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Scripts that are set up to help players and GMs alike should be posted in this category
Examples: Buffers, Refining Systems, GM Tools, Shops

197 files

  1. Free

    Function Script - skillid2name

    I found that our emulator is missing an option to convert skill ids into their named forms so I made this with various macros.
    Usage: skillid2name(<skillid>)



  2. Free

    Utility: Full configurable Resetter

    Full Configurable Resetter
    I've made this script because I wanted to make my players use a "Reset Ticket" after they've used a couple times the resetter.
    It is working pretty good, and also, it's very easy to set:
    set .@zenyabove,500000; //The cost of a reset after reaching the .@blvl settedset .@zenybelow,0; //The cost of a reset before reaching the .@blvl settedset .@blvl,80; //The max base lvl to have a low cost resetset .@resets,1; //Amount of resets available after reaching .@blvlset .@itemid,26002; //The item id you want to make users use when they run out of resets, mine is 26002, if you set this to 0, they will not be able to reset again
    I am also adding my Reset Ticket sprite/textures, so you can use them in your server.
    P.S. I made this because I want to add this Reset Ticket to the donation shop, so I will not have custom items, but my players will need to donate to have a reset, if you want to use my idea, go ahead =).



  3. Free

    Selection Buffer

    This is just a buffer NPC that I made for someone in the script request section. It's pretty versatile and sturdy so instead of it being depreciated I thought others might use it.

    Select from a list of buffs the ones you want to purchase each time you buff. Double click to reselect buffs.
    Everything is stored in one character variable.

    ( preview slowed to increase loading times )



  4. Free

    Quest Skipping NPC

    Quest Skipping NPC

    Latest Additions:
    Added an additional failsafe to prevent misuse of the NPC
    Edit Mode (GM only) allows GMs of a desired level to choose which features are enabled
    Added toggles for Xp Rewards, Item Requirements, Level Requirements, GM Requirement
    Added all New World Quest
    General clean up and ease of use.

    What is it?
    This NPC allows Players (or GM) characters to skip any main story-line quest including the New World.
    Currently offers an option for GM characters to complete a quest with or without a quest overview, covering main details of the quests
    Allows all quests in the Republic of Schwartzvald, Arunafeltz storylines, and all New World Quests
    Also allows users to skip the: Friendship, Bruspetti, Juperos, and Kiel Hyre quests

    Known Issues
    If you are missing any prerequisite to a quest, the NPC will only reply with 'You do not yet know Quest1, and Quest2.' If you are only missing one prerequisite, the NPC will not identify which, but instead, tell you both.
    Quest Exp given is based on iRO

    Future Releases (Things marked in red are implemented)
    Identify which prerequisite is not met
    Add commented out section to XP rewards so they may be toggled
    Possible remove non-GM options from the dialogue entirely
    Add additional quests (Possibly New-World)
    Add toggle for item rewards (Necessary rewards such as Bio Lab Pass and Light of El Dicastes are already implemented)
    Add more standalone quests

    If you would like to request a quest, or quest line to be added to the NPC, please post or inbox me.
    Alsvid - means the allknowing.
    I feel I've been thorough in covering any potential questions in my opening post, however, should you feel my post inadequate, I am available for questions through PM, comments. or the email provided in the commented out section of the script. Further information provided below.

    Please feel free to contact me for any support or requests on this script. Send me a message here.
    If you wish to contact me through other means, please check the first few lines of the script.

    ~Azura Skyy



  5. Free

    Kafra points converter

    This script allows users to convert their kafra points to any item set in the script.



  6. Free


    Npc that shows the server time on updated schedules here .. I found this file on the flash drive.
    Author unknown



  7. Free

    In-Game Poll

    Script Details & Usage
    Based on the idea of Kido, this script can serve as a poll where you can use it to get the satisfaction rating of your players on whether your staff, features, and etc.
    Suggestions for the improvement of this simple script is much appreciated.

    Enable the script on your NPC folder Carefully read the comments I made inside the script and make sure to configure it properly

    Terms & Conditions

    You are not allowed to reproduce or make profit of this script You are not allowed to take credit for this script. Though you can modify/edit it to your liking. I can give you support, but please, do not message me. It is your own responsibility to create a backup before implementing anything new.



  8. Free

    Daily Rewards Giver

    This script will hand out rewards to your player accounts once upon login, and can be dynamic depending on how you configure it. And when a player logs 5x consecutively, s/he will receive all the prizes from day 1 to 5.
    Example based on Day
    Red Potion (1pc.)
    Orange Potion (2pcs.)
    Yellow Potion (3pcs.)
    Yggdrasil Berry (2pcs.)
    Yggdrasil Seed (1pc.) + 1 Red Potion, 2 Orange Potion, 3 Yellow Potion, 2 Yggdrasil Berry

    Terms & Conditions
    You are not allowed to reproduce or make profit of this script
    You are not allowed to take credit for this script. Though you can modify/edit it to your liking.
    I can give you support, but please, do not message me.



