsfj 1_F_MARIA,{ if ( .start == 1 ) goto L_StartEvent; // goto is evil, but it actually helps make script higher readability else if ( .start == 2 ) { mes "Currently rolling dice ... please be patient"; close; } mes "select an item from your inventory to bet"; next; getinventorylist; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; ++.@i ) { if ( @inventorylist_equip[.@i] == 0 && @inventorylist_identify[.@i] == true && @inventorylist_attribute[.@i] == false && @inventorylist_expire[.@i] == 0 && @inventorylist_bound[.@i] == BOUND_NONE && ( getiteminfo( @inventorylist_id[.@i], 2 ) == IT_WEAPON || getiteminfo( @inventorylist_id[.@i], 2 ) == IT_ARMOR || getiteminfo( @inventorylist_id[.@i], 2 ) == IT_CARD || getiteminfo( @inventorylist_id[.@i], 2 ) == IT_PETEGG || getiteminfo( @inventorylist_id[.@i], 2 ) == IT_PETARMOR ) ) { .@itemname$ = callfunc( "getitemname2", @inventorylist_id[.@i], @inventorylist_identify, @inventorylist_refine, @inventorylist_attribute, @inventorylist_card1, @inventorylist_card2, @inventorylist_card3, @inventorylist_card4 ); .@menu$ = .@menu$ + @itemname2_info$ + .@itemname$ +"; "+ @inventorylist_amount[.@i] +" ea.:"; .@id[.@c] = @inventorylist_id[.@i]; .@refine[.@c] = @inventorylist_refine[.@i]; .@card1[.@c] = @inventorylist_card1[.@i]; .@card2[.@c] = @inventorylist_card2[.@i]; .@card3[.@c] = @inventorylist_card3[.@i]; .@card4[.@c] = @inventorylist_card4[.@i]; ++.@c; } } if ( !.@c ) { mes "you don't have anything useful to bet !"; close; } .@s = select(.@menu$) -1; .@id = .@id[.@s]; .@refine = .@refine[.@s]; .@card1 = .@card1[.@s]; .@card2 = .@card2[.@s]; .@card3 = .@card3[.@s]; .@card4 = .@card4[.@s]; .@itemname$ = callfunc( "getitemname2", .@id, 1, .@refine, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, .@card4 ); mes "Are you sure you want to auction your"; mes .@itemname$ +" away ?"; next; if ( select( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; mes "select the amount of "+ getitemname( .currency ) +" for the player to bet"; next; if ( input( .@amount, 1, 30000 ) ) { mes "you have input invalid value"; close; } mes "Confirm ?"; mes .@itemname$; mes .@amount +"x "+ getitemname( .currency ); if ( select ( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; close2; if ( !countitem2( .@id, 1, .@refine, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, .@card4 ) ) { dispbottom "please don't hack"; end; } if ( .start != 0 ) { dispbottom "Too slow, somebody make it faster than you"; end; } announce strcharinfo(0) +" is trying to auction "+ .@itemname$ +" !!", bc_all; delitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@refine, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, .@card4; .id = .@id; .refine = .@refine; .card1 = .@card1; .card2 = .@card2; .card3 = .@card3; .card4 = .@card4; .aid = getcharid(3); .cid = getcharid(0); .amount = .@amount; .itemname$ = .@itemname$; .start = true; initnpctimer; end; L_StartEvent: mes "Currently there are "+ .total_bet +" players betting."; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .total_bet; ++.@i ) mes ( .@i +1 )+". "+ rid2name(.bet_aid[.@i]); next; if ( getcharid(3) == .aid ) { mes "You are the one who placed this bet"; close; } if ( .total_bet >= .register_limit ) { mes "only accept 10 maximum bets"; close; } .@i = 0; while ( .bet_aid[.@i] != getcharid(3) && .@i < .total_bet ) ++.@i; if ( .@i < .total_bet ) { mes "You already placed the bet"; close; } mes "Are you sure you want bet"; mes .amount +"x "+ getitemname( .currency ) +" for "; mes .itemname$ +" ?"; next; if ( select ( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; if ( countitem( .currency ) < .amount ) { mes "the minimum bet is "+ .amount +"x "+ getitemname( .currency ); close; } if ( .start != 1 ) { mes "Too late"; close; } delitem .currency, .amount; announce strcharinfo(0) +" has placed "+( ( Sex )? "his":"her" )+" bet for "+ .itemname$, bc_npc|bc_area; .bet_aid[.total_bet] = getcharid(3); .bet_cid[.total_bet] = getcharid(0); ++.total_bet; close; OnTimer15000: // 15 seconds stopnpctimer; .start = 2; announce "betting is now close. Start counting now", bc_npc|bc_area; sleep 1000; announce "There are "+ .total_bet +" players bet on "+ .itemname$, bc_npc|bc_area; sleep 1000; .@amount = 1; // this stupid mail system ... .@zeny = 0; .@give_amount = .amount * .total_bet; // why do I have to make these stupid variables ?? if ( !.total_bet ) { announce "this auction has failed because nobody is joining", bc_npc|bc_area; mail .cid, "Rolling in the Deep", "Prize", "Nobody bet on your item, you get a refund", .@zeny, .id, .@amount, .card1, .card2, .card3, .card4; } else { .@r = rand(.total_bet); announce "The winner is "+ rid2name(.bet_aid[.@r]) +" !!", bc_npc|bc_area; mail .bet_cid[.@r], "Rolling in the Deep", "Prize", "This is your prize.", .@zeny, .id, .@amount, .card1, .card2, .card3, .card4; mail .cid, "Rolling in the Deep", "Prize", "There were "+ .total_bet +" players bet on your item.", .@zeny, .currency, .@give_amount; } .start = false; .id = 0; .refine = 0; .card1 = 0; .card2 = 0; .card3 = 0; .card4 = 0; .aid = 0; .amount = 0; .itemname$ = ""; deletearray .bet_aid; deletearray .bet_cid; .total_bet = 0; end; OnInit: .currency = 7539; // Poring_Coin .register_limit = 10; // only 10 people can join end; } LOL when I saw n0ttt post came out I was like ... WAH~~ somebody can actually finish script faster than me @_@ EDIT: forgot to tell the getitemname2 function, not from this topic ... 2.3 but from hercules ones, 2.4 https://herc.ws/board/topic/11275-getitemname2/ rathena one is version 2.3 made on 2013 hercules has version 2.4 made on 2015 EDIT2: Radian say cannot bet equipped items, so just add @inventorylist_equip check
    2 points
  3. I don't know if I undertstood well and I don't know if this will work (can't test) prontera,150,150,4 script Rolling in the Deep 100,{ if(!.status) { if(countitem(.item_id)) { disable_items; while(true) { clear; mes "What do you want to do?"; .@s = select("Set fee "+max(1,.@option[0])+"z","Set amount of players "+max(5,.@option[1]),"Ready") - 1; if(.@s < 2) { input .@option[.@s]; } else { mes "Do you want to continue or check if everything is correct?"; if(select("Check if everything is correct","Continue") == 2) { .fee = max(1,.@option[0]); // default 1 fee. .players = max(5,.@option[1]); // default 5 players. .status = true; .player_aid[0] = getcharid(3); .o_player = getcharid(0); delitem .item_id,1; break; } } } announce strcharinfo(0)+" is having a raffle for "+.fee+" coin per entry only "+.players+" people can join.",bc_all; stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; close; } else { mes "You need "+getitemname(.item_id)+" to talk to me."; } } else if(!.rolling) { if(.player_n < .players) { if(countitem(.coin_id) >= .fee) { .@i = inarray(.player_aid,getcharid(3)); if(.@i == -1) { mes "Do you want to join this game? Fee: "+.fee+" coins."; if(select("No","Yes") == 2) { if(countitem(.coin_id) >= .fee) { delitem .coin_id,.fee; .player_aid[++.player_n] = getcharid(3); .player_cid[.player_n - 1] = getcharid(0); if(.player_n >= .players) donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnSpin"; } } } else { mes "You're already participating. Wait for the event to start."; } } else { mes "You need "+.fee+" coins to join this game."; } } else { mes "Everyone is registered."; } } else if(.rolling) { mes "The game is spinning right now. Pay attention."; } close; OnSpin: stopnpctimer; // We delete the player who started the event (we had him in the array to avoid joining him). deletearray .player_aid[0],1; .player_n--; while(.@rolls < 3) { mapannounce "prontera","Roll n°"+(.@rolls + 1)+".",bc_map; sleep 2000; specialeffect2 F_Rand(EF_SPINMOVE,EF_CASTSPIN2); sleep 2000; .@r = rand(.player_n--); if(.@rolls == 2) { mapannounce "prontera","And the winner is...",bc_map; sleep 2500; } mapannounce "prontera",rid2name(.player_aid[.@r])+"...",bc_map; deletearray .player_aid[.@r],1; if(.@rolls < 2) sleep 5000; .@rolls++; } mail .player_cid[.@r],"Rolling in the Deep","Prize","Here's your prize from the game",0,.prize_id,.prize_amt; setarray .@item_id[0],.coin_id; setarray .@item_amt[0],.players * .fee; mail .o_player,"Rolling in the Deep","Coins","Here's the coins",0,.@item_id,.@item_amt; // if 10 mins and nobody started the event. OnTimer600000: stopnpctimer; // we try to give the items back in this situation. if(!.@rolls) { if(isloggedin(.player_aid[0],.o_player)) getitem .item_id,1,.o_player; } .players_n = 0; .o_player = 0; deletearray .player_aid; deletearray .player_cid; .status = false; .rolling = false; end; OnInit: .item_id = 512; // item required to start. .coin_id = 7539; // coin id. // Prizes for the winner setarray .prize_id[0],513; setarray .prize_amt[0],5; end; }
