Scripts that are set up to help players and GMs alike should be posted in this category
Examples: Buffers, Refining Systems, GM Tools, Shops
204 files
Item Binding
By Akinari
I made this while taking a short break from the normal rAthena work I do. It works with the item bound system added a little over a month ago. You need to have revision 17351 or newer for this to work. It's mostly focused around guild binding as that was the original intention of the script but I then decided to support the other types. The other types are good simply because this allows players to bind items and log these in a separate NPC table by default. You could also disable unbinding (just remove the option in the switch) and make it a better form of security for users.
Allows users to bind items to their account, character, or guild
Multiple configuration options to choose what item types to allow
Automatically builds a menu list based on your configuration
OnInit: //* Configuration *\\ //Price .bindprice = 0; .unbindprice = 100000; //What to allow to be bound - Add as necessary //1 = Equipment - 2 = Consumables - 4 = Etc .allowbind = 1; //Log binds via NPC? .logbinds = 1; //Other stuff .boundtypes$[1] = "account"; .boundtypes$[2] = "guild"; .boundtypes$[4] = "character"; end;
Please report any issues and feature requests. Thanks for downloading.
Vendor Control
By Emistry
A script that basically used to control messy vendors in your server.
Included one helper npc that enable Vendor to pick their spot easily.
Some minor settings and math calculations are required to setup this.
// x and y horizone .. setarray .x_line, 52, 49, 46, 43, 40; setarray .y_line, 68, 71, 74, 77, 65, 62; ( A Screenshot from a Server that using this scripts )
use at your own risk ~
Simple Hack Security
By simplynice
The title says it all.
Every time a Game Master with a group_id of 1 or higher log in game, automatically the "HackerDetector" NPC will be triggered.
It will prompt and ask you for a security password which is "iamnotahacker",you can change it to your liking but before that NPC will give you the group_id of 25. Why 25? i don't know it's my favorite number.
Put this in your \conf\groups.conf
{ id: 25 name: "Hacker" level: 25 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { /* no commands */ } permissions: { }}
Enjoy and don't forget to say thank you and do not remove credits.
Stylist with autoscroll
By Brian
This is a modified version of the rAthena Stylist (trunk/npc/custom/stylist.txt)
It adds 2 new menu options "Next autoscroll" and "Previous autoscroll". When a player picks these options, after they close the NPC message box, the script will begin scrolling through palettes with a 1-second progressbar delay. To stop scrolling, just move your character and interrupt the progressbar.
Other changes from the original rAthena Stylist:
after selecting "Previous", then Previous appears before Next in the menu
starts at your current palette instead of always starting at #1
the first menu (Cloth color, Hairstyle, Hair color) displays your current palette numbers
Advanced Bank with nearly unlimited maximum balance
This is my bank NPC which I made since I couldn't find any bank that can store huge amounts of Zeny.
Special Credits: Thanks to Anakid for the great idea to implement an @bank command.
The NPC supports the following features:
Transfer Zeny to other player's bank accounts (by name or account id)
Password protection
Transaction log (deposits, withdrawals, incoming and outgoing transfers)
daily interest (every morning at 6 o'clock server time, default: 5%, can be changed)
maximum amount per process is only determined by the server's input_max_value and the script's .maxInput
vast amounts of Zeny can be stored (the MySQL column is BigInt, so you can store up to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 Zeny, that's more than 18,000,000,000 deposits of 1,000,000,000 Zeny)
other features are planned and I take feature requests, if I think they make sense (you can ask directly in the thread, but I prefer private messages or emails [address provided in both scripts])
The @bank command supports the following features:
the same as the NPC, but more versatile
higher limits (as it is not connected to the input_max_value, default value per process is 1,000,000,000 Zeny)
shortcuts for @bank <function> commands: @info, @deposit, @withdrawl, @transaction, @password
You need to download the README.txt file to get the database creation commands and some basic information on how to install the script.
Ingame GM List
This script shows a list of all GMs with their corresponding status (i.e. online or offline).
You can configure the script to show or hide the last login time of each GM.
As a special feature, the result is cached for a certain amount of time if you wish (see inline configuration, by default caching for 30 seconds is enabled). This prevents players from spamming the database with SELECT queries.
Version 2.0 comes with a source modification to show the group name the GM is in and the option to show the list directly in the user's chat (dispbottom) rather than the NPC dialogue.
Special thanks to Akinari for helping me with the script command and Armor for requesting this feature.
To get version 2.0 working, you need to patch your src/map/script.c file with the "groupid.diff" and recompile.
To apply the patch use
patch -p0 < /location/to/the/groupid.diff
from your rAthena directory root.
If you use Windows and TortoiseSVN, you have to right click into your rAthena directory root, select "TortoiseSVN -> Apply Patch" and select the patch file. Click "patch all items" and you're done.
If you do not want to change your source for this, you can remove all occurences of "groupIdToName" inside the script to deactivate the automatic group name display.