  9. Free

    @adjgm command

    Permanently adjusts a target player's GM group via atcommand.



  10. Free

    @gstorage command

    Allows for guildmaster to grant or revoke access to guild storage. Supports guildmaster changes and expulsions.

    Create this table in your main schema:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `guild_storage_access` ( `guild_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;



  11. Free

    @reward command

    Allows for preset or user-defined rewards via atcommand. Announce and logging options are also available.

    Create this table in your logs schema:CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `rewardlog` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `staff_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `item_amount` int(11) NOT NULL, `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `item_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `player_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `when` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;



  12. Free

    GM Reward Giver

    It's basically a script to monitor the items that are given out by your staff to the players, the main use of this is for events, so you can track if any of your staff is being a bad boy! XD
    Enable the script on your NPC folder
    Create a table in your database using the code below, or manually by yourself, make sure all columns accept text!

    CREATE TABLE evt_prize(rwd_time varchar(255),player varchar(255),item_id varchar(255),amount varchar(255),gm_name varchar(255));
    Configure this line to the minimum GM group level that you want to monitor.

    if (getgroupid() < 4){end;}
    Configure the map and coordinates where you would place your NPC, it's advised to place it in a map that can't be accessed by your players
    Enjoy with an evil laugh so you can simply swing the ban hammer upon your corrupt GMs! (Optional)

    To monitor your staff's reward logs, simply check the `evt_prize` table and view the item rewarding activity..
    I might update this and add an option where you could view your logs in-game, when I feel like scripting.. Oh yeah! Not!
    Terms & Conditions:
    You are not allowed to reproduce or make profit of this script
    You are not allowed to take credit for this script. Though you can modify/edit it to your liking.
    I can give you support, but please, do not message me.



  13. Free

    OnPCLogin Settings

    You know when you login to your server that you work on, or even play on, and you always end up typing the same commands each time before you even say hello to anyone? @autoloot, then @uptime to see when the last reboot was, @rates if you've got fluctuating exp/drop rates, etc etc. @showexp cos you want to know what's going on, blah blah blah.
    With this Settings NPC, a player can set those commands to automatically execute when they login. These are account based, but could easily be modified to char based. Following the general format of the script, it should be easy to add/remove commands from those available to the player.
    @main is listed at the bottom of the script, so if you don't use it you may as-well remove that line.
    This script is years old, revamped to make it work with recent revisions - I've tested it on both our live server, and my dev server and seems to work.. but if you find any bugs or glitches, or something that could be optimised a bit more, please let me know ?



  14. Free

    [SQL] Mission Board

    original topic : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=242306
    this is actually a quite old topic , anyway i will just borrow the information written by Annieruru ..
    it's one of my favourite script back in eAthena,
    Credit to AnnieRuru and any other contributors from the pass....

    Installation :
    Just a basic simple instruction ...
    download the NPC script and install into your server
    download the [ SQL Table ] and load into youe mysql or phpmyadmin server.

    Basic Configuration :
    // gm level to access panel .gm_level = 90; // max no. of required monster .max_required_monster = 10; // max no. of required item .max_required_item = 10; // max no. of required mission ( un-implement yet ) .max_required_mission = 10; // max no. of available mission .max_mission_available = 50; // max value of integer input .max_integer_value = 30000; // max amount of mission per page .max_page_size = 30; // max mission per npc take by character .max_mission_per_char = 4;
    NPC Duplication :
    // the number behind the NPC name must be NUMBER with range of ( 1 ~ 500 )// the number should stay the same for eternity, if you change it frequently, it might affect your missions for each NPC.// ( to conclude, once you assigned the number, dont change it for the sake of your mission board ... )prontera,151,171,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission A#1 837prontera,154,174,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission B#2 837prontera,156,176,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission C#3 837prontera,159,179,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission D#4 837
    take note the number behind the NPC is the index of each NPC ....
    once you assigned an index to a NPC, try not to change it in the future, since missions are assigned based on these index number.
    What's New in this Version :
    each npc probably can have more than 40 missions.
    each NPC can have their own quests....or a quest that can share among any other NPCs.
    1 NPC can have many individual quests.
    All / Certain NPCs share the same quests.
    Only certains classes ( include inherited classes ) may do the quests. However, base classes are alway able to pick the quests.

    All the Quests will not be removed upon server restart / @reloadscript, which mean you dont have to re-setup all the quests everytime server restarted / reloaded.
    ** You may edit the required monsters for each mission, but will end up remove all the killing progress of each players who have taken the missions.
    Future TODO List :
    support party-assist , guild-assist to completing the quests .
    pre-requisite mission or so-called chain missions.
    custom variable as rewards.

