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  1. Today
  2. You still talking about NPC Shops. He ask it for Vending what is in the link above provided. ^-^
  3. Dynamic shop can do both Zeny, Item, Cash Points , Custom cashpoints . If im not mistaken he post this trend in script support so im expecting he needs a script not a MOD which is the extended vending from SRC MOD
  4. Happy Father's Day to all the incredible dads out there! Your love, guidance, and support mean the world to us, and today we celebrate you. Thank you for being our rock, our hero, and our source of wisdom and kindness. Your strength, patience, and unconditional love have shaped who we are today. Your sense of humor and warmth make every day brighter, and your sacrifices and dedication are truly appreciated. May your day be filled with joy, love, and all the happiness you bring to our lives every day. You are cherished, loved, and deserving of all the best, today and always. Enjoy your special day!
  5. Faeto


    Looking for a Development team/Advance Dev. to take assisgnments and create in-game contents/custom the whole main town/ideas. LF full time Dev to set it all up for me. I'll pay for everything.
  6. I think he is looking for a system where merchants (players) can choose what they want as payment for the skill "Vending". Whether Zeny, cash points etc. Like this here: https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3860-extended-vending-20/
  7. Hello, im having this problem when i apply the diff
  8. Hola soy nuevo en esto, y veo que el URL del github ya no es valido, pregunta esta guia aun es viable en pleno 2024? o existe alguna otra guia mas reciente que sea recomendad?
  9. I managed to fix it, I had not realized that the cells had to be both horizontal and vertical and I only had the horizontal ones, configuring the vertical ones solved it. Thanks! @mrfizi
  10. Yes 999% Percent . Just use your Home IP and allow people to enter to your IP . Then setup a client side so you can use it on your Work PC it is just the same thing doing a hosting provider . The difference is Hosting Provider give you 24/7 Online and you are using there IP. On the other hand you are using your Own PC as long as it can handle 24/7 without turning off . Your server will go running
  11. Hey, About the mapflag, i dont have one on the server and if i remove the script from the .conf file, i can use Vending. Anyway, I made the changes you recommended (i change and recompile everything) and even reconfigured the cells, leaving two in between each Vending Spot and it still doesn't work for me.
  12. How do I render the clouds in the sky outside of the Juno map?
  13. rAthena have a search engine you can find it there . Also rAthena have a documents on the server files that will guide newbie how to use the Syntax with an example ... This should help you much.. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/tree/master/doc/sample This help you writing code https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt At least give sometime to read each text file . So you will get more idea how to do scripting . I learned from this no one teach me i even pay for someone before to install my server to a VPS . Because i dont know how to do it until i learned because there is a wiki and docs file also a search engine from this forum . Explore the Server side files ok
  14. I believe I'm asking and because I haven't found what suits me.
  15. npc/mapflag/novending.txt (if you have this on your server) remove novending mapflag from your map. Example; Prontera: //prontera mapflag novending Then open player.conf https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/conf/battle/player.conf#L184 change 3 to 2. min_npc_vendchat_distance: 2 The distance is depend on your vending distance. Set it 2 or below depend on your setting.
  16. Is it possible to play my RO that the server is running from my home PC to my work?
  17. Good job! this is what we can call a good person with a good personality! keep it up! Unlike this person just saying "Unable to reproduce" without testing out everything very unprofessional.
  18. Google is the key my friend.
  19. Sorry for the question, where can I find it?
  20. Yesterday
  21. Use Dynamic Shop for this
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