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Single Action Coin Exchanger

About This File


  • Exchange all of a type (Zeny -> Coins) or (Coins -> Zeny) with one user action
  • Provides fail-safe configuration
  • Users see everything that has been exchanged and how much they've exchanged for without unnecessary click actions
  • Requires no script modification if you choose to change the configs


OnInit:	//bronze, silver, gold, mithril, platinum	setarray .selections$[0],"Bronze","Silver","Gold","Mithril","Platinum";	setarray .prices[0],10000,100000,1000000,100000000,1000000000;	setarray .items[0],673,675,671,674,677;	.arraysize = getarraysize(.items);	if(.arraysize != getarraysize(.prices)) { //These 2 arrays should be same size		debugmes "Array size for coins: "+.arraysize+" does not match size of price: "+getarraysize(.prices);		.arraysize = 0;	}	else if(.arraysize != getarraysize(.selections$)) { //These 2 arrays should be same size		debugmes "Array size for coins: "+.arraysize+" does not match size of selections: "+getarraysize(.selections$);		.arraysize = 0;	}	end;

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