    2 points
  4. View File GRF Editor Hey everyone, This is a GRF tool I started to develop for my own personnal use, but I thought I'd share it since I've upgraded the UI. Its primary goal is to be easy to use while offering a wide variety of options and customizations. The software is quite stable and can handle large operations easily. How to install Download the zip archive provided from the download link at the bottom of this description or directly from there : http://www.mediafire.com/?aflylbhblrzpz0h Install the application with GRF Editor Installer.exe; if you are missing a .NET Framework you will be prompted to download it. Once you are done, you can start the program from the link on your desktop. Key features Overall speed is faster (or at least equal) than any GRF tool. Common operations : add, delete, merge, extract, preview, save. Undo and redo for any operation. It can open any GRF file. Clean and very interactive interface. Saving formats supported : 0x200, 0x103 and 0x102 (through the Settings page) and conversion to the Thor format. Instant filter and search options (example : "map .gat"). File association and context menus integration for .grf, .gpf, .rgz and .thor (through the Settings page). Can rebuild separated images into one file easily. Drag and drop (with the ALT key, can be modified in the Settings page). This is a big part of the software; most of the items can be moved around within the application itself or from/to Windows Explorer. Tools Sprite editor : a simple sprite editor with powerful features. Semi-transparent images can be added, you can easily change the order or replace images, etc. This tool can convert images in the wrong type by showing you multiple solutions (merging a new palette, dithering the image by using current palette, using the closest color, and a few more). Grf validation : allows you to validate a GRF with multiple settings. It can detect corrupted GRF entries, invalid sprites, empty files, non-GRF files, duplicate files and a lot more. Flat maps maker : generates flat maps from .gat and .rsw files. Useful to generate WoE maps or to fasten up the loading time. Patch maker : generates a GRF patch based on two different GRFs. Hash viewer : shows the hash code (both CRC32 and MD5) for files. Image converter : converts an image to any format requested (BMP, PNG, JPG, TGA). GrfCL : used to create batch files (.bat) which can automate tasks on GRF files. See the content in GrfCL.rar in the download for more information. This tool can be customized from the sources as well. Palette recolorer : creates new sprites by changing their colors (this tool is now deprecated). Client database editor : allows modifications of the database client files (txt and lua) with easy and simple tools. Work in progress. Grf encryption The encryption feature has been enabled again. It's similar to what it used to be and it has been tested on client versions ranging from 2012-08-01 to 2014-02-05. Some error messages will be displayed if necessary. If you have an issue, copy the error message (with the code, if there's one) and send me the client executable with the cps.dll file generated by GRF Editor. There shouldn't be compatibility issues anymore though! Thor files Thor files are patches used by Thor Patcher ( http://thor.aeomin.net/ ). Because of their similarity with the GRF file structure, they have been integrated within GRF Editor. The primary utility of this feature is that it allows you to add encrypted files to a Thor patch. All the other options can be achieved by using Thor Maker. You'll find the necessary steps below, but test your patches before sending them off to players (I've done a lot of testing on my end, but better be safe). If you're using SecureGRF, then make a new GRF, add the files and encrypt it. In GRF Editor, open the encrypted GRF you just made, use "Save as" and name the new file with a .thor extension. That's it, if you want to change the output directory, click on the root node of the project and select the tab "Container options". You can select the output mode and the GRF to merge the patch with. Simply save again if you change these properties. If you're using GRF Editor's encryption, then make a new Thor file (File > New > New Thor) and add the files you want to patch it with. Right-click on the files you want to encrypt and use Encryption > Encrypt. Technical stuff Requires .Net Framework 3.5 (SP1) Client Profile to run (3.5 or more will work as well). Automatically converts file name encoding to their proper values (you can change the encoding). Data virtualization is used as much as possible to preview files, meaning the files aren't completely loaded. Right-clicking an item will bring up the available options with that file. Preview file formats : txt, log, xml, lua, lub, bmp, png, tga, jpp, db, ebm, pal, gnd, rsw, gat, rsm, str, spr, act, imf, fna and wav. Services are "crash ready", meaning that you will be warned about a failed operation and no work will be lost (the application won't close and crash). It tries to continue operating even if it meets unsual conditions. Operations can be cancelled by clicking on the button near the progress bar. The warning level can be changed to avoid messages like "Please select a folder first." When prompted with an error, use Ctrl-C to copy the current dialog's content. Some screenshots! 1) Previewing an act file, while showing the search feature 2) Preview of a model file (rsm) 3) Preview of GrfCL with the MakeGrf command 4) Preview of maps 5) Preview of Grf validation 6) Search feature (press Ctrl-F or Ctrl-H to bring up within a text editor) Got a feedback? I'd gladly hear you out and fix issues you have with the program. Submitter Tokei Submitted 01/11/2013 Category GRF Files Video Content Author Tokeiburu  
    1 point
  5. Annie put that one faster. Well, I put my version (not tested, again: I don't have a test server). This one supports random option and has a sell window (if it works, of course). I grabbed the getitemname2 function by AnnieRuru and F_RandOptDist by Stolao. Credits. //===== Hercules Script ===================================== //= [Function] getitemname2 //===== By: ================================================= //= AnnieRuru //===== Current Version: ==================================== //= 2.4 //===== Compatible With: ==================================== //= hercules 2015-11-27 //===== Description: ======================================== //= custom function to show item names just like in game //===== Topic: ============================================== //= http://herc.ws/board/topic/11275-getitemname2/ //===== Additional Comments: ================================ //= callfunc( "getitemname2", ItemID, Identify, Refine, Broken, Card1, Card2, Card3, Card4 {, Bound } ) //= it also creates a player array : @itemname2_info$ //= [0] = color //= ^000000 (black) = normal equipment/items //= ^999999 (gray) = unidentify equipment //= ^FF0000 (red) = broken equipment //= ^66CC00 (green) = enchanted equipment (1) //= ^0066CC (blue) = enchanted equipment (2) //= ^CC6600 (brown) = enchanted equipment (3) //= ^CC44CC (purple) = enchanted equipment (4) //= ^CCCC00 (yellow) = bounded equipment //= [1] = ID information //= Equipment = Char ID //= Pet egg = Pet ID //= [2] = return full item name if unidentified ( used in unidentified items only ) //= [3] = amount of star crumb used, return in number ( used in crafted item only ) //= [4] = weapon element, return in string ( used in crafted item only ) //= [5] = bound type, return in string //=========================================================== function script getitemname2 { freeloop true; deletearray @itemname2_info$; .@id = getarg(0); .@type = getiteminfo( .@id, 2 ); .@refine = getarg(2); .@card[0] = getarg(4); .@card[1] = getarg(5); .@card[2] = getarg(6); .@card[3] = getarg(7); .@bound = getarg(8,0); .@ref$ = ( .@refine )? "+"+ .@refine +" " : "" ; // I think no need refinement check for type 4 or 5, the source automatically convert refined etc items into no refinement .@slots$ = ( .@slot = getitemslots( .@id ) )? " ["+ .@slot +"]" : "" ; if ( .@bound ) { @itemname2_info$[0] = "^CCAA00"; // this condition always get overwritten ... if ( .@bound == 1 ) @itemname2_info$[5] = "Account"; else if ( .