About This File
To view all my works click on the link above (guides you at my Facebook page).
This map was developed on purpose of being a library (divided in 3 parts: entrance, west library room and east library room.
Any desired changes are by your own. You can use this map for whatever you want.
The sale of this map is prohibited (since it's being released for free).
Let the credits on the map if you do not perform major changes (only visible on map editor / not apparent for players). Don't entitle yourself as the author of this content.
Redistribution in other communities is free as long as the credits are placed.
Thanks, Angel.
Facebook: Angel's Arts Mapping Project.
Hercules profile: Angelisk
brAthena profile: Angelisk - link down
TSR profile: Angelisk
R.O. Services profile: Angel
What's New in Version 1.0
- 1.0 Map finished - Released for public