Single Action Coin Exchanger
By Akinari
Exchange all of a type (Zeny -> Coins) or (Coins -> Zeny) with one user action
Provides fail-safe configuration
Users see everything that has been exchanged and how much they've exchanged for without unnecessary click actions
Requires no script modification if you choose to change the configs
OnInit: //bronze, silver, gold, mithril, platinum setarray .selections$[0],"Bronze","Silver","Gold","Mithril","Platinum"; setarray .prices[0],10000,100000,1000000,100000000,1000000000; setarray .items[0],673,675,671,674,677; .arraysize = getarraysize(.items); if(.arraysize != getarraysize(.prices)) { //These 2 arrays should be same size debugmes "Array size for coins: "+.arraysize+" does not match size of price: "+getarraysize(.prices); .arraysize = 0; } else if(.arraysize != getarraysize(.selections$)) { //These 2 arrays should be same size debugmes "Array size for coins: "+.arraysize+" does not match size of selections: "+getarraysize(.selections$); .arraysize = 0; } end;
Advanced Stylist
By Emistry
Original idea of this script : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=148888
Well, this was my favourite stylist script in eAthena ....xD
Since i got some time, and lately received a request on editing a stylist npc script. So i come with with the idea to add some minor features or enhance the original script. The script are written from scratch...
A very quick and simple intro for the script,
Able to nagivate styles easily ( Forward, Backward, Jump ).
Able to blacklist certain style for each style group and separately by Gender.
Removed save / load features since not really useful.
Enable Zeny as payment for the services.
Able to enable any of the 3 services. ( Hairstyle, Hair Color, Cloth Color )
Support multiple type of Currency Payment. ( Item , Cash Points , Zeny and etc )
( If any style was blacklisted, a default style will be displayed )
The script are rewrited and clean up some unecessary parts.
Credits :
Coin Exchanger
By Emistry
A NPC that enable players to change Zeny & Coins easily...
Available Exchange Options :
Zeny to CoinsCoins to Zeny
Configurations :
// server max zeny.max_zeny = 1000000000;// coin list + name + valuesetarray .coin_name$,"Silver","Gold","Mithril";setarray .coin_id,675,671,674;setarray .value,10000,1000000,100000000;
Credits : @AnnieRuru
Utility: Flavor Text Death Announcer
By Mumbles
File Name: Flavor Text Death Announcer
File Submitter: Via
File Submitted: 23 Jan 2013
File Category: Utilities
Content Author: Via
A customizable death announcer that broadcasts on the map pre-defined by the GM configuring the NPC's settings. It helps GMs keep track of player death when hosting events styled to have a last-man-standing winner while adding a creative flair to each situation.
It is written so that an announcement with "flavor text" is broadcasted when a player is killed by either a monster or another player. To avoid duplicate announcements, the previous mode is disabled upon activating a new mode.
The current release, 1.0, is activated by "whispering" a string of any text to "npc:death". Doing so calls the config panel to set the NPC according to your needs.
By WhiteEagle
A short and simple script named "LevelUpBox".
Easy to change the item which will gain the player by:
set .@item$,501; // Level 1 with Item "Red Potion";
Every 10 level-up the player will gain an item.
Guardian Stone & Barricade Repair Test Script
By Santino
Just like the emperium breaker test.
Here, you can practice repairing the guardian stones and barricades,
and sets a time how long you repair the stone or barricade.
Got 8 rooms available. ( 4 Guardian Stone Rooms & 4 Barricade Rooms )
Summons barricade when control device is repaired succesfully.
Set prize for the Best Record Holder.
Can enable and disable prize distribution.
Edit map coordinates, if you would like to change the map, under:
OnInit: //•••••••••••••••••••••••• C O N F I G U R A T I O N ••••••••••••••••••••••••// Credits:
Idea from Emperium Tester by JinBlack
Guardian Stone Script -- rAthena-built in
By Emistry
A Script that enable Player to save his/her current Job Class Data and then able to switch back to what he had saved at any time they want.
This will allow players to player multiple job class within 1 single Character.
Configuration :
OnInit: set .MaxSlot,3; end; and...please make sure to run this query in your SQL.
ALTER TABLE `char_reg_str` CHANGE COLUMN `value` `value` TEXT NOT NULL ; Topic Detail :
* Use at your own risk. Do backup. *
Thank you :
@Peopleperson49 @goddameit
Guild Pack Giver
By ShogS
This NPC will Give a Package for each Guild Member take Note: this NPC will record each player IP address to avoid abuse on players side by getting 2 Package in 1 IP.
Race Of The Day
By Emistry
This Script will provide players extra EXP , Item or Zeny to Players if they killed designed monsters for the day.
Player will get extra EXP randomly everyday for each race of monster.
Player might have chances to get some items from the ROTD when they killed the monsters.
Limited Items
By Emistry
This script will limit the inventory of player if the player bring exceeded limitation items into the map.
