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Everything posted by Hyvraine

  1. It still doesn't work: Kagerou (version is 0 when I changed it to your code, 2.5 on the original code; weird lol) --- Original Code: Errors on: $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf][$patNo] += unpack('lrotation/lsprType', fread($this->act, 0x08)); ------------------------------------ else $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf][$patNo] += unpack('fxScale/fyScale/lrotation/lsprType/lsprWidth/lsprHeight', fread($this->act, 24)); With my edit + yours: It just times out. ---- With Original Code + my edit: else $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf][$patNo] += unpack('fxScale/fyScale/lrotation/lsprType/lsprWidth/lsprHeight', fread($this->act, 24)); ---- I've added this line after my edit (after the ExtOffsets) : ---- $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf] += unpack('lsoundNo', fread($this->act, 0x04)); ---- Lord Knight Female (version is 2.5) - Doesn't error on original code. May I ask how you know what length to put in fread() ?
  2. I removed the comments: public function readAct($act,$save,$output,$code) { $this->act = fopen($act, "rb"); $this->aHeader = unpack('H4ident/Sversion/SnumFrames', fread($this->act, 0x06)); $this->aSize = filesize($act); $this->aAnimations = $this->aHeader['numFrames']; $this->aActions = ($this->aAnimations / 8); $this->aVersion = dechex($this->aHeader['version']); $this->aVersion = (double)preg_replace('{([0-9])(.*?)([0-9])}', '$1.$2', $this->aVersion); fseek($this->act, 0xA, SEEK_CUR); $currentAction = 0; $anim = 0; $pointerMemoryANIM = array(); $pointerMemoryNF = array(); $pointerMemoryPAT = array(); while($anim < $this->aAnimations) { $this->aAnimData[$anim] = unpack('lnumFrames', fread($this->act, 0x04)); for($nf = 0; $nf < $this->aAnimData[$anim]['numFrames']; $nf++) { fseek($this->act, 0x20, SEEK_CUR); $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf] = unpack('lnumSubFrames', fread($this->act, 0x04)); for($patNo = 0; $patNo < $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf]['numSubFrames']; $patNo++) { $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf][$patNo] = unpack('lxOffset/lyOffset/lsprNo/lmirrored/Cred/Cgreen/Cblue/Calpha', fread($this->act, 0x14)); if($this->aVersion >= 2.0 && $this->aVersion <= 2.3) $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf][$patNo] += unpack('fxyScale', fread($this->act, 0x04)); if($this->aVersion >= 2.4) $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf][$patNo] += unpack('fxScale/fyScale', fread($this->act, 0x08)); $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf][$patNo] += unpack('lrotation/lsprType', fread($this->act, 0x08)); if($this->aVersion >= 2.5) $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf][$patNo] += unpack('lsprWidth/lsprHeight', fread($this->act, 0x08)); } $this->aAnimData[$anim][$nf] += unpack('lExtYOffset/lExtYOffset/lExtXOffset/lExtYOffset/lExtXOffset', fread($this->act, 0x14)); $extrainfo = unpack('lbool', fread($this->act, 0x04)); if($extrainfo['bool'] == 1) fseek($this->act, 0x10, SEEK_CUR); } $anim++; } $this->aSoundData = unpack('lnumSounds', fread($this->act, 0x04)); if($this->aSoundData['numSounds'] > 0) { for($nSnd = 0; $nSnd < $this->aSoundData['numSounds']; $nSnd++) { $this->aSoundData[$nSnd] = unpack('H80file', fread($this->act, 0x28)); } } for($intv = 0; $intv < $this->aAnimations; $intv++) { $this->aAnimData[$intv] += unpack('fanimSpeed', fread($this->act, 0x04)); } foreach($this->aSoundData as $id=>$string) { if((string)$id != 'numSounds') $this->aSoundData[$id] = str_replace(pack('H2','00'),"",(pack('H*', $string['file']))); } echo '<pre>'; echo print_r($this->aAnimData, true); echo print_r($this->aSoundData, true); echo '</pre>'; fclose($this->act); } I'm sorry I really have no knowledge of this. I got a lucky guess that's all -SoundNo got removed tho lol-
  3. What's a co-op? Is it that thing that allows you to have multiple degrees/courses? D:
  4. obtain the information inside a file? just like actOR how does it read the act files /fsh is it possible doing so by hexing the client? if you know how or knows someone how to hex, can you teach me pl0x? I have this php code that reads act files, I managed to make it extract the external offsets but it doesn't work with Kagerou and Lord Knight Female acts I thought that maybe it's broken but actOR2 extracts the details fine. can anyone help me?
