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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/22 in all areas

  1. Good day, I am trying to add my custom items, item range 35000+, but the script won't allow me to enter these values in. it only lets me do the default items. veil,135,163,4 script ROTD 858,{ while(1){ mes "^FF0000ROTD^000000 refer to ^0000FFRace of the Day^000000"; mes "In another word, it mean that the ^FF0000Monster's Race^000000 that you killed by day will grant you ^FF0000Extra Bonus EXP / Item / Zeny ^000000."; next; mes "[ ^FF0000Today's ROTD^000000 ] = ^0000FF"+.ROTD$[.Race]+"^000000 Race"; mes "^FF0000_____________________________^000000"; mes "Bonus Lists :"; mes "^FF0000@^000000 EXP = ^0000FF"+( ( !.BonusEXP )?"No":.BonusEXP+" %" )+"^000000 EXP Bonus"; mes "^FF0000@^000000 Zeny = ^0000FF"+( ( !.BonusZeny )?"No":.BonusZeny )+"^000000 Zeny"; mes "^FF0000@^000000 Item = ^0000FF"+( ( !.BonusItemAmount )?"No Items":.BonusItemAmount+" x "+getitemname( .BonusItem ) )+"^000000"; if( .BonusItemAmount ){ mes "^FF0000@^000000 Rate = ^0000FF"+.BonusRate+"^000000 %"; mes "^FF0000_____________________________^000000"; mes "The Amount of Bonus Reward is given ^FF0000Randomly^000000 at a fixed Rate."; } next; switch(select("^4EEE94ROTD Information^000000", ( getgmlevel() < .GMLevel )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set a New Monster's Race", ( getgmlevel() < .GMLevel )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set EXP Bonus", ( getgmlevel() < .GMLevel )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000Set Item / Zeny Bonus")){ Case 1: mes "Today's ROTD has choosen ^0000FF"+.ROTD$[.Race]+"^000000 Race , which will grant you some ^FF0000Extra Bonus EXP^000000."; mes "The amount of ^FF0000EXP Bonus^000000 are ^0000FF"+.BonusEXP+" %^000000."; next; mes "For ^0000FFParty Members^000000 , they will only receive ^FF0000Bonus EXP^000000 if they didnt killed any monster."; mes "Besides, they have to stay in the ^FF0000Same Map^000000 in order to get the ^FF0000EXP Bonus^000000."; next; break; Case 2: mes "Choose ^FF0000Randomly / Manually^000000 ?"; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .ROTD$ ); set .@i,.@i+1 ){ mes "[ ^FF0000"+.@i+"^000000. ] ^0000FF"+.ROTD$[.@i]+"^000000 Race"; } message strcharinfo(0),"Input the Number. Choose Random if you want it Randomise a Race for you."; input .Race,0,getarraysize( .ROTD$ )-1; next; if( .Race == getarraysize( .ROTD$ )-1 ){ set .Race,rand( getarraysize( .ROTD$ )-1 ); } mes "[ ^FF0000ROTD Update^000000 ]"; mes "[ ^FF0000Updated^000000 ] = ^0000FF"+.ROTD$[.Race]+"^000000 Race"; mes "[ ^FF0000Bonus EXP^000000 ] = Extra ^0000FF"+.BonusEXP+"^000000 %"; announce "[ ROTD ] : New Race : "+.ROTD$[.Race]+" with Bonus EXP of "+.BonusEXP+" % ",bc_blue; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "[ROTD]:"+.ROTD$[.Race]+" ",0; next; break; Case 3: mes "Set ^FF0000Random EXP / Manually^000000"; mes "Input 0 for ^0000FFRandom Bonus EXP Rate^000000"; mes "Input ^FF0000RATE^000000 for ^0000FFManual Bonus EXP Rate^000000"; mes "^FF0000EXP Range^000000 : 100% ~ 200%"; mes "Current Rate = [ ^0000FF"+.BonusEXP+"^000000 % ]"; input .BonusEXP,100,200; if( .BonusEXP == 0 ){ set .BonusEXP,rand( 100,200 ); } next; mes "The New EXP Rate is [ ^0000FF"+.BonusEXP+"^000000 % ]"; announce "[ ROTD ] : New Race : "+.ROTD$[.Race]+" with Bonus EXP of "+.BonusEXP+" % ",bc_blue; next; break; Case 4: mes "You may set a ^FF0000 Item / Zeny Bonus^000000 for the ^0000FFROTD^000000."; mes "This will work when you have killed a ^FF0000ROTD's Monster^000000, there will be a chances for Player to gain the ^FF0000Item / Zeny^000000."; next; mes "Input the ^FF0000Zeny Bonus^000000"; message strcharinfo(0),"You may input 0 to disable it. [ Use it Wisely ]"; input .BonusZeny;; mes "Input the ^FF0000Item ID^000000"; do{ input .BonusItem,0,32767; }while( getitemname( .BonusItem ) == "null" ); mes "Input the ^FF0000Item Bonus Amount^000000"; mes "Range of Amount = 0 ~ 30,000"; message strcharinfo(0),"You may input 0 to