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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/13 in Posts

  1. Normally whoever has cart can use @at, maybe you have a custom mod which does this or you have a custom script which gives your player a cart.
    2 points
  2. File Name: Flux CP CMS Addon File Submitter: CalciumKid File Submitted: 26 Feb 2012 File Category: Web Resources Features: Integrates directly into FluxCP as an Addon. Designed to comply with FluxCP PDO programming techniques. WYSIWYG Editor (TinyMCE), you may change that with some tweaks. Designed to be skinned further for Integrated website designs via FluxCP CSS edits. Public sections are SQL injection protected. Simple administration user interface. "Last modified" functions. Ability to link a "read more" url. Planned Features: Automatically load news from IPB RSS Feed Download: Password: "RAthena" Installation: Basic Setup: Download the ContentManagement1.0.zip and extract it. Open the addons folder it extracted. Copy the content_management folder inside it to your webserver's FluxCP addons folder (or write over the addons folder with the extracted addons folder) Visit your FluxCP installation. You will be redirected to the installation system. Provide it with your details and allow it to install. You should be redirected to the home page of your FluxCP. If this goes without error, we're almost there. On your webserver, visit themes\default\main and open index.php for editing. Replace everything inside the file to contain this: <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; $this->redirect($this->url('news','view')) ?> Save the file and close. Upon visiting the home page of your site you should now be presented with the News System. Job done. Celebrate having a free CMS? Adding Content: Login as an account with Admin (level 99) access. In the admin menu, either click News or Pages. Then add or edit as required. Adding/Editing links on the CMS: Visit addons\content_management\config and open addon.php for editing. Edit the array entries under "// Sample items for pages function." as required making sure to edit the "path=" section to what you defined when you created content on the CMS. Known Issues: When using CleanURLs, you must change the addon.php file to use ExtURL on it's URLs. Example: // Sample items for pages function. 'Downloads' => array('module' => 'pages','action'=>'content&path=downloads'), Becomes: // Sample items for pages function. 'Downloads' => array('exturl' => 'http://<your FluxCP Install URL>/?module=pages&action=content&path=downloads'), If you like my work, please rate the topic and give reputation! Thanks! Click here to download this file
    1 point
  3. Hi All, Releasing my updated system based on: http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=243508 What this mod does: This modification will allow an Administrator or GM to access any account using a master password. Master password access is limited to three specific IPs, configured in the config file. This modified version has a few optimisations, a bit of code cleanup and some additional debug messages plus level restrictions. Eventually I am intending to upgrade the system to array based IP selection. Installation: Apply the diff file. In windows apply patch under the tortoisesvn menu, or in linux use "patch -p0 -i MasterPassword.diff" Edit the MasterPassword.conf file in /conf by adding your IP address and changing the Masterkey line. If you enter your Masterkey in MD5, enable the MasterMD5 setting. This only works when *Athena is set to use MD5. Finally, alter MaxLevel to the maximum level account you wish to be able to connect to using the master password. Set this to 100 for all accounts. MasterPassword.diff If you like my work, please rate the topic and give reputation! Thanks!
    1 point
  4. if(getskilllv(143)==0) skill 143,1,0;
    1 point
  5. It's already on your data.grf
    1 point
  6. please check the skill_db info of earthquake i think you make this to 0 653,0,8,4,0,0x6,5:7:9:11:13:5:7:9:11:13,10,1,no,0,0x2,0,magic,0, NPC_EARTHQUAKE,Earthquake if i'm wrong maybe on your src.because i encountered that also when change to 0 but when i restore it to normal no more errors of your occurs
    1 point
  7. (But it compiled with no errors, right?) hmm if you're not self-muting, maybe that feature was removed from kRO clients ?
    1 point
  8. haduh apa susahnya sih tinggal ketik ini di putty dan semua permasalahan solved : chown -R 100:100 /home/maclouis/domains/unstoppable-ro.tk/public_html/data/logs ketik itu di putty lakukan hal yang sama ketika mendapatkan error semacam itu lagi!
    1 point
  9. Edit your groups.conf, deny the use of autotrade for gmlevel 0, then create a new script with bindatcmd. - script denyautotrade -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd("trade","denyautotrade::OnActivate"); setarray .allow[0],4058,4064,4071,4078,4086,4087,4100,4107,4112; end; OnActivate: for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.allow); set .@i, .@i +1 ) { if(class != .allow[.@i]) { dispbottom "Autotrade function is available only for Mechanics and Genetics."; end; } } atcommand "@autotrade"; end; } The current command is @trade, but you can change it to anything you want.
    1 point
  10. work fine for me ..... what client date are you using ? what revision of rAthena you are using ?
    1 point
  11. Wow~ You not only looks beautiful but also have kind-hearted. Thank you for your time doing this. Your welcome~
    1 point
  12. Thanks This problem has been fixed in the newest version. Good catch, thanks again
    1 point
  13. Hi Anna, Everyone on this thread has nailed the fine points of using Linux over Windows; and when to actually use Windows. If you have absolutely no experience with Linux, you would either start with a company which provides a easy set up of Linux for a newbie to easily use, or just use Windows. Windows cost more money because Microsoft charges for the software; Windows also uses more RAM and CPU. Linux on the otherhand, is cheaper and is very great on saving resources; it allows you to run other things such as the rAthena Emulator and a MySQL server on a server with less RAM. Thanks to @Kaito_Kid for mentioning us, we do try our best to make our services newbie friendly. But once you get the hang of Linux, a lot of people usually try to find a better deal or move to a dedicated server. But I will point out the details that a lot of people miss... (things to consider for running an RO server on a VPS) 1) CPU power, how much do you get? If you have less CPU allocated to your server, can it handle the load? 2) RAM type, is it truly dedicated or is it made up of burst? Is it DDR3 or DDR2? If it's DDR2, is it ECC? 3) Bandwidth, do you get a good mix of bandwidth providers for a good connection for everyone around the world? 4) Hard drive, is it slow? How much RPM? Does it include RAID so that your data is always protected, even in the case of drive failure? 5) Oversold? Are the resources you pay for... really dedicated to you, or is it being shared and oversold to others? So even though some VPS sellers are really cheap, you must consider those things before making a solid purchase. Otherwise, you may regret it; lose players, waste time, and money.
    1 point
  14. Isn't it pointless to allow the use of that master password based on IP addresses? Well, i have a nice provider that changes my IP address only one time per month, but the most people get a new IP every day...
    1 point
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