@bound == 2 ) @itemname2_info$[5] = "Guild"; else if ( .@bound == 3 ) @itemname2_info$[5] = "Party"; else if ( .@bound == 4 ) @itemname2_info$[5] = "Character"; } if ( .@type != IT_WEAPON && .@type != IT_ARMOR && .@card[0] != 254 ) { // non-equipable item that isn't signed .@pid = .@card[1] + ( ( .@card[1] >= 0 )? 0 : 1 << 16 ) + .@card[2] * ( 1 << 16 ); @itemname2_info$[1] = ( .@pid )? .@pid : ""; .@return$ = getitemname( .@id ); } else if ( ( .@type == IT_WEAPON || .@type == IT_ARMOR ) && !.@card[0] && !.@card[1] && !.@card[2] && !.@card[3] ) // equipment with no card, for reduce gotocount .@return$ = .@ref$ + getitemname( .@id ) + .@slots$; else if ( ( .@type == IT_WEAPON || .@type == IT_ARMOR ) && ( .@card[0] || .@card[1] || .@card[2] || .@card[3] ) && .@card[0] != 254 && .@card[0] != 255 ) { // equipment that has cards, but not a signed item .@string$ = "#"+ .@card[0] +"##"+ .@card[1] +"##"+ .@card[2] +"##"+ .@card[3] +"#"; .@i = 0; while ( .@i < 4 ) { if ( !compare( .@counted$, "#"+ .@card[.@i] +"#" ) ) { .@cnt[.@i] = countstr( .@string$, "#"+ .@card[.@i] +"#" ); .@counted$ = .@counted$ +"#"+ .@card[.@i] +"#"; } if ( getstrlen( $@cardprefix$[.@card[.@i]] ) && .@cnt[.@i] ) { if ( .@cnt[.@i] == 2 ) .@cnt$[.@i] = "Double"; else if ( .@cnt[.@i] == 3 ) .@cnt$[.@i] = "Triple"; else if ( .@cnt[.@i] == 4 ) .@cnt$[.@i] = "Quadruple"; if ( !compare( $@cardprefix$[.@card[.@i]], "of " ) ) .@prefix$ = .@prefix$ + .@cnt$[.@i] +( ( getstrlen(.@cnt$[.@i]) )? " ": "" )+ $@cardprefix$[.@card[.@i]] +" "; else .@postfix$ = .@postfix$ +" "+ $@cardprefix$[.@card[.@i]] +( ( getstrlen(.@cnt$[.@i]) )? " ": "" )+ .@cnt$[.@i]; } .@enchant = .@enchant + ( .@card[.@i] && .@i >= .@slot && ( .@card[.@i] /100 ) != 47 && ( .@card[.@i] /100 ) != 48 ); .@i++; } if ( .@enchant == 1 ) @itemname2_info$[0] = "^66CC00"; else if ( .@enchant == 2 ) @itemname2_info$[0] = "^0066CC"; else if ( .@enchant == 3 ) @itemname2_info$[0] = "^CC6600"; else if ( .@enchant == 4 ) @itemname2_info$[0] = "^CC44CC"; .@return$ = .@ref$ + .@prefix$ + getitemname( .@id ) + .@postfix$ + .@slots$; } else if ( .@card[0] == 254 || .@card[0] == 255 ) { // signed items .@cid = @itemname2_info$[1] = .@card[2] + ( ( .@card[2] >= 0 )? 0 : 1 << 16 ) + .@card[3] * ( 1 << 16 ); if ( !query_sql("select name from `char` where char_id = "+ .@cid, .@name$) ) .@name$ = "Unknown"; .@sc = .@card[1] / 10; if ( .@sc == 128 ) { .@sc$ = "Very Strong "; @itemname2_info$[3] = "1"; } else if ( .@sc == 256 ) { .@sc$ = "Very Very Strong "; @itemname2_info$[3] = "2"; } else if ( .@sc == 384 ) { .@sc$ = "Very Very Very Strong "; @itemname2_info$[3] = "3"; } .@ele = .@card[1] % 10; if ( .@ele == 1 ) .@ele$ = @itemname2_info$[4] = "Ice "; else if ( .@ele == 2 ) .@ele$ = @itemname2_info$[4] = "Earth "; else if ( .@ele == 3 ) .@ele$ = @itemname2_info$[4] = "Fire "; else if ( .@ele == 4 ) .@ele$ = @itemname2_info$[4] = "Wind "; .@return$ = .@ref$ + .@sc$ + .@name$ +"'s "+ .@ele$ + getitemname( .@id ); } // else if ( getarg(3) ) // broken equipment ... seems no longer show red // @itemname2_info$[0] = "^FF0000"; if ( !getstrlen( @itemname2_info$[0] ) ) @itemname2_info$[0] = "^000000"; return .@return$; } - script itemname2_prefix -1,{ OnInit: $@cardprefix$[4001] = "Lucky"; $@cardprefix$[4002] = "Vital"; $@cardprefix$[4003] = "Hard"; $@cardprefix$[4004] = "Dexterous"; $@cardprefix$[4005] = "Hallowed"; $@cardprefix$[4006] = "Lucky"; $@cardprefix$[4007] = "Beholder"; $@cardprefix$[4008] = "Extra"; $@cardprefix$[4009] = "Light"; $@cardprefix$[4010] = "Wise"; $@cardprefix$[4011] = "Dynamic"; $@cardprefix$[4012] = "Rigid"; $@cardprefix$[4013] = "Excellent"; $@cardprefix$[4014] = "of Champion"; $@cardprefix$[4015] = "Quick"; $@cardprefix$[4016] = "Speedy"; $@cardprefix$[4017] = "Stun"; $@cardprefix$[4018] = "Smart"; $@cardprefix$[4019] = "Martyr"; $@cardprefix$[4020] = "Blink"; $@cardprefix$[4021] = "Skillful"; $@cardprefix$[4022] = "of Spore"; $@cardprefix$[4023] = "of Desert"; $@cardprefix$[4024] = "Drowsy"; $@cardprefix$[4025] = "Keen"; $@cardprefix$[4026] = "Shrewd"; $@cardprefix$[4027] = "Athletic"; $@cardprefix$[4028] = "Double-forced"; $@cardprefix$[4029] = "Wolverine"; $@cardprefix$[4030] = "Windy"; $@cardprefix$[4031] = "of Ares"; $@cardprefix$[4032] = "of Athena"; $@cardprefix$[4033] = "Detoxication"; $@cardprefix$[4034] = "Clever"; $@cardprefix$[4035] = "Bloody"; $@cardprefix$[4036] = "Robust"; $@cardprefix$[4037] = "Untouchable"; $@cardprefix$[4038] = "of Health"; $@cardprefix$[4039] = "of Aristotle"; $@cardprefix$[4040] = "Teleport"; $@cardprefix$[4041] = "of Sandman"; $@cardprefix$[4042] = "of Heman"; $@cardprefix$[4043] = "Hurricane"; $@cardprefix$[4044] = "Hiding"; $@cardprefix$[4045] = "Heavy"; $@cardprefix$[4046] = "of Cleric"; $@cardprefix$[4047] = "Ghost"; $@cardprefix$[4048] = "Poison"; $@cardprefix$[4049] = "Flammable"; $@cardprefix$[4050] = "of Hermes"; $@cardprefix$[4051] = "of Flash"; $@cardprefix$[4052] = "Erudite"; $@cardprefix$[4053] = "Healing"; $@cardprefix$[4054] = "Holy"; $@cardprefix$[4055] = "Ice"; $@cardprefix$[4056] = "of Warmth"; $@cardprefix$[4057] = "Silence"; $@cardprefix$[4058] = "Cranial"; $@cardprefix$[4059] = "of Cadi"; $@cardprefix$[4060] = "Clamorous"; $@cardprefix$[4061] = "Immortal"; $@cardprefix$[4062] = "Envenom"; $@cardprefix$[4063] = "Insecticide"; $@cardprefix$[4064] = "Nimble"; $@cardprefix$[4065] = "Underneath"; $@cardprefix$[4066] = "Brutal"; $@cardprefix$[4067] = "Atomic"; $@cardprefix$[4068] = "Chemical"; $@cardprefix$[4069] = "Saharic"; $@cardprefix$[4070] = "of Witch"; $@cardprefix$[4071] = "Angelic"; $@cardprefix$[4072] = "Solid"; $@cardprefix$[4073] = "Discount"; $@cardprefix$[4074] = "of Gargantua"; $@cardprefix$[4075] = "Hypnotic"; $@cardprefix$[4076] = "Cursing"; $@cardprefix$[4077] = "Under a Cast"; $@cardprefix$[4078] = "of Recovery"; $@cardprefix$[4079] = "of Muscle"; $@cardprefix$[4080] = "Fisher"; $@cardprefix$[4081] = "Glorious"; $@cardprefix$[4082] = "Gigantic"; $@cardprefix$[4083] = "Homer's"; $@cardprefix$[4084] = "Blast"; $@cardprefix$[4085] = "Damned"; $@cardprefix$[4086] = "Critical"; $@cardprefix$[4087] = "Order"; $@cardprefix$[4088] = "Guard"; $@cardprefix$[4089] = "Aqua"; $@cardprefix$[4090] = "Amulet"; $@cardprefix$[4091] = "of Counter"; $@cardprefix$[4092] = "Boned"; $@cardprefix$[4093] = "Cure"; $@cardprefix$[4094] = "Kingbird"; $@cardprefix$[4095] = "Genie's"; $@cardprefix$[4096] = "Venomer's"; $@cardprefix$[4097] = "Green"; $@cardprefix$[4098] = "of Zephyrus"; $@cardprefix$[4099] = "of Ifrit"; $@cardprefix$[4100] = "Soul-Enchanted"; $@cardprefix$[4101] = "of Gnome"; 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"Hasty"; $@cardprefix$[4132] = "of Gemstone"; $@cardprefix$[4133] = "Immune"; $@cardprefix$[4134] = "Spiritual"; $@cardprefix$[4135] = "Mirror"; $@cardprefix$[4136] = "from Hell"; $@cardprefix$[4137] = "of Infinity"; $@cardprefix$[4138] = "Satanic"; $@cardprefix$[4139] = "of Moonlight"; $@cardprefix$[4140] = "Liberation"; $@cardprefix$[4141] = "Deadly"; $@cardprefix$[4142] = "of Berserk"; $@cardprefix$[4143] = "Neutral"; $@cardprefix$[4144] = "of Eternity"; $@cardprefix$[4145] = "of Bigmouth"; $@cardprefix$[4146] = "Reflect"; $@cardprefix$[4147] = "Scythe-like"; $@cardprefix$[4148] = "of Kirin"; $@cardprefix$[4149] = "of Serenity"; $@cardprefix$[4150] = "Spell-Proof"; $@cardprefix$[4151] = "Havoc Bringer's"; $@cardprefix$[4152] = "Sprightly"; $@cardprefix$[4153] = "of Cancer"; $@cardprefix$[4154] = "Sweet Scented"; $@cardprefix$[4155] = "Deadly Goblin's"; $@cardprefix$[4156] = "of Fatal Flame"; $@cardprefix$[4157] = "Piercing"; $@cardprefix$[4158] = "Slaughter"; $@cardprefix$[4159] = "Deluxe"; $@cardprefix$[4160] = "Superior"; $@cardprefix$[4161] = "Anti-Magic"; $@cardprefix$[4162] = "Sightless"; $@cardprefix$[4163] = "Wild"; $@cardprefix$[4164] = "Fisherman's"; $@cardprefix$[4165] = "of Insect Soul Eater"; $@cardprefix$[4166] = "of Jinx"; $@cardprefix$[4167] = "of Beast Soul Eater"; $@cardprefix$[4168] = "of Doom"; $@cardprefix$[4169] = "Spell Master's"; $@cardprefix$[4170] = "Solidifying"; $@cardprefix$[4171] = "Soul Draining"; $@cardprefix$[4172] = "Slicing"; $@cardprefix$[4173] = "Mesmerizing"; $@cardprefix$[4174] = "Deviant"; $@cardprefix$[4175] = "Shoving"; $@cardprefix$[4176] = "Fatal Serpentine"; $@cardprefix$[4177] = "Green Stone"; $@cardprefix$[4178] = "Bow-Master's"; $@cardprefix$[4179] = "of Highlight"; $@cardprefix$[4180] = "of Dragon Soul Eater"; $@cardprefix$[4181] = "Soundless"; $@cardprefix$[4182] = "of Demon Soul Eater"; $@cardprefix$[4183] = "Werewolf"; $@cardprefix$[4184] = "Crushing"; $@cardprefix$[4185] = "of