disable it. [ Use it Wisely ]"; input .BonusItemAmount,0,30000; next; mes "^FF0000Rate^000000 to get it ??"; mes "^FF0000100 = 100%^000000"; mes "^FF0000 10 = 10%^000000"; mes "^FF0000 1 = 1%^000000"; mes "^FF0000 0 = DISABLED^000000"; input .BonusRate,0,100; next; mes "[ ^FF0000ROTD Update^000000 ]"; mes "^0000FFZeny Bonus^000000 : "+.BonusZeny+" Zeny"; mes "^0000FFItem Bonus^000000 : "+.BonusItemAmount+" x "+getitemname( .BonusItem ); mes "^0000FFItem Rate^000000 : "+.BonusRate+" %"; next; break; } } close; OnInit: OnClock0000: set .GMLevel,80; setarray .ROTD$[0], "Formless", "Undead", "Brute", "Plant", "Insect", "Fish", "Demon", "Demi-Human", "Angel", "Dragon", "Random"; set .Race,rand( 10 ); set .BonusEXP,rand( 100,200 ); set .ExpLvlRange,50; delwaitingroom; waitingroom "[ROTD]:"+.ROTD$[.Race]+" ",0; end; OnNPCKillEvent: if( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,19 ) != .Race ) end; if( getcharid(1) ){ set .@Location$,strcharinfo(3); set .BaseLvl,BaseLevel; getpartymember getcharid(1),1; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; for ( set .@a, 0; .@a < .partymembercount; set .@a, .@a +1 ) if ( isloggedin( .partymemberaid[.@a] ) ) attachrid( .partymemberaid[.@a] ); if( strcharinfo(3) == .@Location$ && ( .BaseLvl - BaseLevel ) <= .ExpLvlRange ) getexp ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,3 ) * .BonusEXP / 100 ),( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,4 ) * .BonusEXP / 100 ); }else{ getexp ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,3 ) * .BonusEXP / 100 ),( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,4 ) * .BonusEXP / 100 ); } if( rand(100) <= .BonusRate && .BonusItemAmount ) getitem .BonusItem,rand( 1,.BonusItemAmount ); if( rand(100) <= .BonusRate && .BonusZeny ) set Zeny,Zeny + rand( 1,.BonusZeny ); end; }
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0


    Description: Pack of 5 maps for mini-events or PvP that I made a while ago. Feel free to use them on your server and please, be creative! =) Do not follow up mini-maps (because they're simple, so you can use a transparent mini-map). The screens below represents an in-game view (not a browedit preview). List of maps: Garden FishingBoat Desert GhostHouse Storehouse
    1 point
  3. prontera,155,155,4 script Converter 83,{ .@name$ ="[^FF0000Converter^000000]"; mes .@name$; mes "Hello, 1 cashpoints is equals to 1 Pass."; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch( select("Cash to Pass","Pass to Cash") ) { case 1: mes .@name$; mes "How many pass(s) do you want?"; input .@num; next; if( .@num <= 0 || #CASHPOINTS < .@num * 1 ) { mes .@name$; mes "Sorry, you don't have enough cashpoints!"; close; } mes .@name$; mes "This will cost ^FF0000" +(.@num * 1)+ " cashpoints^000000."; next; if( select("Proceed:Nevermind") -1 ) { mes .@name$; mes "Goodbye!"; close; } set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS - .@num * 1; dispbottom "Lost: " +(.@num * 1)+ " cashpoints. Total: " +#CASHPOINTS+" cashpoints."; getitem 7350 , .@num; break; case 2: mes .@name$; mes "How many Pass(s) will you give?"; input .@num; next; if( .@num <= 0 || countitem(7350 ) < .@num ) { mes .@name$; mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Pass !"; close; } mes .@name$; mes "I can give you ^FF0000" +(.@num * 1)+ " cashpoints^000000 for this."; next; if( select("Proceed:Nevermind") -1 ) { mes .@name$; mes "Goodbye!"; close; } set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + .@num * 1; dispbottom "Gained: " +(.@num * 1)+ " cashpoints. Total: " +#CASHPOINTS+" cashpoints."; delitem 7350 ,.@num; } close; } chnage all #CASHPOINTS to your #Points
    1 point
  4. Try this one : prontera,150,150,0 script Sample 100,{ for ( set .@j, 1; .@j < 11; set .@j, .@j + 1 ) if ( getequiprefinerycnt(.@j) > 10 ) end; getinventorylist; for ( set .@i,0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) if ( @inventorylist_refine[.@i] > 10 ) end; mes "Bye ~"; warp "prontera",150,150; close; }
    1 point
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