    ( you may tell me if you have any ideas to improve this script )
    Screenshots :

    just a scratching script and havent spent really much time to debug every single lines ...overall it still work fine ...( still on holiday mood + school started again )
    the structure of the scripts might look messy and hard to read .. >.< ... didnt really plan well on the structure of the scripts. ( Emistry suck on planning )
    There are some bugs i guess ... but i not really so sure is it come from this script or will it really bring big effect to the servers..
    when playing with this script .... i think my char will failed to connect to server everytime I relog , does any of you facing this problem when using this script ??
    AnnieRuru and other member who good at scripts, time for lecturers ...



  15. Free

    Sistema de donaciones SMS ( spanish version )

    Puedes ver la descripción full y como implementarlo en el siguiente post:
    Con el tiempo haré la misma guia pero en inglés.
    With time I will do the same guide but in English.



  16. Free

    Pack Guild pt_BR

    Hi, providing again one of my toys i've ever used, script language in portuguese brazil, translate for your language.

    // ======================================================// Mapa onde o NPC ficaráprontera,150,150,3 script Pack Guild 404,{// = Configuraçao:// = Titulo do NPC set .npc$,"^9EB449[ PACK GUILD ]^000000";// = Máximo de Peso para receber o Pack Guild set .@max,70;// = Itens dados separados por Vírgulas "," Ex: 607,608; setarray .@packitem[0],607,608,609,610,611,612,613,614,615,616,617,618,619,620; setarray .@qtd[0],1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1;// = Checando Guild query_sql "SELECT `char_id`,`guild_id` FROM `guild_pack_take` WHERE `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'",.@RID,.@GIDT; query_sql "SELECT `guild_id`,`name`,`master`,`permissao`,`qtd_itens` FROM `guild_pack` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getcharid(2)+"'",.GIDC,.NAMEC$,.MASTERC$,.PERMC,.QTD2;// = Condições if(getgmlevel() > 90) goto L_GM; // Nível para GM/ADM if(agitcheck()) goto L_WOE; // Checando de a WOE no momento if(!getcharid(2)) goto NOGUILD; // Se sem guild if(!.PERMC) goto NO_PERM; // Se não permitido pelo adm if((.PERMC == 1) && (.MASTERC$ != strcharinfo(0))) goto NO_PERM2; // Se permitido pelo ADM if(.MASTERC$ == strcharinfo(0)) goto MENU_MASTER; // Se for o Dono da guild passa para o Menu Master// = Fim da Configuraçao, nao meixa na configuraçao abaixo!// ======================================================
    Table SQL:
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `guild_pack`(`guild_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,`master` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,`qtd_membros` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`permissao` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`qtd_itens` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0')CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `guild_pack_take`(`guild_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`char_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0')
    enjoy babys.



  17. Free

    Server News

    This is an easily editable npc the shows current server news. Everything is saved on sql so you could potentially link it to a php file and then to html for dynamic in game site and patcher changes...
    You can watch this script here:



  18. Free

    All Usefull Script Put In One

    Hi rAthena community
    Here i already compress all kind of usefull script to rAthena and eAthena user.
    Maybe there were some error but please post it to be fixed together..
    The most important thing,dont claim all this script is your's and get rid signature.
    All this script are belong to Creator who create those script.
    Im just combined all this script into one file.
    Happy Download All



  19. Free

    Item Binding

    I made this while taking a short break from the normal rAthena work I do. It works with the item bound system added a little over a month ago. You need to have revision 17351 or newer for this to work. It's mostly focused around guild binding as that was the original intention of the script but I then decided to support the other types. The other types are good simply because this allows players to bind items and log these in a separate NPC table by default. You could also disable unbinding (just remove the option in the switch) and make it a better form of security for users.
    Allows users to bind items to their account, character, or guild
    Multiple configuration options to choose what item types to allow
    Automatically builds a menu list based on your configuration

    OnInit: //* Configuration *\\ //Price .bindprice = 0; .unbindprice = 100000; //What to allow to be bound - Add as necessary //1 = Equipment - 2 = Consumables - 4 = Etc .allowbind = 1; //Log binds via NPC? .logbinds = 1; //Other stuff .boundtypes$[1] = "account"; .boundtypes$[2] = "guild"; .boundtypes$[4] = "character"; end;
    Please report any issues and feature requests. Thanks for downloading.