Wisdom"; $@cardprefix$[4186] = "Strenuous"; $@cardprefix$[4187] = "of the Spooky Night"; $@cardprefix$[4188] = "Red Stone"; $@cardprefix$[4189] = "of Misfortune"; $@cardprefix$[4190] = "of Last Laugh"; $@cardprefix$[4191] = "of the Stix"; $@cardprefix$[4192] = "of Fatal Pisces"; $@cardprefix$[4193] = "of Patience"; $@cardprefix$[4194] = "Overpowering"; $@cardprefix$[4195] = "Blue Stone"; $@cardprefix$[4196] = "of Jellopy"; $@cardprefix$[4197] = "Lucky Streak"; $@cardprefix$[4198] = "of True Sight"; $@cardprefix$[4199] = "Dashing"; $@cardprefix$[4200] = "of Mystical Resistance"; $@cardprefix$[4201] = "Crippling"; $@cardprefix$[4202] = "of Exorcism"; $@cardprefix$[4203] = "Blazing"; $@cardprefix$[4204] = "Poacher's"; $@cardprefix$[4205] = "Blue Cubic"; $@cardprefix$[4206] = "Cubic"; $@cardprefix$[4207] = "Anti-Small"; $@cardprefix$[4208] = "Energetic"; $@cardprefix$[4209] = "Fiddler's"; $@cardprefix$[4210] = "Pressure"; $@cardprefix$[4211] = "Virtuoso's"; $@cardprefix$[4212] = "of Knock-Back"; $@cardprefix$[4213] = "of Reticence"; $@cardprefix$[4214] = "Man-Eater's"; $@cardprefix$[4215] = "Rationing"; $@cardprefix$[4216] = "Freezing"; $@cardprefix$[4217] = "Rejuvenating"; $@cardprefix$[4218] = "Nightmarish"; $@cardprefix$[4219] = "Magic Stone"; $@cardprefix$[4220] = "Faithful"; $@cardprefix$[4221] = "Insect Collector's"; $@cardprefix$[4222] = "of Sleep"; $@cardprefix$[4223] = "Stun-Proof"; $@cardprefix$[4224] = "Monsoon"; $@cardprefix$[4225] = "Slingshot"; $@cardprefix$[4226] = "Supreme"; $@cardprefix$[4227] = "Roast Scented"; $@cardprefix$[4228] = "of Siesta"; $@cardprefix$[4229] = "of Torment"; $@cardprefix$[4230] = "Coward's"; $@cardprefix$[4231] = "Charging"; $@cardprefix$[4232] = "Refreshing"; $@cardprefix$[4233] = "Lucky Fluke"; $@cardprefix$[4234] = "of Clarity"; $@cardprefix$[4235] = "Fallen Angel's"; $@cardprefix$[4236] = "Protective"; $@cardprefix$[4237] = "of Godly Wrath"; $@cardprefix$[4238] = "of Doubled Power"; $@cardprefix$[4239] = "Veteran Hunter's"; $@cardprefix$[4240] = 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= "Sneaky"; $@cardprefix$[4295] = "of Blackout"; $@cardprefix$[4296] = "Greedy"; $@cardprefix$[4297] = "Poaching"; $@cardprefix$[4298] = "of Mayhem"; $@cardprefix$[4299] = "Guardian's"; $@cardprefix$[4300] = "Venomous Charge"; $@cardprefix$[4301] = "Traumatic"; $@cardprefix$[4302] = "High Risk"; $@cardprefix$[4303] = "Mystic"; $@cardprefix$[4304] = "Shield Master's"; $@cardprefix$[4305] = "Explosive"; $@cardprefix$[4306] = "King's"; $@cardprefix$[4307] = "of Marine Soul Eater"; $@cardprefix$[4308] = "Power Draining"; $@cardprefix$[4309] = "Reinforced"; $@cardprefix$[4310] = "Fatally Evil"; $@cardprefix$[4311] = "Anti-Evil"; $@cardprefix$[4312] = "of the Soul"; $@cardprefix$[4313] = "Bogie"; $@cardprefix$[4314] = "Fire-Proof"; $@cardprefix$[4315] = "of Stone Curse"; $@cardprefix$[4316] = "of Angel Soul Eater"; $@cardprefix$[4317] = "Aural"; $@cardprefix$[4318] = "Storm-Bringer's"; $@cardprefix$[4319] = "Sword-Master's"; $@cardprefix$[4320] = "Meteoric"; $@cardprefix$[4321] = "Polymorphic"; $@cardprefix$[4322] = "of Retaliation"; $@cardprefix$[4323] = "of Frost"; $@cardprefix$[4324] = "Arctic"; $@cardprefix$[4325] = "Vicious"; $@cardprefix$[4326] = "Ocean Scented"; $@cardprefix$[4327] = "Spell Flow"; $@cardprefix$[4328] = "Hyper"; $@cardprefix$[4329] = "Soul Gain"; $@cardprefix$[4330] = "Curse Lift"; $@cardprefix$[4331] = "Evasion"; $@cardprefix$[4332] = "of Talent"; $@cardprefix$[4333] = "of Chaotic Venom"; $@cardprefix$[4334] = "Anti-Sniping"; $@cardprefix$[4335] = "Gnome"; $@cardprefix$[4336] = "of Vitality"; $@cardprefix$[4337] = "of Wildcat"; $@cardprefix$[4338] = "of Vital Switching"; $@cardprefix$[4339] = "of Stone Wall"; $@cardprefix$[4340] = "of Requiem"; $@cardprefix$[4341] = "Disarm"; $@cardprefix$[4342] = "Mammoth"; $@cardprefix$[4343] = "of Creator"; $@cardprefix$[4344] = "of Value"; $@cardprefix$[4345] = "Sylph"; $@cardprefix$[4346] = "of Power Switching"; $@cardprefix$[4347] = "Stamina"; $@cardprefix$[4348] = "Gangster"; $@cardprefix$[4349] = "Anti-Arrow"; $@cardprefix$[4350] = "Undine"; $@cardprefix$[4351] = "Low Level"; $@cardprefix$[4352] = "of Regeneration"; $@cardprefix$[4353] = "of Rejuvenation"; $@cardprefix$[4354] = "of Stability"; $@cardprefix$[4355] = "Healthy"; $@cardprefix$[4356] = "Magic Cancel"; $@cardprefix$[4357] = "of Fury"; $@cardprefix$[4358] = "Lost-Power"; $@cardprefix$[4359] = "of Shadow"; $@cardprefix$[4360] = "Assassin"; $@cardprefix$[4361] = "of Hollgrehenn"; $@cardprefix$[4362] = "Heat"; $@cardprefix$[4363] = "Protection"; $@cardprefix$[4364] = "of Magic Sealing"; $@cardprefix$[4365] = "of Tempest"; $@cardprefix$[4366] = "of Caster"; $@cardprefix$[4367] = "of Squeezing"; $@cardprefix$[4368] = "Rapid"; $@cardprefix$[4369] = "of Luck Switching"; $@cardprefix$[4370] = "Weakening"; $@cardprefix$[4371] = "of Paladin"; $@cardprefix$[4372] = "Life Stream"; $@cardprefix$[4373] = "Cursed"; $@cardprefix$[4374] = "of Vision"; $@cardprefix$[4375] = "Extra High Level"; $@cardprefix$[4376] = "Manful"; 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"Fatal"; $@cardprefix$[4465] = "Sweeping"; $@cardprefix$[4466] = "Straight Shooting"; $@cardprefix$[4467] = "Heavy"; $@cardprefix$[4468] = "Polution"; $@cardprefix$[4469] = "Marine"; $@cardprefix$[4470] = "Botany"; $@cardprefix$[4471] = "Draco"; $@cardprefix$[4472] = "Carnivore"; $@cardprefix$[4473] = "Undead"; $@cardprefix$[4474] = "Mortal"; $@cardprefix$[4475] = "Intangible"; $@cardprefix$[4476] = "Entomic"; $@cardprefix$[4477] = "Demonic"; $@cardprefix$[4480] = "Of Halfreload"; $@cardprefix$[4481] = "Half Jack Frost"; $@cardprefix$[4482] = "Of Half regeneration"; $@cardprefix$[4483] = "Half Spiritual"; $@cardprefix$[4484] = "Of Half Gemstone"; $@cardprefix$[4485] = "Half Abyss"; $@cardprefix$[4991] = "Carefree"; $@cardprefix$[4998] = "of Valor"; $@cardprefix$[4999] = "of Aegis"; $@cardprefix$[4505] = "of Mad Witch"; $@cardprefix$[4506] = "of Archer"; $@cardprefix$[4507] = "Scaraba"; $@cardprefix$[4508] = "of Mad Berserker"; $@cardprefix$[4509] = "Insectproof"; $@cardprefix$[4510] = "Black-out"; $@cardprefix$[4511] = "Silentium"; $@cardprefix$[4512] = "of Acolyte"; $@cardprefix$[4513] = "of Thief"; $@cardprefix$[4514] = "Exorcism"; $@cardprefix$[4515] = "Flora"; $@cardprefix$[4516] = "of Stone wall"; $@cardprefix$[4517] = "of Magician"; $@cardprefix$[4518] = "Burning"; $@cardprefix$[4519] = "Seraphim"; $@cardprefix$[4520] = "Screaming"; $@cardprefix$[4521] = "Mortal Blow"; $@cardprefix$[4522] = "Cold"; $@cardprefix$[4523] = "Aquarius"; $@cardprefix$[4524] = "of Swordman"; $@cardprefix$[4525] = "Sweeping"; $@cardprefix$[4526] = "of Magic Defense"; $@cardprefix$[4527] = "of Defense"; $@cardprefix$[4528] = "Spirit"; $@cardprefix$[4529] = "Physical"; $@cardprefix$[4530] = "of Merchant"; $@cardprefix$[4531] = "Under Curse"; $@cardprefix$[4532] = "Sprinting"; $@cardprefix$[4533] = "Blinding"; $@cardprefix$[4534] = "Water Bomb"; $@cardprefix$[4493] = "Half High Risk"; $@cardprefix$[4582] = "Endurance"; $@cardprefix$[4583] = "Of poisonous weeds"; $@cardprefix$[4584] = "Vampire"; $@cardprefix$[4585] = "Of Curse"; $@cardprefix$[4586] = "Wind"; $@cardprefix$[4587] = "Slasher"; $@cardprefix$[4588] = "Of Powerful"; $@cardprefix$[4589] = "Of Reach"; $@cardprefix$[4590] = "Of Lethargy"; $@cardprefix$[4591] = "Of Blood"; $@cardprefix$[4592] = "Of Chemical"; end; } //===== EinherjarRO Scripts ================================== //= F_RandOptDisp //===== By: ================================================== //= Stolao //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.01 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Converts random option int values into human readable //===== Comments: ============================================ //= Optmize more? //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.00 Original Make //= 1.01 Added 'Blank' for 'missing' rndoptions client side //===== Contact Ifo: ========================================= //= [Stolao] //= Email: [email protected] //============================================================ function script F_RandOptDisp { // callfunc("F_RandOptDisp",id,value,paramater); setarray .