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Posts posted by Stolao

  1. On 2/7/2018 at 8:38 PM, GMHelios said:

    Hello again, another question:

    When I try to change the dropping item at the very end of the Jellopy Deposit "7126,625" to "7126,10000" to make it 100% droppable it won´t just work.





    Even if I change any other item drop it will only consider the first one of the script which is "7049,5000".

    Any ideas how to fix it?

    Thanks for your time.

    The "7049,5000" lowering 5000 should have fixed the issue if it cant find the item in question then it will default to 7049 because of the following code

    getitem getarg(.@i,7049),1;



    On 3/9/2018 at 8:49 AM, maken06 said:

    Could someone explain to me how to use it? for a user guide?

    what don't you understand?

  2. On 1/27/2018 at 12:47 AM, Tassadar said:

    @ Stolao 

    Good evening. I do not know what else my server did not accept @wi @weaponinfo etc.

    Do you have any configuration that you have to do in this npc that I lost?

    I just sent it to custons folder and activated it. In the ALT + Q (Equipment) window the Bonus descriptions appear. But no message is written.

    No bug appears on the console.

    Can you give me a way?

    Thanks in advance, first for sharing such a good idea. very reminiscent of the WoW Legion Artifact. (I'm a fan and player of Wow)
    And secondly for the help you're going to give me.

    Thank you.


    double check if the script is actually loading, if there are no errors and its not working then you failed to "install" properly



    On 3/8/2018 at 9:52 AM, maken06 said:

    it is possible to configure the books (Taek Boy & Star Gladiator) to Onslaught?

    yes just add an if() check to the weapon check

  3. 11 hours ago, HristDead said:

    Hey rAthena. I've been breaking my head about this for the past 2 hours. Someone care to take a look at it? 

    I'm using the online peak NPC but want that, when a new peak is reached, every player gets 5x one type of the items in ".@RandItem[0]" array. I use a query to store the items in their storage but it simply isn't happening.

    The announcement is working fine and the server doesn't return any kind of error. What am I doing wrong here? I've tried different combinations of ".@RandItem"

    Thanks in advance :) 

    -	script	Highest Peak	-1,{
    // Assign current number of online players
    sleep 1000;
    .onlineusers = getusers(1);
    // Today's date
    .date$ = gettime(DT_YEAR)+"-"+gettime(DT_MONTH)+"-"+gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH);
    // Query for the highest peak in the database
    query_sql("SELECT `users` FROM `" + .sqltable$ + "` ORDER BY `users` LIMIT 1",.@countusers);
    if(getarraysize(.@countusers) == 0) {
    	// There doesn't seem to be a row in our table, so lets create one
    	query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .sqltable$ + "` (`users`, `date`) VALUES (" + .onlineusers + ", '" + .date$ + "')");
    } else {
    	if(.onlineusers > .@countusers[0]) {
    		// This is where we check if we want to announce a new peak
    		if(.displaypeakannounce == 1){
    			announce "[ Server ] We have reached a new population peak, we now have "+.onlineusers+" online players! Therefore we've decided to give you all a little surprise, re-log and check your storage to find out what it is!~ ",bc_all;
    			// Replace the 
    	query_sql "INSERT INTO `storage` (`id`, `account_id`, `nameid`, `amount`, `equip`, `identify`, `refine`, `attribute`, `card0`, `card1`, `card2`, `card3`, `expire_time`, `unique_id`) "+
    			"SELECT  NULL, `login`.`account_id`, '.@RandItem', '5', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` > 1";
    		// Now lets update the table with our new player peak
    		query_sql("UPDATE `" + .sqltable$ + "` SET `users` = '" + .onlineusers + "', `date` = '" + .date$ + "'");
    // CONFIGS
    	// We need an SQL table name first
    	.sqltable$ = "cp_onlinepeak";
    	// Would you like an announcement when you reach a higher peak?
    	// 1 = Yes
    	// 0 = No
    	.displaypeakannounce = 1;
    	// 14534 = Medium life potion
    	// 12299 = Mega resist potion
    	// 12354 = Buche de Noel
    	// 12196 = Plain Rice Cake
    	// 12123 = Honey Pastry
    	setarray .@RandItem[0],14534,12299,12354,12195,12123;
    	set .@RandItemCount,getarraysize(.@RandItem);
    	//getitem(.@Randitem[rand(.@RandItemCount)],5); - We will use SQL so this will not be important.


    What's your client version I'll write you on real fast?


    Just need to know if RoDex or old mail system.

  4. Change this

    "100000,0,0,0,604,3,673,1",			// Day 28: 100000 Zeny + Dead Branch + Moeda Cobre Roleta


    "100000,0,0,0,604,3,673,1";			// Day 28: 100000 Zeny + Dead Branch + Moeda Cobre Roleta


    also last line of VIP needs same treatment of replacing , with ;

  5. 10 hours ago, melv0 said:

    i think u have some typo on this part

    // -------------------
    //  At Commands
    // -------------------
    	// Run Event Command to manually run event
    	// End Event Command to manually run event
    	bindatcmd("runevent",strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnEndEvent",60,99); << should be endevent??
    	// Join Event Command

    and when player use command joinevent get error

    buildin_callfunc: Function not found! [dispell]


    	// End Event Command to manually run event
    	bindatcmd("endevent",strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnEndEvent",60,99); << should be endevent??

    ya should be that ill fix in master thank you

    function dispell is

  6. I honestly wish I had time like I use to so I could help put together some scripting and src guides.


    Maybe after my project finishes/ settles down a bit I can contribute a bit.


    @Alayne you have released alot of scripts in the last month, how many ish do you have in your personal stockpile seem like everyday you add 5 more, which is awesome btw. 

  7. On 11/17/2017 at 7:44 AM, celeron0134 said:

    sir.. i've used your weapon mastery system but if i used buffs or awakes.. it disables the system and i have to re equip again my weapon so that it will activate can you fix it? 

    please don't post same issue on multiple pages

    sounds like either your running 2 script that sue the OnPcCalcEvent label to me.

    if not try increasing your event_queue

  8. 9 hours ago, Quesooo said:

    @Stolao is it possible when players reach the max lvl mastery of a weapon the weapon will be blink like a aura also??


    how to do that

    Not without an aura mod no, if you have one then need to just add an if statement checking mastery and enable aura



    @wut751 where it does the weapon checks you would replace with a headgear check....

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