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YouRo Black/Orange By:MayCrys 1.0.4

85.00 USD

6 Screenshots

About This File

Discounted sales through my discord: maycrys

Vendas com desconto através do meu discord: maycrys

Link Demonstration: http://maycrys.neohost.tec.br/

Theme with support for ‘en_us’ and ‘pt_br’ languages.

Responsive theme.

News system on the homepage with categories.

Ranking: showing images of each class.

(Attention) Only images from classes 2-1 were added, if you want to add more images, follow the example in the configuration file 'SeuRo/config.php'

Guild: displays only the occupied castles, with the Guild name and Emblem.

The download file contains a manual with all the installation steps!

PHP version used: 8.2.12


Link para demonstração: http://maycrys.neohost.tec.br/

Tema, com suporte as linguagens 'en_us' e 'pt_br'.

Tema responsivo.

Sistema de noticias na pagina inicial, com categorias.

Ranking: mostrando as imagens, de cada classe.

(Atenção) Foi adicionado somente as imagens das classes 2-1, caso queira adicionar mais imagens siga o exemplo, no arquivo de configuração 'SeuRo/config.php'

Guild: exibe somente os castelos ocupados, com nome da Guild e Emblema.

Dentro do arquivo de download, contem um manual com todos os passo a passo de instalação!

Versão do PHP utilizado: 8.2.12

Edited by MayCrys

What's New in Version 1.0.4   See changelog


. Fixes in the @query for larger screens
. Added the links to the top slider buttons, directly in the "config.php" file


		//Link dos botões do slider topo: cadastro/download/voto/forum/discord/doações
		//Top slider buttons link: register/download/vote/forum/discord/donations
		'SliderCreateAccount' => '?module=account&action=create',// Create account
		'SliderDownload' => '?module=download&action=down', 	// Download
		'SliderVote' => '?module=voteforpoints', 				// Vote for points
		'SliderForum' => '#', 									// Forum
		'SliderDonate' => '?module=donate', 					// donate
		'SliderDiscord' => '#', 								// Discord


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