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  1. Well it's pretty straightforward: //script.c static int buildin_areakill_sub(struct block_list *bl,va_list ap) { status_kill(bl); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(areakill) { const char *mapname; int16 m; int x0, y0, x1, y1; mapname = script_getstr(st,2); if ((m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname)) < 0) return SCRIPT_CMD_FAILURE; x0 = script_getnum(st,3); y0 = script_getnum(st,4); x1 = script_getnum(st,5); y1 = script_getnum(st,6); map_foreachinarea(buildin_areakill_sub,m,x0,y0,x1,y1,BL_MOB); // If you want to kill players as well, add BL_PC: //map_foreachinarea(buildin_areakill_sub,m,x0,y0,x1,y1,BL_MOB|BL_PC); return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS; } // def BUILDIN_DEF(areakill,"siiii"), I'm not sure if you wanted to kill mobs or players, or both.
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0


    This is Yet Another Dice Event script which was used on my server.. The objective of this event is to correct the right number between 1~4 that the NPC would be picking.. Players that chose the wrong number, will automatically be kicked from the event, the process will repeat until there's 1 player left.. Installation Enable the script on your NPC folder To trigger it, you have to create a new NPC, something like this - script DiceTrigger -1,{OnMinute00:if(gettime(3) == 0 || gettime(3) == 3 || gettime(3) == 6 || gettime(3) == 9 || gettime(3) == 12 || gettime(3) == 15) donpcevent "DiceTrigger::OnDiceETrigger";end;} Carefully read the comments I made inside the script and make sure to configure it properly Edit the warper NPC coordinates Edit the prize to be given Edit the coordinates where you will warp losing players Terms & Conditions You are not allowed to reproduce or make profit of this script You are not allowed to take credit for this script. Though you can modify/edit it to your liking. I can give you support, but please, do not message me.
    1 point
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