@RNDOptions$[1],"Max Hp +"+getarg(1,0)+"","Max Sp +"+getarg(1,0)+"","Str +"+getarg(1,0)+"","Agi +"+getarg(1,0)+"","Vit +"+getarg(1,0)+"", "Int +"+getarg(1,0)+"","Dex +"+getarg(1,0)+"","Luk +"+getarg(1,0)+"","Max Hp +"+getarg(1,0)+"%","Max Sp +"+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Increases natural HP regeneration by "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Increases natural SP regeneration by "+getarg(1,0)+"%","ATK +"+getarg(1,0)+"%","MATK +"+getarg(1,0)+"%","ASPD +"+getarg(1,0)+"", "Increases attack speed (reduce delay after attack by "+getarg(1,0)+"%)","ATK +"+getarg(1,0)+"","HIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"","MATK +"+getarg(1,0)+"","DEF +"+getarg(1,0)+"", "MDEF +"+getarg(1,0)+"","FLEE +"+getarg(1,0)+"","Perfect dodge +"+getarg(1,0)+"","CRIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"","Resistance to Neutral "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Resistance to Water "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Earth "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Fire "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Wind "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Poison "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Resistance to Holy "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Shadow "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Ghost "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Undead "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to all elements "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Resistance to Neutral monster "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Neutral monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Water monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Water monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Earth monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Physical damage to Earth monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Fire monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Fire monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Wind monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Wind monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Resistance to Poison monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Poison monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Holy monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Holy monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Shadow monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Physical damage to Shadow monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Ghost monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Ghost monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Undead monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Undead monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Magical recistance to Neutral monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Neutral monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical recistance to Water monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Water monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical recistance to Earth monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Magical damage to Earth monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical recistance to Fire monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Fire monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical recistance to Wind monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Wind monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Magical recistance to Poison monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Poison monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical recistance to Holy monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Holy monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical recistance to Shadow monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Magical damage to Shadow monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical recistance to Ghost monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Ghost monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical recistance to Undead monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Undead monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Enchants armor with Neutral property","Enchants armor with Water property","Enchants armor with Earth property","Enchants armor with Fire property","Enchants armor with Wind property", "Enchants armor with Poison property","Enchants armor with Holy property","Enchants armor with Shadow property","Enchants armor with Ghost property","Enchants armor with Undead property", "Blank", "Resistance to Formless monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Undead monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Brute monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Plant monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Insect monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Resistance to Fish monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Demon monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Demihuman monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Angel monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Dragon monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Physical damage to Formless monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Undead monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Brute monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Plant monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Insect monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Physical damage to Fish monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Demon monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Demihuman monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Angel monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Dragon monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Magical damage to Formless monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Undead monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Brute monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Plant monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Insect monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Magical damage to Fish monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Devil monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Demihuman monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Angel monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Dragon monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "CRIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"/10 to Formless monsters","CRIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"/10 to Undead monsters","CRIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"/10 to Brute monsters","CRIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"/10 to Plant monsters","CRIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"/10 to Insect monsters", "CRIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"/10 to Fish monsters","CRIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"/10 to Demon monsters","CRIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"/10 to Demihuman monsters","CRIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"/10 to Angel monsters","CRIT +"+getarg(1,0)+"/10 to Dragon monsters", "Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Formless monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Undead monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Brute monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Plant monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Insect monster", "Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Fish monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Demon monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Demihuman monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Angel monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Dragon monster", "Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Formless monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Undead monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Brute monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Plant monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Insect monster", "Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Fish monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Demon monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Demihuman monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Angel monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Dragon monster", "Physical damage to Normal monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Physical