For Example :
Configuration :
// func_Add( <gm_level_to_bypass>, <map_name>, <item1>,<max_amount1>,....,<itemX>,<max_amountX> ); func_Add( 100,"prontera", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"payon", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"izlude", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"prt_fild08", 4001,1,4002,3,4003,0,504,5 ); Positive = Player can only bring Maximum of that amount of items. 0 = Totally Disabled, player cant bring any of it.1802 downloads
Multi Currency Shop
By Emistry
This is a Shop that Allow Players to buy Items using Different type of Currency.
The Currency used can be Items , Zeny , Cash , CustomVariable.
Topic Detail :
Random News
By Emistry
This Script will auto Announce / Broadcast a Messages randomly every interval of times.
Configuration :
Delay to announce:
OnTimer60000: // announce every 60 seconds. Announcement List:
OnInit: // Random Message to be Announced setarray .news_list$, "Updated News 1 every X Minute", "Updated News 2 every X Minute", "Updated News 3 every X Minute", "Updated News 4 every X Minute", "Updated News 5 every X Minute", "Updated News 6 every X Minute", "Updated News 7 every X Minute";2225 downloads
GM Online List
By Emistry
This Script will display to players a list of GM in this server.
Configuration :
OnInit: .min_group_id = 1; .afk_second = 300; end;
Farm Zone
By Emistry
This is a script that Allow Player to Farm / Hunt items from monsters in shortest Time.
All item that gain inside the Farm Zon are limited by Scripts. Normal Monster / MVP inside the Farm Zone will not drop any Items.
Currently the Monster summon are random based on Bloody Branch / Dead Branch
Configuration :
// Maximum Player can join per X Minutes. set .MaxPlayers,5; // Adding X Minutes of Delay before can go in again. set .DelayMin,15; // Maximum Hunt Limit per round inside the Zone. set .MaxItemLimit,200; // Map that will be used in thos Zone. set .Map$,"guild_vs5"; // Clear Map Every X Minutes. set .RoomCleanMin,15;
Item Drops List :
// Normal Monster in Zone Drops Lists if( getarg(0) == 0 ) setarray .ItemList[0],13989,14232,13517,7139,12033,12016,14534; // Normal Boss in Zone Drops Lists if( getarg(0) == 1 ) setarray .ItemList[0],14536,12912,12267,12266,14601,13830,13831,13832,13833;
Monster Spawn List :
monster .Map$,0,0,"[ Farm Zone ] Resident",-1,80,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnNormalKill"; monster .Map$,0,0,"[ Farm Zone ] Guardian",-3,5,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill";
Reward Setting :
RandomizeItem( <Mode>,<Amount> );
Mode : 0 = Boss / 1 = Normal Monster
By Emistry
This is a NPC that enable Players to Write a Message and send to GM Team.
GM Team are allow to reply to the Messages written by Players.
There will be notification upon login if there is any New Messages.
Make sure you have loaded this SQL Table before the NPC is used in your Server.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `E-Inquiry` ( `ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `Sender_ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `Sender_Name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', `Title` text, `Message` text, `Status` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0', `Inquiry_Time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `Reply` text, `Reply_Time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `Reply_Name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
Topic Detail :
DotA Runes
By Emistry
I believe most of you have heard of this or seen this before in DotA ( Defend of the Ancient )
Well, this script work alike with the Runes System you seen in the DotA.
It will give players a Buff / Bonus Randomly .
Video Preview :
Configuration :
OnInit: // Runes Duration in Seconds set .duration,60; // Name of Each Runes. setarray .name$[0], "Double Damage", // 2 x ATK Rate "Invisibility", // Cloaking "Regeneration", // HP / SP Regeneration "Self Clone", // Create 2 Clones "Unlimit Haste"; // Improve Movement Speed // npc sprite switching if any. setarray .npc_sprite, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116; // Random Coordinate where NPC will Shown Again setarray .CoordinateX[0],150,155; setarray .CoordinateY[0],175,175;
Add in more cases if you add extra Buff / Bonus. ( make sure edit the .names$ Array also )
switch( .runes ){ case 0: // 2x ATK / MATK sc_start SC_INCATKRATE,( .duration * 1000 ),100; sc_start SC_INCMATKRATE,( .duration * 1000 ),100; break; case 1: // Invisible skill "AS_CLOAKING",10,1; sc_start SC_CLOAKING,( .duration * 1000 ),10; break; case 2: // Restore sc_start4 SC_REGENERATION,( .duration * 1000 ),-10,1,0,0; break; case 3: // Clone getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,0,strcharinfo(0) ); clone .@map$,.@X,.@y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.duration; clone .@map$,.@X,.@y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.duration; break; case 4: // Haste sc_start SC_SpeedUp1,( .duration * 1000 ),0; break; default: end; }
Class Restriction
By Emistry
This is a script that Prevent / Block certain job from entering specific maps.
Configuration : (v2)
Refer to db/[pre-]re/job_noenter_map.txt
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