  5. in application.php make sure that the baseuri is where your flux is located
  6. you could just add an if statement to every item that you need to have but of course you don't know how to because you said 'i want a script' and i don't know how to either so sorry.
  7. Offtopic: I always read this error as PEDO EXCEPTION, I'm always like "WHA?!"
  8. Yeah sorry for the weird title, can't think of anything but! I was wondering if anybody have a decent, working PHP .act reader? I found one before, but unfortunately it doesn't work when it comes to job acts. :< Thanks! Someone delete this please. I've found a solution to my problem. Sorry!
  9. err, when they say 'addon' you copy the whole folder to the flux/addons folder and it also sometimes has folders like config, lang, lib, modules, schemas, themes. now when I said 'check the modules folder inside the addon', check out the name of the folder/s. that would be the module name you should also rename the 'default' in the themes folder of the addon to the name of your current theme. edit: I suck, I just downloaded JayPee's V4P: If you didn't rename anything (I'm sure you didn't) then the module name would be still voteforpoints :x >> Install the schemas I dunno what I did but for me it's working I'll TW you if you want
  10. check the modules folder inside the addon, then use that as the module ._. the addon folder 'voteforpoints' isn't the module itself
  11. Well it's not like I don't like bland things, sometimes, if used/applied correctly, it amazes people. - Why is the start button at the center behind the notice box? Lol
  12. Can I ask what is the font that you used in 'FazeRO'? Thanks!
  13. dat is weiiiirddddd go check your themes, do you have it? do you have multiple themes? check ittt
  14. 1.5/10 I'm sorry but the patcher looks bland. D: Good one for a first time tho ;D
  15. I think it's because you don't have the index.php in themes/theme-name/main/ ?
  16. is level like.. 99 (for admin) ?? i haven't touched ceres yet you may as well ignore this post but try changing the 'level' to 'group_id' nuffsaid
  17. it's saying invalid credentials because -maybe- you set it to false while the password column is converted into a MD5 hash/string/whatever or vice versa. o_o
  18. Hyvraine


    Uhh I'm using eAthena INSERT INTO inventory (char_id, nameid, amount, equip, identify, refine, attribute, card0, card1, card2, card3, expire_time) VALUES (ENTERCHARIDHERE, 552, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) Just change the ? to the charid of the player of course I'm not good at this so you may ignore this post Edit: oops
  19. Are you guys using FluxCP for rAthena?
  20. Yung kay JayPee, meron na yun dba? Or wala pa? D: Since mern ka narin palang script para sa game, direct mo nalang sa tamang table tapos iedit mo nalang yung mga pangalan ng columns.
  21. I use this code to unpack the pal file and make the pixel: $color2 = unpack('H2', fread($this->pal, 0x01)); $bg_color = ImageColorAllocate($im,$rgb[0],$rgb[1],$rgb[2]); if($color[1] == '00') ImageColorTransparent($im,$bg_color); ImageSetPixel($im,$bg_length,$bg_y,$bg_color); Everything is transparentttt whyyyyyy. My guess is that the 'index' or whatever you call it isn't incrementing or something. I got it to display its palette table though. Any ideas? I'm not really good with PHP, please halp.
  22. Then install it on a normal flux cp then change the theme? I'm assuming that the theme did not do some 'core' edits.
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