damage to Boss monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Normal monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Boss monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Magical damage to Normal monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Magical damage to Boss monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Normal monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Def of Boss monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Normal monster","Ignores "+getarg(1,0)+"% Mdef of Boss monster", "Damage to Small size monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Damage to Medium size monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Damage to Large size monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Small size monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Resistance to Medium size monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Resistance to Large size monsters "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Nullify weapon's damage size penalty","Increases critical damage by "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Decreases critical damage by "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Increases ranged physical damage "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Decreases ranged physical damage "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Increases Healing skills by "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Increases Healing skills by "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Reduces cast time by "+getarg(1,0)+"%","Reduces cast delay by "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Decreases SP consumption by "+getarg(1,0)+"%", "Blank","Blank", "Enchants weapon with Neutral property","Enchants weapon with Water property","Enchants weapon with Earth property","Enchants weapon with Fire property", "Enchants weapon with Wind property","Enchants weapon with Poison property","Enchants weapon with Holy property","Enchants weapon with Shadow property","Enchants weapon with Ghost property", "Enchants weapon with Undead property","Indestructible","Indestructible"; return .@RNDOptions$[getarg(0,0)]; } prontera,150,150,4 script Rolling in the Deep 100,{ if(!.status && getgmlevel() >= .gm_lvl) { mes "Do you want to start the raffle?"; if(select("No","Yes") == 2) { clear; mes "Sell me the items you want to give."; mes "Please don't put unidentified items."; close2; callshop "rolling_shop",2; end; } } else if(.status == 1) { if(.player_n < .players) { if(countitem(.coin_id) >= .fee) { .@i = inarray(.player_aid,getcharid(3)); if(.@i == -1) { mes "Do you want to join this game? Fee: "+.fee+" coins."; mes "Prize:"; .@size = getarraysize(.item_id); for(.@i = 0;.@i < .@size;.@i++) { .@has_option = false; mes @itemname2_info$ + getitemname2(.item_id[.@i],1,.item_ref[.@i],0,.item_card1[.@i],.item_card2[.@i],.item_card3[.@i],.item_card4[.@i]); for(.@j = 1;.@j <= 5;.@j++) { .@opt$ = F_RandOptDisp(getd(".item_opt"+.@j+"["+.@i+"]"),getd(".item_val"+.@j+"["+.@i+"]"),getd(".item_param"+.@j+"["+.@i+"]")); if(.@opt$ != "") { if(!.@has_option) { .@has_option = true; mes "^ff0000Item Options:^000000"; } mes .@opt$; } } } if(select("No","Yes") == 2) { if(countitem(.coin_id) >= .fee) { delitem .coin_id,.fee; .player_aid[++.player_n] = getcharid(3); .player_cid[.player_n - 1] = getcharid(0); .player_name$[.player_n - 1] = strcharinfo(0); if(.player_n >= .players) donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnSpin"; } } } else { mes "You're already participating. Wait for the event to start."; } } else { mes "You need "+.fee+" coins to join this game."; } } else { mes "Everyone is registered."; } } else if(.status == 2) { mes "The game is spinning right now. Pay attention."; } else { mes "I'm sorry but this game isn't active right now."; } close; OnSellItem: disable_items; .@size = getarraysize(@sold_nameid); for(.@i = 0;.@i < .@size;.@i++) { if(!@sold_identify[.@i]) { deletearray @sold_nameid[.@i],1; deletearray @sold_quantity[.@i],1; deletearray @sold_refine[.@i],1; deletearray @sold_identify[.@i],1; for(.@j = 1;.@j <= 5;.@j++) { if(.@j < 5) deletearray getd("@sold_card"+.@j+"["+.@i+"]"),1; deletearray getd("@sold_opt"+.@j+"["+.@i+"]"),1; deletearray getd("@sold_val"+.@j+"["+.@i+"]"),1; deletearray getd("@sold_param"+.@j+"["+.@i+"]"),1; } .@size--; .@i--; } } if(.@size) { while(true) { clear; mes "What do you want to do?"; .@s = select("Set fee ("+max(1,.@option[0])+"z)","Set amount of players ("+max(5,.@option[1])+")","Ready") - 1; if(.@s < 2) { input .@option[.@s]; } else { mes "Do you want to continue or check if everything is correct?"; if(select("Check if everything is correct","Continue") == 2 && !.status) { .fee = max(1,.@option[0]); // default 1 fee. .players = max(5,.@option[1]); // default 5 players. .status = true; .player_aid[0] = getcharid(3); .o_player = getcharid(0); for(.@i = 0;.@i < .@size;.@i++) delitem @sold_nameid[.@i],@sold_quantity[.@i]; copyarray .item_id[0],@sold_nameid[0],.@size; copyarray .item_amt[0],@sold_quantity[0],.@size; copyarray .item_ref[0],@sold_refine[0],.@size; for(.@i = 1;.@i <= 5;.@i++) { if(.@i < 5) copyarray getd(".item_card"+.@i+"[0]"),getd("@sold_card"+.@i+"[0]"),.@size; copyarray getd(".item_opt"+.@i+"[0]"),getd("@sold_option_id"+.@i+"[0]"),.@size; copyarray getd(".item_val"+.@i+"[0]"),getd("@sold_option_id"+.@i+"[0]"),.@size; copyarray getd(".item_param"+.@i+"[0]"),getd("@sold_option_id"+.@i+"[0]"),.@size; } announce strcharinfo(0)+" is having a raffle for "+.fee+" coin per entry only "+.players+" people can join.",bc_all; if(.@size == 1) announce "The prize is "+@sold_quantity[0]+" "+getitemname2(@sold_nameid[0], @sold_identify[0], @sold_refine[0], @sold_attribute[0], @sold_card1[0], @sold_card2[0], @sold_card3[0], @sold_card4[0], @sold_bound[0])+".",bc_all; else announce "There're multiple prizes. Check them in the NPC!",bc_all; stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; break; } else if(.status) { mes "Sorry but someone started before you."; break; } } } } else { mes "You put no valid item."; } close; OnSpin: stopnpctimer; .status = 2; // We delete the player who started the event (we had him in the array to avoid joining him). deletearray .player_aid[0],1; .player_n--; while(.@rolls < 3) { mapannounce "prontera","Roll n°"+(.@rolls + 1)+".",bc_map; sleep 2000; specialeffect2 F_Rand(EF_SPINMOVE,EF_CASTSPIN2); sleep 2000; .@r = rand(.player_n--); if(.@rolls == 2) { mapannounce "prontera","And the winner is...",bc_map; sleep 2500; } mapannounce "prontera",.player_name$[.@r]+"...",bc_map; deletearray .player_aid[.@r],1; deletearray .player_cid[.@r],1; deletearray .player_name$[.@r],1; if(.@rolls < 2) sleep 5000; .@rolls++; } mail .player_cid[.@r],"Rolling in the Deep","Prize","Here's your prize from the game",0,.item_id,.item_amt,.item_card1,.item_card2,.item_card3,.item_card4,.item_opt1,.item_val1,.item_param1,.item_opt2,.item_val2,.item_param2,.item_opt3,.item_val3,.item_param3,.item_opt4,.item_val4,.item_param4,.item_opt5,.item_val5,.item_param5; setarray .@item_id[0],.coin_id; setarray .@item_amt[0],.players * .fee; mail .o_player,"Rolling in the Deep","Coins","Here's the coins",0,.@item_id,.@item_amt; // if 10 mins and nobody started the event. OnTimer600000: stopnpctimer; // we try to give the items back in this situation. if(!.@rolls) { if(isloggedin(.player_aid[0],.o_player)) mail .o_player,"Rolling in the Deep","Items back","No game was started and your items were given back",0,.item_id,.item_amt,.item_card1,.item_card2,.item_card3,.item_card4,.item_opt1,.item_val1,.item_param1,.item_opt2,.item_val2,.item_param2,.item_opt3,.item_val3,.item_param3,.item_opt4,.item_val4,.item_param4,.item_opt5,.item_val5,.item_param5; } .players_n = 0; .o_player = 0; deletearray .player_aid; deletearray .player_cid; deletearray .player_name$; deletearray .item_id; deletearray .item_amt; deletearray .item_ref; for(.@i = 1;.@i <= 5;.@i++) { if(.@i < 5) deletearray getd(".item_card"+.@i); deletearray getd(".item_opt"+.@i); deletearray getd(".item_val"+.@i); deletearray getd(".item_param"+.@i); } .fee = 0; .players = 0; .status = false; end; OnInit: .coin_id = 7539; // coin id. .gm_lvl = 0; npcshopattach "rolling_shop"; end; } - shop rolling_shop -1,512:-1 Edit: forgot to say you can add some checks if(!@sold_identify[.@i]) { to avoid "crap" items, like only an item with at least a card, or >= x refine, etc. Added a new config for that. Also tried to clean some things. Hope it works.
