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Everything posted by Rivers

  1. You're absolutely right. I just started going through the various vilnerabilities in my latest guides. Thanks for pointing this out! I have updated the guide to include a quick method to disallow anyone but the host(s) to have access to PMA.
  2. Additionally, if the VBox is hosted by someone else and has some sort of limitations attached, you can (optionally) disable these two lines as well. Doing so will remove the single-user access initially set up.
  3. Good morning. Your IP address is set to a local host IP. You'll need to obtain your IPv4 (you can Google "What's my IP" from the device) and replace all the 198.x.x.x with that IPv4 address. There is also one minor discrepancy on the ssh config. You can remove, or comment out the X11Forwarding to say "no".
  4. This has been tested by a couple others on VBox. You'll need to get the public IP of the VBox which will likely be different from your system's IP. Your Public IPv4 is what you want.
  5. I would recommend using the .lua files instead then. It's just as easy to add that and edit using Sublime or Notepad++. You'll need to diff the client executable with custom lua/lub paths though.
  6. Updated to include some patching process information. More to come soon.
  7. It'll have to be an A record since the CNAME is just routing you from another host. YOu'll need a separate IP address for that listing there and add it to the DNS records.
  8. STEP SIX: DNS. (Mask your IP) i1.6.0 will help you through this step. Inside are details for eachs tep to masking your IP. If you need your IP address (IPv4) search on google "What's my IP" and it should show you there.
  9. You'll need an IPV4 unless you're masked by a DNS. If your IP changes, like mine does, you'll need to mask it with a DNS or set the IP addresses to be localhost (
  10. Sorry, my mistake. You must enter the domain name you got here. That would be that happyragnarok.wuaze.com domain in that box.
  11. Step Seven getting SSL Certified i1.7.0 Links are included and underlinked.
  12. Step seven is for making your home page HTTPS instead of HTTP. This can be done with just your IP as well. Step eight is file transfer protocol which is also able to be done withjust the IP. For these next steps the DNS is optional as a feature, but still recommended if you plan to publish this website publicly.
  13. You can, yes. This is only necessary if you want to mask the IP with a domain name.
  14. If your password has circular crackets ) or ( or a double quotation " remove them and update the remaining files with those passwords. Also be sure inside inter_athena.conf that you've set to yes the "Case Sensitive Password" option.
  15. Rivers

    Freeze / Lag

    Make sure your firewall settings are allowing all the ports through or you will experience blocks ind ata, such as that. This is usually an issue with the data not sending/recieving properly from server to client and back. I resolved this issue by allowing all ports to be open through the firewall and granting rwx permissions to all files in the rAthena folder.
  16. Updated guide with a new step for adding maps to the map cache. Search for i2.5.0.
  17. So this specific issue happens when there's a misconfiguration in the MySQL (PMA) set up. This could be a typo in the inter_athena.conf or your PMA user doesn't have explicit permissions. First check for the config in inter_athena.conf. Navigate to your rA/Conf folder: /home/raguser/Server/rAthena/conf /home/raguser/rAthena/conf And edit the lines that have your username, password & database details. If that fails to work then proceed to check the profile of MySQL. We can quickly edit this with the following lines of code. Firstly, open MySQL: If you error like this: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) Instead do: sudo mysql -u root -p And enter your password. Once presented with the SQL window enter (and edit to reflect your info) in the following: CREATE DATABASE ragserver; CREATE USER 'raguser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'StrongPassword'; CREATE USER 'raguser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'StrongPassword'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ragserver. * TO 'raguser'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'raguser'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'raguser'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; It's exactly as we did in the above steps. IF this fails too... Run this command sequence in MySQL: SELECT user,plugin,host FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'root'; ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'AStrongPasswordIsRecommended'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; CREATE USER 'raguser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'AStrongPasswordIsRecommended'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'raguser'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; exit This will flush and grant permissions to your ragnarok user profile for PMA.
  18. It apepars something went wrong. Where did you leave off when you got this error?
  19. If your executable has the patch to allow reading from the data folder (insecure) it will work by adding to that data folder. Otherwise, you'll need to repack it into the GRF.
  20. You'll make a client executable (ragnarok.exe) and send that to them along with the rest of the server files from the latest kRO setup. Inside your data.grf you have a clientinfo.xml which holds the connection info for your server. Edit the IP and other details to match yours and you're good to go.
  21. Try pasting these commands in your terminal see if that works. Change to your rAthena directory first, then: ./athena-start stop sudo fuser -k 1318/tcp sudo fuser -k 1318/udp sudo fuser -k 1320/tcp sudo fuser -k 1320/udp sudo fuser -k 1322/tcp sudo fuser -k 1322/udp sudo fuser -k 1324/tcp sudo fuser -k 1324/udp
  22. Yes, step 6 and 7 are arguably optional if it's just a few friends. I have DNS set up for my friend's server just because it looks smoother.
  23. Yes this guide will work for both VPS and Desktop (GUI) versions. This also works for other Debeian systems, withminor syntax changes.
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