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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/14 in all areas

  1. Hi all. After reading about Ai4rei's little discovery I decided to try and make a client plugin. This plugin gives you a new config file, mapeffecttable.txt, which allows you to set weather effects and modify 3D renderer clear color ("sky color") for maps. Now you can add clouds and blue sky (like in Juno and Kunlun) to any map without modifying the client or having to replace the effect from an old map. I just made this today and haven't tested very much, so there will likely be bugs. Also I've only tested on Windows XP running as administrator user, so YMMV. This release only works for 2012-04-10 client, it will crash all other clients!! Update: Now available for 2013-08-07 in addition to 2012-04-10 Weather effect overview: [table] EffectDescription mapleFalling maple leaves nightNight mode pokjukFireworks sakuraFalling cherry tree petals skyCloud effects (many different) snowFalling snowflakes[/table] Example: to add snow weather to Prontera you simply add an entry in the config like this: prontera.rsw 0x00000000 snow 0 More interesting Yuno: To install, put rdll2.asi in your client folder and put mapeffecttable.txt in your data folder. Also note it will not work if you have sound disabled. Download
    1 point
  2. Afternoon all! Over the last few days i've been busy putting together a suite of scripts that will help our Devs and the rAthena community in general. We're becoming semi-automated! For around a week or so there has been a cronjob running to download all the latest kRO patches and unpack them. We have a set of parsers that will go over the contents of the new files and output a few strings... which is quite exciting. Why is it exciting? Well, how would you like to see the latest kRO data being committed directly to the rA git repo? Automatic mapcache updates? View the new maps in a live browser-based environment? Yeah, we thought so too This is an example of how the entry will look: For -every- kRO patch there will be a corresponding entry in our new kRO Patch database. Once i'm satisfied that it's all working i shall place a link to it in the header of the forums. What does this mean for our members? It means that if the process failed to produce a valid commit, or the pull request failed then all the data will be output to the entry in the database, allowing anyone to add the code to their fork, test, then create their own pull request which will be looked at by our devs. Why are we doing this? The method of development and the general mindset of every *athena community is "devs y u no add dis yet? c'mon man iz in kro 4 lyk 2 years!" - and it needs to stop. The general consensus is that new stuff only gets added by devs, because they're not lazy. I'm implementing a system where we cut out the waiting time, and the support requests, and the bugs, and the attitude. Relying on Devs to input data is a draconian method that i've been used to since my first p.serv running on applemod.. waaaaaay back when, and the mindset of users hasn't changed. We even moved to Git which allows users to add changes and upload new content, but those pull requests are still a little sparse. More details on exactly how much data gets parsed and what we're going to do with it will be released over the course of the weekend, by which time this project will be complete.
    1 point
  3. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OlroxMaps 1. Concept Hello everyone, here I'll show a map I've been working for quite a while. This is my fourth map of Naruto I have made so far (Konoha, Akatsuki Hideout, Sunagakure and finally, Kiragakure) There is still a few of maps of this anime I have to complete yet. As always your feedback is always appreciated Kiragakure - The land of Mist, is one of the main towns of this anime I have to complete. The image shows the reference of the town, that is mostly about high peak mountains and a condensed mist falling down . 2. Features Kiragakure, is one of my third generation maps, since it fits very well in the quality I've been aiming to reach for. The previous image, shows one example of modeling and texturizing of the reference, trying to fit it in the Ragnarok Style. All of this has been made by me from scratch. Special care in details around texturizing. Close camera details and decoration were improved here. Just had fun by trying new shadows/light angles kinda some complex gats around those bridges Credits to @curiosity who helped me with an issue I had around the mist effect thanks dude 3. Video *watch in HD 1080p* 4. Screenshots Some screenshots. There isn't a particular order or purpose on the screens here, just some overview screenshots and maybe some others that has to do with close ups.