  20. Free

    Vendor Control

    A script that basically used to control messy vendors in your server.
    Included one helper npc that enable Vendor to pick their spot easily.
    Some minor settings and math calculations are required to setup this.
    // x and y horizone .. setarray .x_line, 52, 49, 46, 43, 40; setarray .y_line, 68, 71, 74, 77, 65, 62;   ( A Screenshot from a Server that using this scripts )

    use at your own risk ~



  21. Free

    Simple Hack Security

    The title says it all.
    Every time a Game Master with a group_id of 1 or higher log in game, automatically the "HackerDetector" NPC will be triggered.
    It will prompt and ask you for a security password which is "iamnotahacker",you can change it to your liking but before that NPC will give you the group_id of 25. Why 25? i don't know it's my favorite number.
    Put this in your \conf\groups.conf
    { id: 25 name: "Hacker" level: 25 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { /* no commands */ } permissions: { }}
    Enjoy and don't forget to say thank you and do not remove credits.



  22. Free

    Stylist with autoscroll

    This is a modified version of the rAthena Stylist (trunk/npc/custom/stylist.txt)
    It adds 2 new menu options "Next autoscroll" and "Previous autoscroll". When a player picks these options, after they close the NPC message box, the script will begin scrolling through palettes with a 1-second progressbar delay. To stop scrolling, just move your character and interrupt the progressbar.
    Other changes from the original rAthena Stylist:
    after selecting "Previous", then Previous appears before Next in the menu
    starts at your current palette instead of always starting at #1
    the first menu (Cloth color, Hairstyle, Hair color) displays your current palette numbers



  23. Free

    Advanced Bank with nearly unlimited maximum balance

    This is my bank NPC which I made since I couldn't find any bank that can store huge amounts of Zeny.
    Special Credits: Thanks to Anakid for the great idea to implement an @bank command.
    The NPC supports the following features:
    Transfer Zeny to other player's bank accounts (by name or account id)
    Password protection
    Transaction log (deposits, withdrawals, incoming and outgoing transfers)
    daily interest (every morning at 6 o'clock server time, default: 5%, can be changed)
    maximum amount per process is only determined by the server's input_max_value and the script's .maxInput
    vast amounts of Zeny can be stored (the MySQL column is BigInt, so you can store up to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 Zeny, that's more than 18,000,000,000 deposits of 1,000,000,000 Zeny)
    other features are planned and I take feature requests, if I think they make sense (you can ask directly in the thread, but I prefer private messages or emails [address provided in both scripts])

    The @bank command supports the following features:
    the same as the NPC, but more versatile
    higher limits (as it is not connected to the input_max_value, default value per process is 1,000,000,000 Zeny)
    shortcuts for @bank <function> commands: @info, @deposit, @withdrawl, @transaction, @password

    You need to download the README.txt file to get the database creation commands and some basic information on how to install the script.



  24. Free

    Ingame GM List

    This script shows a list of all GMs with their corresponding status (i.e. online or offline).
    You can configure the script to show or hide the last login time of each GM.
    As a special feature, the result is cached for a certain amount of time if you wish (see inline configuration, by default caching for 30 seconds is enabled). This prevents players from spamming the database with SELECT queries.
    Version 2.0 comes with a source modification to show the group name the GM is in and the option to show the list directly in the user's chat (dispbottom) rather than the NPC dialogue.
    Special thanks to Akinari for helping me with the script command and Armor for requesting this feature.

    To get version 2.0 working, you need to patch your src/map/script.c file with the "groupid.diff" and recompile.
    To apply the patch use
    patch -p0 < /location/to/the/groupid.diff
    from your rAthena directory root.
    If you use Windows and TortoiseSVN, you have to right click into your rAthena directory root, select "TortoiseSVN -> Apply Patch" and select the patch file. Click "patch all items" and you're done.
    If you do not want to change your source for this, you can remove all occurences of "groupIdToName" inside the script to deactivate the automatic group name display.



  25. Free

    Single Action Coin Exchanger

    Exchange all of a type (Zeny -> Coins) or (Coins -> Zeny) with one user action
    Provides fail-safe configuration
    Users see everything that has been exchanged and how much they've exchanged for without unnecessary click actions
    Requires no script modification if you choose to change the configs

    OnInit: //bronze, silver, gold, mithril, platinum setarray .selections$[0],"Bronze","Silver","Gold","Mithril","Platinum"; setarray .prices[0],10000,100000,1000000,100000000,1000000000; setarray .items[0],673,675,671,674,677; .arraysize = getarraysize(.items); if(.arraysize != getarraysize(.prices)) { //These 2 arrays should be same size debugmes "Array size for coins: "+.arraysize+" does not match size of price: "+getarraysize(.prices); .arraysize = 0; } else if(.arraysize != getarraysize(.selections$)) { //These 2 arrays should be same size debugmes "Array size for coins: "+.arraysize+" does not match size of selections: "+getarraysize(.selections$); .arraysize = 0; } end;



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