    1 point
  6. You would do something like mes "What's up "+strcharinfo(0)+", all good?";
    1 point
  7. yes, this script has a bug, good job on pointing this out this event can only ends when someone ACTUALLY play this event, the .RoundCount variable only increase when someone answer it right if nobody ever participate in this event, or players give up after 9 correct guess, the npc will continue non-stop instead of ending after 40 minutes, its better to make it stop at exactly 10 rounds (.Rounds), including wrong guesses or nobody actually playing it change the code under OnTimer30000: into something like this OnTimer30000: if (.Timer) end; set .Change,0; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; npctalk "Disguise Event : You took too long to guess what I was. Please wait 10 seconds while I disguise again."; specialeffect EF_DETECT2; set $MonsterName$,""; deletepset 1; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; set .RoundCount,.RoundCount+1; if (.RoundCount>=.Rounds) { setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; set .RoundCount,0; set .Change,0; set .EventON,0; setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer; npctalk "Disguise Event : Thank you all for playing. That was the last round of the Disguise Event. Come play again later."; end; } initnpctimer; end; honestly speaking ... the way euphy rewrite this script is still not very optimize ... if he actually learn to use sleep command, the script will be extremely clean ... I dislike using npc timers because of this reason
    1 point
  8. Shop (Euphy's one which comes with rAthena) //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Euphy's Quest Shop //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.6c //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= A dynamic quest shop based on Lunar's, with easier config. //= Includes support for multiple shops & cashpoints. //= Item Preview script by ToastOfDoom. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Initial script. //= 1.2 Added category support. //= 1.3 More options and fixes. //= 1.4 Added debug settings. //= 1.5 Replaced categories with shop IDs. //= 1.6 Added support for purchasing stackables. //= 1.6a Added support for previewing costumes and robes. //= 1.6b Added 'disable_items' command. //= 1.6c Replaced function 'A_An' with "F_InsertArticle". //============================================================ // Shop NPCs -- supplying no argument displays entire menu. // callfunc "qshop"{,<shop ID>{,<shop ID>{,...}}}; // ADD YOUR NPC HERE //============================================================ prontera,164,203,6 script Quest Shop#1 998,{ callfunc "qshop"; } // prontera,165,203,6 script Quest Shop#2 998,{ callfunc "qshop",1,2; } // call the shop 1 and 2 defined below // etc.. Add your Shop NPCs 'Quest Shop#XXX' here //============================================================ // Script Core - DO NOT DUPLICATE THIS NPC !!!!!!!!!!!!! //============================================================ - script quest_shop -1,{ function Add; function Chk; function Slot; OnInit: freeloop(1); // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Basic shop settings. // ----------------------------------------------------------- set .Announce,1; // Announce quest completion? (1: yes / 0: no) set .ShowSlot,1; // Show item slots? (2: all equipment / 1: if slots > 0 / 0: never) set .ShowID,0; // Show item IDs? (1: yes / 0: no) set .ShowZeny,0; // Show Zeny cost, if any? (1: yes / 0: no) set .MaxStack,100; // Max number of quest items purchased at one time. // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Points variable -- optional quest requirement. // setarray .Points$[0],"<variable name>","<display name>"; // ----------------------------------------------------------- setarray .Points$[0], "#pvp_points", "PvP Points"; //===================================================================================== // ------------------- ADD YOUR SHOPS NAME AND ITEMS SHOPS STARTING HERE -------------- //===================================================================================== // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Shop IDs -- to add shops, copy dummy data at bottom of file. // setarray .Shops$[1],"<Shop 1>","<Shop 2>"{,...}; // ----------------------------------------------------------- setarray .Shops$[1], "Headgears", // Shop Named 1 "Weapons", // Shop Named 2 "Other"; // Shop Named 3 // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Quest items -- do NOT use a reward item more than once! // Add(<shop ID>,<reward ID>,<reward amount>, // <Zeny cost>,<point cost>, // <required item ID>,<required item amount>{,...}); // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Shop 1 Add(1,5022,1,0,10,7086,1,969,10,999,40,1003,50,984,2); Add(1,5032,1,0,20,1059,250,2221,1,2227,1,7063,600); Add(1,5027,1,0,30,2252,1,1036,400,7001,50,4052,1); Add(1,5045,1,0,40,2252,1,1054,450,943,1200); // Shop 2 Add(2,1224,1,0,50,7297,30,969,10,999,50,714,10); Add(2,1225,1,0,60,7292,30,969,10,999,50,714,10); // Shop 3 Add(3,531,1,3,70,512,1,713,1); Add(3,532,1,3,80,513,1,713,1); Add(3,533,1,3,90,514,1,713,1); Add(3,534,1,3,100,515,1,713,1); // ----------------------------------------------------------- //===================================================================================== // ------------------- YOUR SHOPS AND ITEMS SHOPS HAVE BEEN ADDED --------------------- //===================================================================================== freeloop(0); set .menu$,""; for(set .@i,1; .@i<=getarraysize(.Shops$); set .@i,.@i+1) { set .menu$, .menu$+.Shops$[.@i]+":"; npcshopdelitem "qshop"+.@i,909; } end; OnMenu: set .@size, getarraysize(@i); if (!.@size) set @shop_index, select(.menu$); else if (.@size == 1) set @shop_index, @i[0]; else { for(set .@j,0; .@j<.@size; set .@j,.@j+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+.Shops$[@i[.@j]]+":"; set @shop_index, @i[select(.@menu$)-1]; } deletearray @i[0],getarraysize(@i); if (.Shops$[@shop_index] == "") { message strcharinfo(0),"An error has occurred."; end; } dispbottom "Select one item at a time."; callshop "qshop"+@shop_index,1; npcshopattach "qshop"+@shop_index; end; OnBuyItem: // .@q[] : RewardID, BoughtAmt, RewardAmt, BaseAmt, ReqZeny, ReqPts, { ReqItem, ReqAmt, ... } setarray .@q[0],@bought_nameid[0],((@bought_quantity[0] > .MaxStack)?.MaxStack:@bought_quantity[0]); copyarray .@q[3],getd(".q_"+@shop_index+"_"+.@q[0]+"[0]"),getarraysize(getd(".q_"+@shop_index+"_"+.@q[0])); set .@q[2],.@q[1]*.@q[3]; if (!.@q[2] || .@q[2] > 30000) { message strcharinfo(0),"You can't purchase that many "+getitemname(.@q[0])+"."; end; } mes "[Quest Shop]"; mes "Reward: ^0055FF"+((.@q[2] > 1)?.@q[2]+"x ":"")+Slot(.@q[0])+"^000000"; mes "Requirements:"; disable_items; if (.@q[4]) mes " > "+Chk(Zeny,.@q[4]*.@q[1])+(.@q[4]*.@q[1])+" Zeny^000000"; if (.@q[5]) mes " > "+Chk(getd(.Points$[0]),.@q[5]*.@q[1])+(.@q[5]*.@q[1])+" "+.Points$[1]+" ("+getd(.Points$[0])+"/"+(.@q[5]*.@q[1])+")^000000"; if (.@q[6]) for(set .@i,6; .@i<getarraysize(.@q); set .@i,.@i+2) mes " > "+Chk(countitem(.@q[.@i]),.@q[.@i+1]*.@q[1])+((.ShowID)?"{"+.@q[.@i]+"} ":"")+Slot(.@q[.@i])+" ("+countitem(.@q[.@i])+"/"+(.@q[.@i+1]*.@q[1])+")^000000"; next; setarray @qe[1], getiteminfo(.@q[0],5), getiteminfo(.@q[0],11); if (@qe[2] > 0 && ((@qe[1] & EQP_HEAD_LOW) || (@qe[1] & EQP_HEAD_TOP) || (@qe[1] & EQP_HEAD_MID) || (@qe[1] & EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP) || (@qe[1] & EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_MID) || (@qe[1] & EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW) || (@qe[1] & EQP_GARMENT) || (@qe[1] & EQP_COSTUME_GARMENT))) set .@preview,1; addtimer 1000, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnEnd"; while(1) { switch(select(" ~ Purchase ^0055FF"+getitemname(.@q[0])+"^000000:"+((.@preview && !@qe[7])?" ~ Preview...":"")+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000")) { case 1: if (@qe[0]) { mes "[Quest Shop]"; mes "You're missing one or more quest requirements."; close; } if (!checkweight(.@q[0],.@q[2])) { mes "[Quest Shop]"; mes "^FF0000You need "+(((.@q[2]*getiteminfo(.@q[0],6))+Weight-MaxWeight)/10)+" additional weight capacity to complete this trade.^000000"; close; } if (.@q[4]) set Zeny, Zeny-(.@q[4]*.@q[1]); if (.@q[5]) setd .Points$[0], getd(.Points$[0])-(.@q[5]*.@q[1]); if (.@q[6]) for(set .@i,6; .@i<getarraysize(.@q); set .@i,.@i+2) delitem .@q[.@i],.@q[.@i+1]*.@q[1]; getitem .@q[0],.@q[2]; if (.Announce) announce strcharinfo(0)+" has created "+((.@q[2] > 1)?.@q[2]+"x "+getitemname(.@q[0]):callfunc("F_InsertArticle",getitemname(.