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Everything posted by mrmagic

  1. That fog is very thicc, i guess it's driver problem? what's your graphic card? you can disable fog with /fog, try changing /itemsnap to off
  2. @TastEPlasma did you mixed the translated msgstringtable with other msgstringtable from other RO client? either official or private. Seems that was the case for me, check your data folder if there any other msgstringtable, and set translated grf in first other inside data.ini.
  3. Actually the first time RO uses LUA was back then in 2005, when they introduce Homunculus, where they release AI files in form of LUA. source: http://ragnarok.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Homunculus Homunculus AI Script User Guide.htm found in AI folder
  4. You won't ask that if you're real programmer. Just google "unpacking themida" the first list is your answer.
  5. Just use 2014-10-22bRagexe.exe or older client, the other things depends on your setup. Using latest kRO is ok, you just need translated prerenewal folder
  6. You need to add them to resnametable.txt , you can get the reference from iRO's resnametable.txt or from OP's resnametable.txt
  7. Depends on client date, older client such 2015ish and some 2016ish will need hex editing, but for newer client like 2017 you just need to edit msgstringtable
  8. Dude, look at the year! fyi, that was the year where many bugs on client wasn't fixed properly and there is no update since it's posted. Try using latest data based on newest guide
  9. By default NP++ use ANSI, and that's the best encoding to use when you want to edit itemlua.
  10. That dude uses hercules which is criatura quest was updated, the current project by zack doesnt support that quest.
  11. I don't remember rA have updated criatura academy quest, where novice started inside the ship instead on the deck. is this from current rA quest line?
  12. what quest is this? the quest lines located in quest2display.txt. check if there any untranslated quest2display.txt is placed in another grf or in data folder. the translated grf should be placed in first place inside your data.ini
  13. try using grf editor, default setting should be run without encoding problem.
  14. The expanded skills for doram are located in RebellionRE folder, try replacing all files into skillinfoz folder.
  15. You need updated rAthena from github, try update it then test it.
  16. From where you got translated iteminfo? It's encoding problem on your pc/text editor or even the downloader that convert that file into wrong encoding I presume. Try using this Clone it to your pc, don't use download button.
  17. ClassNum affect the view of weapon sprite. The correct id for each weapon can be found in weapontable.lub example if you want a sword, then you need to set ClassNum = 2 As you see 0 mean None, no weapon sprite will be used.
  18. Try using client date I mentioned above, as 2017 clients are not officially supported by rathena, maybe there is missing/not coded yet packets.
  19. What's your client date? Crimson scripts feature needs newer client date like 20151104 and higher
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