    1 point
  4. you have to do this manually though prontera,155,185,3 script kdfhksjfhs 100,{ .@time = gettimetick(0); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < 1000; .@i++ ) dispbottom "test"+ .@i; debugmes "this script use "+ ( gettimetick(0) - .@time ) +" mili-seconds to run"; end; } [Debug]: script debug : 2000000 110000159 : this script use 15 mili-seconds to run1st thing that you need to have in mind is thathttp://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-6804-party-member-loop-issue-in-script-commandstxt/ when a server runs a script, all cpu power is dedicated to execute the script I can think of several ways to slow down script execution time no. 1, when you see the script commands in script.c, anything that has clif*, sending packets to client, that definitely slow down the time no. 2 ... query_sql ... this one I no need explain because if you ask this question, you sure know what it can do actually, in fact I made an unfinished guide pinned at eathena forum http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=181741&view=findpost&p=1478950 over there, no.1 method is trying to simulate a permanent server array to store player data ... no.2 is using freeloop wrongly no.3 is runs a query_sql that takes > 5 seconds to execute <-- yeah I think I never say that in that topic, so I tell here in my test server, whenever a query_sql runs more than 5 seconds, map_server.exe hang I have 3 experiences that query_sql can kill a server no.1 is joshuali eamyadmin, trying to delete old account from a live server no.2 is my old character logging system ... dunno why he said it caused lag no.3 is run a query_sql "insert into ... select" to gives every player an item .. in a large table his server used 13 seconds that's why we always suggest to shut down your server and in order to execute a long Sql query partly because of this reason I think there's also a topic in the past http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=237976 EDIT: didn't see your post @-SkittleNugget- I have tested that, setting too many variables will not hurt the server at all because every variables are being store in RAM it updates is interval this one store character data and this one store permanent server variable -> $var you can manually adjust them btw remember that we already have check_goto_count to prevent infinite loop so unless the script has freeloop or query_sql, I don't think that's enough to kill a server
    1 point
  5. You can judge if it's a performance killer if it has either, too many variables, or too many mistakes (check map server console) or it's written In a format that is not nessesary (typing 20 lines just to make an NPC say hello.) Usually one NPC is not enough to kill performance since it's such a small usage, but they all add up.
    1 point
  6. Yes, use FTP to put your installer onto your website, then copy the URL link of the file and use it as the download link
    1 point
  7. meiner meinung nach gehört das ins rAmod oder herc forum und nicht hier her, mal davon abgesehen dass man sowohl die herc als auch die rAmod datenbanken daür ja muss offtopic: warum nen server "leiten" wenn du sowas nicht selbst kannst?? worin besteht die logik eine herc&ramod frage hier zu posten?
    1 point
  8. erm, you can turn of the banking system in conf/battle/feature.conf // Banking (Note 1) // Requires: 2013-07-24aRagexe or later feature.banking: off the chat info is located in "I forgot" so youll have to look around a bit to find that one
    1 point
  9. I've not investigated how cloud altitude is affected by map height (KeyWorld could probably tell you), but I know there is no option in the RSW format to set cloud height. However there are actually many cloud effects, and I suspect this has something to do with your problem. If you use @clouds it will spawn the effect with ID 233, and @clouds2 spawns the effect with ID 516. These effects are only 2 of the 9 different cloud effects present in the 2012-04-10 client. If you look in mapeffecttable.txt in my release you can see a field I call PARAM. This switches which cloud effect the map will use. For instance if this value is set to 3 it will display "misty" clouds at ground level, while PARAM=0 is used for mjolnir_01.rsw where the clouds appear only on the highest point of the map. Parameter reference: [table] ParameterEffect IDExample map 0229mjolnir_01.rsw 1230gon_dun02.rsw 2233valkyrie.rsw 3515einbroch.rsw 4516airplane.rsw 5592moc_fild22.rsw 6N/AN/A [email protected] [email protected] 9945bif_fild01.rsw[/table] So I think the cloud altitude is affected by which cloud effect you use. With this plugin you can use all of them, so hopefully that solves your problem.
    1 point
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