@q[0])))+"!",0; specialeffect2 EF_FLOWERLEAF; close; case 2: setarray @qe[3], getlook(LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM), getlook(LOOK_HEAD_TOP), getlook(LOOK_HEAD_MID), getlook(LOOK_ROBE), 1; if ((@qe[1] & 1) || (@qe[1] & 4096)) changelook LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM, @qe[2]; else if ((@qe[1] & 256) || (@qe[1] & 1024)) changelook LOOK_HEAD_TOP, @qe[2]; else if ((@qe[1] & 512) || (@qe[1] & 2048)) changelook LOOK_HEAD_MID, @qe[2]; else if ((@qe[1] & 4) || (@qe[1] & 8192)) changelook LOOK_ROBE, @qe[2]; break; case 3: close; } } OnEnd: if (@qe[7]) { changelook LOOK_HEAD_BOTTOM, @qe[3]; changelook LOOK_HEAD_TOP, @qe[4]; changelook LOOK_HEAD_MID, @qe[5]; changelook LOOK_ROBE, @qe[6]; } deletearray @qe[0],8; end; function Add { if (getitemname(getarg(1)) == "null") { debugmes "Quest reward #"+getarg(1)+" invalid (skipped)."; return; } setarray .@j[0],getarg(2),getarg(3),getarg(4); for(set .@i,5; .@i<getargcount(); set .@i,.@i+2) { if (getitemname(getarg(.@i)) == "null") { debugmes "Quest requirement #"+getarg(.@i)+" invalid (skipped)."; return; } else setarray .@j[.@i-2],getarg(.@i),getarg(.@i+1); } copyarray getd(".q_"+getarg(0)+"_"+getarg(1)+"[0]"),.@j[0],getarraysize(.@j); npcshopadditem "qshop"+getarg(0),getarg(1),((.ShowZeny)?getarg(3):0); return; } function Chk { if (getarg(0) < getarg(1)) { set @qe[0],1; return "^FF0000"; } else return "^00FF00"; } function Slot { set .@s$,getitemname(getarg(0)); switch(.ShowSlot) { case 1: if (!getitemslots(getarg(0))) return .@s$; case 2: if (getiteminfo(getarg(0),2) == 4 || getiteminfo(getarg(0),2) == 5) return .@s$+" ["+getitemslots(getarg(0))+"]"; default: return .@s$; } } } function script qshop { deletearray @i[0],getarraysize(@i); for(set .@i,0; .@i<getargcount(); set .@i,.@i+1) set @i[.@i],getarg(.@i); doevent "quest_shop::OnMenu"; end; } // Dummy shop data -- copy as needed. //============================================================ - shop qshop1 -1,909:-1 - shop qshop2 -1,909:-1 - shop qshop3 -1,909:-1 - shop qshop4 -1,909:-1 - shop qshop5 -1,909:-1 PvP Script: - script PvP_Points -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: .@map$ = strcharinfo(3); if(getmapflag(.@map$,mf_pvp) && killedrid != getcharid(3)) { if(++#pvp_points % 5 == 0) dispbottom "Current amount of PvP Points: "+#pvp_points; } end; }
    1 point
  9. I made a little modify in my Disguise Event script. all worked as I wanted. but 1 problem is, when the event's triggered by OnClock that i setted, how to make the event's duration runs only for 40mins or automatically stop/end if no participants joined? current script now is when triggered, it never stop if no participants joined and can't be triggered again on next OnClock. im much appreciated with your help and here's my script disguise.txt
    1 point
  10. woot, just now @Radian also told me the same thing, now I have to double check you are right, somehow the permanent monster spawn script does let the *getmapunits script command catch the dead monsters as still being alive have to make Hp check this time // pre-re/mobs/fields/prontera.txt //================================================== // prt_fild07 - Prontera Field //================================================== prt_fild07,0,0 monster Rocker 1052,80 prt_fild07,0,0 monster Poporing 1031,30 prt_fild07,0,0 monster Vocal 1088,1,1800000,1200000 prt_fild07,225,110,5,5 monster Black Mushroom 1084,3,360000,180000 - script sdjflsdf -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "mapmoblist", strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onaaa"; end; Onaaa: if ( .@atcmd_numparameters ) { if ( getmapusers(.@atcmd_parameters$) == -1 ) { dispbottom "Map not exist"; end; } .@map$ = .@atcmd_parameters$; } else .@map$ = strcharinfo(3); .@size = getmapunits( BL_MOB, .@map$, .@bl ); freeloop true; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; ++.@i ) { .@string$ = rid2name(.@bl[.@i]); if ( !getd(".@"+ .@string$) ) { .@mobname$[.@c] = .@string$; getunitdata .@bl[.@i], .@unitdata; .@mobx[.@c] = .@unitdata[UMOB_X]; .@moby[.@c] = .@unitdata[UMOB_Y]; .@mobhp[.@c] = .@unitdata[UMOB_HP]; .@mobmaxhp[.@c] = .@unitdata[UMOB_MAXHP]; ++.@c; } setd ".@"+ .@string$, getd(".@"+ .@string$) +1; } dispbottom " === These are monsters in "+ .@map$ +" ==="; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@c; ++.@i ) if ( getd(".@"+ .@mobname$[.@i]) > 1 || .@mobhp[.@i] ) dispbottom ( ++.@j )+". "+ .@mobname$[.@i] +" : "+ getd(".@"+ .@mobname$[.@i])+"x"; if ( getgmlevel() < 99 ) end; // admin only access, lucky you mention it so I make extra checks dispbottom " === Location of unique monsters === "; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@c; ++.@i ) if ( getd(".@"+ .@mobname$[.@i]) == 1 && .@mobhp[.@i] ) dispbottom .@mobname$[.@i] +" --> X = "+ .@mobx[.@i] +" Y = "+ .@moby[.@i] +" | Hp left = "+ .@mobhp[.@i] +"/"+ .@mobmaxhp[.@i]; end; } then I have to take a look at the @whosell source code seriously =/ I was actually joking when I only use @whosell on the *searchstore script command hmm ... cash items means item type 18 ... means only look for items not IT_CASH type ... and I probably not going to do it, I think searchstore features is complete ... isn't it ?
    1 point
  11. - script sdjflsdf -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "whosell", strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onbbb"; bindatcmd "mapmoblist", strnpcinfo(0)+"::Onaaa"; end; Onbbb: searchstores 999, 1; // yeah I'm so cheap XD end; Onaaa: if ( .@atcmd_numparameters ) { if ( getmapusers(.@atcmd_parameters$) == -1 ) { dispbottom "Map not exist"; end; } .@map$ = .@atcmd_parameters$; } else .@map$ = strcharinfo(3); .@size = getmapunits( BL_MOB, .@map$, .@bl ); freeloop true; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; ++.@i ) { .@string$ = rid2name(.@bl[.@i]); if ( !getd(".@"+ .@string$) ) .@mobname$[.@c++] = .@string$; setd ".@"+ .@string$, getd(".@"+ .@string$) +1; } dispbottom " === These are monsters in "+ .@map$ +" ==="; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@c; ++.@i ) dispbottom ( .@i +1 )+". "+ .@mobname$[.@i] +" : "+ getd(".@"+ .@mobname$[.@i])+"x"; end; }
    1 point
  12. mapmoblist static int count_mob(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) // [FE] { struct mob_data *md = (struct mob_data*)bl; short id = va_arg(ap, short); if (md->class_ == id) return 1; return 0; } ACMD_FUNC(mapmoblist) // [FE] { char temp[100]; bool mob_searched[MAX_MOB_DB]; bool mob_mvp[MAX_MOB_DB]; // Store mvp data.. struct s_mapiterator* it; unsigned short count = 0, i, mapindex = 0; int m = 0; memset(mob_searched, 0, MAX_MOB_DB); memset(mob_mvp, 0, MAX_MOB_DB); if (message && *message) { // Player input map name, search mob list for that map mapindex = mapindex_name2id(message); if (!mapindex) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "Map not found"); return -1; } m = map_mapindex2mapid(mapindex); } else { // Player doesn't input map name, search mob list in player current map mapindex = sd->mapindex; m = sd->bl.m; } clif_displaymessage(fd, "--------Monster List--------"); sprintf(temp, "Mapname: %s", mapindex_id2name(mapindex)); clif_displaymessage(fd, temp); clif_displaymessage(fd, "Monsters: "); //Looping and search for mobs it = mapit_geteachmob(); while (true) { TBL_MOB* md = (TBL_MOB*)mapit_next(it); if (md == NULL) break; if (md->bl.m != m || md->status.hp <= 0) continue; if (mob_searched[md->mob_id] == true) continue; // Already found, skip it if (mob_db(md->mob_id)->mexp) { mob_searched[md->mob_id] = true; mob_mvp[md->mob_id] = true; // Save id for later continue; // It's MVP! } mob_searched[md->mob_id] = true; count = map_foreachinmap(count_mob, m, BL_MOB, md->class_); sprintf(temp, " %s[%d] : %d", mob_db(md->mob_id)->jname, md->mob_id, count); clif_displaymessage(fd, temp); } mapit_free(it); clif_displaymessage(fd, "MVP: "); // Looping again and search for mvp, not sure if this is the best way.. for (i = 1000; i < MAX_MOB_DB; i++) { //First monster start at 1001 (Scorpion) if (mob_mvp[i] == true) { count = map_foreachinmap(count_mob, m, BL_MOB, i); sprintf(temp, " %s[%d] : %d", mob_db(i)->jname, i, count); clif_displaymessage(fd, temp); } } return 0; } Hope it works.
    1 point
  13. Hmm. well i think you can just use the *searchstore. You can use it to buy directly from it too or disable them to buy and click on it to show who sell it on the map P.S Don't worry if you have extended vending implemented. it will still cost bronze coin when they buy from a bronze coin shop.
    1 point
  14. Show the code of the commands. I'm not sure if I may fix it, but I may help better if you did.
    1 point
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